Start of #Sharn buffer: Sun Jun 03 17:14:11 2007 [16:29:33] [The last thing Aun remembered before blacking out was slitting the faceless monstrocity's throat while Aurora's prayer held it still. She could have sworn she saw the blood from its arteries spray. But then it sprang to life, overcomming both the cleric's spell and Aun's expertly opened wound, and squeezed the life out of her.] [16:32:04] [Or at least, she thought it did. Aun's eyes flutter open to look into the face of a beautiful being. Her skin is milky white and her downy feathers are pale to match. Silver hair flows from her faultless face down her body. Vibrant green sashes manage to preserve her modesty. Blinking, Aun notices that the woman's hand is touching her neck, with a soothing glow.] [16:32:10] [Minisession Go!] [16:32:28] (Downy feathers of her wings, that is) [16:33:27] * Aun instinctively tenses up and then relaxes. "Oh! Hello." [16:34:54] "Hello." [16:37:14] * Aun pushes herself up from the ground. "I... Honestly, I'm having a lot of difficulty thinking of something appropriate to say. I'm a little overwhelmed." [16:37:44] [As Aun takes a look around, she realizes that she's not in a sealed off level of an intact tower anymore. All around her is debris. Broken stone and steal pushed asside in a wide tunnel.] [16:38:24] (Steel*) [16:39:26] "Normally you would not notice the passing of one such as myself... but this wasn't my idea." [16:40:36] Not your idea? I wasn't under the impression that angels were given to happenstance. [16:41:25] "No, but we make deals when they're in line with our goals." [16:42:30] "Being called to destroy one of these abominations and rescuing one of its victims wasn't something I require payment for." [16:43:40] Just what was this? I mean, most things just die when you cut their throats, from what little throat-cutting I've done, and this was just... Traveller. [16:44:19] [16:44:41] "Do not say his name lightly. For he may come visting." [16:45:12] I always thought it was worse if I let him think I ignored him. [16:45:31] But I'm guessing you're the expert, given that you're... Well, you know. [16:47:34] "From another plane. Though we worship on faith just as much as My time is at an end here. I wish I could do more, but I must leave you to find your own way to saftey. Do not worry, he's looking out for you." [16:48:01] [16:48:04] at* [16:49:11] Well, thanks for your help. I'll see you again, I hope. [16:49:16] * Aun looks over to the sound. [16:49:23] "You most likely won't." [16:49:31] [16:49:49] Well, damn. [16:56:04] * Aun gets up and begins following after the noise, feeling her way along the walls as best she can. [16:56:08] [As the angel fades, so does the light given off by her flaming weapon, casting the tunnel in shadow. As Aun strains to make out that noise, she thinks it sounded like a small rodent running away from her.] [16:57:11] "Just my damn luck. I get nearly torn apart by some freak, but then I meet a nice girl. And then the girl turns out to be from another fucking plane of existance and pops off, taking the only light with her. I should have been a teacher." [17:09:36] [MiniSession Stop!] End of #Sharn buffer Sun Jun 03 17:14:11 2007