Session Start: Fri Apr 04 08:54:42 2003 Session Ident: #D&D [12:13:46] [Our heroes are now in their hotel room, treasure likely in the center of the room on the floor, being divided much like a crowd of children would divide halloween candy] [12:13:48] [Session Start] [12:13:57] ( We missed something? ;_; ) [12:14:12] * Xivilai beams. She's got fat lute! ^_^ [12:14:14] ( Yes. ) [12:15:53] (I was sure we checked everywhere... oh well.) [12:16:12] (Oh, and Dem? If we miss something, it's probably a good idea for you NOT to tell us. ^_^) [12:16:27] * Brody leaves the shower, dressed in what she was before she went in. She sits on one side of the lewt-stash. [12:17:45] * Thalan sits on another side of the lewt. "Anyone got a coin counter?" [12:18:05] ( You can declare you have one for the price of 20 credits. ) [12:18:26] Yep. [12:18:46] * Xivilai grins. "I am a coin counter." [12:18:50] * Brody crawls over to her haversack, and takes it out. [12:20:01] * Brody does whatever it is to the coins that it is that you do with coin counters! Whoo! [12:20:25] ( You put them in. One by one. ) [12:20:55] (Whee! Head of Vecna!" [12:20:57] (Actually, you just dump the coins into the counter. They can then sort them individually and give you a readout as to how much is actually there.) [12:21:01] * Brody does so! Hawt hawt half-elf on coin action! Yay! [12:21:05] ( "...this is a coin. This is another coin. This is yet another coin." "...damned cheap coin counter." ) [12:21:12] ( Oh. ) [12:21:12] (Heh.) [12:21:48] (They usually bundle the coins into rolls as well, but the cheaper ones don't.) [12:21:53] [It takes a pretty long while, but the coin counter eventually sorts out the whole deal.] [12:22:24] (And it is...?) [12:22:25] [In the end, it is determined that there are 3600 gold pieces, and 40 platinum pieces. [12:22:37] (Okay, cool.) [12:22:48] * Xivilai grins. This works out to how many creds? [12:22:54] Okay, so 900 gold and 10 plat apeice? [12:23:11] * Thalan takes a gold piece. "I remember these from Pelenor... I think these gold ones are a credit each. I've never seen the platinum ones though." [12:23:23] * Fiarre shrugs. [12:23:25] [That's 4000 credits in coins.] [12:23:31] Works for me. [12:23:34] [10 g = 1 plat] [12:23:42] (I know that, but does Thalan? ^_^) [12:24:04] * Brody pushes out the rolls. "I'll ask Soodle how much the plats are worth.: [12:24:20] [There's also an assortment of art pieces and gems that still needs to be sorted, and the tabs, scrolls, and what appears to be a wand.] [12:24:27] Ten gold apiece. If the old romance novels can be trusted. [12:24:28] * Fiarre eyes the scrolls. [12:24:41] Cool. [12:24:45] * Xivilai looks over the art pieces. [12:24:50] That's a lot of coins... What should we do with the other stuff? [12:25:11] [And the weapons. If those haven't been divided up yet. And a set of heavy clothing] [12:25:20] Well, the art can be sold to collectors, easily. [12:25:24] Well, I say we keep some of the pretty things, give some to The Lover, and sell off the ones we don't like. [12:25:24] * Brett ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [12:25:36] The Lover? [12:25:40] * Thalan takes the gems and starts inspecting them. You can see a glimmer in his eyes as he does so. [12:25:49] The scrolls can be hocked to some wizard somewhere, and I want to know what the wand does before I decide. [12:26:04] * Fiarre picks up one of the scrolls and glances over it. [12:26:09] You know. The goddess. I've been a bit lazy on my donations recently. ^^; [12:26:15] Ah. [12:26:30] (Is there anything I can roll without skills to try to figure out what the scrolls are?) [12:26:32] [Oh, yes. And 8 copper pieces and 19 silver pieces are in the pile too.] [12:26:51] ( I don't believe so... ) [12:27:04] (You can take 10 to discern them. Assuming your Spellcraft is capped, that should give you at least a 16.) [12:27:33] ( How do I figure out the DC? ) [12:27:59] (Actually, it'd give me a 19. I have a bonus of 9 to spellcraft.) [12:28:27] ( Using Spellcraft to decipher a scroll is DC 20+Spell Level. ) [12:28:53] (To tell what it is? That's funny, because learning a spell from a scroll is DC of 15+spell level.) [12:29:13] ( NOt really. Once you know what it is, doing something with it is relatively easy. ) [12:29:30] (Hmmm... would casting Read Magic help there?) [12:29:32] ( Trying to figure out what it is is basically trying to decipher a doctor's handwriting and personal writing style. ) [12:29:43] ( Read Magic gives you an automatic success on the attempt. ) [12:30:01] (Ah, okay. Yeah, I just found it in the Spellcraft skill section.) [12:30:18] (Well, I want to do something, so I'll roll at least a few of them.) [12:30:33] * Fiarre picks up one of the scrolls at random and tries to figure out what it is. [12:30:40] d20+9 [12:30:40] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fiarre (d20+9) and gets 25. [12:30:54] [Scroll of Identify. Caster level 1] [12:31:16] * Fiarre sets it off to his side. [12:31:20] (How many are there?) [12:31:31] [There are... 2 scrolls] [12:31:49] (Left, or total?) [12:32:01] [Total. And there are also 3 dermpatches] [12:32:15] Xiv, you know how to identify that wand? [12:32:16] [1 Wand...] [12:32:17] * Fiarre picks up the other scroll and tries to read it. [12:32:20] d20+9 [12:32:22] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fiarre (d20+9) and gets 14. [12:32:25] [Fail.] [12:32:42] * Fiarre frowns at the scroll, and tries again. [12:32:45] d20+9 [12:32:45] * Thalan picks up a dermpatch and sniffs it. [12:32:45] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fiarre (d20+9) and gets 17. [12:32:47] [Wait, mistaken. One more scroll] [12:32:55] (You only get to try once per day to ID a scroll) [12:32:55] [And you can't retry, IIRC.] [12:33:03] (Oh. Wasn't aware of that) [12:33:20] (That's to prevent people from just taking 20.) [12:33:26] * Atom ( has joined #D&D [12:33:57] [There are also 6 pieces of art, and the Lapis Lazuli gem] [12:34:11] [I believe you already sorted out the Holy Water, yeah] [12:34:11] Man, ya think they could do a better job of labeling these patches. [12:34:27] One of these is Identify. I can't read this one, though. [12:34:31] Mm. [12:34:32] * Fiarre sets it down. [12:34:45] I call dibs on any Glibness patches, if we have them. [12:35:05] ( * Fiarre parsed that as Guiness patches. ) [12:35:22] Glibness? [12:36:00] (Wait, do the normal DnD potions exist as patches?) [12:36:08] (Yes.) [12:36:10] ( Yes. ) [12:36:23] (What's the skill used to Id them Dem?) [12:36:28] Yeah. They help you lie like a rug. [12:36:45] * Thalan smirks. "Like you need that." [12:36:49] I used one to get my first job as a reporter back in the day. ^_^;; [12:36:58] Hey, every little bit helps. [12:36:58] * Fiarre chuckles. [12:37:04] ( Um... not sure. The more experienced adventurers taste them like with potions. ) [12:37:25] ( Not sure what they mean by "experienced'< though ) [12:37:30] ( At all