[Last time, on Dragonstar.] [PEOPLE DID THINGS!] [We pick up where we left off last time, with our heroes talking] [SESSION START] * Xivilai looks to be lost in thought. Unlike some elves, however, she is not contemplating sandwiches. * Fiarre looks to be silent. Either that or asleep, it's kind of hard to tell. *** NapDebugger has left #D&D So, where's your car? * Xivilai blinks. "Whose car?" Weren't we taking Fiarre's car, or did I miss something? *** Will has joined #d&d *** Vincent has joined #D&D My car? What? * Thalan raises an eyebrow. "Kedon is not a car." * Brody shrugs. "Nevermind. Sometimes, I wander off into my own private Draconis." ( Bwah? ) ( Bwah.) * Xivilai chuckles. Well, Thalan, does Kedon have room for two? Only me and one other. That should be sufficient. We could cover more ground if we divide into groups. ( I'm not going to call it 'splitting up'. I'm just not. ) * Thalan nods. Well, you wanted to hit the bars too, right, Xiv? * Xivilai rubs her chin. "That is rather tempting, yes." [Alright, what groups are you dividing up into?] (I was thinking of going alone, but... that probably wouldn't work too well.) ( Well, you're just trying to gather info. Not like that's likely to provoke people into attacking you. ) (Depends how you gather the information.) *** Schneeble has quit IRC (Quit: Baby don't fear the reape--gkk!) ("I screwed your girlfriend. Where's the half-orc?") ( Heh. ) ( ... okay, so what groups are you dividing into? ) (I'll just go out alone, then.) ( Thal and Xiv will go together. ) ( Okay. Fiarre is going alone. What about you other three? ) (Brody's going with Xiv. Though she'll likely get there afterwards, what with not being able to ride. ( *nod* ) ( And Thal? ) ( I just said Xiv and Thal are going together. ;P ) ( Oh. ^^; ) ( So it's Fiarre, and the THree. ) [Okay, where are you visiting? Staying in the Imperial Enclave, or heading outside into the Old City where this happened?] *** Brett has joined #d&d ( ...yes. ) (I'll stay in the Imperial Enclave. I'm not that confident) ( Alrighty. ) [Which area of the Old City are you hitting? AFM territory, or Free Nations?] ( Whichever is less likely to get us shot? ) (Sounds like a plan) ( Alright... ) ( We'll start with Fiarre *** DemoSleep has joined #D&D *** DemoSleep is now known as NPC [Fiarre, make a Gather Information check.] (Wonderful. I never know what to ask people.) (First roleplay, THEN role with modifiers due to roleplaying.) (Err, roll.) ( This is to FIND the person. ) (Well, then you'd use Urban Lore. ^_^) (None of which I have anyway. ^_^) ( I'm pretty sure Gather Information can be done untrained. ) *** Dicesuke has joined #d&d [Now... we present to you... THE FIRST ROLL IN THE CAMPAIGN] (Yeah. It'd probably be rolled as d20+CHA, right?) [Cha modifier, not Cha] (...odd, I can't seem to type a plus. And, I know that. d20) (Or you could just take 10. ^_^) (I want to see what I'd roll first. ^_~) (Did the plus sign show up to anyone, or am I in trouble?) ( ... I'll roll for you. ) d20+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for DMOta (d20+6) and gets 9. (...huh, guess this font just doesn't have a plus sign. o_O) [Fiarre finds nothing of particular use] (Or it does, but it's incredibly tiny.) [But he did manage to locate a really nicely priced soda machine] * Fiarre shrugs, and buys something to drink. [50 deks deducted from your account. Thank you for using CredChip] *** NPC is now known as Can * Can falls with a solid *THUNK*. It's nice and cool to the touch. * Fiarre pops it open, and manages to drink through the various bits of cloth on his face. *** Can is now known as Drink (Sadly, this is about how fast we normally go.) * Drink tastes good, and is nicely caffinated. (How about I make another roll while I drink, or did I just get one?) ( Let's see what the other group does next ) [Xiv, Thal, Brod, gimme Gather Information checks] d20+14 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+14) and gets 29. (Show off. *sip*) d20+4 * Drink caffinates Fiarre * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (d20+4) and gets 16. d20-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d20-1) and gets 7. (Hey, I *will* be the Negotiator.) ( Were you guys checking both Free Nations and AFM territory, or just Free Nations? ) ( ...yes? ) (Does it matter for me?) ( Alrighty... ) [You don't find anything useful in Free Nations territory. In the AFM-controlled east side of Praxilus, however...] *** Drink is now known as Orc (Orc-inna-can!) (Make a SAN check, Fiarre!) * Orc is a really old-looking woman, pushing