Session Start: Fri Apr 25 00:00:00 2003 Session Ident: #D&D [13:03:52] [Last time, on Dragonstar...] [13:03:53] ( That's easily priceable. ) [13:03:57] [I forgot what happened!] [13:04:07] [So we'll let Thalan and Fiarre explain, via hand puppets] [13:04:11] (...) [13:04:21] * DMOta gives Thalan and Fiarre some hand puppets, including a Shambling Mound one [13:04:26] (* Fiarre holds up a GM handpuppet, then brutally beats it) [13:05:20] (We fought a shambling mound, and got some guy to go to the cockpit. We ended there. And never got XP ratings, either.) [13:05:42] * Yu-Mei is now known as Xivilai [13:05:55] ( Yeah. That mound should've been worth wads of xp. ) [13:05:57] [Right. Anyway, Session Start [13:06:13] ( Or even better, mounds of xp. XD ) [13:06:20] (And it's CR really ought to have been bumped up for DS.) [13:06:29] (* Fiarre holds up a Xivilai handpuppet, then brutally beats it) [13:06:42] ( *nodnod* ) [13:07:00] ( *Xivilai charbroils Fiarre. ) [13:07:16] (* Thalan watches. Amused? Very much so.) [13:07:24] (* Fiarre cleans Xivilai with acid) [13:07:42] [Oh, that's right. You guys finished up the top deck.] [13:07:45] Alright. We've finished this floor, yes? [13:08:10] Yeah, I think so. [13:08:22] * Thalan nods. "We've checked all the rooms, and I can't sense anyone else up here." [13:08:41] Except for that elven lady and her cat, but... Yeah. Let's go. [13:09:03] [There's a gravlift in the hall. And it's 12:30, IIRC] [13:09:17] ( *Xivilai is not acidified. Fiarre has 1 hit die. He would'n't have survived the charbroiling. ;) ) [13:09:27] Ah, yes. That peculiar woman. And cat. [13:09:32] * Thalan frowns. He checks the gravlift to make sure it's operational. [13:09:33] (Fiarre has a Trauma Symbiote. ^_^) [13:09:57] * Xivilai walks over to the gravlift and tries to determine if it's still working. [13:11:06] [Seems to work] [13:11:49] * ImpAtom ( has joined #D&D [13:12:03] * Thalan looks satisfied with his checks. "All aboard?" [13:12:10] * Fiarre steps on. [13:12:14] * Xivilai shrugs and steps on. Ladies first. [13:12:25] * Brody gets aboard the lift, checking her map to see where they'll end up. [13:12:25] (That means you, Fiarre. ;p) [13:12:45] * Thalan looks around, then steps aboard after everyone else. [13:12:51] * Atom ( Quit (Ping timeout) [13:12:54] (Don't think I couldn't crush you like a tin can, catboy.) [13:13:08] (Don't think you could catch me, Fiarre.) [13:13:08] ( Vinnie? ) [13:13:29] (You have to sleep sometime, and I have spells that make it unpleasant to move.) [13:13:42] ( o/` So do I o/` ) [13:13:47] [After you go down, the map says you'll end up in the hall of the Bunk Room] [13:13:48] (Besides, no one suspects a greased shower. *cough) [13:14:06] (...) [13:14:08] (Yeah, Vinie gets on, too.) [13:14:40] ( Do they suspect a bed trapped with incindiary cloud? ) [13:14:42] [The elevator starts to descend.] [13:15:18] * Thalan gets in a corner of the room. Yes, he looks just a wee-bit uncomfortable. [13:15:47] *ding* [13:15:50] * Xivilai rolls her shoulders. [13:15:55] * ImpAtom is now known as Atom [13:16:05] [The industrial microwave disguised as an elevator pops you all. The end] [13:16:07] [Just kidding] [13:16:24] [It actually opens up, revealing yet another room with a huge mess] [13:16:27] * Thalan gets off first thing. He then hides behind whatever's available. Never know who's down here, you know. [13:16:45] * Brody waits for Thalan to give the all-clear. [13:17:10] * Thalan looks around and sniffs the air. [13:17:34] [This large, large room is littered with cargo boxes, supplies, and medical tools. There's an autodoc in one corner with a halfling lying face down near it.] [13:17:52] [There's also lots of broken containers, and fluid is spilled all over the floor] [13:18:42] * Xivilai scowls. [13:18:50] * Thalan motions and gives the all clear. [13:18:53] [The whole floor seems to be covered in it.] [13:19:02] * Brody eyes the fluid. (Does it look dangerous?) [13:19:22] * Thalan looks at his feet and curses. He jumps up onto one of the beds and tries to wash the fluid off. [13:19:33] * Xivilai walks in and looks around, keeping her gun at the ready. She checks to see if the halfling is alive. [13:19:44] [The containers are marked with various warnings] [13:19:52] * Fiarre eyes the floor, staying on the lift for the moment. [13:19:57] [The liquids themselves are of all sorts of wonderful colors] [13:20:04] (wash -> wipe) [13:20:15] [Xiv, give me two balance checks] [13:21:21] ( One sec. ) [13:21:21] * Classmancer ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:21:45] * Classmancer ( has joined #D&D [13:21:57] d20+7 [13:21:58] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (d20+7) and gets 20. [13:22:22] d20+7 [13:22:22] * Classmancer is now known as Segev [13:22:22] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (d20+7) and gets 22. [13:22:38] [Xivilai makes it to the other side of the room without any incident] [13:23:01] Oh, and do be careful. The floor is just a little slippery. [13:23:16] [The halfling is very badly hurt, but stable.] [13:23:26] * Thalan frowns. He jumps off the bed and quickly runs to the other side of the room where the halfling is, and then jumps onto something that isn't covered in liquid. [13:23:41] (Besides Xiv, the autodoc, or the halfling.) [13:23:41] [2 balance checks] [13:23:48] d20+17 [13:23:48] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d20+17) and gets 21. [13:23:49] d20+17 [13:23:50] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d20+17) and gets 35. [13:23:55] [There's debris all over the floor] [13:24:07] [Thalan also makes it across without putting his foot in anything] [13:24:38] (Go exceptional successes.) [13:24:59] * Brody tries to get accross the floor without going ass over head to get near Xiv and the Halfling. [13:25:02] Well, the halfling's alive. And it seems he'll be staying that way, thankfully, although he won't be feeling good for some time. [13:25:06] [Two balance checks] [13:25:14] ( She ) [13:25:22] (As does Vincent.) [13:25:22] * Thalan nods. "Anyone got some of that healing magic?" [13:25:26] Well, unless the autodoc gave him some great painkillers. Then