Session Start: Fri Mar 21 14:59:59 2003 Session Ident: #D&D [14:59:59] * Logging #D&D to 'logs\#D&D.Sandwich.Net.20030321.log' [15:00:58] [What're the rest of you doiing?] [15:01:09] (Waiting, duh. ^_^) [15:01:12] (Waiting to see how I do, I'd imagine.) [15:03:06] [Fiarre attempts to sneak, and...] [15:03:22] (...falls asleep...) [15:04:15] ( Since it is dark, Fiarre is eaten by a grue. ) [15:04:30] [Makes too much splashing. The man snaps his attention upwards, and tosses the leg to the side. His features seem predatory, and his mouth is splattered with blood. It doesn't take a whole ton of effort to realize just what sort of being you're dealing with here...] [15:04:35] * NPC is now known as Vampire [15:04:40] [INITIATIVE] [15:04:58] d20+2 [15:04:59] [d20+2->3] [15:05:02] (...) [15:05:17] d20+6 [15:05:17] [d20+6->11] [15:05:21] d20+2 [15:05:21] [d20+2->18] [15:05:34] d20+7 [15:05:34] [d20+7->10] [15:05:38] ( ... ) [15:05:47] (Our initiative... sucks.) [15:05:53] (Nice knowing you, guys.) [15:05:56] ( Behold the work of dicehate. ) [15:05:57] (...Dammit.) [15:06:09] ( WHat about Vincent? ) [15:06:22] (I can't get the new server window open to get Vincent running.) [15:06:23] (For Vinnie:) [15:06:33] d20+1 [15:06:33] [d20+1->15] [15:06:43] (Might want to bring Vinnie in too.) [15:06:53] [INITIATIVE COUNT 18: BRODY] [15:07:18] ( Vinnie! SHOOT NOW! ) [15:07:49] * Brody draws her gun, holding it in both hands, and looses a shot at the leech, hoping to down it before it does too much damage. [15:07:57] d20+9 [15:07:58] [d20+9->23] [15:08:25] ( What's the gun? ) [15:08:33] (Blaster.) [15:08:39] ( Ah ) [15:08:57] ( Hit. Roll damage. ) [15:09:20] ( Oh yeah. For those who didn't give things a thorough read through, you get a +1 bonus to attack if you use a pistol with both hands. ) [15:09:37] (Well thanks. ^_^) [15:09:55] 3d8+1 [15:09:56] [3d8+1->10] [15:10:19] (And, IIRC, my +1 enchantment circumvents the DR! Yay!) [15:10:49] ( Lemme check. ) [15:11:01] (15/+1) [15:11:17] (I think DR only applies to physical attacks though. If you're using an elemental one, I don't think they get their DR anyways.) [15:13:31] (Aw, geez. Elec resistance 20. Brody's got nothing.) [15:13:45] (Unless that counts as a sneak attack, as his init was yet to come up.) [15:14:22] ( You have to announce it as a sneak attack, I think ) [15:14:35] [A bluish pulse launches forth from Brody's pistol, and strikes the vampire. It smashes into him, but he seems unaffected by it.] [15:14:45] [INITIATIVE COUNT 15: VINCENT] [15:14:47] (Oh, I thought it was automatic. Oh well.) [15:15:00] (Not really. Sneak attacks happen whenever the opponent is denied their dex penalty.) [15:15:03] ( Ah. ) [15:15:21] [Alright, gimme another d6 or 2d6 or whatever.] [15:15:22] (OR if they are flanked.) [15:15:29] 3d6 [15:15:29] [3d6->8] [15:15:50] [Correction. It strikes him, but it doesn't affect him as much as it should have, from the strength of the blast] [15:16:09] [Vincent's move] [15:17:48] (Hold on, I need to check something.) [15:19:00] * Vincent pulls himself through the hole, and draws the hilt from the belt of his armor. Hitting a switch, a blade of plasma is projected from it. Those nearby are sufficiently awed. "You will be destroyed, foul spawn." [15:19:18] (Man, vampires are REALLY damn powerful.) [15:19:21] * Xivilai raises an eyebrow. [15:19:45] * Xivilai