a small cart of groceries on her way home back from the market. (...I knew this tasted a little funny.) ( Soylent Fleshtone is made of Orc! It's Ooooooorc! ) * Orc also posesses a mouth and vocal cords. If you talk to her, she might respond! Oi, ma'am. Wot's the good word? * Orc stops, and squints at Brody. Hmm? * Thalan stays behind Brody, letting her do the talking. He doesn't look intimidating in the least. D'you know anything about a ? A mate of ours had a deal with him, then he disappeared. ( Korig Freeman ) * Orc blinks. ( KILL FREEMAN. ) (I'm starting to picture Brody as Crocodile Dundee.) I'm sorry, child. Could you tell me more about it? Quite a few dissapearances happen in this city... (I'm pretty sure that'd mean we *don't* get paid.) (Wah. I forget the plot hook.) Korig Freeman. He was in a cab, but he got himself kidnapped by the Free Nations Militia. A fight went up wit' them an' the AFM, and how the Free Nations boys and Korig went missing. Our friend's worried about him, poor guy. * Orc blinks. Yes, yes... I live on Guild Street, just down the way from where it happened! I saw it myself... * Xivilai listens, and her ear twitches slightly. A small group of Free Nations goons had kidnapped a fellow with a fair amount of orc blood, by the look of him. They were dragging the poor man into the old building at the end of the lot, and the AFM were moving in on 'em from all directions. But, once they get inside the building, the chase was called off. No reason goin' in THERE... * Orc starts to look a bit worried. "The last couple nights, I've heard them screamin' in there, but I figure they just got what was comin' to 'em." * Xivilai raises an eyebrow and waits for Brody to ask the Obvious Question. I just hope that poor orc fellow is alright. Though I don't think anyone ever came out of that building alive.. Could you show us where this building is? We want t' get 'im out. * Orc blinks. "I suppose I could point out the way when I get closer to me home. But I'm not going anywhere near that place..." * Orc starts to walk along with the cart, motioning you guys to follow. * Brody follows. * Thalan shifts uneasily and looks around quickly. He sniffs the air, then follows the Brody. [Soon, you come to an intersection.] * Orc stops, then points in a direction. You just go down there for 2 blocks, then turn right. It's a big abandoned apartment complex, next to what used to be a building before someone car-bombed it. They say that building's haunted, and everyone who lives 'round here knows it. No one ever goes in it, and those who are smart don't even go near it at night... * Brody nods. "Thanks, ma'am." Those that do, we never hear from again. * Xivilai follows out of the store, having purchased something chocolatey. :9 She offers some to the orc lady. Ah, thank ye kindly. * Orc accepts it. Just be careful if you're planning on going in. Sometimes, dogs bring home bones from there, probably them that went missing. And if you look at 'em closely, those dogs weren't the only things been gnawin' on them bones.... [75 cents deducted from Xiv's account] Ah, me, Vinnie, and these two can handle it, or my name's not Erika Langley. * Orc nods. Good luck. Hm. * Orc starts to push the cart towards her home again. *** Orc is now known as NPC ( Oh yeah. And Fiarre lost 5 deks. Not 5. I need to get out of the habit of using the num pad. ) ( Not 50, even ) (I was going to say... 50 for a drink? o_O) ( Yeah. It's juts 5 ) ( 50 cents for a can of soda is good. ) * Vincent nods to the old Orc lady, and mutters a blessing for her as she goes, then begins heading towards where she mentioned ahead of Brody, his hand on the sword-hit on armor's belt. [You guys are missing Fiarre.] (*sip*) (You're probably right.) * Xivilai bids the lady good-day in a very polite and jovial fashion, then heads after the others. ( So, you guys don't wanna pick up Fiarre? ) * Thalan doesn't give any sort of farewell greeting-type thing. (We don't know where he is.) (We could just meet back at the hotel room) (True enough.) You two want to pick up the lump before we raid that place? He could be of some assistance, I suppose. (Even if he only has one hit die. ^.~ ) * Thalan adjusts his gloves. "Never hurts to have another body." ( Dinner's on. Must go. ^_^; ) Right. Let's go back to the room, regroup, then get back here. * Xivilai nods and heads that way. ( Okay, going afk for a bit. ) *** Xivilai is now known as Xivaway (Session over?) ( I dunno. ) (Well, we *can* continue tomorrow. Maybe.) (Break until Xiv returns, I'd guess) ( Hm. Yeah, probably. ) [Break]