she's feeling *great*. *grin* [13:25:38] Not I. Perhaps Vincent? [13:25:39] 2 d20+2 [13:25:39] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (2 d20+2) and gets 3 18. [13:25:52] * Thalan chuckles. "Let me take a look at that auto-doc..." [13:26:11] (And Vincent's rolls.) [13:26:23] [Brody missteps, and puts her foot in a dangerous-looking chemical] [13:26:25] 2 d20+2 [13:26:25] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (2 d20+2) and gets 9 17. [13:26:35] [However... it turns out to be nothing more than something that smells bad] [13:26:56] [Vincent ain't as lucky] [13:27:01] [Reflex save] [13:27:02] * Fiarre still stays in the lift. [13:27:09] * Brody eeeeghs. "I'm gonna have to clean my boots a lot when we get back. Oogie." [13:27:30] d20+3 [13:27:30] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+3) and gets 21. [13:27:43] * Xivilai nods. "Yeah. Hey, Fiarre, you coming with?" [13:28:07] [A chemical Vince steps in sizzles and burns. It quickly burns itself out, but does 3 damage to Vince] [13:28:14] [Today isn't a very good day for Vince's leg] [13:28:26] If I have to. [13:28:27] * Thalan gets near the auto-doc and starts to check if it's still functional. [13:28:35] 2 d20+2 [13:28:36] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fiarre (2 d20+2) and gets 14 16. [13:29:23] [Fiarre gets along without any nastiness, but his robes are a leetle sticky] [13:29:33] [Nope. Autodoc nonfunctional] [13:29:37] (Like he'd notice.) [13:29:38] ( BRB. Need rebooting. ) [13:32:18] * Xivilai ( Quit (Quit: Aigh! It's crashzilla! We must flee!) [13:39:18] (Long reboot.) [13:39:36] (Yup.) [13:40:05] [ o/~ Splish splash, I've been taking a bath! o/~] [13:44:19] * Yu-Mei ( has joined #D&D [13:44:23] * Yu-Mei is now known as Xivilai [13:44:58] ( Re. I miss anything? ^^; ) [13:45:14] * Thalan looks back at the rest of the group. "I can get this workin' but it'll take time..." [13:45:16] (Nope.) [13:46:27] [Anyway, there's a door nearby labelled "Engineering" [13:47:04] You're more important at point, Thalan. Why don't I give it a shot? [13:47:17] I forget. Was there anything unfriendly in Engineering? [13:47:25] [The half-copper] [13:47:28] If you're really up to it. The mechanics look pretty complex, though. [13:47:43] And the Starcaster's in there. I bet he'd go psycho if we went in. [13:48:11] * Thalan counts on his fingers. "Wait, the half-copper'd go psycho." [13:48:55] As if he weren't already? [13:48:57] I know my way around computers, past bad luck notwithstanding. [13:49:07] This isn't a computer, though. [13:49:14] ( ...half-copper, or half-blue? ) [13:49:18] What is it? [13:49:18] [Raspin, if you recall his name] [13:49:29] [And yes, this is the half-copper] [13:49:32] (Scarrily enough, the half-blue's probably the more sensible one.) [13:49:35] [There's also a halflbue] [13:49:39] (Err, scarily.) [13:49:42] I mean, when you get down to brass tacks, what makes it go? [13:49:56] [The elevator can also go down to the third level if you want to clear the rest] [13:50:16] [There still is the matter of the aranea] [13:50:32] Try if you want, but if you screw it up beyond repair, I'm not going to let you forget it. *grin* [13:50:47] * Xivilai giggles. [13:50:48] * Thalan starts searching the room for anything that might be of value and not busted up. [13:50:55] [Search check] [13:51:06] d20+13 [13:51:06] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d20+13) and gets 25. [13:51:09] [And gimme another balance check] [13:51:13] d20+17 [13:51:13] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d20+17) and gets 31. [13:51:14] * Fiarre sits down on the nearest non-stuff-covered item. [13:51:32] (No, he hasn't done this before. ;p) [13:51:41] [Thalan manages to find 2 medkits without incident] [13:51:45] [Anyone else searching?] [13:52:00] (Dem, what kind of check would it be?) [13:52:09] ( A search check ) [13:52:24] (I think Brody means the repair.)] [13:52:29] ( Or, if you're talking about Autodoc, a repair check ) [13:52:39] Maybe we should try to find a mop, too. [13:52:48] ( Thalan's robes! ) [13:52:50] * Brody eyes it. "I'm not really a hardware girl. I'll just poke around." [13:53:01] (Thalan's? Okay. ^_^) [13:53:29] ( Fiarre's ) [13:53:30] * Thalan throws the medkits to Brody. "'s what I thought." (Thalan has robes?) [13:53:39] * Brody and Vincent search! [13:53:57] * Thalan gets at fixing the auto-doc. "And don't distract me while I'm working, okay?" [13:54:01] [Search and balance checks] [13:54:08] * Xivilai stands watch like a good fighter. She also reads news from her datapad, but hey. [13:54:13] * Brody puts them in her Haversack. [13:54:16] 2 d20+3 [13:54:16] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (2 d20+3) and gets 22 19. [13:54:37] * Thalan pulls out a toolkit and his datapad. He gets to work. "Hey, Xiv, mind helping me?" [13:54:47] [Brody finds a translation device. And avoids stepping in goo] [13:55:23] [As a side note, repairing the autodoc will take roughly one full hour] [13:55:28] (Rolling for Vinnie now.) [13:55:33] Sure. [13:55:35] 2 d20+3 [13:55:35] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (2 d20+3) and gets 23 20. [13:55:55] [Vinnie finds a holocam. Oooh. And avoids stepping in goo] [13:56:06] [It's now 1:00] [13:56:10] * Thalan starts going into techno-bable mode. "Now hand me the 5-pin plyer cutters [13:56:13] ." [13:56:14] [You hear some sounds coming from below the deck] [13:56:19] * Xivilai helps Thalan out! Assuming he's working at the autodoc, she doesn't have to go very far to get to him. [13:56:58] Man, Lauren'd have loved this stuff. [13:57:11] *clang* [13:57:30] * Xivilai frowns. "Wonder what that was." [13:57:39] * Brody hops up unto a nearby, non-goo-covered flat surface, and sits, swinging her legs and eating a ration. "Say, are we going to find out what that is?" [13:57:43] * Thalan growls. He stops repairing and curses. "I can't concentrate with that stuff going on downstairs. Let's take care of it first." [13:58:00] * Xivilai nods. "Right." [13:58:19] I guess this means we have to move again. [13:58:31] * Thalan packs up shop. "Yes it does. Now get in the elevator." [13:59:10] * Xivilai