possible to identify the wand with skills alone? ) [12:37:37] Back then, I used them to get a job. Now, I can use them to convince the Drow I'm one of their creepy spider-gods testing them. ^^ [12:37:43] ( I don't believe so. ) [12:37:51] (It'd probably be an alchemy check then.) [12:38:02] ( Alchemy! ) [12:38:10] Oh, and Charisma. I'm willing to think that I'm the most likely to talk our way out of things anyways... [12:38:20] Here, let me look through the patches. [12:38:47] Sure. Not like I can tell they're anything. [12:38:54] * Fiarre picks up the first one and studies it. [12:38:56] * Xivilai chuckles. [12:38:58] d20+9 [12:38:58] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fiarre (d20+9) and gets 16. [12:39:02] * Thalan tosses the patch he's holding at Fiarre. [12:39:08] (...damn it, Dicey, stop that.) [12:39:21] * Fiarre catches that one, too. [12:39:30] [Nope] [12:39:33] (Okay, the DC to ID a potion is 25. It also costs 1 GP a piece, 20 GP if you want to take 20.) [12:40:01] (You CAN try multiple times to ID it though. Dermpatches might be different, however.) [12:40:10] [Correction. Fiarre doesn't have the thingy to ID a potion. Yet.] [12:40:21] (I'd think you could reference dermpatches with the datapad) [12:40:28] [Alrighty... art pieces.] [12:40:42] * Xivilai looks the art over. Hm. [12:40:44] * Fiarre shrugs. "Don't have the right tools." [12:40:48] [First up is a jewel-encrusted golden goblet.] [12:40:51] [VERY shiny.] [12:40:54] * Brody looks at them. [12:40:56] Ooooh. [12:41:21] (Also, alchemists are assumed to have the appropriate materials needed to ID stuff. If they want a bonus to their skill, however, you could probably get a Alchemists lab which gives you a +2 to your checks because it's the right tools for the job. Also, if you spend 50 gold more, you can get a MW one for a +4 bonus.) [12:41:28] * Xivilai looks it over thoughtfully. "Nice." [12:41:53] [There's also a gold bracelet. Plain, but well-crafted.] [12:42:08] Mm. [12:42:10] * Thalan shrugs. "It's a bit too shiney if you ask me... Maybe we should check to see if any of this stuff is magic?" [12:42:21] Yes, we could. [12:42:27] Well, I want to make sure with the wand, first. [12:42:28] * Xivilai does so. Detect Magic, I choose you! [12:42:46] ( * Detect Magic starts to chew on Xivilai's head. ) [12:42:48] But that's more of an Identify issue. [12:43:07] [The scrolls and dermpatches and wand are magical, yep.] [12:43:28] (What about anything else?) [12:43:38] ( But not the goblet? ) [12:43:45] [The submachine gun isn't, but its manufacturer's logo indicates that it's a top of the line model.] [12:43:49] ( Nope ) [12:44:10] [Possibly even designed by hand, instead of being just run off an assembly line] [12:44:41] * Brody eyes the gun. "Oooh. I bet we could get someone to enchant this, if we wanted to put up the money." [12:45:49] * Thalan picks it up and inspects it for how comfortable it feels in his hands. "Ya think?" [12:46:01] Yeah. [12:46:08] Probably, yes. [12:46:20] I already got *my* gun magiced, but it never hurts to have more of them. [12:46:24] I already have an enchanted rifle, tho. Maybe for Vincent? [12:46:47] * Thalan eyes the weapon and puts it back down. "Too much magic floating around here if ya ask me." [12:47:07] Hmm. [12:47:27] Now, now, Thalan. There's no such thing as too much magic. ^_~ [12:47:35] Might be a step down from the boomstick he's got right now, but I suppose a pally can't have too many guns. [12:48:19] * Xivilai glances Thalan over. "And it looks like you agree." She smirks. [12:49:04] * Thalan smirks. "That's a more... personal issue." [12:49:19] [Next art piece is a simple wood carving of... well, something. It's modern art.] [12:49:47] * Brody taps it. "Well, I suppose his taste had to run out somewhere." [12:50:02] It *was* in the same lair as that... poet. [12:50:11] * Xivilai makes a disgusted face. "Maybe we can convince someone to buy this. Maybe." [12:50:20] What do you say we try to sell the artwork and split the money we got from it? I'm not one for artwork... [12:50:39] Or we can just throw it at someone and run away laughing. [12:50:46] [It's weird, and doesn't look like it would be worth much, but it would be an interesting conversation piece.] [12:50:53] ( Anyone have Appraise? ) [12:50:57] I bet we'd have to pay someone to take it away from *us* [12:51:07] (Nope, but we're all really damn smart.) [12:51:20] ( Appraise is a trained-only skill. ) [12:51:21] (/me marks that as something to get.) [12:51:22] (Brody's Expert does. You know, the one I've yet to stat up.) [12:51:29] * Xivilai shrugs. "I suppose. I certainly have little use for a golden goblet. Thus far, anyway." [12:51:44] Mm. [12:51:56] We might want to keep this crappile, though. [12:52:00] [Next up is a rather stereotypical painting of a landscape.] [12:52:11] Like, if we ever get standed on a ice world and need something to burn for heat. [12:52:17] [Nobody likes them, but they're worth quite a bit of cash for some reason.] [12:52:49] You're still thinking of 'Queen Xivilai?' [12:53:20] * Xivilai grins. "Perhaps. But only if I could get someoen else to do the actual work for me." [12:53:47] Hey, everyone's got to have an ambition. ^_^ [12:54:02] Most people aim for something realistic, though. [12:54:13] Me, I want to find some nice world with a lot of tropical places and pretty people and buy it. [12:54:26] Oh, you're a big old frowny bastard, Fiarre. [12:54:30] [Finally... is a small gold statuette of some kind.] [12:54:35] I find that hard to believe. [12:54:43] For one thing, I'm fairly sure you can't see my mouth. [12:54:44] I don't. [12:54:55] [It seems to be a sculpture of a human holding up a golden planet] [12:54:55] Pffft. [12:55:12] When you've dealt with people this long, you know them from the tone of their voice, pal. [12:55:16] ( Yes, I AM lazy with art description. I just felt like ripping an idea off. ) [12:55:24] Hm... [12:55:35] * Xivilai continues grinning. "Who says it isn't realistic, Fiarre? I'm already royalty." [12:55:36] And as for seeing your mouth, I can smell your kind. [12:56:02] * Xivilai looks at the statue. "Interesting. This will likely sell well." [12:56:11] Mmmm. [12:56:46] [Aside from the heavy clothes, kama, and axe, that's all the treasure. Although the kama and axe are examples of particularly good craftsmanship] [12:56:52] And if not? Well, I could use a new paperweight. [12:57:03] Royalty, huh. [12:57:15] ( I thought she was just nobility. :P ) [12:57:16] You'd be surprised where people come from... [12:57:23] (Shhh.!) [12:57:34] Trust me, I wouldn't. [12:57:56] ( So she embellishes a tad. So what? ^.