Session Start: Fri Apr 11 00:00:00 2003 Session Ident: #D&D [13:38:10] [Last time, our heroes took a well-earned break from their adventures. Then they took a plane to find more. Hooray.] [13:38:28] (Gee, you sound enthusiastic.) [13:38:30] (Dem: I already made my calls.) [13:38:35] ( Oh. Alright. ) [13:38:48] ( I'm in a rush, alright? I'm still trying to calm down. ) [13:39:16] (Relax, I'm just jokin' with ya. ;p) [13:40:05] [It's a somewhat old-fashioned creature, a bit jittery and noisy. But it's cheap.] [13:40:40] (Do you mean crate?) [13:40:52] * Brody stretches in her seat, humming to herself. [13:41:22] [Today's story begins as the plane starts to descend to refuel and regain supplies. It's about three quarters done with its journey] [13:41:27] [Session Start] [13:41:35] (I'm piloting, right? XD) [13:42:06] ( You should have thought of that before this session. ) [13:42:15] * Xivilai is asleep in her seat. z.z [13:42:32] * Fiarre appears to be looking out a window. [13:42:55] (Actually, I asked that last session. And you didn't awknoledge either way. ^^;) [13:43:05] ( ... AUGH. ) [13:43:19] (So, just a simple 'yes' or 'no'.) [13:43:25] ( No. ) [13:43:29] (Alright.) [13:44:15] [As the plane's refueling, the sun can be seen blazing in the hot desert. Sure is hot.] [13:44:16] * Thalan is in his seat. He looks around uncomfortably every minute or so. [13:44:52] [The occasional ship can be seen flying overhead, as well as the occasional desert bird.] [13:45:04] (Glass ceiling?) [13:45:29] ( I'm assuming you all took window seats. ) [13:45:34] (Ah, okay. :P) [13:46:04] * Xivilai seems to be comfortable enough. What with the sleeping, an all. [13:46:25] * Thalan streaches and yawns. [13:47:04] [Suddenly, a large explosion can be heard outside. A ship falls screaming out of the sky, a fair portion of it engulfed in flames. Then it slams into the ground a ways off, the impact creating an earth-shattering [THUD]] [13:47:07] * Brody begins writing on her datapad. [13:47:22] SHIT!@ [13:47:27] (Err, less-at.) [13:48:05] * Thalan looks for where the explosion came from the instant anyone hears it. "The hell?" [13:48:06] [The light on the plane indicating a distress signal is being broadcasted from somewhere lights up fairly soon.] [13:48:16] * Xivilai jumps, instantly awake. o_O [13:48:22] What the hells was that? [13:48:31] [From outside Vincent's window, a large plume of smoke can be seen off in the distance.] [13:48:35] We have to check it out! [13:48:49] * Vincent points it out appropriately. [13:48:52] * Fiarre jerks away from the window and looks up. [13:48:53] [The pilot turns to you.] [13:48:56] Checks *what* out? [13:49:00] (Sorry, I was being distracted) [13:49:02] * Thalan grumbles to himself and turns to the pilot. "What's the situation?" [13:49:17] If you wanna look, feel free. We'll be here for a while... [13:49:20] * Xivilai throws on her Haversack anyway. She's already wearing her flight suit, since she was, well, in flight. [13:49:26] Works for me. [13:49:35] * Xivilai hustles out of the plane! [13:49:36] I dunno. Some ship out there just... crashed. [13:50:02] * Brody and Vincent get their things together. Assuming the plane's landed. [13:50:11] Well, might as well see what we can do about it. You won't leave without us. Right? [13:50:21] * Thalan bears his fangs. [13:50:21] Nope... hang on, I'm getting a transmission... [13:50:33] * Radio ( has joined #D&D [13:50:37] * Fiarre stands up and gathers his things. [13:50:48] * Radio begins making noise, with periodic bursts of static. [13:51:39] This is the heavy freighter, Lazy Wyvern... *crack* crashed on habitable planet from a random jump, *ppsssh* don't know location. [13:51:55] The ship is badly damaged, and we need immediate assistance... [13:52:20] We've got vital Imperial *KRRRRRRRRSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH* [13:52:27] * Radio plays nothing but static. [13:52:41] * Thalan gets up and grabs his haversack. "Well, that's our cue. Let's get going." [13:52:44] (Dammit. I wanted to hear the Imperial Top 40.) [13:53:08] [The radio's LCD displays some information, such as frequency, etc.] [13:53:39] * Brody hoists her bag, and heads out. "Where's the crash compared to us?" [13:53:51] [With some effort, you could figure out where the signal's being broadcasted form] [13:53:55] Just follow the plume of smoke, I'd think. [13:54:06] * Brody pauses, and eyes the signal. [13:54:15] (What'm I checking to figure it out?) [13:54:20] * Xivilai heads that way! [13:54:25] Wonder what made it crash. [13:54:31] ( Use Device check. ) [13:54:44] d20+12 [13:54:44] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+12) and gets 18. [13:54:57] * Thalan takes a look at the LCD for a second. What other kinds of info are on it, or do I need to make a UD check? [13:55:52] [After a bit of Brody's handling, it tells exactly where the transmission's coming from] [13:56:20] (It's coming from inside the house! Get out of there!) [13:56:30] * Brody smiles, and notes it down on her datapad. [13:56:36] (*snrk*) [13:56:42] ( Haw. ^.