heads for the elevator! More balance checks? [13:59:14] [Yeah.] [13:59:17] [Everyone make 2] [13:59:23] * Brody hops off the crate and gets in, Vincent following [13:59:30] 4 d20+2 [13:59:31] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (4 d20+2) and gets 6 13 3 16. [13:59:33] 2 d20+17 [13:59:33] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (2 d20+17) and gets 27 30. [13:59:43] (Oh jeez.) [13:59:53] 2 d20+7 [13:59:53] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (2 d20+7) and gets 20 18. [13:59:59] ( ^_^_v ) [14:00:03] [Brody plants her foot in that foul-smelling crap again] [14:00:06] (^_^_v) [14:00:16] [Industrial solvent, now that you've got a good look at the container] [14:00:26] [Vinnie... steps in white, sticky stuff] [14:00:36] (...) [14:00:37] [Three guesses what it is] [14:00:50] (Glue!) [14:00:55] [Bingo.] [14:00:57] (Sorry, got distracted) [14:00:59] [Industrial glue] [14:01:01] 2 d20+2 [14:01:01] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fiarre (2 d20+2) and gets 9 20. [14:01:28] [Fiarre walks across some realy nasty-smelling stuff. REALLY nasty-smelling stuff] [14:01:37] * Fiarre coughs and looks down. [14:01:41] * Brody and Vincent get to the elevator. Vincent begins scraping the boot of his armor off. [14:01:46] [Forst save, Fiarre] [14:01:52] [And no, Vincent isn't going anywhere] [14:01:56] (Forst?) [14:02:00] (Fort.) [14:02:01] [Fort] [14:02:19] (Hold on, let me look for it.) [14:02:25] [Vinnie's stuck in the glue] [14:02:31] d20+2 [14:02:32] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fiarre (d20+2) and gets 11. [14:02:52] (...damn you, Dicey.) [14:03:01] [Fiarre manages to avoid becoming nauseated] [14:03:17] * Thalan rolls his eyes. "You guys are hopeless." He sniffs the glue and quickly retracts. "Glue. Get some solvent over here." [14:03:28] d20+5 [14:03:29] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+5) and gets 13. [14:03:36] (Oh, wait, misparse.) [14:03:39] [Let it be knwon from this day forth that Thalan sniffs glue] [14:03:49] (...) [14:03:53] * Xivilai gigggles. [14:04:17] (Dude, once he found out what it was he got away from it *really* fast.) [14:04:44] Alright, alright. I'll help out. [14:05:24] * Xivilai goes and tries to splash some of the puddle of solvent on the glue holding Vinnie's foot. With her boot, mind. Not touching the stuff. [14:05:40] [The stuff quickly dissolves, allowing Vinnie a bit of time to break free [14:05:46] * Thalan dodges any splashed liquid directed his way. "Watch it!" [14:06:10] Sorry, T! [14:06:25] * Xivilai gets back on the elevator, having vanquished the glue. [14:06:45] * Vincent breaks free and hustles to the elevator. "Thank you, Xivilai." [14:07:15] * Fiarre waits at the lift. [14:07:16] No prob, Vinnie. ^_~ [14:07:32] * Thalan hustles the rest of the way to the elevator, waiting for everyone to get on board so he can be the last one. [14:08:05] [There are two buttons inside. Up, and down] [14:09:37] * Brody waits for it to go down. [14:09:54] * Fiarre glances around, then reaches over and pushes the down button. [14:10:08] [The elevator's doors close, and starts to go downwards] [14:10:17] * Fiarre shakes his head. [14:10:19] [Seems to be taking a bit longer this time, though] [14:10:44] * Thalan frowns. "I don't like this." [14:10:56] You say that more often than I do. [14:11:12] [However, things aren't all bad.] [14:11:19] [This time, the elevator starts playing MUSIC!] [14:11:37] That only means he's more percept... oh, sweet gods no. [14:11:55] * Fiarre pulls out his laser pistol and starts looking for a speaker. [14:12:05] *ding* [14:12:08] [The doors open] [14:12:16] * Thalan glances over, his eyes reflecting an unnatural green. "How many times do I mean it, though." [14:12:31] * Thalan scampers out of the elevator. [14:12:46] * Xivilai follows out, looking around. [14:12:50] (I just got a picture of Thalan running on all-fours." [14:12:53] [This is a massive store room. LOADS of shelves and stuff all over the floor. TONS of it.] [14:13:03] [There's also something you can hear moving around] [14:13:10] (That's not TOO unlikely, actually. He'll probably do it every once in a while.) [14:13:16] * Brody and Vincent walk out, eyeing the surroundings and checking the map. [14:13:21] * Fiarre steps out and gets behind something for cover. [14:13:35] * Thalan draws his plasma rifle. He sniffs the air. "We got company." [14:14:05] * Brody nods, and ducks behind cover with Vincent, both drawing their guns. [14:14:19] * Girallon ( has joined #D&D [14:14:19] * Fiarre still has his laser pistol out. [14:14:25] What kind? Is it the aranaea, or something less friendly? [14:14:27] * Girallon jumps out from under a pile of stuff! [14:14:32] * Thalan ducks behind cover as well. [14:14:36] RAAAAARRGGHH!!! [14:14:50] [Initiatives] [14:14:53] Gah! [14:14:56] d20+7 [14:14:56] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (d20+7) and gets 13. [14:14:57] d20+2 [14:14:57] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fiarre (d20+2) and gets 4. [14:15:02] d20+6 [14:15:02] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d20+6) and gets 26. [14:15:05] (...I *hate* you, Dicey) [14:15:06] (^_^_v) [14:15:24] d20+2 [14:15:24] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+2) and gets 14. [14:15:37] (And for Vincent...) [14:15:43] d20+2 [14:15:43] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+2) and gets 14. [14:16:01] * Girallon looks like an albino gorilla with 4 arms, 8 feet tall [14:16:36] Aw SHIT! [14:16:52] (Glad I found cover...) [14:16:57] (Me too.) [14:16:58] Definitely less friendly. [14:17:27] [INITIATIVE COUNT 26: THALAN] [14:18:04] * Thalan peaks out from behind the cover and flicks on his laser sight, fireing at the 'thing' with his plasma rifle. [14:18:11] * Brody has yet to come up from cover. [14:18:25] [Roll to-hit] [14:18:31] d20+12 [14:18:31] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d20+12) and gets 25. [14:18:43] (How far away is he?) [14:18:54] [Pretty close] [14:19:05] (Do I roll sneak attack damage then?) [14:19:05] [Probably 20, 30 feet] [14:19:10] (That's a yes.) [14:19:22] [Yeah. Hit, roll damage] [14:19:37] 5d10 [14:19:37] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (5d10) and gets 17. [14:19:40] 2d6 [14:19:40] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (2d6) and gets 12, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "You always hurt the ones you love. I love you very much." [14:19:55] (17+12=29) [14:20:17] (* Fiarre eyes Dicey.) [14:20:22] (...) [14:20:40] [The girallon takes a massive scorching from the superheated gas] [14:20:43] ( Dice is still thinking in BESM. ) [14:20:45] (At least I got that crit-fail here so it won't haunt me later tonght. ^_^) [14:21:24] * Girallon ROARS and dashes towards Thalan [14:22:41] * Girallon tears into Thalan with one of its claws. Ouch. [14:22:48] [12 damage] [14:22:49] * Xivilai blinks as the thing runs past her. [14:23:06] ( It's angry at Thal. :P ) [14:23:11] ( Hm. Can I get an AoO? ^_~ ) [14:23:21] [Init count 14: Brody] [14:23:23] * Thalan gets flung back by the attack. Ouch. x_x [14:23:32] Thalan! [14:23:39] * Thalan does manage to get up after it though. "He doesn't have me yet..." [14:23:55] (We could use that Cleric about now...) [14:24:09] [Wait. Correction. Vincent, then Brody] [14:24:27] Vincent! Get to the other side of... Um, it! [14:25:29] (Actually, that's a bad idea. Too bad Thalan's not thinking very straight at the moment. ^_^;) [14:25:53] * Brody draws a bead on the Girallion and fires. [14:25:53] d20+9 [14:25:53] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+9) and gets 27. [14:26:12] [HIt. Roll damage] [14:26:35] 3d8+1 [14:26:35] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (3d8+1) and gets 16. [14:26:50] ( Which weapon is this? ) [14:26:56] (Blaster.) [14:27:37] * Girallon is hit for more damge. It doesn't look happy [14:27:54] [Vince] [14:28:50] * Brody pops up and fires a shot from his SMG. [14:28:54] (Er. That was Vince.) [14:29:07] d20+8 [14:29:08] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+8) and gets 19. [14:29:14] [Roll damage] [14:29:22] 2d10 [14:29:23] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (2d10) and gets 15. [14:29:38] * Girallon is struck by the shot, and slumps over. [14:29:45] Grrrrraaaaaaaaaaahhhh... [14:30:03] * Xivilai blinks. "Well. That didn't take long." [14:30:17] ( It has no resistances. :P ) [14:30:19] * Brody nods. "A lot easier than that damned mound. [14:30:20] * Thalan doesn't look good at all. He's bleeding pretty badly all over, but he's still standing. "Ouch..." [14:30:21] * Girallon is now known as NPC [14:30:27] Wanna loot this place now? [14:30:43] Quite. [14:30:50] * Fiarre stands up. [14:30:59] Perhaps we should tend to Thalan, first. He seems in poor condition. No, really. [14:31:17] * Brody nods, and takes a medpack out. "Anyone know how to use this?" [14:31:38] * Thalan nods. He bandages up his wounds as best he can, which doesn't take that much effort. "I should be fine. Really... It just hurts." He winces. [14:31:54] [Medkit gives +4 circumstance bonus to heal checks ) [14:31:58] (Thank goodness there aren't game mechanics required for this type of RPing.) [14:32:00] [It contains enough supplies for 5 uses] [14:33:00] * Fiarre glances at Thalan for a moment, then starts searching. [14:33:02] d20+5 [14:33:02] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fiarre (d20+5) and gets 21. [14:33:04] * Thalan points his plasma rifle at the thing and fires a shot at it point-blank in the head. "That's for touching me." [14:33:48] * Brody and Vincent search. [14:33:52] 2 d20+3 [14:33:52] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (2 d20+3) and gets 21 21. [14:34:09] * Xivilai has a look around. [14:34:10] * Thalan winces a little, but then starts searching himself. (Take 10+13=23) [14:34:15] [This room seeks pretty... empty of anything of value, really] [14:34:17] d20+3 [14:34:17] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (d20+3) and gets 14. [14:34:39] Hey, Brody, if you're a reporter, have you been taking pictures of all this stuff? [14:35:37] I kind of pawned my camera a while ago for rent money on Draconis. [14:35:50] I've been meaning to buy a new one, though~ [14:36:01] ( Draconis Prime being the center of the Empire ) [14:36:40] * Xivilai smirks. "Maybe we can do that with the proceeds from our adventures." [14:37:02] Maybe you could use that holocam that Vincent found. [14:37:15] (And the place Brody comes from. Unless, you know, it doesn't have ghettoes.) [14:37:28] ...Heey, true. [14:37:45] * Xivilai grins. "Or that." [14:37:59] ( Holocam's a video camera, more or less. ) [14:38:06] * Thalan smirks. "Never hurts to have a camera." He starts looking for exits. [14:38:08] ( You could use it for a lot more than jst photos. :P ) [14:38:19] (Yup. What do you think Thal uses one for? :P) [14:38:44] * Brody retrieves the cam from Vincent, and starts taking photos of the hold. She then puts it on standby to record her next fight. [14:38:56] (I swear, this should give me circumstance bonii on my Profession checks. XD) [14:39:26] (And I say my Pilot skill should give me a circumstance bonus on my profession checks to, but that's besides the point. :P) [14:39:38] [There are two doors that Thalan can see in this room. One on the side opposite the elevator door, and one on the side.] [14:40:07] * Thalan moves to the door on the side and listens thru. [14:40:27] * Segev is now known as Awaymancer [14:41:08] * Thalan smirks. "The shocker lizards are in there." [14:42:04] I don't think we need to go in there, then. [14:42:13] Well. We can leave them there, since I doubt they'll come hunting for anyone. [14:42:36] * Thalan nods. "Wasn't there some stuff in there, though? I bet I could run in and grab it without being noticed." [14:43:27] * Xivilai frowns. "You sure? I do not want you taking unecessary risks, after all." [14:43:59] ... You're right. If we have time, I'll check it out. [14:44:13] * Thalan moves to the opposite door. He listens thru that one as well. [14:45:13] [Thalan places his ear against the door... and experiences some pain as the door opens and strikes him in the side of the head.] [14:45:18] * NPC is now known as Human [14:45:23] * Human comes walking through [14:45:32] Huh? Oh, sorry. [14:45:36] * Fiarre