grins. [15:19:50] Go! Fight! Kill, Vinnie! [15:20:22] * Thalan grumbles something about how they were supposed to be quiet... oh well. [15:20:38] ( Hm. So he's moving and drawnig a weapon? ) [15:21:56] (Yeah.) [15:22:04] ( Alright... ) [15:22:07] (Which, so far as I can tell, precludes an attack, or turning.) [15:22:55] [INITIATIVE COUNT 14: VAMPIRE] [15:25:20] * Vampire rushes forward, and tries to knock the flaming blade out of Vincent's hands. [15:25:56] [Vincent, you have an attack of opportunity] [15:26:17] * Xivilai ( Quit (Ping timeout) [15:27:38] [That means you take a free melee attack at your highest close up attack bonus] [15:28:12] * Vincent swings at the undead horror. [15:28:16] d20+8 [15:28:17] [d20+8->15] [15:28:34] [Roll damage] [15:28:53] (What's the damage on this thing?) [15:29:06] ( 2d6. ) [15:29:14] (I asked you for the stats last week, and you never told m- Ah, thanks. ^^;) [15:29:21] 2d6+4 [15:29:21] [2d6+4->10] [15:31:02] * Xivilai ( has joined #D&D [15:31:14] ( I hate AOL. HATEHATEHATE. ) [15:31:21] [Vincent gives the beasty a nasty cut with the blade of burning plasma. VINCENT WAS A MAN... VINCENT WAS A PALADIN MAN. BURNINATING ALL THE VAMPIRES] [15:31:32] (...) [15:31:39] [Make another attack roll at +4 to keep control of the weapon] [15:31:51] ( ...I didn't loose my turn, did I? ;_; ) [15:32:01] [No] [15:32:02] d20+4 [15:32:03] [d20+4->13] [15:32:08] ( Whew. ^^ ) [15:32:09] (No. The vamp's trying t knock the sunsword out of Vinnies hands.) [15:32:28] [Vincent keeps control of the weapon] [15:32:31] [Thalan's turn] [15:32:39] (They're in melee, correct?) [15:32:44] ( Yeah ) [15:33:50] * Thalan gets behind the Vampire and takes a swipe with his claws. [15:34:08] (That's a back, attack, so is that a +4 to attack?) [15:34:14] (Err, back attack.) [15:34:56] ( IIRC, flanked just makes them lose their dex bonus to AC ) [15:35:15] (I thought it gave a +2 to attack as well...) [15:35:29] (And gives Thalan a sneak attack, I beleive. [15:35:36] (And I'm hitting his back since his attention is fighting Vinnie.) [15:35:40] ( Ah ) [15:35:45] ( Hm. Let me check... ) [15:35:58] ( Idly, I don't suppose I can shoot around Vinnie at this point? ) [15:36:10] ( You can move and shoot ) [15:36:16] ( Woo. ) [15:36:36] [Thalan gets a +2 bonus for fighting a flanked defender. And the defender loses bonus to AC. And thal gets extra damage] [15:36:44] [For sneak attack and stuff] [15:36:45] (All good. ^_^) [15:36:49] [Make your attack roll [15:37:32] d20+4 [15:37:32] [d20+4->9] [15:37:41] (Well, that didn't matter anyways. ^^;) [15:37:55] [Thalan's attack misses] [15:37:59] [Xivilai's turn] [15:39:11] * Xivilai steps to the side so she can get a clear shot, and shoots. Her rifle goes 'zoink' or 'zow' or 'zort', or something. ^.~ [15:39:24] d20+12 [15:39:25] [d20+12->26] [15:39:51] ( Tell me that hits. ^.^ ) [15:40:05] [Oh, it hits. The question is, who?] [15:40:23] [*roll* apparently, the vamp] [15:40:29] ( Since I was aiming at the vampire, I hope it hit that. :P ) [15:41:01] [Xivilai's lasgun makes a solid *zot*-ish, *CRACK*-ish sound as the intense beam of heat strikes the vampire] [15:41:04] [Roll for damage] [15:41:41] ( I have a laser gun now? Cool! ) [15:41:49] ( ... wait. ) [15:41:57] ( Is it better than the assault rifle I had last game? ^_~ ) [15:41:59] ( Oh, right ) [15:42:13] [Xiv's assault rifle makes a *zow* sound] [15:42:17] ( BLARGH ) [15:42:30] 2 d12+2 [15:42:31] [2xd12+2-> 11 5] [15:43:10] ( One piercing, one fire. Hoo-ha! ) [15:43:44] * Dagon ( has joined #d&d [15:43:54] * Dagon is now known as greep [15:44:05] (Oh, shit. The vampire summons an elder g- Oh, okay.) [15:44:06] (And I do believe that they both have the +2 bonus, so DR does not take place. XD) [15:44:14] * Vampire is struck solidly by the bullet, which explodes. The bullet that is, not the vampire. It's looking in pretty bad shape. The vampire that is, not the bullet. [15:44:28] * Xivilai grins. [15:44:32] * Vampire shrieks, the dissolves into a gaseous form. Which floats away. [15:44:39] * Vampire is now known as NPC [15:44:49] Get back here! [15:45:01] Don't suppose you carry any toothpicks, Vinnie? [15:45:11] * Fiarre looks relieved. [15:45:27] * Vincent puts away his sunsword. "No, ma'am." [15:45:30] * Thalan retracts his claws. "Well, that solves that problem." [15:45:40] * Xivilai takes this opportunity to strike a dramatic pose of victory. ^_^_v [15:46:09] * Fiarre sheathes his rapier. [15:46:13] Alright. Maybe we can take care of it later, then. After we finish this first mission, of course. [15:46:26] * Brody pulls herself through the hole and flicks off her laser sight. "Well, that wasn't too bad." [15:46:46] * Thalan scratches his head. "Don't vampires usually have some sort of treasure where they reside?" [15:46:48] [Do you need another description of this room?] [15:46:57] (That'd help.) [15:47:03] (Geez. Dire rats for our first encounter, then a vampire for our second. I swear we'll be fighting the Tarrasque by the end of the arc.) [15:47:11] I've heard they do. [15:47:18] * Xivilai goes in through the hole. "Nope. Somehow, I expected a vampire to be tougher than that. ...and y'know, Thalan, they just might." [15:47:49] * Fiarre glances around, looking to see if anything is out in the open. [15:47:53] [Righto. There are two exits from this room] [15:47:55] In that case, it is clearly our duty as good-natured adventurers to find the vampire's lair and perma-kill it. [15:48:09] * Thalan nods. "And take whatever he's hording too." [15:48:28] We don't have any stakes, though. Or any of that. [15:48:41] Yes, but that's secondary to making the world safer. No, really. [15:48:43] is? I thought we were just here to find someone. [15:49:11] * Thalan starts looking around the room. "We'll just take your part of the treasure then." [15:49:24] I meant after that, Fiarre. [15:49:42] C'mon. Keep your priorities in line, here. [15:49:51] Which exit do we take? [15:50:23] [There's one to your left, and one in front of you] [15:50:38] Hm. I say left. It works in the novels. [15:50:42] * Fiarre shrugs. [15:50:47] * Thalan walks to the left one first, listening to the door. [15:50:59] Fair enough. [15:51:04] ( What level are you guys, anyway? ) [15:51:15] (Equivelant level 6.) [15:51:20] (...1 here, 6 the others.) [15:51:34] ( 4 or 6, depending on how you count. ) [15:51:48] (You're 6. You were the one who decided to be a Drowgon.) [15:52:29] ( And how many of you are there? ) [15:52:58] (We don't get exp for making things wuss out, do we?) [15:53:10] * Thalan motions for everyone to be quiet and slowly opens the door. [15:53:12] ( A few. 4 player characters, one with a lacky. ) [15:53:22] * Xivilai is quiet. [15:53:29] (We should get exp for it, if not just for roleplaying.) [15:53:36] * Brody