^ ) [13:56:46] * Thalan walks out of the plane. "Let's get going already." [13:56:47] * Brody gets out, followed by Vincent. "I got the info." [13:56:59] * Fiarre steps out and follows. [13:58:02] * Brody heads in the direction her info said! [13:58:27] * Thalan takes off his gloves and puts on a pair of fingerless ones. [13:58:34] [It's a long, long journey on foot. But it's fairly flat.] [13:59:06] [Still, footslogging through desert for several hours is hardly an enjoyable experience.] [13:59:14] * Thalan growls something about the empire, but you can't exactly make it out. [13:59:58] [After the first hour or so, your armpits are likely to smell really bad.] [14:00:21] * Fiarre is even warm enough to loosen his outer layer of clothing. [14:00:33] [Except Vincent. Who is in his happy little power armor that probably has an internal automatic air conditioner] [14:00:48] (...I don't know about you, but Brody and Vincent use deoderant. o_o) [14:00:51] [And cool gel padding] [14:01:17] * Xivilai keeps heading along, not seeming the slightest bit bothered by the heat. [14:01:28] (Yeah, and if you don't think Thalan uses max str deoderant, you're pretty crazy. ^^;) [14:01:42] (I mean, he can smell that stuff from a mile away. ^^;) [14:01:47] ( Since he's covered in fur, I doubt Thalan has sweat glands. ) [14:01:52] (That too.) [14:01:53] [As you continue to get closer to the site, you can make out a town a bit away from the crash site.] [14:02:00] (My deoderant is 18/00!) [14:02:03] (I just realized that. ^^;) [14:02:19] ( ^_~ ) [14:02:26] ( I use THAC0-brand deodorant! ) [14:02:36] [Useful for resupplying, but any time you spend there will mean more time that those inside the ship will have to go without aid.] [14:02:44] (Brody survived through being charming. Being charming and stinking like a slaughterhouse rarely coincide. We're the most nasally pleasing people in the desert!) [14:02:53] (Are we low on food or whatever?) [14:03:04] [It's only been a few hours.] [14:03:06] ( I doubt it. ) [14:03:19] [Is Brody the type to go through several weeks of rations in a few hours?] [14:03:20] * Thalan is uncomfortable, but trying not to show it. "Man, Fiarre. Think you could wear something to keep you from sweating so much?" [14:03:23] * Brody keeps walking! [14:03:55] * Xivilai smirks. "Oh, is he sweating? Perhaps he is ill." [14:03:59] (I think Doppels have stomachs with a 5 cubic inch capacity, given how they're all frail and skinny. She probably eats like a bird.) [14:04:01] I am. [14:04:56] Yeah, he's sweating all right. [14:05:31] How unfortunate. I wonder if all those rags will become damp? [14:05:41] They've been through worse. [14:05:45] Probably only the first few layers. [14:05:49] ... Eww? [14:06:15] * Xivilai chuckles. "Yes, Thalan, I believe that's the correct response." [14:06:18] I imagine Fiarre here's shagging most of a charity store's stock along on his back, after all. [14:06:54] I simply can't wait for the day we actually have to get dirty. I imagine Thalan will go into shock from it. [14:07:21] And mucking through that condom-infested basement didn't count? [14:07:24] (You know guys, I didn't originally *plan* on Fiarre being this much of an ass. ^^;) [14:07:25] * Thalan glares at Fiarre. "Don't even joke about that." [14:07:38] (Well, that's the roll he fits. :P) [14:07:38] * Fiarre shakes slightly. [14:07:46] * Atom ( Quit (Ping timeout) [14:08:03] It was only one centaur condom. Perhaps if it were from a dragon. [14:08:04] * Xivilai frowns. "Are you well, Fiarre?" [14:08:30] I have a low tolerance for used condoms, thank you very much. [14:08:31] Oh, I'm perfectly fine. [14:08:39] ( Like we said. He should be more open and honest. then we'd all love him. ^_~ ) [14:08:48] * Atom ( has joined #D&D [14:09:03] Pity. I shall simply have to look for a different gift for your next birthday, then. [14:09:31] I don't need to hear this. o/~ [14:09:38] I was never much on homemade gifts, anyways. [14:09:38] * Thalan covers his ears. [14:10:10] Well, it's the thought that counts, isn't it? [14:10:20] * Fiarre seems to be shaking again. [14:10:30] * Fiarre seems to be... laughing slightly? [14:10:36] Only if the thought comes from the heart, Fiarre. Not the groin. [14:11:12] * Xivilai seems to be amused, but not enough to convule in laughter. ^.~ [14:11:13] * Thalan uncovers his ears. "Well that doesn't help." [14:12:02] Now please, let us not discuss our reproductive habbits for now, hm? They offend poor Thalan's virgin ears. ^_~ [14:12:50] Aww. So we have to put him to bed before we get into the blue stuff? ^^ [14:13:16] * Xivilai giggles. "It seems that way, yes." [14:13:39] ( Afk a bit ) [14:13:41] * Thalan snickers. "Very funny. Just remember, I haven't had quite the... shall I say, experience, that you have had in the field." [14:13:45] (Blue stuff?) [14:14:51] * Xivilai wags a finger at Thalan in mock disapproval. "Now now, Thalan. It's rude to talk about a lady that way." [14:15:14] * Thalan looks around frantically. "There's a lady? Where?" [14:15:16] * Atom ( Quit (Ping timeout) [14:15:21] (Blue is a western term that equates to ecchi.) [14:15:37] (Except in the adjective sense, and not really.) [14:15:46] (...which part of the west?) [14:15:49] * Xivilai chuckles. [14:15:58] * Brody hehs. [14:17:28] (I meant America/Europe. Like, when a comedian does fuck jokes and works in seedy clubs, he's doing blue work.) [14:17:55] * Thalan grins, his sharp teeth showing. "Anyways, I'd hear you even if I wasn't paying attention. [14:17:56] " [14:19:06] I do hope you mean Fiarre, Thalan. [14:19:44] (FYI, Thalan can hear a level 1 rogue thru a stone wall, while that rogue is moving silently.) [14:20:03] (o_O) [14:20:21] ( Keen. ^_^ ) [14:20:36] (Yeah. He's good. :P) [14:20:40] Well, we don't really know your habits. If you're a screamer, say, *I* could probably hear you with the walls in the apartment. [14:20:45] (Can anyone in our group *not* see in the dark?) [14:20:50] (No.) [14:21:37] Well, I hope you're not a screamer then. [14:21:47] (And, Thalan hasn't maxed his listen skill