stifles a snicker. [14:45:36] Didn't know you were there. [14:45:44] [Spot checks] [14:45:46] * Thalan glares at the Human. "Sure you didn't." [14:45:56] d20+14 [14:45:56] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d20+14) and gets 18. [14:46:01] d20+3 [14:46:02] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (d20+3) and gets 12. [14:46:07] (Wisdom, if you don't have the skill.) [14:46:07] (Int bonus?) [14:46:13] (Oh. Nuts.) [14:46:20] d20+1 [14:46:20] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fiarre (d20+1) and gets 14. [14:46:22] d20+3 [14:46:22] (And for Vinnie) [14:46:22] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+3) and gets 13. [14:46:27] d20+6 [14:46:28] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+6) and gets 11. [14:47:01] * Thalan takes a quick whiff of the air. [14:47:34] * Thalan points his rifle directly at the Human's head. "Nice try." [14:47:43] * Xivilai smirks. "I thought so." [14:47:52] Hey! What do you think you're doing?! [14:48:16] * Fiarre shrugs, and grips his pistol. [14:48:22] I'm a member of the crew here! [14:48:52] No you're not. You're the Aranaea. Now, are you going to come quietly, or are we going to have to splatter your guts all over this nice hull? [14:49:00] * Xivilai grins. "We were actually planning on reasoning with you from the start, I'll have you know. The disguise is unecessary." [14:49:24] (Who ever said Thalan was a speaker was VERY wrong.) [14:50:06] (Fortunatly, nobody's every said that.) [14:50:11] Perhaps you should let Brody talk, Thalan. [14:50:15] Now now, Thalan. Let us not scare the poor thing. I'm sure he's smarter than to be thinking of doing something violent. [14:50:30] Thalan, there's no need to thrust a gun in the his face. [14:51:05] * Thalan nods. "I just don't want to take chances." He backs off and lowers his weapon, but still keeps his gun at the ready. [14:51:33] Hmph. That was very rude of you [14:51:36] * Brody smiles at the Aranea. "Hey. I'm called Brody. We managed to hear this ship crashed, and we're sweeping it for survivors. Don't worry, we don't want to hurt you, despite initial impressions." [14:52:02] Nobody ever said I was polite. [14:52:18] Thalan's not a people person. [14:52:23] I *terribly* sorry, really. [14:52:26] * Human nods... [14:52:28] (I'm) [14:52:37] * Xivilai giggles. "He certainly isn't. Try not to take it personally." [14:53:52] Uh huh. Now, what do you want of me? [14:54:10] Well. Knowledge of your intentions wouldn't hury. [14:54:13] ( Jurt. ) [14:54:18] ( ...hurt. c.c; ) [14:54:34] * Human shrugs. [14:54:50] What can I say? Someone whacked me over the head, and put me in a cage. [14:54:58] * Thalan grips his rifle, as this is always when bad guys attack and shit. [14:55:03] I just wanna get outta here. [14:55:08] * Brody nods. "You want a trip off this world?" [14:55:14] Yeah, that'd be nice. [14:55:17] And some food. [14:55:30] We could probably get you to a shuttle easy enough [14:55:34] * Brody nods. "Ration packet okay?" [14:55:40] I've got a couple of humanoids back there webbed up in case I really, really needed it. [14:55:43] * Human frowns. [14:55:54] ...what kind of humanoids? [14:55:57] I suppose it's better than nothing. Though meat's good. [14:55:59] * Human shrugs. [14:56:19] * Xivilai shrugs. "Both easily fulfilled wishes. Where would you... oh my." [14:56:23] Well, there's a four-armed gorrila thing corpse around here somewhere. I don't think we need that, do we? [14:56:39] .... ooh. That'd be nice [14:56:46] Not really. But we did eff it up pretty good. [14:56:54] * Xivilai smirks. "We certainly don't. You are welcome to it, sir." [14:57:03] Right, right. [14:57:06] Oh, bah. That just means some of it is cooked for our friend. [14:57:08] ( BLEARGH ) [14:57:13] Right, right. [14:57:15] It's a little burnt, yes. I think Thalan did a number on his head. [14:57:32] Oh, yeah. There's also some sorta ... what da youse call them... [14:57:42] You know, those... cat head six leg things. [14:57:49] d20+17 [14:57:50] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d20+17) and gets 20. [14:57:51] d20+17 [14:57:51] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d20+17) and gets 30. [14:58:16] [Everyone roll spot and listen checks] [14:58:28] (What's the roll for listen? Wis too?) [14:58:33] (Yup.) [14:58:34] 2 d20+3 [14:58:34] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (2 d20+3) and gets 12 15. [14:58:37] 2 d20+1 [14:58:37] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fiarre (2 d20+1) and gets 11 18. [14:58:45] 2 d20+6 [14:58:46] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (2 d20+6) and gets 14 26. [14:58:58] 2 d20+3 [14:58:58] [Nobody notices anything odd] [14:58:58] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (2 d20+3) and gets 16 20. [14:59:20] (...must be really quiet. c.c) [14:59:24] ( ...that's probably bad. ) [14:59:43] Is that... hm. Displacer beast? [15:00:18] Sounds like it. [15:00:30] Yeah, that's it. [15:00:47] * Xivilai nods. "Hopefully it'll be in a decent mood." [15:01:06] We should probably be careful, it's probably not. [15:01:36] After being webbed up and all. [15:02:34] Huh? Oh, no. I didn't web that beastie up. [15:02:38] It'd probably tear me apart. [15:02:56] Hmm. [15:03:06] Ah. [15:05:47] * blargh ( Quit (Ping timeout) [15:05:54] (*pin drop*) [15:06:21] Right, so when can I get outta this place? [15:06:41] * Mandoric ( has joined #d&d [15:06:42] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Mandoric [15:07:17] We want to finish clearing the decks, first. [15:07:58] Oh. [15:08:03] Right. There may be a problem on the deck above. [15:08:05] * Human crosses his arms. [15:08:08] What kinda problem? [15:08:15] The bad kind. [15:08:22] After that, we can get you back to civilization and get a shuttle to wherever. [15:09:06] [Thalan comes rushing back into the room through the door. Oddly, you guys never noticed he left] [15:09:31] (Is the first Thalan still here?) [15:09:58] * Fiarre glances at Thalan, and frowns. [15:10:02] ( Nope ) [15:10:02] * Thalan sprints, and has a little fear in his eyes. "We got a displacer beast. I can smell