not a pickle sandwich. When dealing with sandwiches, a condiment simply
cannot be the main ingredient of a sandwich when other, more dominant
ingredients are present. (Turkey, Cheese, etc.) The sandwich ingredient
hierarchy goes:
1. Primary Ingredient (Usually some kind of meat)
2. Primary Ingredient Augmentation (Cheeses, etc.)
3. Solid Condiments (pickles, tomatoes, kraut, etc.)
4. Liquid Condiments (Ketchup, Mustard, misc. Sauces)
5. Seasoning (Salt/Pepper, misc. Spices)
As you remove ingredients, the topmost ingredient is the basis for your
sandwich. Therefore, if you have a Ham and Cheese sandwich, and you
remove the ham, you have a cheese sandwich. Conversely, if you remove
the cheese, you have a ham sandwich. It doesn't matter either way if
you remove the mayonnaise, since you have ingredients that are higher
up the chain still present. With or without mayonnaise, it's still a
ham and cheese sandwich.
You made a modified turkey and cheese sandwich.
Stako posted:
low and behold
Jesus Christ.