Session Start: Fri Feb 07 00:00:00 2003 Session Ident: #D&D [13:18:31] [Session 2: Start] [13:18:55] ( Guh? Uhm... one sec. ) [13:20:23] * Xivilai ( has joined #D&D [13:20:45] * Charles is now known as Brody [13:20:53] * Thalan ( has joined #D&D [13:22:41] * Tris-chan ( has left #d&d [13:23:27] * Yu-Mei ( has left #D&D [13:25:05] [ It's a large social event of about as high a magnitude as you can expect this near to the Outlands, thrown in the honor of Faydra Shardae, who certainly did some notworthy thing or another to earn it. Her younger sister, Xivilai, is in attendance, but clearly looks like she'd rather not be. ] [13:25:34] * Zegon ( has left #D&D [13:26:17] * Xivilai is dressed in her finest, a slender dress that almost matches the fiery color of her hair. [13:28:50] ( Okay, now it's your turn. ;P ) [13:30:07] * Thalan arrives after parking his own bike. He sets the security system up, then walks in through whatever door there is. He's obviously not very comfortable, and it's not his clothing. He's dressed in typical commoner's dress clothes: not real fancy, but acceptable. [13:30:26] * Brody is a tiny little thing, barely over five feet tall. She has long amber hair and green eyes, along with the exotic features of a half-elf, and is wearing a long black sleeveless gown with elbow-length gloves. She's strikinging beautiful, and is making conversation with just about any guest she can. She carries a datapad, and is followed by roughly a half-dozen others. [13:31:09] ( Do you need descrips of Xiv and Thalan, Brody? Or didja' read the last mini? ) [13:31:40] (I can skim it now.) [13:32:54] * Thalan looks around, his green feline eyes reflecting light off of them. Surprisingly, he's not tall at all, only a few inches taller than five feet. He stiffs the air, looking for Xivilai. [13:34:20] * Xivilai spots Thalan and waves to him, walking over to him with a long-stemed glass of wine in hand. [13:34:55] * Thalan spots Xivilai and walks over to her, making sure to keep his distance from any of the other guests. [13:38:09] * Thalan quietly speaks to Xivilai. "Why did you want me to come? I thought you knew I wouldn't like this." [13:39:18] * Xivilai grins and whispers back. "I did know you wouldn't like this, and that's why I asked you here. You're my ticket out of this hellhole." [13:40:29] * Thalan wrinkles his nose. "Let's get outta here then." [13:41:05] * Xivilai nods. "Of course. I won't keep you here a second longer." [13:42:21] * Brody makes her way up to Xivali, her entourage moving with her, playing up the Upper-Crust Reporter act. "Hello, I'm Ariel DiFau, from the Draconis Journal. I'm assume you're miss Faydra's sister?" [13:43:24] * Xivilai blinks. "Yes, I have the honor of that distinction." You could swear you barely heard a 'dis' before the word 'honor'. [13:44:10] * Thalan narrows his eyes at Brody, but otherwise keeps his distance. [13:45:43] Do you mind terribly if I ask some questions for the Journal? I've been trying to get a family member all night, and it'd add weight to my story. [13:46:43] * Xivilai smiles pleasantly. "I would not mind in the least! Only, may we have this discussion outside, or perhaps in one of the other rooms of the house?" [13:47:18] Oh, certainly! [13:47:33] * Brody smiles. "I've been looking for an excuse to leave, myself." She laughs. [13:47:50] * Thalan looks around nervously. "Then let's go already." [13:48:15] * Xivilai smirks. "Then that makes three of us." [13:48:43] * Xivilai heads to one of the major-domos by the entrance to the hall, gesturing for Brody and Thalan to follow, and speaks to him. "Your pardon, but I'm afraid I must depart for a brief time. You see, I madew the unfortunate mistake of inviting a friend who does not have much tollerance for social functions such as this, and so it falls to me to escort him back out." [13:49:20] [ The major-domo manages an 'of course, m'lady' and accepts Xivilai's wineglass with some confusion. ] [13:49:22] * Thalan nods and follows Xivilai. [13:49:30] * Xivilai heads