and vincent are hushed up. [15:53:41] (I mean, we'd get more for killing it, but that's besides the point. ~_^) [15:53:50] ( Well, we resolved an encounter. So technically, we should get exp. ^_~ ) [15:54:03] ( ..So, five level 6 characters against one CR 7 creature? ) [15:54:20] (4 level 6 and one level 5.) [15:54:37] (And I don't think Vinnie is equating into the exp-ratio.) [15:54:42] ( And you didn't kill it? ) [15:55:19] * Darkheart ( has joined #d&d [15:55:20] ( Well, I don't see how we would've failed. What with it's casket being nowhere in sight, and all. ) [15:55:32] [As you enter this room, you kinda realize something...] [15:55:58] [There are corpses hanging from chains bolted to the ceiling.] [15:56:13] * Fiarre glances upward. [15:56:19] ...ew. [15:56:29] ...oh, d.. hwmp. [15:56:32] * Thalan gulps. "Well, that's a pretty picture." [15:57:00] * Xivilai turns around and does not look into the room. After a bit, she manages, "Please tell me we don't have to go through there?" [15:57:01] [Of slight note are an orc, a goblin, and an elf. Orc happens to be missing a foot.] [15:57:18] [The other foot has a big brown boot.] [15:57:24] [Say it with me. Big brown boot.] [15:57:40] ( Big brown boot. Are they tasy? ) [15:57:47] ( Only one way to tell ) [15:57:50] ( Or enchanted, for that matter? *_* ) [15:58:03] ( Again, only one way to tell. Take it with you. :P ) [15:58:10] (Do they look alive?) [15:58:18] [Corpses generally don't look alive.] [15:58:19] ( Or I could just cast 'detect magic'. :P ) [15:58:33] (Unless they're undead.) [15:58:51] ( Or Fiarre could do it. Go, Fiarre. ^_^ ) [15:59:06] ( Fiarre doesn't know Detect Magic. ^_^ ) [15:59:14] ( Stupid Fiarre. ;_; ) [15:59:43] Anything interesting in there? I mean, other than the corpses. And the blood. And... right. [16:00:06] ( Ooh. Big Brown Bugbear Boot would be even better ) [16:00:20] * Thalan walks into the room and curls his nose. "Not really. You can take a look if ya want." [16:00:22] (...) [16:01:12] * Xivilai forces herself to look, and idly casts detect magic while she's at it. [16:01:16] * Fiarre walks in and glances around the room. [16:01:19] * blargh ( Quit (Quit: Nope.) [16:01:31] (No other exits?) [16:01:35] [Xiv notices nothing magical about this room] [16:01:43] [There's an exit to your right...] [16:01:48] * Xivilai turns the hell back around, then. Ewewewew. >_< [16:02:24] Okay, now I really do want to hunt down and destroy that thing for it's own sake. [16:02:59] * greep ( Quit (Quit: User pushed the X - because it's Xtra, baby) [16:03:01] Thalan, be a dear and see if the right door is safe? [16:03:25] * Thalan nods. He walks over to it and tries to listen through it. Assuming nothing catches his eye/ear on the way there. [16:04:36] There's something back there... probably more rats. [16:04:51] Good. Rats I can handle. [16:05:12] * Fiarre pulls out his laser pistol again. [16:05:19] * Xivilai walks to the door, positioning herslef so that she can fire in when someone else opens the door. She nods to Thalan. [16:05:49] * Thalan looks for the okay from the rest of the group. [16:06:22] * Fiarre nods. [16:06:30] * Brody moves into a covering position, and nods. Vincent grabs his gun and gets ready to clear the room. They both nod. [16:06:52] * Xivilai nods agian, since it seems to be the trendy thing to do. [16:08:04] * Thalan turns the doorknob, and