either. ;p) [14:21:54] * In other news, Oranges and Lemons. [14:22:14] (We may be apples and oranges, but in the end, we all fruit!) [14:22:22] () [14:22:33] (^_^_v) [14:22:40] (no, aty the news. =P) [14:23:01] (Oh. ^^;) [14:23:15] * Xivilai laughs. "Goodness. Such a risque conversation, and we've only known each other... what, a few weeks?" [14:23:19] ( Hm. Carry on. I'm going to pick up my sister from school. ) [14:23:25] ( A bit over 2 months, actually. ) [14:23:39] Hey, I'm not doin' any of that stuff. You guys are the ones who brought it up. [14:23:55] * Brody eyes Thalan. "Me? No idea. *shrug* I'm one of the cool abstinance kids. You know, 'cause biology gets kind of icky once you get into the thick of it." [14:24:01] Fun to talk about, but icky. [14:24:10] * Xivilai giggles. [14:24:33] * Thalan chuckles. "You'd be amazed what you can hear in a hotel, as long as you know where to listen." [14:24:56] Nah I wouldn't. I still went to parties. [14:25:01] * Xivilai laughs. [14:25:09] Why were you listening, Thalan? [14:25:25] God, some of the kids back home did things *monkies* wouldn't. [14:26:02] * Thalan shrugs. "Because I couldn't help it? 's why I don't stay in hotels anymore..." [14:27:12] Find me a hotel with insulation a foot thick, and then I *might* consider staying there. [14:27:15] Goodness. Those first weeks when we came here must have been awful on you. [14:27:35] ...why? Were you doing something, Xivilai? [14:28:58] * Thalan grins slightly at Xivilai. "I've found ways around it, of course. [14:29:59] Ah. Ear plugs? And no, Fiarre, I wasn't. But we were staying in a hotel for a while, you'll recall. [14:30:19] * Brody checks the date on her Datapad. "So, Wednesday is the day we pry into Xiv's sex life from now on?" [14:30:24] Awesome. [14:30:30] * Atom ( has joined #D&D [14:31:09] Ha! Oh, but that will certainly make for dull Wednesdays. [14:32:34] You do the prying, I'll just be somewhere else... [14:33:40] Aww. [14:36:20] We could make it a tradition. Like casual friday. [14:36:22] (The crickets begin to chirp) [14:36:43] Instead of wearing colorful shirts, we get really nosey about who fucked who! It'll be fun! [14:37:04] * Xivilai laughs. "Sure! We shall start with Fiarre." [14:37:15] * Thalan chuckles. [14:37:41] Good luck. [14:38:05] Oh, I'm sure I could find out a thing or two... or three about you. If I actually started looking. [14:38:26] Oh, but we have ways of making you talk, dear Fiarre. Even if you turn out not to be ticklish. [14:38:58] It might be a bit difficult without knowing anything aside from my first name. [14:39:12] Do you like kittens? [14:39:21] ...what? [14:39:30] * Xivilai laughs. [14:39:32] Just what I said. Do you? [14:39:45] Only if they're not bipedal. [14:40:00] * Thalan glances at Brody. "If this is in any way going to be somehow connected to me..." [14:40:22] Well, then we know two things. Your first name, and you're not a *complete* heartless asshole. ^_^ [14:40:57] And he needs to wear less clothing and more deodorant. [14:40:59] * Xivilai laughs more. [14:41:17] * Thalan waves his hand in front of his face. "'cuz I mean, you smell." [14:41:42] Have you ever smelled wet cat fur, Thalan? Just a thought. [14:42:28] Plenty of times, actually. If it is *properly* cleaned, it doesn't smell at all. (You do realize he's a clean-freak and knows what he's talking about.) [14:43:09] And, in case you haven't noticed, my fur isn't wet. [14:43:19] Not right now, no. [14:43:50] And besides, I *am* wearing deoderant. [14:44:16] You're not wearing something strong enough then, because I can still smell ya sweating. [14:44:29] I'll keep that in mind. [14:45:09] ( He needs +1 D.O. for his +1 B.O. ) [14:45:15] (Yeah, really.) [14:45:41] (Actually, he needs +3 D.O. because his armor gives him a -3 penalty to his B.O.) [14:45:54] (And by armor, I mean rags.) [14:47:59] * Xivilai frowns. "Perhaps we should have taken the plane to the wreck." [14:48:19] Yeah. Why do they always have to land so far away. [14:48:41] It's terribly incosiderate, really. [14:49:03] Yeah. [14:49:06] ( And as soon as Dem gets back, we might actually get there. ^_~ ) [14:49:33] * Thalan brushes some sand out of his fur. "And I'm getting all sandy too." :( [14:49:35] * Brody eyes Vincent. "That armor actually looks kinda comfy. I might pick some up if I can spare the cash." [14:50:40] * Xivilai chuckles. "All I need is what I have. Although having an armor to do the walking for me *would* be nice." [14:51:29] ( Back ) [14:51:32] Well, I'd have to get it made out of lighter stuff, since I never actually got *trained* like these boys. [14:51:40] ( Wow. You people just keep going on. :P Hee hee hee. Fun. ) [14:52:05] And some of that magic stuff that can look different would be spiff. Just so I don't scare people shitless before I can talk to them. [14:52:08] [And as soon as the DM got back, you all arrived!] [14:52:29] (Yeah. From fucking to stench to armor. Amazing what adventurers talk about.) [14:52:57] ( We're so philosphical. ) [14:53:02] * Brody looks around! [14:53:04] Ah. Here we are. [14:53:13] [The ship has plowed through a field of cacti, and bits of the plant are strewn everywhere. [14:53:37] (* Fiarre glances oddly at the radio.) [14:53:40] * Thalan frowns at the cacti, but it doesn't deter him from looking for a way into the craft. [14:54:09] [However, it doesn't look like it so much crashed as it looked like it landed really badly.] [14:54:13] * Xivilai raises an eyebrow. Oddly concentrated cacti. [14:54:21] (The cactus forest! XD) [14:54:47] Maybe it's like the old theory of