out, and again motions for you to follow [13:49:41] * Thalan continues to follow. ^_^ [13:49:44] * Brody follows. [13:51:34] * Brody 's entourage also follows. [13:52:34] * Xivilai notices the entourage, and adjusts course appropriately, eventually ending up in a moderate-sized sitting room. "Will this be alright, Thalan?" [13:53:14] * Thalan looks around. "It should suffice." [13:54:25] * Xivilai nods, sits in a chair, and motions to anothe for Thalan. Besides those two, there is another chair, a sofa, and a loveseat. [13:55:18] * Thalan takes the seat and smirks. "Any other reason you wanted me here?" [13:55:52] * Brody sits in a chair, smoothing her dress afterwards. The halfling and the elf with her stand on either side, while the orc takes the loveseat, and the gnome and aasimar sit on the sofa. [13:58:10] * Xivilai smirks. "Well, you're fair company, too, and it'd be nice to have someone to talk with while I'm regretably missing what will no doubt be an excellent speech from my sister." [13:58:45] * Brody coughs. "So, miss... Xivilai?, how would you describe life with your elder sister?" [13:58:51] * Brody readier her Datapad's stylus. [14:00:58] * Xivilai gets a wry smile on her face. "Hm. Well, since you're a reporter, I'd describe my sister as a brilliant, charming young lady who will no doubt be the perfect heiress for our family holdings." [14:01:26] * Thalan chuckles. [14:03:09] * Brody smiles slightly. "Oh, *that*'s going to sell magazines. Should I read between the lines and assume she's a bloat-headed bitch inflated by her own chance successes and quite probably ashamed by her lack of sorcerous potential?" ^_^ [14:04:52] * Xivilai grins. "You are perspicacious." She looks thoughtful. "Although she really is intelligent, when she decides to be. Which is, sadly to say, rather rare in my dealings with her." [14:06:34] * Thalan raises an eyebrow. "From what I've seen of her, she's far too paranoid, or arragont, for her own good." [14:08:02] * Brody begins writing. "Excellent. This is *much* better than that pap the guests were feeding me." [14:08:18] * Xivilai nods. "There is that. I end up on the wrong end of those tendencies quite a bit, too. Could be why I'm looking to move out, maybe get off this rock." [14:09:13] * Xivilai raises an eyebrow. "Now now, miss... DiFau, was it? I do hope you'll be tasteful in your selection of what is said here. My sister already hates me enough as it is." [14:11:37] Oh, certainly. Consider the nastier parts completely off the record. Now, about going offworld, would you mind overmuch were I to come? My editor neglected to book a return shuttle, and if you're planning on making a name for yourself, I may well be interested in a stake in that. [14:13:06] * Xivilai blinks. She looks to Thalan with a raises eyebrow of questionin +3. [14:15:19] * Thalan eyes Brody. "I'm not sure. You seem nice enough, but what would you provide in return?" [14:16:59] I've been told I have a way with words. Besides that, I can hold my own in a fight, as can most of my companions. [14:18:07] * Xivilai looks the others over. "Hm. Perhaps we could arrange to bring along a hitchiker... or five." [14:19:16] * Thalan nods. "Well, you're the one paying." [14:19:59] * Xivilai smirks. "There is that." [14:21:09] * Xivilai turns back to Brody. "Very well, miss DiFau. You can come along on our little adventure." She smirks, apparently finding the notion of calling it an adventure humorous. [14:21:43] * Brody shrugs. "Brody Melbourne if we're going to be travelling together, please." [14:22:27] * Xivilai nods. "Very well, Brody. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance." [14:22:47] * Thalan chuckles and sniffs the air. "I'll have to remember that." [14:23:47] ( Wanna keep going, or do you think this is enough? ) [14:24:14] (We can end it here.) [14:24:20] (Let's end it.) [14:24:38] ( Alright. ^_^ ) [14:24:46] * DMOta is now known as Demotafk [14:24:50] [Session End} [14:24:53] [ Minisession End! ] Session Close: Sat Feb 08 00:00:00 2003