jumps away from the doorway (and the crossfire) as he pushes the door open. [16:08:28] [As the door swings open, you see... (hang on. Loads of description )] [16:08:32] * Xivilai aims! What's in there, anyway? [16:09:15] ('s Kathie Lee Gifford! ) [16:09:28] ( NOOOOOO! ) [16:10:58] ( Con checks to prevent your various digestive systems from revolting. :P ) [16:11:00] [The room is covered with scratches and blood, forming images. Lots and lots of art, filled with images of violence, suffering, and death. Some skins from what you can presume to be orcs, or humans, or some other humanoid creature have also had things scratched into them. Of particular note is what appears to be a really bad poem in big, fancy letters, carved into the wall. ANother man is holding a sharpened bone, and carving into the wall..] [16:11:05] [Poem reads...] [16:11:15] [Such a pulchritudinous pain is mine. How deliciously deep my sorrow. I wish to die, yet I cannot. A candle weeps as it flickers in the wind. The candle is my soul.] [16:11:59] [By reading this poem, you probably realize this person deserves to die.] [16:12:08] (Even the future is not safe from goth poetry!) [16:12:14] ( AHH! We're up against an angsty pseudo-goth! ) [16:12:31] ( Guys, are you just going to fire? If so, roll init. :P ) [16:12:34] * Fiarre eyes the man [16:12:42] ( Oh, shit! A monster with the half-goth template! ) [16:12:48] (And this would be a surprise round for us. XD) [16:13:05] ( Heh. ) [16:13:30] [ROLL INITIATIVE] [16:13:35] ( What, we're not even gonna say 'hi' first? ) [16:13:42] d20+2 [16:13:44] [d20+2->21] [16:13:45] d20+6 [16:13:46] [d20+6->25] [16:13:47] d20+7 [16:13:47] [d20+7->24] [16:13:51] (Hell yeah! XD) [16:13:54] (...;_;) [16:13:56] ( Woo! ) [16:14:50] d6+2 [16:14:50] [d6+2->3] [16:14:53] (Er) [16:14:56] d20+2 [16:14:56] [d20+2->8] [16:14:57] (Hehe!) [16:14:59] d20+1 [16:15:00] [d20+1->6] [16:15:11] (And your team is slow... Really slow.) [16:15:19] [SURPRISE ROUND] [16:15:28] * Schneeble (schneeble@ Quit (Quit: Baby don't fear the reape--gkk!) [16:15:29] [INITIATIVE COUNT 25: THALAN] [16:15:46] (Vinnie's in 200 pounds of armor. And Brody did a lot of drugs when she was a kid.) [16:16:06] (Can I get a line of sight to this guy?) [16:16:35] ( If you move and attack ) [16:17:58] * Thalan doesn't know this guy is in there, so he pulls out a tazer-pistol, waiting for anything to come out. (Yeah, like that's gonna happen.) (Hold action and fire at anything that comes out of the room.) [16:19:09] pINITIATIVE COUNT 24: XIVILAI] [16:20:05] * Xivilai makes a face. "Uhg, how gaudy. Good spelling, tho." ( Hold action, yay. ) [16:21:30] [INITIATIVE COUNT 21: FIARRE] [16:21:33] * Fiarre simply aims and waits for the man to do something threatening. [16:22:09] [INITIATIVE COUNT 8: BRODY] [16:22:47] * Brody , against all intelligent processes, decides that this would make a great picture to accompany her article, and snaps a picture with the holocam. [16:23:12] [INITIATIVE COUNT 6: VINCENT] [16:23:50] * NPC is now known as VampireArtiste [16:24:07] * Brody holds his aim rock-still on the vampire. [16:24:37] [Vincent does that, you mean. :P] [16:24:50] ( What sorta action is that? And with his assault carbine? ) [16:25:41] (Is there such a thing as an aim action like in most systems, and yes.) [16:25:55] ( Let me check ) [16:26:55] ( ... nope. No such thing as an