him..." [15:10:45] Where? [15:10:56] And how likely is it to kick our ass? [15:11:08] * Xivilai smirks. "Yes, Thalan. Our friend here told us of it." [15:11:19] He vanished, but he's still here... I saw him in the room. [15:11:22] * Xivilai aims her rifle at the door in case the beastie comes through anytime soon. [15:12:21] * Brody and Vincent aim their guns at the door. [15:12:42] Let us know if you smell it coming, now. [15:13:07] * Fiarre aims at the door, but keeps watching Thalan out of the corner of his eye. [15:13:22] [For a brief moment, the visage of a smiling hellish feline can be seen through the door. Then it vanishes.] [15:13:23] * Thalan draws his plasma rifle. He keeps all five of his senses on full-alert. [15:13:57] ... okay, mind if I just walk over there? [15:14:02] * Human points at the other side of the room [15:14:18] Well shit. Sure, and have fun with that gorilla-thing. I never liked it anyways. [15:14:54] (My god, we're fighting American McGee's Cheshire Cat.) [15:15:00] Sure, go ahead. [15:15:11] Right. [15:15:14] * Human walks thataway [15:15:25] ( No, it's slightly worse than that. Well, physically anyway. Mentally? Not nearly as much of a problem. ) [15:16:29] [It's now 1:10] [15:18:01] * Brody waits for the cat to appear. [15:18:43] * Xivilai frowns and tries to see or hear the beast. [15:19:13] * Thalan curses. He tries to draw a bead on where the smell is comming from. [15:19:14] [A coat of some kid gets slid through the door. It's got webbing on it.] [15:19:25] [The freaky smile shows up again] [15:19:38] That's... creepy. [15:19:45] ... SHIT! [15:19:55] [No marks on it, though] [15:20:11] [The Displacer Beast seems to be trying to make a statement.] [15:20:17] ...Lover. [15:20:20] * Thalan closes his eyes and tries to hear the beast. [15:20:27] [Namely, "I am the predator, and you are the prey. NOt the other way around."] [15:20:30] I think it wants us to go in for it. [15:20:45] I think it ought to hold it's breath waiting for us to do so. [15:21:07] Considering there are people in there? If we want to do the 'right' thing, I doubt we have a choice. [15:21:43] ...true. [15:21:53] Vincent, mind taking point? [15:21:55] Can you hear it well enough to know where it is, Thalan? [15:21:58] * Brody nods, and readies her gun. "Who wants to kick in the door?" [15:22:06] * Human shouts from the other side of the room. "I told you guys that thing is damn freaky!" [15:22:23] I know it's there. And it makes plenty of noise, but I can't aim by it... Yet. [15:24:33] [You hear a high-pitched screech coming from inside the room. It must be raking its claws against the metal foor.] [15:24:52] [*SKKKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH*] [15:25:04] * Thalan covers his ears. "Gah!" [15:25:28] * Vincent walks to the door, and opens it, looking for the beast as he aims. [15:25:45] * Thalan sniffs the air, trying to draw a bead on the displacer beast. [15:26:21] [Everybody roll spot and listen checks.] [15:26:28] 2 d20+3 [15:26:29] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (2 d20+3) and gets 20 7. [15:26:31] 2 d20+1 [15:26:31] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fiarre (2 d20+1) and gets 13 13. [15:26:32] 2 d20+3 [15:26:32] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (2 d20+3) and gets 17 14. [15:26:35] 2 d20+14 [15:26:35] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (2 d20+14) and gets 17 32. [15:26:36] 2 d20+6 [15:26:36] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (2 d20+6) and gets 14 13. [15:26:42] (Dicey hates me.) [15:27:40] [Okay, Initiative. Everyone but Xiv] [15:27:54] d20+2 [15:27:54] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fiarre (d20+2) and gets 18. [15:27:55] [Everyone but her heard the beast. But nobody saw it.] [15:27:56] (Xiv rolls init, she's just surprised this round.) [15:28:02] [( Ah ) [15:28:11] d20+6 [15:28:11] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d20+6) and gets 26. [15:28:23] (Dicey likes me today, methinks.) [15:28:27] d20+2 [15:28:28] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+2) and gets 8. [15:28:39] (For Vinnie) [15:28:41] * Human is now known as DisplacerBeast [15:29:15] d20+2 [15:29:15] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+2) and gets 16. [15:29:16] (I knew it. @_@) [15:29:33] [Xiv?] [15:29:34] d20+7 [15:29:34] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Xivilai (d20+7) and gets 24. [15:29:53] [Initiative count 26: Thalan] [15:31:21] * Thalan looks up and aims his rifle at the ceiling above Vincent and fires in a (probably) futile attempt to hit the Displacer Beast. [15:33:31] * Atom ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:35:46] d20+12 [15:35:46] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d20+12) and gets 26. [15:36:22] [Roll damage] [15:36:27] 5d10 [15:36:27] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (5d10) and gets 23. [15:36:30] 2d6 [15:36:30] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (2d6) and gets 5. [15:36:38] (23+5=28) [15:36:58] * Atom ( has joined #D&D [15:37:32] [Thalan's shot is eerily accurate, striking a metal beam directly where the Displacer Beast was standing. The beam melts completely where it was struck, globs of molten metal landing on the ground., and the beast is slightly scorched. [15:37:53] [Initiative count 24: Xiv] [15:38:20] * Thalan lickes his teeth and smirks. [15:38:23] * Xivilai ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:38:24] (Err licks) [15:38:29] [Pause] [15:38:35] (Damn you peer!) [15:40:00] * Xivilai ( has joined #D&D [15:40:05] * Atom ( Quit (Ping timeout) [15:40:09] ( I cast Magic Missile at my connection! ) [15:40:24] ( Seriously, tho. Can I shoot at the thing? ) [15:40:25] (No wonder it blew up.) [15:41:10] [Umm... I think you can only take a partial action. Which means, yeah. I think.] [15:41:46] (Actually, on a surprise round, she can't do anything.) [15:41:52] [Oh. ^^;] [15:41:55] (Everyone else gets a partial action.) [15:41:59] ( Ah... ) [15:42:02] * Xivilai aims at where Thalan's shot hit and fires a burst! ...or not. [15:42:04] (And me shooting that thing was a partial action.) [15:42:23] [Init count 16: