INTRODUCTION Open Game Content in this chapter includes game rules, statistics, abilities, mechanics, and material derived from the d20 System SRD, including the names and game mechanics of all feats. Background and setting information is designated as closed content . All ofthe feats in the d20 System core rules are available to characters in Dragonstar. The DM may also allow any feats from other sources . This section updates and expands several original feats, and the following section presents many new feats available to characters in Dragonstar. Original feats Most of the original feats are unchanged . The ones listed here are those affected by new rules unique to the Dragonstar setting . AMBIDEXERITY Robots and soulmechs get this feat for free. Handedness is unique to organic beings, and robotics engineers never build this weakness into their designs . ARMOR PROFICIENCY [HEAVY] There are several new kinds ofhigh-tech heavy armor. See Chapter Six : Equipment for more details . Benefit : When you wear a type of armor you're proficient with, the armor check penalty applies only to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Freefall, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, Pilot, and Tumble checks. ARMOR PROFICIENCY (LIGHT] There are several new kinds of high-tech light armor. See Chapter Six: Equipment for more details . Benefit : When you wear a type of armor you're proficient with, the armor check penalty applies only to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Freefall, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, Pilot, and Tumble checks . ARMOR PROFICIENCY [MEDIUM] There are several new kinds of high-tech medium armor. See Chapter Six: Equipment for more details. Benefit : When you wear a type of armor you're proficient with, the armor check penalty applies only to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Freefall, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, Pilot, and Tumble checks . CRAFT MAGIC ARMS AND ARMOR You must have the Technical Proficiency feat to create magic, high-tech weapons and armor. CRAFT WONDROUS ITEMS You must have the Technical Proficiency feat to create high-tech miscellaneous magic items . DEFLECT ARROWS This feat only works against thrown or archaic missile weapons, such as arrows, stones, or crossbow bolts. You cannot use this feat to deflect bullets or energy pulses. FAR SHOT You can use this feat with high-tech ranged weapons, such as firearms, in addition to archaic projectile weapons. IMPROVED TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING This feat does not work with ranged weapons. LEADERSHIP The following additional modifiers apply to this feat. See DMG 45 for more information on Leadership. Soulmech ownership or being soulmech affects negatively Owning starship affects positively MARTIAL WEAPON PROFICIENCY There are a number of new kinds of martial weapons. Some of these can only be used if you have the Technical Proficiency feat. See Chapter Six: Equipment for a full list. MOUNTED ARCHERY You get the benefits of this feat when you fire any kind of ranged weapon from a mount, including firearms. This feat does not apply to ranged attacks from vehicles. SHIELD PROFICIENCY Shields are largely an obsolete technology in Dragon Empire. Law enforcement officers occasionally use them to protect against primitive weapons in riot situations. Shields offer no armor bonus against ranged attacks from firearms (see Chapter 7: Combat, page 124, for more details). SIMPLE WEAPON PROFICIENCY the There are a number of new kinds of simple weapons. Some of these can only be used if you have the Technical Proficiency feat. See Chapter Six : Equipment for a full list. SKILL FOCUS In Dragonstar, this feat provides a +3 bonus on all checks with the chosen skill. Outlands characters who gain the Technical Proficiency feat may immediately take this increased bonus if they have already selected this feat at least once. They are assumed to have gained access to the Dragon Empire's advanced training resources to hone their skill. TRACK You cannot use this feat to track aircraft or spacecraft. Hovercraft, however, can be tracked using this feat. TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING This feat does not work with ranged weapons. WEAPON FOCUS As in the core rules, you must choose a specific weapon for this feat. You cannot choose "firearms" or "blasters," but you could choose "sniper rifle" or "blaster pistol ." New Feats AIRCRAFT PILOTING [GENERAL] You know how to pilot and operate aircraft. Prerequisites : Pilot skill, Technical Proficiency . Benefit : You