~ ) [12:58:37] * Xivilai smirks. "Of course not, Fiarre. You would doubtless have us believe that nothing surprises you?" [12:58:48] Judging from the way you act, though, and your apparent demeonor, I'd think you're at least half drow... Although you're a bit too tall for that. Meaning you'd be half of something elsethat would increase your size to unusual porportions... Perhaps dragon? Although why you'd be helping *us* if that were the case is beyond me. [12:59:19] Oh, why he's helping us is easy. He owes us for helping him escape someone or other, yes? [12:59:25] You have... some odd ideas. Try for something more realistic. [12:59:26] * Thalan 's eyes glint as he finishes that last sentence. [12:59:50] * Brody eyes the wooden thingy. [12:59:58] ...I think I'm keeping this. [13:00:14] If we ever get back to Draconis, my apartment needs another doorstop. [13:00:15] Now, now, Fiarre. You can trust us. We're your friends, after all. ^_~ [13:00:18] It's not that odd, I assure you. I've seen more than my share of 'odd combinations' in my lifetime, and I'm still only 17 years of age. [13:00:28] * Xivilai giggles at Brody's assertion. [13:00:47] ...Seventeen. Geez. [13:01:20] * Thalan chuckles. "Think we can find someone to appraise this stuff? Mom always said I was talented." [13:01:22] Back when I was your age, I was getting messed up and barely passing classes, not purging undead from tenement blocks. o_o [13:01:37] I was working at that age. [13:02:13] ( If by working, you mean making poopie in your daiper. ) [13:02:36] (Relatively, Dem.) [13:02:51] ( POOPIE. POO. PIE. ) [13:03:48] * Xivilai giggles. "Goodness. At that age - relatively, I was... well, shooting vampires and gathering loot, apparently." [13:05:19] Wow, I feel like an old lady, here. [13:05:41] But, yeah, if I can get ahold of Soodlebon, I can probably get him to take a crack at the stuff here. [13:06:09] * Classmancer is now known as Segev [13:06:10] * Thalan eyes Brody. "You can't be *that* old." [13:06:31] 'Bout 22. [13:07:00] I stopped keeping track around seventeen, since I could drive, and it didn't stop me from smoking and getting drunk. [13:07:02] (By the way, did we ever get the XP from the rest of this adventure?) [13:07:17] (Nope. All we got was for kill the rats.) [13:07:23] [Oh, right...] [13:07:24] (So Dem should fill us in.) [13:07:41] [You guys get 450 exp for killing the rats. Vincent gets 225] [13:07:44] It's the elfblood that keeps me looking young. [13:07:52] [And you guys get 825 for slaying the vampires.] [13:07:59] [Vince gets half of that, rounded down] [13:08:05] [And... lemme see...] [13:08:11] (825 for killing vamps...) [13:09:08] [And 1800 for completing the adventure] [13:09:30] Now now, Brody. You're not old at all. Thalan and I are simply prodigies, is all. ^_~ [13:09:43] * Xivilai grins. "And humble, too." [13:09:55] [Vincent gets 900 for that last bit] [13:09:56] * Thalan snickers. "Oh, very humble." [13:10:29] What, you let something like age keep you from driving? [13:11:26] Well, I didn't really have any urge to before then. [13:11:53] * Thalan chuckles. "I actually feel kind of sorry for you." [13:11:57] Then I hit the age, borrowed a friend's bike for the night, and had a gay old time. But not enough to make me want to do it more often. [13:12:35] Don't get me wrong, I like making noise and wrecking shit as much as the next girl, but a good old fashioned fight gets my blood pumping better than going fast and turning left. [13:12:50] * Xivilai chuckles. [13:13:23] (Say, Dem, can I just use my followers as abstractions?) [13:13:38] ( Huh? ) [13:13:38] You need to *combine* those. Go fast, turn left, then kick butt without missing a bet. [13:13:40] (Beat.) [13:13:54] (Since in a few levels, Brody's gonna have dozens, and I'm *definately* not gonna stat those.) [13:13:58] ( o/~ Check and turn the signal's to the right o/~ ) [13:14:17] (So can it just be assumed that, say, her Expert has, like, +6 on Appraise rolls? ^^;;) [13:14:19] ( Oh, sure. But they should probably be statted over a period of time. ) [13:14:34] ( You can say you have them, but they don't do anything until statted ) [13:15:42] (So when she hits 12th or so, she'll have over a hundred useless NPCs sponging on her? Lovely.) [13:16:30] ( Hardly useless. ) [13:16:51] (Well, you just said they sit on their thumbs until I stat them.) [13:16:57] ( Heh. ) [13:17:08] ( Just give me general ideas, and I'll stat them up. ) [13:17:25] ( we'll just sit back and send your army after enemies?) [13:17:30] (For the moment, can we just give the Expert +6 on Appraise and work from there?) [13:17:42] (Fiarre: Nah, that's where Epic Leadership comes in. [13:17:46] ( If the max ranks rule alows it. ) [13:18:00] (+3 Int, +3 Appraise.) [13:18:08] ( Sure ) [13:18:15] I think I'm gonna ask Soodlebon about the art. I'll be back in a bit. [13:18:37] * Brody takes the art objects, and leaves the room to head for her followers' room. [13:18:39] * Thalan nods. "Okay." [13:19:39] (And Dem? You *can* use Appraise untrained, you just don't as good of an estimate on a success if you succeed.) [13:19:44] ( Oh. ) [13:20:21] (Try looking at the skills when you say they can't be used untrained. Many of them have clauses that let them be used at a less effective level.) [13:21:42] What do you suppose we should do with the weapons? [13:22:13] * Xivilai shrugs. "If we can't use them, we can sell them." [13:23:09] * Brody reenters several minutes later, carrying the items, and smelling slightly of pipeweed. "He says that the goblet's worth 900. Bracelet's worth 100. Painting's worth 200. Carving worth 10. Statuette worth 600. The last art piece is worth 700. An' the Lapis Lazuli's worth 12, but it has a cute name, so I wanna keep it. ^_^" [13:23:37] (Er. Replace 'last art peice' with 'platinum ring'.) [13:23:44] * Thalan notices the way she smells right away. "Where *did* you just go?" [13:24:29] My boys' room. Soodlebon was taking a while, so Ozzie and I decided to smoke while he did his job. [13:24:51] [Not counting Lapis Lazuli, you have 6510 in art and coinage] [13:26:26] (Bugger. My mouse froze and the screen's scrolled up. I can't see anything new.) [13:26:59] [Pause] [13:27:57] ( BRB. ^.^ ) [13:28:24] * Brody ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:35:06] * Brody ( has joined #D&D [13:35:21] [Yu Away, so still paused] [13:35:54] (Aw.) [13:37:51] ( Back. ) [13:38:21] * Thalan calculates the value of each of the pieces into his datapad. "If you really wanna keep the lapis, we have about 6.5k credits worth of stuff here." [13:38:51] Not bad at all. [13:39:09] Sooo... About 1,625 each? Hm. [13:39:43] Yup. [13:40:14] Aw geez. I'll have to take a raincheck on that headband of persuasion I was looking at. [13:40:35] Say, are any of you going to be sitting around for a while? Implants or anything? [13:40:52] I need a while to write up my last two articles [13:42:08] * Xivilai shrugs. "It's not outside the realm of possibility, no." [13:42:13] * Thalan hmmms. "Well, I do have a normal job I can work on while you're writing. I'm not getting any implants any time soon." [13:42:49] Okay. What d'you say we all take a month or two off before our next excursion, then? [13:42:54] Fine with me. [13:43:26] * Thalan nods. "Sure. I