Elem Racial traits Eleti Racial Traits Ith-Kon Racial Traits Kobold Racial Traits Lizardfolk Racial Traits Oruk Racial Traits Pershala Racial Traits Pevishan Racial Traits Quasta Racial Traits Sathoni Racial Traits * +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence, -4 Dexterity: Sathoni are fomidable and hearty, but their tough skin reduces their flexibility. * Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures, sathoni have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. * Sathoni base speed is 30 feet. * Natural Armor: A sathoni has +2 natural armor. Sathoni skin is extremely durable. * Limited Regeneration: A sathoni that loses part of its body mass can regrow it in 1d2 days. Holding the severed portion against the mass enables it to reattach instantly. In addition, the sathoni's natural healing rate is doubled. * Plant Traits: Sathoni, like other plants, are immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. They are not subject to critical hits or mind-influencing effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects.) * Speak with Plants (Sp): Sathoni can speak with plants once per day as the spell cast by a 5th level druid. * +4 racial bonus to Knowledge (nature) checks: Sathoni have an innate affinity for nature's processes. * Darkness Sensitivity: Due to their dependency on sunlight, sathoni suffer a -2 to attack rolls in complete darkness. This penalty is in addition to any other penalty or miss chance caused by the darkness. * Light Dependency: Sathoni produce their energy through photosyntheesis and are depended upon sunlight, or a similar source of light (the internal lighting aboard most starships is sufficient), in addition to water and minerals to make their own food. In normal climates, like other Medium-size characters, sathoni characters need at least a gallon of fluids to avoid dangerous thirst. Sathoni characters need to ingest about a pound of soil or similarly mineral-rich substance and receive at least eight hours of sunlight per day to avoid starvation. A sathoni character can go without water or light for 1 day plus a number of hours equal to her Constitution score. After this time, the characters must make a Constitution check each day (DC 10, +1 for each previous check) or sustain 1d6 points of subdual damage. A sathoni character can go without soil for 3 days, growing in discomfort. After this time, the character must make a Constitution check each day (DC 10, +1 for each previous check), or sustain 1d6 points of subdual damage. Sathoni characters that have taken subdual damage from lack of water, sufficient light, or soil are fatigued (see DMG, Chapter 3, Condition Summary). This subdual damage cannot be recovered until the character receives sufficient minerals, water, or light, as needed. Neither magical healing that restores hit points (such as cure light wounds) nor the sathoni's regeneration ability heals this damage. * Automatic Languages: Sylvan. Bonus Languages: Common, Elven, Gnome, and Terran. * Favored Class: Druid. A multiclass sathoni's druid class does not count when determining whether or not there is an XP penalty for multiclassing (see PHB, Chapter 3, Experience for Multiclass characters). Sathoni are natural druids. * Level Equivalent: +1 Siarran Racial Traits Tarn Idou Racial Traits * +2 Dexterity, +2 Inteligence, -2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom: The floating limbs of the tarn idoun give them great flexibility. These energies may be suppressed as described below. Although tarn idoun are naturally intelligent, their alien outlook and mysterious quirks make interaction with them difficult and tends to lead them into trouble. * Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures, tarn idoun have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. * Speed (Su): Tarn idoun base speed is 30 feet. Although the limited crystal form of a tarn idoun would normally inhibit its movement, the arcane energies within it allow it to move as other creatures its size. These energies may be suppressed as described below. * Outsider Traits: Tarn idoun are descended from nonelemental creatures of extraplanar origin. They have darkvision with a range of 60 feet. * Extended Reach (Su): Tarn idoun have a reach of 10 feet. By employing the arcane enegies within their crystalline shells, tarn idoun can extend their limbs to allow them to reach further than other creatures their size. These energies may be suppressed as described below. * Damage Reduction: A tarn idoun has damage reduction 2/-. A tarn idoun's skin is resistant to injuries. * Dragon Pact: Tarn idoun receive a +4 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks involving dragons and half-dragons. This is a result of a pact that prominent tarn idoun made with the dragons just before the Dragon War. * Ioun Stone Creation (Su): A tarn idoun can create charged ioun stones (see DMG, Chapter 8, Wondrous Items) from burned out dull gray ioun stones, which it can grow on its back. All tarn idoun starting characters begin with one dull gray ioun stone. If the tarn idoun wishes to create additional dull gray ioun stones, it may do so at the rate of one per month, snapping off the stones when they are finished forming. This does not cost the tarn idoun anything. Once the tarn idoun has a dull gray ioun stone in hand, it can charge the stone, turning it into any other type of ioun stone through the following process: First, the tarn idoun decides what sort of ioun stone it wants to create and then it begins to charge the stone. To charge a dull gray ioun stone, the tarn idoun simply sets it in orbit around its head for a number of days equal to the stone's market value divided by 1,000 gp. The tarn idoun's character level must equal or exceed the stone's market price divided by 1,000 gp and it must expend XP equal to 1/25 of the ioun stone's market value. Thus, an 8th-level tarn idoun can create any ioun stone with a market price of 8,000 gp or less. A 12th-level tarn idoun is no longer restricted to the type of ioun stones it can create. Regardless of the number of character levels the tarn idoun has when it creates an ioun stone, the ioun stone's caster level is always 12th. A tarn idoun does not need to meet any of the prerequisites for an ioun stone to create another one in this matter. * Sonic Vulnerability: A tarn idoun takes double damage from sonic attacks unless a save is allowed for half damage. A successful save halves the damage, and a failure doubles it. * Arcane Essence (Ex): Tarn idoun rely upon ancient arcane magic and innate energies to hold their crystalline form together. They posess a magical aura that can be sensed through detection spells, such as detect magic. The strength of a tarn idoun's magical aura depends upon its total number of character levels. A tarn idoun's total character levels are treated as the tarn idoun's "item caster level" when detected through magic (see PHB, Chapter 11, Aura Strength). Thus, a 7th-level tarn idoun emits an aura of moderate strength. A tarn idoun's magical aura registers as being one of the Transmutation school. If a tarn idoun's arcane essence is disrupted, then the tarn idoun loses its ability to competently interact with its surroundings. A tarn idoun that is subject to an anti-magic field suffers a -6 penalty to its Dexterity, its speed reduced to 20 ft, and its reach diminishes to 5 feet. These penalties cease once the tarn idoun leaves the anti-magic field. Likewise, if a tarn idoun is the target of a successful dispel magic spell, it suffers the same penalties. FOr purposes of dispel checks, the tarn idoun's caster level is equal to its character level. A tarn idoun subject to the spell disjunction must make a Will save or be permanently subject to the penalties outlined above. The permanent loss of these abilities cannot be restored through restorative magic, such as lesser restoration, but can be restored through the use of a wish or miracle spell. * Automatic Languages: Terra. Bonus Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, and Ignan. * Favored Class: Mechanist and Wizard. A multiclass tarn idoun's mechanist class or wizard class does not count when determining whether or not there is an XP penalty for multiclassing (see PHB, Chapter 3, Experience for Multiclass Characters). Tarn idoun's are equally adept with both technology and magic. * Level Equivalent: +1 Ulb Racial Traits