do not suffer any penalties on your Pilot checks when operating an aircraft. Normal: Characters without this feat suffer a -4 penalty on Pilot checks when attempting to operate an aircraft. ARMOR PROFICIENCY [POWERED] [GENERA]] You are proficient with powered armor. See Chapter Six : Equipment for more details on powered armor. Prerequisites : Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Armor Proficiency (heavy), and Technical Proficiency. Benefit: When you wear a type of armor you're proficient with, the armor check penalty applies only to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Freefall, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, Pilot, and Tumble checks. Normal: A character who is wearing armor with which she is not proficient suffers its armor check penalty on attack rolls and on all skill checks that involve moving, including Ride. Special : Fighters and paladins have this feat for free. AUTOfIRE [GENERAL] You are trained to fire accurate bursts with an automatic weapon. Prerequisites : Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Technical Proficiency, Dex 13+. Benefit : When firing an automatic weapon, you hit with an extra shot for every 3 by which your attack roll exceeds the opponent's AC. Normal: A character firing a burst from an automatic weapon hits with an extra shot for every 5 by which his attack roll exceeds the opponent's AC. BORN SPACER [GENERAL] You are familiar and comfortable with space and its exotic environments . Prerequisite : Technical Proficiency. Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Freefall and Navigate checks. COMBAT ACE [GENERAL] In a dogfight, you can line up and acquire a target with a single fluid maneuver. Prerequisites : Pilot skill, Technical Proficiency. Benefit : You can make a targeting run and acquire a target as a single move-equivalent action. Normal: Targeting run and acquire target are both move-equivalent actions. (See Vehicle Combat, page 157, for more information) . Special : You cannot use this feat with a vehicle that is size category Colossal or larger. CRACK SNOT [GENERAL] You are skilled at making well-placed shots at targets behind cover. Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot. Benefit: When you make a ranged attack against an opponent behind cover, the target's cover bonus to AC is halved . DRAGONBLOOD [GENERAL] The blood ofdragons runs in your veins, and its manifested power gives you a natural affinity for arcane magic. Prerequisite : Cha 13+. Benefit: Sorcerer is a favored class for you. This is in addition to your favored class based on race. Special : You can take this feat any time you are eligible to choose a new feat. When you take the feat after 1st level, you have only just discovered the latent magical affinity manifested by your heritage. Despite the name, soulmechs can choose this feat-the dragon ancestor's power is in the spirit, not the blood. HACKER [GENERAL] You are skilled at breaking codes and cracking computer systems . Prerequisite: Technical Proficiency. Benefit : You get a +2 bonus on all Cryptography and Use Device checks. IMPLANT SPELLWARE [ITEM CREATION] You can modify and augment living beings with spellware, such as darkvision and enhanced strength . Prerequisites : Spellcaster level 5th+, Technical Proficiency. Benefit : You can create any spellware whose prerequisites you meet. Implanting a spellware enhancement in a patient takes 1 hour for each 1,000 credits in its price and costs half its price in raw materials, supplies, and equipment. The recipient of the spellware must spend 1/25 of the enhancement's price in XP. You can also upgrade certain enhancements . Doing so costs half the XP, halfthe materials, and half the time it would take to implant the spellware in the first place. Some spellware enhancements cost extra credits or XP as noted in their descriptions. These costs are in addition to those derived from the enhancement's base price. You must pay this cost to implant or upgrade the spellware . For more details on spellware, see Chapter 6: Magic Items in the Galaxy Guide. ETIQUETTE [GENERAL] You know how to handle yourself in just about any situation . Prerequisite: Charisma 13+. Benefit : When making a Diplomacy check, you ignore any circumstance penalties for dealing with those of a different culture. You also gain a +2 circumstance bonus on your Charisma check to alter an NPC's initial attitude toward you. EVASIVE PILOTING [GENERAL] You know how to shake a tail. Prerequisites: Technical Proficiency, Dex 13+ . Benefit: You get a +4 bonus on your opposed Pilot check when an opponent is attempting a targeting run on your vehicle. GEARHEAD [GENERAL] You have an intuitive understanding of how machines work. Prerequisite: Technical Proficiency. Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Repair and Use Device checks . GUNNER [GENERAL] You are trained to fire weapons from a vehicle. Prerequisite : Technical Proficiency . Benefit: The penalty on ranged attack rolls for your vehicle's speed is halved . For example, the penalty on a ranged attack from a vehicle moving at speed 20 would be -3 instead of -6 (see Vehicle Combat, page 157). GUNNER'S EYE [GENERAL] You are skilled at acquiring targets in vehicle combat. Prerequisite : Technical Proficiency. Benefit : You get a +4 bonus on Use Device checks to acquire targets in vehicle combat (see Vehicle Combat, page 157). HIGH-G TOLERANCE [GENERAL] You are well adapted to high-g environments . Prerequisite : Str 13+. Benefit : You treat all high-g environments as if they were lg lower, to a minimum of I g. IMPROVED FAR SHOT [GENERAL] You are highly skilled at making accurate attacks at great distance with ranged weapons. Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Far Shot. Benefit : All penalties due to range are halved . Each full range increment causes a cumulative -1 penalty on your ranged attack rolls. Normal: Each full range increment causes a cumulative -2 penalty on a character's ranged attack rolls. IMPROVED SHOT ON THE RUN [GENERAL] You are skilled at making multiple ranged attacks with firearms while on the move. Prerequisites : Point Blank Shot, Dex 15+, Dodge, Mobility, Mobile Shot, Shot on the Run, Technical Proficiency, ability to make multiple ranged attacks with a firearm. Benefit : You can make multiple ranged attacks with a firearm and still move your base speed. Ifthe attacks are combined with a move action, you can make your attacks at any point during your normal movement. For example, if your speed is 30 feet, you could move 10 feet and take your first attack, move 10 more feet and take your second attack, and then move your final 10 feet. You can't use this feat if you are in heavy armor (though you can use it in powered armor). Normal: You must use the full attack action in order to get more than one attack per round. Special : You only get the benefits of this feat when making ranged attacks with a firearm . You can use the feat whenever you get multiple ranged attacks in a round, such as with a high base attack bonus, the Rapid Shot feat, or the gundancer's firestorm class ability. INFORMATION JUNKIE [GENERAL] You spend much of your time accumulating news, trivia, rumors, and gossip . Benefit : You get a +2 bonus on all Gather Information and Research checks . LEAD FOOT [GENERAL] You are very good at operating a vehicle at high speed. Prerequisites: Pilot skill, Technical Proficiency. Benefit : When piloting a vehicle, you get a +4 bonus on all Pilot checks for acceleration (see Vehicles, page 150). LOW-G TOLERANCE [GENERAL] You are well adapted to low-g environments . Prerequisite : Dex 13+. Benefit : You treat all low-g environments-those between 0.1 g and 1 g-as ifthey were 1g for purposes of Dexterity modifiers . MOBILE SHOT [GENERAL] You are adept at dodging attacks while firing a ranged weapon. Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility. Benefit : You get a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity caused when you make a ranged attack within a threatened area. Note: A condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) also makes you lose your dodge bonuses . PRESSING ATTACK [GENERAL] You are skilled at seizing every advantage and keeping your opponent on the defensive . Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes. Benefit: This feat allows you to follow an opponent who tries to step back from an area you threaten. The opponent must be in an area you threaten at the beginning of his action. If the opponent takes a 5-foot step to an area you do not threaten, you may immediately take a 5-foot step of your own to any unoccupied space where you again threaten the opponent. If no such space is available, you cannot use this feat. You may only use this feat once per round. RAM [GENERAL] You know how to use your vehicle as a weapon. Prerequisites: Pilot skill, Technical Proficiency. Benefit : When you attempt to ram another vehicle, your target does not get a Pilot check for half damage. RAPTOR'S INSTINCT [GENERAL] You know how to maneuver your vehicle to line up attacks against an opponent. Prerequisites : Piloting skill, Technical Proficiency. Benefit : You get a +4 bonus on Pilot checks to make targeting runs in vehicle