have a few purchases I need to make anyways." [13:43:59] ( ... I NEED to get me one of these. ) [13:44:22] (...) [13:44:40] That'll give me time to write up the party, the tenement, and update BrodyTales. [13:45:04] ( Dude. Wouldn't you want to crush up to 12 pigeons a minute? ) [13:45:25] Oh, and you might want to get your own camera. I'm not going to let you use mine all the time. [13:45:27] * Thalan smirks. [13:46:24] Yeah, sure thing. Hell, after this, I might get my old one if I can find the shop I pawned it at. [13:47:03] (So, downtime?) [13:47:17] ( Mmm, Trauma symbiote... ) [13:47:29] (If you have the cash, now is the time to get it :P) [13:47:44] ( I had the cash beforehand. It was the experience I didn't have. ^_^) [13:48:33] ( Are any of you guys going to buy an Industrial Pigeon Crusher? ) [13:48:43] (How about not, you sick person you.) [13:49:02] (Brody already has one. He's named Vincent.) [13:49:10] * Thalan ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:49:28] * Thalan ( has joined #D&D [13:49:38] (@_@) [13:50:16] (Okay, so can I make my income rolls now?) [13:50:33] (Yeah... and can I apply my level too? ^_^) [13:50:57] ( Yeah. ) [13:51:11] d20+11 [13:51:11] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+11) and gets 31. [13:51:23] (Crit! ...If we're using that rule.) [13:51:24] (Rolling HP.) [13:51:32] d6 [13:51:32] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d6) and gets 4. [13:51:40] ( Oh yeah. I learned that rolling a 1 on a skill check is not an automatic failure, and a 20 is not an automatic success. So the number is all that matters. But it's a very, very good success. ) [13:52:01] (Okay, now I'm at 28 HP. ^_^) [13:52:04] [Brody gets a 775-credit paycheck] [13:52:05] (Well, there is an optional rule for that in the DMG.) [13:52:05] ( I have nothing to roll. ;_; ) [13:52:12] d20+11 [13:52:12] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+11) and gets 16. [13:52:15] (You don't have a job?) [13:52:31] [Fiarre likely gets 250 credits for unskilled manual labor. If he goes out to work, anyway.] [13:52:49] (Dem, do you want me to send you his updated char-sheet?) [13:52:51] ( How long does it take to recover from the spellware implant? ) [13:53:19] (And Brody's taking 10 on the next 6 rolls for income from her site.) [13:53:42] [3150 creds.] [13:53:47] ( Fia: Not sure. ) [13:53:56] ( Zeg: Have you worked out skills? ) [13:54:02] (So, 4325, total.) [13:54:08] ( * Fiarre ponders any other spellware implants ) [13:54:24] (I had them worked out already.) [13:54:48] ( Oi, wait. I misread the price of the Trauma Symbiote... I didn't think it was 6k. c.c) [13:54:54] (Aw. 145 short of the Biosculpting as well.) [13:55:55] (And for Vinnie's Adventures In Bodyguarding...) [13:56:04] ( Think I could take the 250 for unskilled labour *then* the symbiote? That'd but me barely into the 6k range. ) [13:56:05] 8 d20+10 [13:56:05] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (8 d20+10) and gets 21 20 13 29 11 12 16 12. [13:56:14] ( Sure. ) [13:56:17] (I've had his updated char sheet for at least three weeks, because it took us so long to work our way thru that dungeon.) [13:56:25] ( 250, you say? ) [13:56:35] ( Yeah, for unskilled labor. Per week. ) [13:56:43] ( Oh, per week. ) [13:57:04] * Thalan ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:57:16] * Thalan ( has joined #D&D [13:57:28] ( So, there's apparently 6 weeks of downtime. ) [13:57:37] (... Actually, that's 8 weeks.) [13:57:50] (Brody rolled two rolls, and then you gave her 10's for the other six.) [13:57:56] * Segev ( Quit (Ping timeout) [13:58:32] * Segev ( has joined #D&D [13:58:43] (It's impossible for something to be masterworked after the fact, yeah?) [13:58:48] (Yes.) [13:59:03] d20+5 [13:59:03] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (d20+5) and gets 25. [13:59:04] (So, one week for the symbiote implant sound good? ) [13:59:06] ... [13:59:08] XD [13:59:21] ( Let me see. ) [13:59:23] (Aw geez. This means that Vinnie will have to save up for a whole new sword.) [13:59:31] (Yup.) [13:59:35] (Say, how much *is* a sunsword, again?) [13:59:40] ( 1500 ) [13:59:47] (Shoulda just payed the 300 extra creds for the MW in the first place.) [14:00:01] (I didn't have it.) [14:00:03] ( 1500? ) [14:00:06] (Ah, okay.) [14:00:22] ( Hmm.... ) [14:00:29] (Dem: How much was that portable charger for the power armor?) [14:00:31] ( Takes one hour per 1000 credits in the base prise. ) [14:00:54] (Dem? I'm gonna start rolling for Thalan's job now, if that's okay. ^^;) [14:01:02] ( /me wonders how much Xiv's job just made. ^_^ ) [14:01:04] ( Portable POwer Generator is 500 credits and 20 pounds ) [14:01:16] (25 times your result.) [14:01:17] ( Yu: So Xiv is just working one week of the six? ) [14:01:32] ( Thal: Yes, it's okay. ) [14:01:46] ( Dem> I dunno. What's the downtime after getting spellware implated, again? ) [14:02:15] d20+10 [14:02:15] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d20+10) and gets 19. [14:02:23] (Okay. Vinnie's new Sunsword is +1, and he has the portable generator.) [14:02:28] (Oh, and a backpack.) [14:02:32] d20+10 [14:02:32] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d20+10) and gets 27. [14:02:41] (Hopefully no more than a week, or I'll be very close to broke) [14:03:01] ( It's pretty quick. I'd assume it's covered in the hours bit. ) [14:03:09] ( So, now Vinnie has two sunswords? ) [14:03:29] ( ... okay, 8 weeks, not six. For the downtime. ) [14:03:37] (He sold the first back to his church.) [14:03:40] (Okay, I'll take those two rolls, and then take 10 for the rest of them.) [14:03:47] ( Ah. ) [14:03:48] (Fooor... 750, yeah?) [14:03:55] ( Alright, so... okay, hang on. [14:04:03] [Pause, so we ignore parentheses] [14:04:06] Okay... [14:04:28] How much are items sold back for? [14:04:57] ( Charsheet updated. Want me to just give the URL? ) [14:05:00] Usually half-price. [14:05:08] Yes. [14:05:10] * DMota nods. [14:05:10] * Segev is now known as AnimeSegretary [14:05:19] Okay... let's handle this one at a time. So I don't get confused. [14:05:27] Brody is just working, right? [14:05:47] As much as you can call smoking pipeweed and writing 'working', yeah. [14:05:57] Oh, yes, shopping, too. [14:06:02] * DMota nods. [14:06:05] Shopping for what? [14:06:13] Ajh, never mind. We handle that later. [14:06:20] I'll just try to figure out money and spellware for now. [14:06:26] Vincent is just working and shopping? [14:06:32] Yep. [14:06:44] * DMota nods. [14:06:58] Alrighty... Thalan is just working, right? [14:07:03] No spellware or anything like that? [14:07:36] No spellware. Any gear he wants he can get thru former 'aquantances,' though. [14:07:43] * DMota nods. [14:07:47] Alrighty... [14:07:57] Is Xiv getting any spellware? [14:08:14] Yes. One +2 ability enhancement. [14:08:22] * DMota nods. [14:08:33] How many weeks does that leave for her to work? [14:09:11] All of them. The operation only takes 4 hours. [14:09:24] Oh. And