spontaneous generation. [14:55:01] Hmm? [14:55:06] Filth creates vermin. Crashed spaceships create cacti. [14:55:25] Sounds reasonable. [14:55:52] * Xivilai chuckles. "Perhaps." [14:56:03] [The name of the Lazy Wyvern can be seen painted clearl on the vehicle, but it's got a lot of scorch marks on it. Still, there aren't very many breaches. Markings also indicate this ship came from Arlant 84, in Galador territory.] [14:56:19] (Galador is... What color dragon?) [14:56:54] ( Gold ) [14:57:47] * Xivilai looks for a way into the ship. [14:57:57] * Thalan sniffs the air about the wreckage. (Anything pop out as something that shouldn't be there?) [14:58:02] * Brody tries to find a way up to it. [14:58:08] ( Nah. Nothing's popped out. ) [14:58:09] * Fiarre taps on the hull. [14:58:22] [The metal makes a dinging sound.] [14:58:44] * Thalan starts [searching] for a way into the ship. [14:58:45] * Brody tells Vincent to try to open the hatch. You know. If there is one. [14:58:49] [The two obvious ways into the ship are through the airlock near the bridge, and the port cargo door.] [14:59:17] (Witch one looks like the more damaged area?) [14:59:23] (Err, which.) [14:59:48] [It's landed at an angle, port being a few feet higher than starboard. Of course, I have no idea what port and starboard are.] [15:00:05] (...) [15:00:18] [As for the more damaged... hmm] [15:00:27] (Port=Left. Starboard=Right.) [15:00:29] [The back side looks more damaged.] [15:00:31] ( Port is left, starboard right. If I remember right. Which I probably don't. ) [15:00:46] * Vincent tries to open the bridge airlock [15:01:38] * Thalan looks for an entry keypad or something like that. Don't need to use brute force unless necessary, right? [15:02:07] [Vincent succeeds in digging through enough to uncover most of the airlock's door. However, the door won't quite budge. Not surprising, considering this ship was just in space, and an easily-opened door to vacuum is a safety hazard] [15:02:54] I wonder how well the doors would stand up to blaster fire. [15:02:59] ...Hoom. [15:03:02] ...No. [15:03:18] We do *not* want to open fire on a fucking crashed ship that belongs to the Gold Dragons. [15:03:32] A bad idea. [15:03:33] I don't think they'd mind, if we were here to help. [15:03:39] Yes. They would. [15:03:53] [As a hint. What usually keeps people from opening doors?] [15:04:01] * Xivilai looks for anything used to open the hatch. There's gotta be something. [15:04:07] (Locks?) [15:04:08] (I'm looking for an entry keypad or something alrady. ^^;) [15:04:37] [No entry keypad. Seems to be closed with a mechanical lock, though [15:04:51] ( Can we open it? ) [15:05:11] * Thalan hmmms and tries to pull it off. (Won't budge, right?) [15:05:17] ( With an Open ThingThatKeepsDoorsClosed check ) [15:05:53] * Thalan rolls his eyes. "Screw it." He pulls out a lockbreaker and starts using it. [15:06:09] [Roll it] [15:06:21] (I'm imagining, like, a padlock holding an airlock shut.) [15:06:23] (Lockbreaker gives... +15 to the roll, right?) [15:06:33] ( *snrk* ) [15:06:36] ( Hee. ) [15:06:48] (Nah, it's one of those little children's padlocks. Kind of like a diary lock) [15:07:39] (No, +10. My bad. ^^;) [15:07:47] d20+17 [15:07:47] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d20+17) and gets 22. [15:07:50] ( Roll. :P ) [15:08:11] [Thalan gets close... but not close enough] [15:08:23] [The time is now 9:01 AM] [15:08:28] ( ...that roll blew. ) [15:08:34] * Thalan tries again. [15:08:38] (Taking 10.) [15:08:47] (17+10=27) [15:09:09] [The lock opens with a solid *CLICK*] [15:09:18] [The time is now 9:02 AM] [15:09:38] * Xivilai helps get the door open. [15:09:51] * Thalan tries to push the door open. "Man, they were cheap when they made that thing." [15:09:53] * Brody also helps, meager though her brawn is. [15:10:05] * Fiarre steps up and pushes. [15:10:14] Well, I doubt many people would come floating up to it in space and try to break the lock. [15:10:15] (And the big guys, Fiarre and Vincient, don't do jack.( [15:10:31] *push* True. [15:10:41] [The door slooowly opens with a lot of creaking] [15:10:49] (Speaking of Vinnie... where is he?) [15:10:56] (Behind Brody.) [15:11:19] (So he doesn't get his own chat-window? Too bad.) [15:11:20] * Xivilai whews. And what is seen now that the door is open? [15:11:46] [The bridge can be seen clearly. But while the windows once showed the stars and the open sky, they now show a lot of dirt] [15:11:59] [It's also fractured in a few places] [15:12:16] ( Anyone alive in here? ) [15:12:18] [Lights spark on and off, but the smoke seems less thick here] [15:12:20] * Thalan takes a breather. *sniff sniff* (Where's the nearest people in there?) [15:12:46] [A female halfling can be seen in the pilot's chair, who seems to be dead or unconcious] [15:13:04] * Xivilai goes to check which it is. [15:13:08] [A lot of the panels are busted open, revealing the stuff inside. Sparks occasionally burst out of them [15:13:31] [She's unconcious] [15:13:33] * Brody looks in. "Hello? Anyone here?" [15:13:35] * Thalan walks into the ship, staying very attentive to his surroundings. [15:13:37] [Hurt badly, but stable] [15:13:59] * Vincent walks up to her, and lays his armored hands on her, chanting lowly. [15:14:01] * Fiarre steps in and looks around. [15:14:22] (Laying on hands. Good for 8 HP.) [15:14:25] [Some panels seem well enough to be operational, though] [15:14:34] She'll live. But it's a good idea anyway, Vin. [15:14:47] She's hurt. [15:14:53] [The halfling slowly stirs awake] [15:15:03] * Radio is now known as Halfling [15:15:06] True. [15:15:11] You check up with her, I'm going to see about the status of the ship from one of these panels. [15:15:23] * Halfling opens here eyes partly. She seems disoriented [15:15:24] * Thalan walks over to one of the operational panels and starts typing. [15:15:29] * Xivilai looks around for a pannel that tells which ship systems are operational. [15:15:35] * Brody smiles at the halfling. "Hello. I'm called Brody. We got your distress call." [15:16:06] Huh... ugh... [15:17:10] ( Hmm... question. Should the DM be telling PCs the DC for things and the like? ^^; ) [15:17:27] * Thalan hmms and pulls out his datapad. He hooks it up to one of the ports. [15:17:55] Hello? Ma'am? [15:18:04] (Nope.) [15:18:05] Uh... thanks... [15:18:11] * Halfling slowly stands up. [15:18:11] * Xivilai watches over T's shoulder. [15:18:24] * Fiarre eyes the halfling. [15:18:24] I'm Serga. Serga Bellingad... [15:18:26] * Halfling is now known as Serga [15:18:26] (Answers range from "not really" to "ohHELLno", depending on the roll.) [15:19:03] * Thalan checks his datapad for readouts and such. He types on the main panel, for the most part, but also will plug a few things into the pad as well. [15:19:14] [Thal seems to be making excellent progress on checking the status of the ship, but it'll take a while before he can make a full report] [15:19:31] (something like the roll to pick a standard wooden door's lock it doesn't really matter. Anything where the character wouldn't immediately know success/failure is a no-no.) [15:19:37] * Brody extends a hand. "I'm called Brody. Can you tell us anything about what happened?" [15:20:03] * Xivilai paces. [15:20:14] * Fiarre leans up against a wall and rests. [15:21:15] We sent the distress call after the crash, but... something attacked... [15:21:43] * Serga seems to be trying to remember with difficulty. Still seems dazed and really should be lying down and resting [15:22:09] * Brody supports her shoulders. "You're hurt. You should lie down before you pass out again." [15:22:28] Right... [15:22:29] * Serga lies down [15:23:20] * Xivilai frowns. "Something attacked? Out here?" [15:24:34] From the inside, or from the outside? [15:24:54] From the inside... [15:25:03] ...Is it still here? [15:25:07] * Thalan 's ears perk when she says that. [15:25:43] * Fiarre glances around. [15:25:56] That maniac... went too far. Raspin. Told him it was a bad idea... [15:26:25] * Xivilai raises an eyebrow. And decides to get her rifle out just in case. [15:26:27] * Thalan continues to type away. [15:26:55] Then... urgh. There was an Aranea... [15:27:02] No clue what it was doing on board... [15:28:51] Could it still be here? [15:29:32] Outside... any open doors? [15:29:50] None that we saw. Want us to check the hold? [15:30:17] * Serga nods slowly... [15:30:36] There was also a... girallon. [15:30:37] * Xivilai frowns. "An Aranaea..." [15:30:41] * Brody nods. "Thalan, want to give it a listen?" [15:30:53] Raspin, Aranea, and the girallon all came at once... [15:30:53] * Xivilai walks back to Thalan ans whispers something to him. [15:31:07] I suppose I should ask. Do you mind if we use blasters? [15:31:08] Sure, once I'm done with this. I should be able to tap into the security cameras, assuming they're funcional. [15:31:30] No problem... but can you aim in all this fog? [15:31:53] It's better than nothing. [15:32:15] * Xivilai frowns and nods. [15:32:25] Sounds like someoene was transporting a curious zoo. [15:32:30] ... urgh... that damned aranea bit me... [15:32:40] There was a lot of fighting, and I ran to the bridge... [15:32:55] I hit the button, then passed out.. [15:33:02] Aranea... What were they again? [15:33:13] * Thalan keeps typing away. [15:33:18] Freaky shapechangers... [15:33:26] Spidery beasts... [15:33:45] Oh yeah. Now I remember... [15:34:03] Intelligent, shapeshifting spiders. They also know some spells, too. [15:34:10] Hmm. Shapechangers. [15:35:24] * Thalan glances over and sniffs once, then returns to his work. [15:36:25] * Fiarre pulls out his blaster. [15:37:03] So we have the shapeshifting the spider, a four-armed ape, and... hm. Is Rasping the name of the captain? [15:37:14] No, no. Raspin... he... [15:37:21] Urgh. [15:37:40] (How far away was the village?) [15:37:46] ( 5 miles or so ) [15:37:53] (Well damn. That wouldn't work.) [15:38:00] ( She just seems a bit tired out. ) [15:38:21] If anyone has some water, it might help her. [15:38:22] He made us take the ship... and take the eggs... [15:40:53] Eggs? [15:41:01] * Serga nods, slowly... [15:41:55] I don't think I like the sound of this. What kind of eggs? [15:42:20] Our group is called the... Blue Talons. We just met and started talking about the mistakes the Empire was making... never really cared for it much,a nd it's starting to fall apart anyways... [15:42:50] * Thalan nods to himself as he types. [15:43:05] Saergin, me, and the others... we'd just meet, and talk about how things would be better once that Red is off the throne ,and Saergin would talk about how it would be better with a blue ruler... he's half blue, you know... [15:43:23] I mean, we'd just talk, maybe spray something up if we were feeling risky... [15:43:30] * Fiarre hmms to himself. [15:43:31] Then Saergin joined up... [15:44:07] He's crazy. Psycho. [15:44:37] I mean, spraying up an area is one thing, but.. STEALING Red Dragon eggs, right out of the royal hatchery... [15:44:48] .......Lover almighty. [15:45:00] ... [15:45:11] ... You guys must have been nuts. [15:45:12] Perhaps this isn't the best place to be right