aim action. ) [16:27:33] (I think it would work if you made it a +2 circumstance bonus though.) [16:27:51] (When in doubt, do + or - 2 ^_^) [16:28:21] (But you could ready the action so that the instant he does do something, you shoot him.) [16:28:32] ( It's probably either a ready action or a turn skip. ) [16:28:51] ( I'll probably count it as a ready action ) [16:29:07] [Okay, real round now] [16:29:12] [INITIATIVE] [16:29:25] ( What, again? ) [16:29:40] ( The round ended. I think we roll init each round. ) [16:29:47] (Considering we all just *sat there*?) [16:29:53] d20+2 [16:29:54] [d20+2->20] [16:29:54] (You do NOT roll init every round.) [16:29:58] ( Oh. ) [16:30:00] (Oh.) [16:30:01] ( Never mind, then. ) [16:30:04] (DnD never worked that way, never will. ^6;) [16:30:09] (Err, ^^;) [16:30:44] [INITIATIVE COUNT 25: THALAN] [16:31:02] ( Cha: You could also have refocused. It basically changes your init roll to 20.) [16:31:14] What's back there? [16:31:28] Besides the, er, writing on the wall? [16:31:38] (Okay, sure.) [16:31:46] (Vinnie will do that.) [16:31:51] Besides what I can see. [16:31:53] ( Hang on... ) [16:32:12] [VIncent refocused. His new initiative is 21 ) [16:32:50] * Thalan keeps his hands on the pistol, ready to shoot the next thing that comes through the door. (Readied action again.) [16:33:08] [INITIATIVE COUNT 24: XIVILAI [16:34:54] * Xivilai aims. If anything attacks, she will first. ( Readied action! Are we there yet? ) [16:35:18] [INITIATIVE COUNT 21: FIARRE] [16:35:21] Well there's *something* back there you're aiming at. [16:35:47] (Has this thing even turned around yet?) [16:35:55] ( His init hasn't come yet ) [16:36:30] * Fiarre once again aims and waits for the figure to do something threatening before firing. [16:37:11] [VINCENT] [16:37:14] (*sigh* no killing without reason, and alignment isn't a reason. Well, that complicates things, don't it? ^_^) [16:37:22] Yes, yes, I know. I don't know what it *is*, tho. [16:38:08] * Vincent continues aiming. [ Readied action! ] [16:38:15] [BRODY] [16:38:37] (Man that vamp has crappy init.) [16:38:47] ( Rolled a 1. ) [16:38:55] (That'd do it.) [16:39:07] (Basically, it'll be: vampire moves. *Everyone fires*) [16:40:40] * Brody draws her gun, clicking on the laser, and aims at the vamp with both hands. [16:40:58] ( Readying action, I take it? ) [16:41:23] (So how many red dots does the vamp have on it right now? XD) [16:41:37] ( LOTS. ) [16:41:37] ( Oh yeah. As for teh whole killing with no reason thing, Zeg? It probably drank lotsa people. :P ) [16:41:38] ( Heh. ) [16:41:41] ( Let me check. ) [16:41:52] ( It should have enough laser sights on it now to do fire damage. ) [16:42:16] (But do we know that?) [16:42:31] ( Let's see. That has no laser sights. Brody has laser sight... ) [16:42:52] ( Fiarre's got a laser sight... ) [16:42:57] (Vinnie's helmet has a built in sight.) [16:43:12] ( Heh. ) [16:43:23] [So, yeah. The vampire's got 4 laser sights on it. :P] [16:43:30] ( Fiarre is just using a laser. The laser *sight* is on his rifle ) [16:43:49] [Alrighty. JUst three laser sights. :P] [16:43:59] [Vampire's turn....] [16:44:22] * VampireArtiste is alerted by the bright flash of Brody's camera, and turns around, sharpened bone in hand.... [16:44:54] ( That enough to trigger the firing squad? :P ) [16:45:15] (Sure!) [16:45:20] ( It'd be nice if he announced his