there's no recovery time or anything? [14:09:31] I figure it's included in the operation time. [14:09:43] Ah. 5w337. [14:09:43] You made... 1 profession roll, right? [14:09:48] Oh. Okay, then, that's an extra week to work. [14:09:58] Yes. But after the enhancement it should have aother +1 to it. ^_~ [14:10:11] And if we're here for eight weeks, I need to make... seven more rolls. c.c [14:10:20] Roll 'em. [14:10:24] Or just take tens. [14:10:33] You can take 10 for most of them if you want. That's what Brody and Thalan did. [14:10:39] Huh. So she's increasing Wisdom? [14:11:01] Dem> Nope. INT, which is the main score for her artistry, if I remember right. [14:11:14] Artistry? [14:11:19] Professions use the Wisdom stat. ^_^;;; [14:11:57] Ah. ^^; Nevermind, then. :P [14:11:58] If you're a sorc, your primary stat for casting is cha. ^^; [14:12:16] I know. :P But the main stat for skillpoints is INT. ;P [14:12:21] True. [14:12:23] :P [14:12:24] Okay, reroll that first one, Yu. [14:12:30] WIth the right mods [14:12:50] * Fiarre wonders if Biosculpting would give a bonus to Sorc spells. [14:13:17] F> I don't think it would. It gives bonuses to cha skills, not your actual cha. [14:13:22] Cha is not affected by how you look. ~_^ [14:13:54] Enhanced Ability probably covers bonus to Cha stuff [14:14:12] Cha includes your force of personalty and how well you interact with others. Hence, while Pershala *look* cute, they still have a cha penalty of -4. [14:16:38] * DMota moves onto Fiarre while Xiv decides Craft or Proffession. [14:16:40] Alrighty... [14:16:41] ( That's why sorcerors need a high Cha. They're badass precisely because they *KNOW* they're badass. ) [14:16:47] Trauma Symbiote. Any other spellware? [14:16:49] Exactly. [14:17:07] Nope. [14:17:22] Alrighty. [14:17:27] ( Fiarre will be badass eventually *cough*) [14:17:30] So, he gets the full 8 weeks of unskilled labor. [14:17:57] 2000 credits. If he chooses to work,a nyway. [14:18:02] He does. [14:18:07] * DMota nods. [14:18:15] And he probably saw Brody when she stumbled into McDogo's in the middle of the night for burgers and a shake. [14:18:20] Okay. So, the last thing now is Xiv. [14:18:20] Heh. [14:18:41] *That's* why halflings are so fat. Pipeweed munchies. [14:19:04] .. hm. [14:19:24] Well, you wouldn't have seen Thalan on the job at all. [14:19:45] Hoookay. [14:19:48] d20+6 [14:19:48] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (d20+6) and gets 19. [14:19:49] d20+6 [14:19:49] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (d20+6) and gets 23. [14:19:50] d20+6 [14:19:51] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (d20+6) and gets 22. [14:19:51] d20+6 [14:19:51] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (d20+6) and gets 16. [14:19:52] d20+6 [14:19:52] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (d20+6) and gets 19. [14:19:53] d20+6 [14:19:53] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (d20+6) and gets 24. [14:19:54] d20+6 [14:19:54] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (d20+6) and gets 20. [14:19:55] d20+6 [14:19:55] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (d20+6) and gets 15. [14:20:07] 3160 credits! [14:20:38] ... hm. Anything else? [14:20:57] Actually, that turns out to be 3950 credits. [14:21:09] Unles Xiv has some outstanding debts. [14:21:15] Oh. [14:21:21] Thalan> Nah, she's using Craft instead of Profession. [14:21:25] This is a Craft check, though [14:21:26] Ah, okay. [14:21:26] Yeah. [14:21:32] So.... yeah. [14:21:41] Anything else, or shall we simply finish roleplaying the scene? [14:21:43] Pity Fiarre's Alchemy skills can't be used for jobstuffs. [14:21:51] Who says they can't. XD [14:22:33] Probably not for much more than I just got. Unlike you people, I don't have 6 levels of skills. ^_~ [14:22:37] I'm kind of dissapointed I can't apply Thalan's pioliting skill torwards a job (I have to take Profession(Piloting) too.). [14:23:02] Let's try to get the next adventure's plot hook in, at least. [14:23:22] 'cuz if I could do that, I'd be rolling d20+18. [14:23:26] Heh. [14:23:54] Hm.... alright, so just finishing up the scene until we get to a stopping point while I go and pick up my sister [14:23:58] [Unpause. Horay] [14:24:11] (So, is this after downtime?) [14:24:20] ( Your pick ) [14:25:19] (After gets us closer to the plot hook.) [14:25:55] [Hmm....] [14:26:12] ( After, I say. ) [14:26:16] [Hang on, and let me try to figure out a ruling for purchase of magical items] [14:26:33] [Makes sense in the setting, I suppose. But there's probably some sort of limit.] [14:26:42] (You know why he's doing this? I mentioned getting a magic plasma rifle. ^_^) [14:26:47] (This is a Metropolis, right?) [14:26:54] ( More or less, yeah. ) [14:27:01] ( And can Thalan use a plasma rifle? ^^; ) [14:27:03] (DMG has rules for this.) [14:27:04] ( It's a martial weapon ) [14:27:10] ( Too bad I don't have the DMG. ) [14:27:16] (Pilots can use all martial weapons. ^_^) [14:27:26] (Sneak attack with a plasma rifle. XD) [14:27:31] ( Heh. ) [14:27:35] (I do.) [14:27:42] (Lemme find the table.) [14:27:46] ( Yay ) [14:28:10] (I'd think that if you could find spellware in a city like this, you'd be able to find magic equipment too.) [14:28:19] ( Not really. ) [14:28:28] ( Spellware doesn't cost the creator any exp. ) [14:28:33] ( Magic equipment does. ) [14:28:44] (In a fantasy metropolis, you'd find 100,000 worth of stuff.) [14:28:55] (I reccomend upping that, because, well, this is sci-fi.) [14:28:59] ( ... hm. ) [14:29:08] (Maybe to a million. Maybe to 10 million.) [14:29:20] ( So, what does that number mean? ) [14:29:24] (Especially since a metropolis is listed as '25000+') [14:29:25] ( And does the market price increase? ) [14:29:39] (The free cash in a town.) [14:30:01] ( Ah ) [14:30:21] ( So, is the magic item price affected? ND said something earlier about doubling price... ) [14:30:31] ( But I don't know what the conditions for that would be ) [14:30:55] (Only if the materials cost more/are harder to find. Enchanting a weapon is still enchanting a weapon.) [14:31:00] ( Ah. ) [14:31:09] ( Hm. Anyway, free-RP for a while. Me pick up sister. ) [14:31:29] (I'd imagine in a city this size, the answer to 'Can I find it' is 'Yes'.) [14:31:58] (The limits would come into effect when we wander into a backwater station with big bags with dollar signs printed on them) [14:32:14] (Not really. Everything is done with credit chips.) [14:32:21] ( Especially since dollar signs would more likely than not be meaningless to most people. ) [14:32:48] (And also, I'm probably getting this thru a alternate contact.) [14:34:10] (Anyways, in a city this large, since we're getting about 5-10k total of magic items, we're easily under the limit.) [14:34:18] (So, after the downtime, then?) [14:34:27] (You won't see me if you do it durring.) [14:34:50] (If it's during, it's not really downtime.) [14:36:18] (True.) [14:38:05] (So, are we doing this