now. [15:45:13] ( Argh. Not Sargin ) [15:45:15] Stealing... red... oh, dear gods above. [15:45:16] ( Rapsin ) [15:45:26] ( Raspin's the troublemaker ) [15:45:47] Yeah. Last thing we need is being charged with stealing dragon eggs, espically if we didn't do it. [15:45:57] I think Raspin needs his head examined. I think my rifle will help with that. [15:46:01] I told you Raspin was crazy. [15:46:25] * Xivilai frowns. "Well... if we can convince the dragon we weren't the ones who stole the eggs..." [15:46:37] Have you ever tried to talk to a dragon? [15:46:40] That half-copper kept going on about how the metallics should rule again. And then... ugh. He's insane... [15:46:40] I *might* be able to do that. [15:46:44] Might. Maybe. [15:47:15] But then again... perhaps there would be a reward for their return? [15:47:30] I was thinking that myself. [15:47:44] A reward? Perhaps, but it might not be a positive one. [15:47:47] Stole the eggs, then stole this ship... Interceptors damaged it. Then the starcaster went online. But it turned out it was damaged. Went way off course, and we crashed down here... [15:48:15] * Xivilai frowns. [15:48:24] There are four eggs. They belong to some Under-Secretary of the Imperial Council named Karwessen [15:48:31] Is there any sort of tracking device on board that you know of? [15:48:39] I was about to suggest that. [15:48:47] Tracking device? What kind? [15:49:08] * Xivilai rubs her forehead and says quietly, "Just how many half-dragons are running around these days, anyway?" [15:49:08] Something that they could find your location by honing in on. [15:49:48] I dunno... but it's pretty easy to home in on the distress signal [15:50:24] We've probably got limited time. We should get started with whatever we plan to do. [15:50:24] Too many, if you ask me. [15:50:40] * Xivilai chuckles quietly. [15:50:48] First, we should try to clear out the menagerie. [15:51:03] And then try to get any survivors, Serga included, to safety. [15:51:12] Then we start worrying about what the hell to do next. [15:52:07] Sounds like a plan. [15:52:22] * Thalan nods to himself as the status report comes online on his datapad. "The ship is in pretty good shape, surprisingly. Nothing looks *too* volitile." [15:52:23] I don't want to think about dealing with a red dragon until I absolutely have to. [15:53:02] * Thalan frowns. "Internal sensors are offline, though." [15:53:04] Good. [15:53:09] Bad. [15:53:26] But we'll make do, I think. Just keep that nose of yours going, Thalan. [15:53:37] That's what I'm here for. [15:53:54] (Information monkey! ^_^) [15:55:37] The people you oughta be looking out for are Phed, Maekis, and Saergin. Those guys, you can trust... [15:56:02] [BEEP] [15:56:08] [Thalan completes his diagnostics] [15:56:39] (No, my datapad doesn't BEEP.) [15:56:47] (It must be the main computer.) [15:57:06] What do they look like? [15:58:19] ( z.z ) [15:58:32] ( Bwah ) [15:58:38] (Relax. Dem's giving me the readout.) [15:59:41] [The time is now 10:15] [16:01:09] * Thalan hmmms... "Alright. Main power, life support, and all the things you think a starship should have are offline. Including the starcaster." [16:01:13] ( If I relax any more I'll be asleep. z.z ) [16:01:30] Well, we shouldn't need more life support, at least. [16:01:38] So it's a hulk. Lovely. [16:01:47] [Note the huge amount of mist being sprayed out] [16:01:48] However, I could probably patch them up so they worked for a few hours, given a little time. [16:01:54] Oh, goody. [16:02:14] All we'd really need are lights and life support, I'd think. Possibly not even those. [16:02:22] Yeah, really. Still, I think life support should be put back online ASAP. [16:02:42] Any way we can get fans on and clear the smoke> [16:02:42] Who knows what the airlocks have cut off in the crash. [16:02:48] I can help, if we need it. [16:02:54] That should clear up once life-support is back online. [16:02:54] * Xivilai nods. [16:03:06] So... Any of you know how to fix this stuff? [16:03:31] * Lynxara ( has joined #D&D [16:03:32] (That means more Use Device checks. :P) [16:03:33] Not I. [16:03:38] I'm handy with computers. Fixing things is iffy, but if we need some reprogramming... o/~ [16:03:47] Not my area of expertise, I'm afraid. [16:04:19] Well that's exactly what we need Brody. Mostly re-routing the power. [16:04:30] Keen. Let me take a crack at that,. [16:04:32] * Thalan starts typing and tries to fix the life-support. [16:04:49] (Take 10+15=25) [16:05:08] * Brody rools up her trenchcoat, and steps up to a terminal, attempting to make things more workable. [16:05:12] d20+12 [16:05:13] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+12) and gets 18. [16:05:26] * Fiarre stands a bit of guard. Or stands there and sleeps. It's hard to tell. [16:06:00] (And if you want to make us wait for a half-hour while we work, that's fine. Just sliptime it, okay? ^^;) [16:06:04] ( Bwah. ) [16:06:16] [Thalan is making excellent work, and the mist soon clears up] [16:06:22] [Brody isn't as successful, though] [16:06:28] [The time is now 11:20] [16:06:55] Alright, life support is online... Now to work on the sensors. [16:07:04] * Brody nods, and keeps working. [16:07:07] d20+12 [16:07:07] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+12) and gets 14. [16:07:13] (Fucking hell.) [16:07:14] * Thalan keeps it up to fix the internal sensors. (I'm taking 10 again.) [16:07:29] (Just take ten Charles. ^^;) [16:07:51] [From the info Thalan's managed to get of the ship, there's the bridge, the storage room, lavatory, mess, Captain's quarters, crew's