Vincent] [15:43:38] (Uhh, Dem? I had an 18.) [15:43:45] ( ... oh. ) [15:43:49] [Init count 18: Fiarre] [15:44:15] (Do I have any clue where to fire? Or where this thing even is?) [15:44:35] [You saw Thalan shoot... hmm...] [15:44:46] [I'll let you fire at a -4 penalty. Thalan shot at no penalty because of Scent] [15:45:31] * Fiarre trusts his senses, grips his laser pistol in both hands, and fires. [15:45:36] d20-1 [15:45:36] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fiarre (d20-1) and gets 4. [15:45:40] (...) [15:45:55] (...Dicey *hates* me, I think I've noted this before) [15:46:00] (Don't forget to keep track of your ammo, guys. :P) [15:46:07] (I do.) [15:46:14] (And the fact that you're shooting with a -1 penalty doesn't mean anything?) [15:46:44] [Fiarre's shot veers off-course, and strikes a rail. The rest of the bar breaks, and swings downwards.] [15:46:52] [Vincent] [15:46:54] (The fact I rolled so poorly either way...) [15:47:24] * Atom ( has joined #D&D [15:47:40] [Vinnie!] [15:47:59] (Vinnie's using his Infrared to see it. If he can.) [15:48:12] * Vincent aims his SMG at the ceiling towards where the other two shot. [15:48:13] [He sees it dead-on.] [15:48:28] d20+7 [15:48:28] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+7) and gets 19. [15:49:02] [The Displacer Beast apparently has the ability to bend light in the visible spectrum, causing that shadows phenomenon that makes it hard to hit] [15:49:04] [Roll damage] [15:49:24] 2d10 [15:49:24] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (2d10) and gets 15. [15:49:47] * DisplacerBeast is struck by a bullet from Vincent's SMG. Ouch. [15:50:44] * DisplacerBeast runs further down the catwalk, and takes cover behind a crate to try to throw off your knowledge of its position again. [15:50:47] [Brody] [15:52:36] * Brody tries to figure out where it is and fire off a shot. [15:52:38] (Can I do it?) [15:53:03] [Gimme a spot check to see if you fire at a -4 penalty or not] [15:53:33] d20+3 [15:53:33] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+3) and gets 10. [15:54:16] [Brody can't quite pin its location down, but she knows its general area is around that crate] [15:55:19] [Choose to fire?] [15:55:28] (Yep.) [15:55:43] [Roll, at -4 penalty] [15:55:47] d20+5 [15:55:47] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+5) and gets 23. [15:56:39] [Brody's shot streaks towards the beast and slams into it.] [15:56:43] [Roll dam.] [15:57:01] 3d8 [15:57:01] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (3d8) and gets 18. [15:57:15] 3d6 [15:57:15] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (3d6) and gets 10. [15:57:23] (Oh, disregard the 3d6.) [15:57:31] [Okay... looping back.] [15:57:33] [Thalan] [15:58:30] * Thalan draws a bead on it and fires his weapon of flaming plasma death at it. He's enjoying himself WAY too much. [15:58:42] d20+12 [15:58:42] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d20+12) and gets 18. [15:58:57] [Roll damage] [15:59:07] 5d10 [15:59:07] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (5d10) and gets 28. [15:59:10] 2d6 [15:59:10] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (2d6) and gets 6. [15:59:19] (28+6=34) [15:59:49] [The plasma SEARS through the crate, and strikes the displacer beast with much force. It falls off the catwalk and strikes the floor in a flaming heap.] [16:01:03] * Brody looks around the room to see if the webbed people are okay. [16:02:23] * Thalan keeps his sights on the... thing. [16:02:31] * Fiarre cautiously checks the corpse. [16:02:50] [The corpse... does not move.] [16:03:00] Nice shot, T. [16:03:11] * Thalan grins. "Who's the hunter now?" [16:03:13] [THe dancing lights in the room have stopped, and you now have your first really good look at a displacer beast.] [16:03:26] (It's old man Thomas!) [16:03:43] ("It's Joe Barbara!" "Who's that?") [16:03:58] * Brody reaches inside her coat, and takes out a dagger. She uses it to cut down the webbed person and the corpse. [16:04:05] ( *snk* ) [16:04:41] * Fiarre starts to search around the room to see if there's anything interesting. [16:04:43] d20+5 [16:04:43] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fiarre (d20+5) and gets 14. [16:04:59] * Thalan relaxes his stance and slings the plasma rifle across his back. He starts searching the room for interesting stuff, as usual. [16:05:04] d20+13 [16:05:04] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Thalan (d20+13) and gets 28. [16:05:51] [It's a pretty huge room, so searhcing it takes a pretty long time.] [16:06:03] * Brody checks the dead body for stuff, and passes the unconscious one to Vincent. [16:06:17] [Inside some industrial equipment, Thalan manages to find six blaster rifles.] [16:06:22] (Search check on the corpse?) [16:06:26] [Apparently... someone was trying to smuggle arms] [16:06:42] [The dead one has nothing] [16:06:46] [It's now 2:00 [16:07:04] Figures. The dragon eggs aren't the only reason this bird got shot down. [16:07:42] (Any of the weapons have distinct markings on them?) [16:07:58] ( Nope ) [16:08:06] ( The serial numbers have also been filed off. ) [16:08:07] (Cool. How many of what is here?) [16:08:16] (Well... okay, that don't work then.) [16:08:18] ( I told you. You found six blaster rifles. ) [16:08:25] Nice. [16:08:26] (Oh, I didn't see that.) [16:08:36] * Brody searches the room. [16:08:36] (With Vincent!) [16:08:36] 2 d20+3 [16:08:36] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (2 d20+3) and gets 4 15. [16:08:58] * Thalan pulls out the blaster rifles. "So, how much do you think we can sell these for?" [16:09:12] [There doesn't seem to be much more in the room] [16:09:39] * Brody shrugs. "Five apeice, I'd say." [16:09:54] Assuming we don't want to keep one or two. These are pretty high-end hardware for civvie models. [16:10:14] * Thalan packs the rifles away in his bag. "True. We'll figure out what to do with them after we get out." [16:10:25] Unless you want one? [16:10:49] Depends. Are they loaded? [16:11:04] (Actually, don't all energy weapons use the same clip?) [16:11:13] ( Almost all ) [16:11:17] ( The minicell ) [16:11:39] ( JUst convert the ammo over at the same