stuff?) [14:38:51] (If you want to.) [14:39:10] (Where do you want to meet?) [14:39:46] (Hotel room, again? It seems to be the part's base of operations.) [14:40:00] (Unless Xiv managed to secure something more permanent.) [14:41:09] ( Pretty much. We could maybe rent a home or condo for a few weeks, tho? ) [14:41:25] (Sounds like a good idea.) [14:42:37] (So are ya renting a house?) [14:42:55] ( If we can, yes. It'd prolly be cheaper than a bunch of hotel rooms. [14:43:01] (Aye.) [14:43:51] (Well, if we want to buy a really nice place, according to the DMG, it'll cost us 5,000.) [14:44:04] (/me returns ) [14:44:15] ( ... that is sooooo midieval-times pricing. ) [14:44:20] (I can just see us leaving a trail of luxury penthouse apartments accross the cosmos.) [14:45:12] (Well, it should at least be good for a month's rent in such a place.) [14:45:23] ( Cool ) [14:45:37] (1000 for a lesser place.) [14:45:40] ( Hm. So you spend 10,000 credits on renting a house these past 2 months? ) [14:46:08] ( Hm. 2000 sounds more reasonable ) [14:46:19] ( *spittakes* ) [14:46:38] ( 2000 is closer, yes. c.c ) [14:47:01] (Actually, if we *could* buy an apartment on this planet, if we're staying here for a while, it may be worth it.) [14:47:13] ( Heh. ) [14:47:15] ('d be like a sitcom. ) [14:47:19] ( Yeah. ) [14:48:04] (What, the Odd Foursome? Two happy elven girls, two angst-ridden humanoid guys?) [14:48:39] (I'm not angst-ridden, just not too particularily amusing.) [14:49:00] (So, Dem, how much would it be to buy an apartment, if staying on this world is in the cards?) [14:49:27] (Who said I was angst-ridden?) [14:49:49] ( Fiarre can be the teenager. "I don't ever want to catch you with drugs again, young man!" "But mooom, all the other drowgons are doing it!" ) [14:49:57] ( Umm.... I really don't know. ) [14:50:05] ("What other Drowgons?") [14:50:15] ( Because I don't knwo how much apartments cost in the real world. ) [14:50:38] (Okay, so just renting it for two months.) [14:50:58] (Brody and Vinnie will both put up 400.) [14:51:05] (Oi.) [14:51:09] ( Huh? ) [14:51:16] * NinjaDebugger is now known as FooDebugger [14:51:24] (400? That's 1/5 the cost, right?) [14:51:34] (Or... oh, I see. ^^;) [14:51:47] (That's each. Thalan will put up 400 creds as well.) [14:51:51] ( Yes. So 800 is 2/5 the cost. ;) ) [14:52:14] ( Xiv puts up 400, and she and Brody can haggle with the manager, mayhaps. ) [14:52:40] (You don't *want* Thalan to haggle.) [14:52:42] ( Stayin in the Imperial Enclave area, I take it? ) [14:53:05] ("We're pretty! *sparkle*" "...Okay, 500 a month." ) [14:53:12] (Yeah, I suppose.) [14:53:19] (And can they try to get the price down?) [14:53:23] ( Ha! ) [14:53:57] (Between Brody and myself, we might be able to on Charisma alone) [14:55:10] (Okay. I'm rolling this bad larry.) [14:55:13] d20+20 [14:55:14] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+20) and gets 35. [14:55:20] ( No, Fiarre, you'd just scare the poor man. ;P ) [14:55:21] (Wahoo!) [14:55:35] (I can be charismatic and charming. *cough*) [14:55:44] (Thalan's too small to be intimidating, and he's not charismatic enough to work the words either. ^^;) [14:55:55] (Either that, or intimidating and worth of less cost just so I don't hurt him.) [14:56:32] ( Please. Let the ladies be charming. If we want to scare someone, we'll send you in. ;) ) [14:56:34] ( I'd say you managed to score yourself a 20% discount. Plus utilities. ) [14:56:40] (If he was hostile or unfriendly, the landlord is now friendly. If indifferent or friendly, he's now helpful.) [14:56:59] (If he was helpful? Pandering?) [14:57:20] (Nah. I'd need a 50 to make him kill or die for me.) [14:57:37] (...that'd be funny) [14:57:50] ("Say, about the rent..." "KEEP MY HOUSE, MISTRESS BRODY! O_O") [14:57:58] ( Ha! ) [14:58:12] (Hee!) [14:58:33] (So, 320 each.) [14:58:55] (Alright, *scribble scribble scribble* [14:58:56] ) [14:59:09] [Alright. We've got someone who wants to buy me an energy weapon] [14:59:23] (Okay, now that we've had our Adventures In Living Space, back to the game? ^^;;) [14:59:29] [Someoone give me an Urban Lore check. Or he does it himself, it he doesn't want to ask someone] [14:59:46] (I'll do it, if he wants that.) [15:00:09] ( Taking 10 is allowable ) [15:00:15] (Urban lore? Um... yeah. He know's he's not too good at that thing. Congradulations Brody, you know what Thalan wants. ^_^) [15:00:16] ( And 20 ) [15:00:23] ( Hee ) [15:00:29] [Alright, gimme the result] [15:00:41] (Will taking 20 arouse suspicion?) [15:00:47] ( Nope ) [15:00:54] ( But it takes 20 days ) [15:00:56] (32) [15:01:01] ( Cuts into work time ) [15:01:06] (Ah. [15:01:09] (Oh. Nevermind.) [15:01:14] (22, then.) [15:01:22] [Ding! Found a dealer!] [15:01:38] [Okay, now we resume 2 months later. At the sitcom. I mean, apartment. ] [15:02:47] [Which we might possibly start with a *dingdong* "Hi honey, I'm home!"] [15:02:58] ( * Fiarre bursts in the door. "I have... a plan!" ) [15:03:43] * Brody is sitting in the living room in her pajamas. She's been wearing a remarkably well-made kitty-ear headband that makes her look just adorable. Persuasive, likable, self-confident, but still adorable. Vincent is also there in his suit. They're drinking tea made from his armor recharger. [15:04:26] [Technically, a portable power generator. Charges small vehicles, too] [15:04:31] (How many rooms do we have?) [15:05:25] Maybe a half-dozen or so.) [15:05:35] (A room for each of us, basically?) [15:05:56] (Sure, if people want to sleep in living rooms and the like. Brody calls the bathroom.) [15:07:50] * Xivilai is lounging on the sofa, also in pajamas, since that's the thing to do. [15:08:23] * Fiarre is in the kitchen, snacking a bit. [15:08:49] * Thalan opens the door and walks quickly to the shower. He has a good amount of dust on him, and his gloves are torn where his claws would come out. He also looks very peeved. If anyone cared to look down at the entrance of the building, they'd see a very unconcious man on the street. "Geeze, what about 'don't touch' don't people understand?" He quickly makes his way to the shower. [15:09:32] * Brody shouts after him. "Move my pillows out of the tub!" [15:09:44] Yeah, whatever! [15:10:17] * Thalan throws the pillows out of the bathroom and closes the door afterwards. [15:10:28] * Fiarre mutters something to himself though a mouthful of food. [15:10:32] Aw, Lover. I'm going to have to clean his fur out of the drain now. [15:11:05] (Dude, you'd be doing that anyways. You know how often he bathes?) [15:11:07] * Fiarre walks out of the kitchen. [15:11:22] Juft use as bed padding. [15:11:28] * Fiarre swallows the food. [15:11:40] (Well, yeah. And she probably does it right after every time he takes a shower.) [15:11:49] ...That's really creepy, Fiarre. [15:12:04] * Thalan shouts from his shower. "I heard that!" [15:12:23] I mean, first of all, I don't know what fur was where. Secondly, I already have blankets. [15:14:21] Oh, Xiv, my