quarters, bunk room, engineering, and 3 cargo bays] [16:08:06] [Thalan manages to get internal sensors working.] [16:08:14] [It is now 12:20] [16:08:25] Okay. Let's get to work. [16:08:28] (Well, yeah, it'd be easier. But I figure with these dice, probability's got to work out some time. ^^;;) [16:08:30] * Fiarre checks the time. [16:08:35] [Various displays can now be activated to look into parts of the ship] [16:09:05] * Xivilai does that. o/` [16:09:16] [First Room! The bridge. [16:09:19] * Thalan unhooks his datapad and puts it in his bag. [16:09:26] [You can see yourself on the camera] [16:09:55] [Sadly, the camera is behind you. So you can't have your face showing on the display while you're looking at it] [16:10:12] * Xivilai looks for something else. Preferable something telling where the half-drag and red dragon eggs are. [16:10:18] (If we fast forward, can we see what will happen in the future?) [16:10:29] [After a while of looking at yourself, you're able to determine that you look fabulous! From behind, anyway] [16:10:30] (:P) [16:10:39] [Storage Room] [16:10:52] (What about the two people we need to look for?) [16:11:01] * Xivilai looks fabulous! ^_^_v [16:11:14] [It's a large room with boxes and the like in a mess all around the floor...] [16:11:24] [Make me a spot check, Xiv] [16:12:02] (Xiv, stop checking out your own ass.) [16:12:18] d20+3 [16:12:18] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (d20+3) and gets 18. [16:12:20] * Brody apparently has a great ass! Too bad about the need to look in other rooms. [16:12:25] * Thalan pulls out a plasma rifle and slings it over his shoulder. [16:12:32] ( Soon as you stop talking out yours, F. ;) ) [16:12:45] (Like I can even see mine. ^_~) [16:13:03] [Xivilai notices some small lizards inside the storage room. And some possible useful equipment] [16:13:13] Oh dear. [16:13:24] * Xivilai frowns. Please tell me the small lizards aren't red? [16:13:38] * Thalan tries to see around Xivilai into the screen. That's kinda hard because he's about 6 inches shorter than her. "We got company?" [16:14:05] * Xivilai moves to the side so T can see! [16:14:11] [The lizards are kinda bluish, with a bullet shaped head. It's also got a large pair of horns that sweep back from the sides like spiky ears] [16:14:33] [At the moment, it seems to enjoy playing with a few others of its kind in a puddle of water] [16:14:44] Thanks Xiv. What... are those? [16:14:49] [Oh, and when I said small, I meant Small.] [16:14:54] ...It's kind of cute in a fugly way. [16:15:01] Right. [16:15:01] [As in one size catergory smaller than you are] [16:15:15] (That's what I thought you ment the first twenty times. ;p) [16:15:28] Any idea what they are? They're not red, at least. [16:15:54] No clue. Next room? [16:15:54] [Someday, you may want to buy that program that catalogs various creatures] [16:16:09] (...they sell pokedexes?) [16:16:21] (If they did, I want one. And a cap too! ^_^) [16:16:25] (I wasn't aware there was one.) [16:16:44] ( Oh. It was in Imperial Supply when I was ranting about all the programs. ^^; ) [16:16:51] (I say you let us buy it retroactively, thanks to the lack of info. ^^) [16:16:52] ( I'll let you retroactively instant-buy it. ) [16:16:55] * Xivilai takes out her datapad and pops in the bio-survey chip, trying to look up the critters. [16:16:58] (Yay!) [16:17:03] (I do so.) [16:17:06] * Brody does the same. [16:17:36] ( Bah. Stop stealin' my thunder, Brod. ;_; ) [16:17:37] ( Let's see the price... ) [16:17:54] (2k creds! XD [16:17:55] ) [16:18:00] ( 150 credits ) [16:18:14] (So it's NOT made by Microsoft?) [16:18:20] [The programs identify these creatures as Shocker Lizards] [16:18:45] Delightful. [16:18:53] [They're lizards that can create an electrical charge that stuns people, or kills them if there are enough lizards] [16:18:58] (How high is the screen?) [16:18:59] [However, they don't like to fight.] [16:19:47] [If you provoke them, they make a series of rapid clicks as a warning.] [16:20:10] [Given the supplies scattered all over the floor, the shocker lizards likely aren't hungry.] [16:21:13] [Next room.. the lavatory. Thankfully, nobody is in there. But the shower and toilet seem wrecked. If you want to, I suppose you could repair them. And there's more rubble burying stuff on the floor] [16:21:31] * Thalan clicks the 'next room' button. [16:21:44] (And here I needed to shower) [16:22:10] [The Mess Hall. Food is strewn all over the floor.] [16:22:28] [There's also a pile of... something moving around.] [16:22:37] * Thalan eyes the moving something. [16:22:59] [You see it open a cabinet, grab the stuff inside, stuff some of it into what you can only assume to be a mouth, then it throws the rest at the wall in what may possibly be anger.] [16:23:29] ('s Slimer? ) [16:23:31] [Seems like a plantlike thing with vine tentacles, and little root claws. [16:23:34] Oookay. That doesn't look natural. [16:23:44] It certainly doesn't. [16:23:49] * Xivilai tries to look it up. [16:24:16] I certainly hope this wasn't a mobile research lab, or something. [16:25:16] pSHambling mound. They're actually intelligent plants. They tend to constrict those they attack, and is completely immune to electrical attacks] [16:25:33] * Brody eyes her blaster. "Well, damn." [16:25:39] It looks like one. I mean, you have shock lizards, and then you have these things. [16:26:00] [Given how its home environment is foresty and filled with trees, it's likely very confused and scared and angry at this bizzare metallic maze] [16:26:02] Joy. [16:26:24] * Brody nods. [16:26:29] * Thalan