ratio, rounding down the number of shots left ) [16:11:52] * Thalan hands Brody one of the rifles. "Here ya go." [16:12:02] (Nah, Brody has a load extra.) [16:12:22] (My plasma rifle does not use minicells. :P) [16:12:28] (It uses heavy cells.) [16:12:45] * Brody smiles, and takes it, slapping in a minicell from her haversack, listening to the sound of it powering up. [16:12:47] ( I said "Almost all". :P ) [16:12:59] Mmmmm. That right there's a sexy gun. ^_^ [16:13:09] * Thalan chuckles. "Hope ya get a charge out of that." [16:13:30] [Anyway, you guys manage to find one more door, leading to what is most likely the final cargo bay.] [16:13:46] [And the last unexplored room, aside from Engineering.] [16:14:45] Thalan? [16:14:59] Give it a listen, Thal? [16:15:05] * Thalan nods and moves in to listen to the door. [16:15:57] * Thalan nods. "We got a dog in there. Probably the Blink." [16:16:29] * Brody nods. [16:16:29] Anyone know what they speak? [16:17:03] I believe they have their own language. I doubt it will be hostile, however. [16:17:26] * Thalan shrugs and opens the door. "Blink dogs tend to be good by nature." [16:17:32] ( According to the MM, their language consists of a complex mxture of barks, yaps, whines, and growls. ) [16:17:50] True. And it will probably like you for having killed the displacer beast, Thalan. ^_~ [16:18:00] (And, IIRC, they're also telepathic.) [16:18:08] ( Nope ) [16:18:17] (Nope? Must've been thinking of something else then.) [16:18:33] * Thalan smirks. "That thing had it comming to him." [16:18:49] ( Yeah, just drag in the smoldering corpse. :P ) [16:18:54] ( If you can lift it, anyway ) [16:19:13] * Brody walks in, talking in a calming voice, as one would to a animal without a humanoid language. [16:20:11] [As you walk into the room, you see a rather large area with loads of boxes. This place is relatively unharmed, only a few boxes smashed open.] [16:20:20] * Thalan blinks. [16:20:24] Huh. [16:20:50] * Fiarre look at the smashed boxes. [16:21:21] [Just more industrial machinery] [16:21:47] * Thalan walks in. [16:22:19] [Thalan steps into one of the boxes. Boy, it's cramped in there, with all that machinery] [16:22:26] [Just kidding] [16:22:48] * Xivilai walks in and looks around. She whistles a note or two. [16:23:09] * Brody and Vincent Search the room. [16:23:09] d20+3 [16:23:09] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+3) and gets 20. [16:23:37] * Thalan looks around. "We got company." [16:23:56] Friendly? [16:24:08] A... gnome and, I think, a half-dragon. [16:24:22] I see. [16:24:27] * Thalan closes his eyes and sniffs, trying to draw a bead on them. [16:24:44] * DisplacerBeast is now known as Voice [16:24:52] (And another roll for Vinnie) [16:25:24] d20+3 [16:25:25] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brody (d20+3) and gets 15. [16:25:28] [You don't really find anything of value. This room doesn't really look like there would be much hidden here] [16:25:46] What do you want? [16:25:54] You're not with Raspin, are you? [16:26:07] No, we're not. [16:26:47] We're looking for survivors. [16:26:53] * Thalan points at some crates. His eyes are still closed while he nods. [16:27:28] [You see the head of a half-blue dragon peek out from behind a crate. Looks at you for a sec. Then stands up. He's well-dressed, obviously a member of the aristocracy even without the draconic blood [16:27:43] * Voice is now known as Saergin [16:27:52] Greetings. I... am Saergin Thunderclaw. [16:28:09] * Awaymancer ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [16:28:22] [A second person, a gnome, slowly stands up. He looks like a complete nervous wreck.] [16:28:36] * Segev ( has joined #D&D [16:28:44] "Ph-Phed Burbottle he-here..." [16:28:45] * Xivilai sketches a courtesey, since she knows the whole upper-class thing. "Greetings, sir." [16:28:59] * Thalan opens his eyes and scowls. "You deal with the dragon. I'm going to have a seat." [16:29:09] Good day. [16:29:12] * Thalan takes a seat, just like he said he would. [16:29:46] What other survivors have you found? [16:30:18] * Fiarre sits down on a nearby crate. [16:31:04] Two halflings, so far. [16:31:35] ( What, you forgot about the elf and the human and the guy from the web? :P ) [16:31:44] * Saergin blinks. [16:32:00] Two? I thought... ah, yes. Must be one of the ship's crew. [16:32:18] ( Yes, actually. ^_^; ) Also, and elf who claimed to be a passenger, and two humans. We are also quite certain of Raspin's location. [16:32:40] * Saergin blinks. [16:32:44] Ah, good. [16:32:45] We've been busy. [16:33:02] * Brody nods. [16:33:21] Hm. The elf could be a problem. She's Salis Nillaris, one of Raspin's folk. [16:33:39] * Saergin sniffs. [16:33:43] Oh? Interesting. [16:33:43] Still, a commendable job. [16:34:12] The two humans you found were probably Maekis and the captain. [16:34:59] * Xivilai nods. [16:35:13] Hm. In any case, you go ahead and deal with Raspin. I'll stay here and guard the eggs. [16:35:14] * Thalan pulls out his datapad and fills in all the blank spots. [16:35:34] [The gnome nods in a really jittery way, and returns to sitting down] [16:35:47] Very well. Do take care, sir. [16:35:49] (Where's Brody?) [16:37:43] Righto. Good luck and all that. [16:37:47] * Saergin sits down behind the crates. [16:37:48] (In the room. Her player was dragged away to dinner. ^^;;) [16:38:13] * Brody hmps. "I *knew* that bitch lied." [16:38:17] * Xivilai glances at Brody once Saergin is facing away. [16:39:20] * Brody shrugs. "So, we're going up to engineering now?" [16:39:21] We'll have to return to see her later, then. [16:39:31] Indeed. [16:39:58] ( Well, there's Engineering. And there's still the shocker lizard room if you want to explore that ) [16:40:21] Let's head to Engineering, yes. [16:40:30] Yes. [16:40:41] [The time is now 2:15] [16:40:45] ( Er, it's starting to get late. Can we call it here or hereabouts? ) [16:41:00] (Calling it here sounds good.) [16:41:15] (Fine with me.) [16:41:18] (May as well.) [16:41:24] ( ALrighty. ) [16:41:26] * Thalan fills in the data and files it away. He packs his datapad away. [16:41:34] [Session End] Session Close: Sat Apr 26 00:00:00 2003