paycheck says your party sucked. [15:16:12] The dungeon crawl was great stuff, though. Hell, that alone sold a few new subscriptions to BrodyTales. [15:17:39] [Oh, yes. Feel free to turn on the TV and make up what it's playing.] [15:17:46] * Xivilai smirks. "Ah, but it wasn't my party, remember?" [15:18:15] Well, your *sister's* party blew, then. ^^ [15:18:23] * Thalan gets out of the bathroom, wearing a new set of clothing and another pair of gloves. His fur's still damp, but not soaking wet, and he looks a lot calmer than before. "I coulda told you that." [15:18:33] Yes. Which means that all goes according to plan. ^_~ [15:18:38] * Xivilai gives Brody a thumbs-up. [15:19:35] Oh, Brody, did you find what I was looking for? [15:19:45] * Fiarre appears to have fallen asleep where he sits. [15:20:06] * Brody takes the blanket off her lap, and puts on a pair of rubber gloves from the table next to her. She goes into the bathroom to clean out Thalan's fur. [15:20:21] ( Don't tell me Fiarre is still mummifying himself every day after eight weeks? ) [15:20:25] Oh, yeah, no problem! [15:20:36] ( More or less. ) [15:20:48] ( He's still not showing off what he is. ) [15:21:06] ( Aww. One might get the impression he doesn't trust us. ;P ) [15:21:15] A kobold's gonna meet you in a creepy dark alley downtown tonight. He'll have what you need. [15:21:36] ( ...well, that's easily taken badly ) [15:21:48] (Thalan thinks he knows what Fiarre is, but he still hasn't made a move to unmask the Drogwon.) [15:22:13] * Thalan shrugs. "Well, I guess I can't complain. That stuff's hard to find." [15:23:19] I don't expect pay, or anything, but could you at least unclog the drain when you're done? [15:23:42] * Thalan smirks. "If you really want me to, I guess it's the least I can do." [15:24:36] Thanks. It's real sketchy having to pull some guy's hair out of your bed, you know? [15:25:28] * Xivilai winces. "Oi. Hadn't thought of it that way." [15:25:34] (You're making this too easy, Brody.) [15:26:18] * Thalan glances over at Brody. "It's not hair, it's fur." He walks to the bathroom. [15:26:41] If it was hair, it wouldn't be as bushy and more stringy. [15:27:32] It's still pretty wierd. [15:28:33] Says you. Maybe I should get one of those filters that keeps the drain from getting clogged.... They're normally standard where I come from. [15:28:43] (Is anyone else amused by the idea that our DnD campaign from now on could consist of just working, paying rent, and making healthy profits now that we have a discount apartment in a big city? ^^;;) [15:28:51] ( Heh. ) [15:28:56] That'd be awesome. [15:29:14] * Thalan starts unclogging the drain. "It's smart is what it is." [15:29:25] (...our big adventures would consist of wacky hijinks on the side) [15:30:14] Mm. [15:30:35] I didn't deal with many furry people on Draconis, so it never came up that much. [15:30:52] * FooDebugger is now known as NinjaDebugger [15:31:14] Neither did I. But it could be useful, if we are to stay here much longer. [15:32:02] That doesn't surprise me. Most of my kind doesn't like dealing with other races. [15:32:18] * Thalan finishes getting said drain unclogged. "So, have you guys found any leads?" [15:32:44] ( Dem? Have we found any leads? ) [15:33:06] ( Hmm.... ) [15:33:22] ( Some are starting to be unearthed. ) [15:33:41] ( May take a bit longer before they're clear enough to investigate. ) [15:34:04] (We've been staying here for 2 months. How much longer would it take? ^^;) [15:34:29] (Another month of downtime and wacky hijinx!) [15:34:47] All I ended up with was a bunch of punks that wanted to see if my tail was real. [15:34:59] * NinjaDebugger is now known as NapDebugger [15:35:25] I haven't found anything. Nothing's come up at the bars. [15:36:07] (Wait, *are* we downtiming again?) [15:36:09] (I doubt I've been doing much else aside from working for a meagre paycheck all this time.) [15:36:20] (If so, we'll be *rolling* on cash.) [15:36:36] (Speak for yourselves. c.c) [15:38:21] (Money is yummy! XD) [15:39:42] (Okay, let's wait a month for leads to develop!) [15:39:54] (Yeah! ^_^) [15:40:10] (Rolling for cash!) [15:40:17] d20+11 [15:40:17] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+11) and gets 20. [15:40:33] d20+11 [15:40:33] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+11) and gets 16. [15:40:33] (Wait for the DM to okay it. ^^;) [15:40:41] d20+11 [15:40:41] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+11) and gets 14. [15:40:53] (Oh, yeah. ^^;;;;) [15:41:14] (He might have something in store for us...) [15:41:22] (Right, DEM?) [15:41:23] ( Wheeeble ) [15:41:33] ( *sweatdrops* ) [15:41:50] [Grr. Never mind that waiting for a month, if you want an adventure this soon. :P [15:42:11] [There's one nearly done opening near the south pole of the planet] [15:42:13] (Well, it's not like Thalan's getting any younger. :P) [15:42:24] (One what?) [15:42:27] [You'll need to get a ride across the desert] [15:42:29] [Dungeon] [15:42:30] (It's not like Fiarre is getting much older. ^_^ ) [15:43:22] (We're gonna need to find a fountain of youth or something... Thal's the only one who's gonna age at a reasonable pace... If it's noticable that Pershala age.) [15:43:52] (Well, when we go EPIC!, he can take Improved Lifespan.) [15:44:08] (EPIC! Dem, give us thirty levels! XD) [15:44:19] (Or maybe not...) [15:44:26] (I'm not sure how Doppels age. But Brody's gonna stay looking 17 for as long as you know her. XD) [15:45:03] (How long do dragons live?) [15:45:21] (Well, Thalan's fur can probably do a really good job of hiding his real age. Doppels probably age at the same rate of humans or half-elves.) [15:45:27] ( As long as they can keep from being killed, I think. ) [15:45:29] (Dragons live forever unless they're killed.) [15:45:41] (And half-dragons? Any thoughts?) [15:45:52] ( Dunno ) [15:46:08] (Half-dragons, I think take the life span of their non-dragon part and double it or something.) [15:46:30] (That's just a guess though. It is up to the DM to determine how long we live.) [15:46:31] ( Probably more than elves, though ) [15:47:22] (Well, Dem, how do we find out about the dungeon opening at the south pole?) [15:47:35] (And what the heck did we do with the weapons from the loot? ^^;) [15:47:53] * Brody yawns, and goes back to the sofa, sitting next to Vinnie. "Well, I'm sure something's going to pop up soon." [15:48:05] (Vinnie got the SMG. Maybe we just sold the rest?) [15:48:26] (I'll take the blaster pistol. Can never have enough guns. XD) [15:48:34] ( Heh. ) [15:48:55] ( You found out about it on... um... DungeonWatch. Or something. ) [15:49:08] (...kind of like the show on Cowboy Bebop?) [15:49:38] ( ... YEAH! ) [15:49:38] (Well, one idea is that you have one of the contacts that we ran into, maybe Rebecca, msg us about the possibility.) [15:49:41] ( AMIGO! ) [15:49:47] * Brody turns on the TV. Which magically happens to be on DungeonWatch. [15:49:48] (Oh dear. ^^;) [15:49:53] ( for