hits the next room button, assuming there's nothing else interesting in this one. [16:27:21] [The next room is the Captain's Quarters!] [16:27:40] [The room looks like it was once comfortable, but now it looks like a complete wreck.] [16:28:26] ( Please tell me there isn't some hideous thing sitting in the captain's chair. ) [16:28:36] [There is also a female elf there who seems to be clutching a laser carbine pretty tightly and looking around] [16:28:39] * Thalan frowns and tries to [spot] something out of place or horribly wrong. [16:29:17] [There's also a kitty sitting on the ground next to her, also looking out for any beasts that may come by [16:29:29] Aww. [16:29:44] * Thalan sees this. "Captin's quarters first?" [16:29:51] We need to get her and the cat to safety, yeah. [16:30:12] * Thalan nods and hits the 'next room' button once we've seen enough. [16:30:13] After that, we can clear out and loot the rest. We're probably in enough trouble already for not turning these folk in to the Drow. [16:30:36] What they don't know won't hurt us. [16:30:42] Personally, I could care less what the Drow think. [16:31:53] Same here. [16:32:01] * Xivilai chuckles. "I agree." [16:32:04] But when they get angry, their guns get angry, too. [16:32:09] ( I'm about to fall over. May I go do so? ) [16:32:16] Then don't make them angry. [16:32:23] * Thalan smirks. [16:32:31] (Depends. How long will it take you to fall over?) [16:32:42] Easier said than done if we can't fence what we find quick. [16:32:53] Not that I doubt I *can*, but still. [16:33:11] We should stop talking and hurry either way. [16:33:15] ( Oh, it won't take me long. But I'd like to remain fallen for an hour or two, at least. ) [16:33:28] ( Hm. Sure. ) [16:33:29] * Thalan nods. He's still waiting for a readout on the other rooms, though. ;p [16:33:46] ( Should I end the session after giving a descript of all the rooms?] [16:34:12] ( Please. ) [16:34:17] ( Okie ) [16:34:17] (Yeah.) [16:34:34] (Just remember to post the log.) [16:34:35] (Yep.) [16:35:30] [Crew Quarters! This room is pretty messed up and random. Only the 4 beds seem to be not tossed around. probably because they're bolted to the wall] [16:35:38] [There's a table tossed over on its side] [16:35:56] * Thalan looks for any other signs of a brawl and stuff. [16:35:56] [Its placement blocks whatever's behind it] [16:36:27] (Then again, just go to the next room... assuming there's nothing else here.) [16:36:32] [However, it's been placed parallel to the door[ [16:36:42] [Someone might have thrown it down to provide a barricade] [16:36:56] ( I'm gonna go ahead and crash. Sorry. z.z ) [16:36:58] [Next room is the Bunk Room] [16:37:02] ( Alright. Night, Yu. ^^; ) [16:37:09] * Xivilai is now known as YuBGon [16:37:13] (Have sleepy rest. Don't forget MC2.) [16:37:23] [This room is... an utter, utter WRECK.] [16:37:40] [Mostly because some containers have broken open] [16:37:45] (I read that as the bonk room.) [16:37:49] [Chemicals of all sorts of colors have spilled all over the floor] [16:38:19] [There is also a halfling slumped over near an autodoc] [16:39:29] [Moving on to the next room... Engineering] [16:39:58] [This large room is dominated by the starcaster, and various other things that make the ship go] [16:40:26] [Several bits of debris have been dragged around to the back of the starcaster...] [16:40:43] [An orc, a half-copper dragon, and a female dwarf are there!] [16:41:09] [The orc is currently pointing a gun at the dwarf, who is doing something to the starcaster. Presumably trying to repair it.] [16:41:34] [The half-copper is also doing occasional work, though he clearly commands the orc.] [16:42:22] ( ... is anyone else still here? ?_? ) [16:42:27] (Yes.) [16:42:32] ( Yay ) [16:42:42] (We're just waiting for you to finish with the rooms. ^^; [16:42:44] [Next up... cargo bay 1.] [16:43:18] [This room is another tpical room with loads of stuff spilled all over the floor] [16:43:21] [HOWEVER...] [16:43:25] [There's a broken cage.] [16:43:29] [A large broken cage] [16:44:40] [Cargo Bay 2.] [16:44:56] [This room is dark, and the lights flicker on and off, casting odd shadows everywhere] [16:45:28] [There's a large web in a corner, with two people tied up in it] [16:45:41] [Howerver, you can't make out their races] [16:46:14] (Okay...( [16:46:19] Ther'es also an odd creature that's apparently a mammal... [16:46:32] [It has a cat's head, but six legs and two tentacles] [16:46:58] [Odd lights flash all around it, and it's difficult to tell exactly where it's standing] [16:47:15] [The final room... Cargo Bay 3] [16:47:27] [The lights in this room, oddly, are on.] [16:47:41] (Can I try to see what the arachakitty is on the program?) [16:47:48] ( Sure ) [16:48:30] * Brody tries to check it out [16:48:35] [A half copper dragon sits in a corner, along with a gnome. They both have guns, and seem to be on the watch for someone] [16:48:42] [Half-blue, even] [16:48:53] [Brody learns that it's called a Displacer Beast] [16:49:01] (... Eww?) [16:49:16] [At the other end of Cargo Bay 3, you see a large dog with a collar.] [16:49:31] [It seems to want out, but hardly seems malevolent at all...] [16:50:12] [It seems perfeclty calm, and appears to be waiting for something to happen] [16:50:31] [Finally, you notice something behind the Half-Dragon and the gnome] [16:50:34] * Jukor ( has joined #d&d [16:50:42] [The large white shells of four Dragon Eggs] [16:50:55] [It's 11:30. Do you know where your hatchlings are?] [16:50:57] [Session End] Session Close: Sat Apr 12 00:00:01 2003