intention to kill us. ^_^ ) [16:45:31] (Yeah, that'd help.) [16:45:38] ( He's waving around a sharpened bone. :P ) [16:45:39] (No, it'd probably be more poetry.) [16:45:44] ( Or at least, holding one. ) [16:46:39] (Good enough for me.) [16:46:42] ( More poetry like that would definitely count as an attack. ) [16:47:03] ( He carved it into stone. Future generations will have to suffer looking at it. ) [16:47:10] (I'm going to get disconnected in about two minutes. I'll be back after I reconnect.) [16:50:14] ( Gauuuu ) [16:50:21] * Fiarre ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [16:50:22] ( x.x ) [16:52:38] * Fiarre ( has joined #D&D [16:52:45] ( Re ) [16:52:56] (Re. Now kill the stupid vampire already. ^_^) [16:52:57] (I miss anything?) [16:53:00] [Alright, I take it you're all opening a can of FIring Squad on the vamp? :P] [16:53:03] ( No ) [16:53:06] (Yes.) [16:53:13] (Maybe?) [16:53:23] [Alrighty...] [16:53:38] [Go in whatever order you feel like it.] [16:53:53] (I don't get to shoot it. ;_;) [16:54:20] * Fiarre fires a shot from his laser pistol. [16:54:35] (I get the bonus from holding in both hands, I believe?) [16:54:40] ( Yes ) [16:54:51] d20+3 [16:54:52] [d20+3->13] [16:55:05] ( Hit. Roll damage. ) [16:55:15] 2d10 [16:55:16] [2d10->16] [16:55:31] [Next person who readied an action.] [16:56:17] * Brody looses a shot from her Blaster [16:56:27] d20+9 [16:56:28] [d20+9->27] [16:56:33] ( Roll damage ) [16:56:46] 3d8+1 [16:56:47] [3d8+1->20] [16:57:14] [Vince or Xiv or whatever, go] [16:58:30] * Brody fires off a round at the vamp. [16:58:32] (Er.) [16:58:33] ( ...Go, vinnie. ^_^; ) [16:58:40] (Vinnie, does that.) [16:58:58] d20+6 [16:58:59] [d20+6->9] [16:59:19] [Vince misses [16:59:24] [Xiv] [16:59:38] * Xivilai sighs and fires, too. [16:59:42] d20+12 [16:59:43] [d20+12->25] [16:59:56] [Roll damage] [17:00:03] 2 d12+2 [17:00:03] [2xd12+2-> 14 8] [17:01:33] * Thalan stands firm as the fire wizzes in front of him and through the doorway. [17:01:56] * VampireArtiste is SLAMMED with a hail of gunfire. Xivilai's HEAP round slams into his stomach, blowing him in half. The lower half of his body is melted down by Brody's blaster, and a rather large hole is burned through his chest thanks to Fiarre's intense blast of heat strikes. It all happens so quickly that nobody's quite sure what happened first. [17:02:14] * VampireArtiste crawls along the ground with his hands for a bit, stunned. Then turns gaseous. @_@ [17:02:17] * VampireArtiste floas away [17:02:19] * VampireArtiste is now known as NPC [17:02:27] ...your welcome. [17:02:39] ... Well, whatever you hit isn't there anymore, I hope. [17:02:50] Oh, sure, we want to die, we try to help you, and this is the thanks we get. [17:02:56] (s/we/you) [17:03:04] * Brody looks through the room. [17:03:15] ( This a good place to call it? ) [17:03:18] That had to hurt, at the least. [17:03:22] ( Yeah, probably ) [17:03:32] * Thalan peeks, then walks into the room when the fire is over. He sniffs the air. [17:03:59] [THe room doesn't have anything dangerous in it anymore, if that's what Thalan is trying to figure out. :P] [17:04:05] (And yes, good place to leave off.) [17:04:26] Well, it wasn't our good friend from the basement. [17:04:32] (Good, dinner just got finished) [17:05:04] * NPC ( has left #D&D [17:05:17] [And so, the session ended] Session Close: Sat Mar 22 00:00:00 2003