me. Actually, it'd be kind of amusing.) [15:50:04] (Brief us, oh GM.) [15:50:14] * Thalan starts making himself a sandwich. "Don't tell me you actually watch that crap." [15:50:18] ( It's Judy and Punch, the Dungeoneers! ) [15:50:37] ( Hee. ) [15:51:11] Nah. Must have been someone else. [15:51:11] * Brody is about to turn the channel when... [15:51:16] (*facefault*) [15:51:20] [Two irritating people show up on the screen, and talk in a high-energy manner. A human male, and a halfling ffemale] [15:51:38] * Jukor ( has joined #d&d [15:52:15] ["And these ruins near the southern side of the planet are just about ready to be searched." "Wow! I wonder how much treasure is inside it!" "Well, who knows? But at the very least, thousands of credits!"] [15:52:23] ["Wow! I could buy a shirt for that much!"] [15:52:40] [A little map pops up thanks to the wonders of holographic technology. [15:53:40] * Fiarre wakes up, and eyes the map. [15:53:48] ...Well. I think we got a lead. [15:54:18] [The two proceed to go on various tangents] [15:55:11] ...I'll tell the landlord we're going on vacation. This is too good to miss. [15:55:13] That show is just... twisted. [15:55:48] * Thalan opens his backpack and snaps a picture of the map. (Ever see a hologram in a hologram?) [15:55:57] ( Hee ) [15:56:02] for me. We'll have to work fast to beat everyone else who was watching this show. [15:56:13] * Brody puts on her coat, and goes to find the landlord. [15:56:15] * Thalan finishes making his sandwich and starts eating. "Fast is no problem for me, but what about you guys?" [15:56:17] That shouldn't be too much compitition. [15:56:27] (...competition) [15:57:13] I'll be going with you, T. And if nothing else, we can stake the place out while we wait for the others. [15:57:29] ["DungeonWatch is not responsible for any injuries, deaths, or financial losses incurred if one should actually try to go to these places"] [15:57:58] ["DUngeonWatch is a registered corporate trademark of UnderHill Communications Unlimited] [15:58:02] * Thalan 's eyes snap open. "Oh yeah. Hold on guys. Where did you say my purchase was Brody? I think I should pick it up." [15:58:06] (Is the female halfling wearing an outfit that really ought not to cover her chest, but somehow does?) [15:58:10] * Brody comes back. "Lover, I have that man wrapped around my finger." [15:58:40] (Should I make a Diplomacy check to see if he's charging us rent while we're gone?) [15:58:42] * Thalan snickers. [15:58:51] Creepy back alley, downtown. [15:59:12] (Well, now. Elves live 350+d4% years. Double that'd be 700+d4%... I could adventure with most of you people's grandchildren. ^_^) [15:59:16] ( Hm. Sure. ) [15:59:29] d20+20 [15:59:29] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+20) and gets 37. [15:59:55] * Thalan nods and runs out the door and his bike can be heard roaring to downtown. A few minutes pass, and then you hear it roar back. "There, now that didn't take long." [15:59:59] [Yay. he doesn't charge you at all] [16:00:04] (I'm guessing he doesn't?) [16:00:09] (Um, yeah.) [16:00:43] He's keeping it like we left it. And he asked if he could have my children. o_O [16:01:04] * Fiarre turns and looks at Brody for a moment. [16:01:09] * Xivilai chuckles. [16:01:33] * Thalan snickers. "So, we ready to go? I know I am." [16:01:40] * Fiarre mutters to himself. "And they wonder what's odd about *me*?" [16:02:05] * Thalan turns to Fiarre. "Actually, I don't. I *know* what's odd about you." [16:02:18] Well, yes. We're at least open and honest with our odities. [16:02:26] * Fiarre shakes his head. [16:03:08] You'd be surprised how much of your true self is shown thru all that clothing of yours. [16:03:46] Really, Fiarre. One would think that after two months of living with us, you could show a little trust, yes? [16:03:50] * Brody goes into the bathroom to change. She yells through the door. "So, can we book a flight down there?" [16:04:21] Either that, or we could take a teleport, or I can just drive down there. [16:04:38] Trust is one thing. [16:04:39] * Fiarre shrugs. [16:04:56] Hey, if you want to fly, I bet you could rent a plane. I know how to fly one. [16:05:25] Whatever is the easiest way. [16:05:54] Cool. I'll ask around. [16:05:59] * Brody comes out, fully dressed, and ready to go out and ask around! [16:06:07] (What do I roll to find a plane to rent? ^^;;_ [16:06:23] [You don't. It's easy these days. :P] [16:06:49] (Brody, you are the mad negotiator.) [16:06:58] (What do I roll to make it affordable?) [16:07:07] ( Diplomacy ) [16:07:10] (Roll to get one for free as a present of love. *cough*) [16:07:13] (As in free? ^_^) [16:07:47] [You find a fare to a spot close to the area for 100 credits a person] [16:08:07] d20+20 [16:08:08] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+20) and gets 31. [16:08:19] (Aw. Only 31.) [16:09:06] (Does that cut the cost any?) [16:10:49] [10% discount] [16:11:50] * Brody sends an email to Xiv that she got a plane to rent for 90 creds apeice. [16:14:46] * Xivilai gets it, and relays that to the others! [16:14:55] * Will ( has joined #d&d [16:14:58] Everyone all packed? [16:15:06] * Brody pays the man, and send a second email that she's owed a grand total of 270 creds, however they want to split it up. [16:15:52] * Vincent shakes his head, and goes to pack his and Brody's things. [16:16:08] * Thalan nods, as he has his haversack over his shoulder. [16:16:30] * Fiarre is... already packed. [16:17:00] * Xivilai is packed. ^_^_v [16:17:13] Alright, gang. Let's go do some adventuring! [16:17:24] * Xivilai shoves everyone out the door once Vince is done packing. [16:17:41] * Thalan is shoved. @_@ [16:17:47] Hands off! [16:17:57] * Fiarre flails and almost falls over. [16:18:04] * Vince leaves, dressed in his armor, now. [16:18:41] * Xivilai didn't mean that literally, but hey. ^_^_v [16:18:54] * Thalan distances himself from Xivilai's hands. "Where's the plane?" [16:19:04] (Oh. ^^;) [16:19:44] * Fiarre glances at Thalan. "You sure are touchy and being touched." [16:19:55] (...about, not and) [16:20:33] ("You sure are being touched!" "Thank you, Captain Obvious!") [16:20:43] (^_^_v) [16:20:59] * Xivilai relays the plane's location to Thalan. [16:21:27] Hey, I just don't want to get dirty. And let's get going, not much time to lose ya know. [16:21:31] And he's Pershalan, Fiarre. Considering that, he's awfully goof about it. [16:21:37] ( Good. ) [16:21:46] (...yeah, he's awfully goofy, but what does--oh) [16:22:24] * Thalan takes a look at the address, which is within walking distance. ^_^ [16:22:33] (Think we can sliptime here?) [16:22:50] (Or end the session so Dem can think of what to do with us once we reach there?) [16:23:00] ( We'll end with the plane taking off. ) [16:23:09] [And so, our heroes entered the plane] [16:23:20] [It flies off. With sci fi hover effects. Huzzah!] [16:23:26] [End of session. With sunset and stuff] Session Close: Sat Apr 05 00:00:00 2003