combat (see Vehicle Combat, page 157). REMOTE OPERATION [GENERAL] You know how to operate a robot remotely . Prerequisites : Use Device skill, Technical Proficiency. Benefit : If you have a remote operation rig and access to a robot with the remote operation upgrade, you can control the robot's actions through a wireless communications link. The robot will do any task you command to the best of its ability. If you make an attack using the robot, you may either use your attack bonus with a -4 penalty or you may simply issue the commands and use the robot's attack bonus. (See Robots, page 115, for more information.) SPACE JOCKEY [GENERAL] You are more at home behind the controls of a starship than anywhere else, and you don't mind getting your hands dirty to keep your craft in tip-top shape. Prerequisites: Pilot skill, Starship Piloting, Technical Proficiency. Benefit : You get a +2 bonus on all Pilot, Repair, and Use Device checks involved in the operation ofa starship . SPEED LOAD [GENERAL] You can reload a gun with startling speed. Prerequisites : Base attack bonus +1 or higher, Technical Proficiency. Benefit : You can load an ammunition magazine or power cell into a firearm as a free action instead of a move-equivalent action. STARSHIP PILOTING [GENERAL] You know how to pilot and operate a starship . Prerequisites : Pilot skill, Technical Proficiency. Benefit : You do not suffer any penalties on your Pilot checks when operating a starship . Normal: Characters without this feat suffer a -4 penalty on Pilot checks when attempting to operate a starship. TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY [GENERAL] You either hail from or have lived in a technologically advanced civilization for a significant period oftime. Benefit : You can use common high-tech devices, such as communicators and holovids. You can also learn to use high-tech weapons, computers, vehicles, and other complex or specialized equipment with the appropriate training. Normal: Without this feat, characters cannot use hightech devices without instruction . Even with instruction, they suffer a -4 circumstance penalty on all ability checks, skill checks, and attack rolls using high-tech devices . Such characters cannot choose feats or learn skills that have Technical Proficiency as a prerequisite . Special : This feat is typically not chosen when a character is eligible to select a new feat. Most characters who hail from a high-tech civilization such as the Dragon Empire gain this feat for free when they are created. Characters from Outlands worlds may take it for free once they have spent one full level gaining experience with advanced technology. A character could meet this requirement by adventuring in the Empire, training at an imperial enclave on an Outlands world, or traveling with others who are equipped and experienced with high technology. Characters are never required to take this feat. Characters only gain the feat ifthey are actively attempting to learn and acclimate themselves to technological civilization . TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE [GENERAII You can withstand a broad range of temperatures and climates . Prerequisite: Con 13+. Benefit : You get a +4 bonus on Fortitude saving throws to resist the effects of heat dangers and cold dangers (DMG 86) . TWO-SUN SHOOTING [GENERAL] You can shoot with both weapons when you have a firearm in each hand. You can make one extra attack each round with the second weapon. Benefit : Your penalties for firing two weapons are reduced by 2. Normal: See Firing Two Weapons, page 131 . Special : The Ambidexterity feat reduces the attack penalty for the second weapon by 4. These penalties are further reduced if the size category of both weapons is one size category smaller than yours. VEHICLE DODGE [GENERAL] You know how to maneuver to avoid attacks. Prerequisites: Pilot skill, Technical Proficiency. Benefit: When piloting a vehicle, you get a +1 dodge bonus on your AC against attacks from one opponent you choose, whether it's a character, creature, or another vehicle. You can select a new target on any action. Special : If you choose an opposing vehicle as your target for this feat, the dodge bonus applies to all ranged attacks made from that vehicle. This may include any combination of integral vehicle weapons, mounted weapons, or personal weapons fired by characters on or in the vehicle. ZERO-G TOLERANCE [GENERAL] You are well adapted to zero-g environments . Prerequisites : Freefall skill, Dex 15+. Benefit : You treat all zero-g environments-those up to 0.1g-as if they were lg for purposes of Dexterity modifiers .