Session Start: Wed Nov 25 17:03:26 2009 Session Ident: #Sharn 03[17:03:26] * Now talking in #Sharn 03[17:03:26] * Topic is 'Init: Temper, Mauz, Shezna, Par, Mari, Phanos, Johen, Aurora' 03[17:03:26] * Set by NovaSeaker on Wed Nov 04 18:02:46 03[17:03:28] * Demota is now known as Aurora 03[17:14:15] * Darkheart is now known as Mauz 03[17:14:36] * NovaSeaker ( has joined #Sharn 03[17:14:38] * Yon ( has joined #Sharn 03[17:14:42] * Yon is now known as Marianysa 03[17:14:43] * ChanServ sets mode: +o NovaSeaker [17:21:59] [2 Days AT from Storm Reach] [17:21:59] [The group just finished interrogating a bound Shezna in the mystically created hut Phanos conjured into existance. There was a comotion heard outside just before Pardrengo returned from his hunt and tackled Mari inside the saftey of the structure.] [17:21:59] [Before Pardrengo managed to scramble to his feet and close the door behind him, the group is able to catch a glimps of the source of their guide's terror.] [17:21:59] [An enormous reptilian biped brushes aside the thick jungle vines like grass. It stands twice as tall as the hut the group takes shelter in, and its massive head is nearly as tall as a man, with a single row of arm-sized teeth.] [17:21:59] [Session Start] [17:22:00] *The door SLAMs shut and Pardrengo looks around. He spies a window that was kept unshuttered for ventalation in the hot jungle night. "SHUT THOSE SHUDDERS!" 06[17:22:15] * Aurora shuts them, quickly! 01[17:22:19] What IS that thing?? 06[17:22:50] * Marianysa picks herself up off the ground. "What the hell? What the hell? What's going ON?" [17:24:46] [Aurora rushes to the window, and she catches sight of... something? a second before she closes the doors. A fleshy tentacle flashing out to grab her with it's four-part suctioned tip.] [17:25:46] [The window shuts and the pseudopod hits the shudders with thundrous force. Miraculously, the flimsy wooden latch on the shutters doesn't even budge.] [17:26:18] *Pardrengo is breathing hard, body surging with adrenaline and fear. "It... It's HER!" [17:26:24] *Pardrengo shakes his head. [17:27:17] Her WHO? [17:27:27] *Johen looks up. "Your ex-wife?" [17:28:06] *Par largely ignores Johen's ill-timed humor. "LURKING TWO-MAWS! Havn' ya dolts heard the tavern tales?!" 01[17:28:16] Nope... [17:30:16] [The shutters and door behind to recieve tremendous beatings, and only the strength of Phanos's magic keeps them closed and protecting the hut's occupants.] 06[17:30:20] * Mauz looks... calm enough, all things considered. "Not a one... fuck, I'm almost out of booze." [17:31:04] In any case, mind telling us the tale? We're not dead, so that's got to mean something. 01[17:31:06] Geez. Can that thing just yell us to death? [17:31:18] [After terrifying handful of seconds of watching the door and shutters violently shake under the beating, they stop shaking... and a moment later, the most terrifying earth rumbling, gut-loosening roar pierces the dread.] [17:31:41] [Everyone save Aurora becames a shade paler. Including the ususall aplomb Johen.] [17:32:09], I've never heard of that. [17:32:35] ... 06[17:32:46] * Mauz shakily drinks straight from the bottle. 01[17:33:06] I don't hang around taverns. [17:33:09] *Pardrengo takes a slow, shakey breath. [17:33:50] "She be the immortal dread of Xen'drik. Fang Titan Drakes be horrifyin' enough, but... ol' Lurking Two-Maws... she be the worst.] [17:33:51] " [17:34:49] It's nice to know we almost bought it to a living legend. [17:34:53] "They say wat magical catasrophe broke Xen'drik also broke most of its residents. Giants went insane, can't even rebuild their glory if they tried, if you believe the tales." 06[17:35:02] * Mauz sounds far less rattled than he looks. [17:36:41] "Lurking Two-Maws be one of the drakes roamin the jungles before what disaster done in the Giants. She can't die. The catastr'phe done break her out of the flow of time and turn her crazy.... She... she ain't no normal jungle beast lookin for dinner.... she.... she wants to kill us." [17:37:00] Why US?! [17:37:01] *Pardrengo stares at the floor, shaking his head. 01[17:37:08] Why? [17:37:09] "Cause she has our scent." 01[17:37:22] Ugh. 01[17:37:24] Can we wait her out? [17:37:31] "She ain't no normal predator. She... She won't give up." [17:37:37] "She got all the time in the world." [17:37:55] "They say she doesn't even have a stomach to fill. Just an empty void." [17:38:37] [*CRACK*] [17:38:43] So we either go out there and die like heroes, or wait here and potentially starve? 06[17:39:02] * Mauz pauses. "... I really did not bring enough rum." [17:39:13] [There's a disconcertingly loud impact on the top of the hut, followed by another roar, but the structure seems to be holding.] 01[17:40:01] Can we... dig through the floor? 01[17:40:49] Would that fool her? [17:41:15] *Pardrengo sinks to the floor and holds his head. "Don't know." [17:42:10] What would we dig a tunnel WITH?! [17:42:17] *Johen clears his throat and opens his tome again. "Perhaps it'd be best if we rested before making any foolhardy plans." 01[17:42:24] With that noise? [17:42:44] It... is loud, yes. We can try to settle, but it won't be restful. [17:43:33] *Johen smiles. "None of you have ever tried to rest on a university campus before, obviously!" [17:43:58] [Johen sets his tome underneath his pillow for extra support and turns in.] 06[17:44:09] * Mauz , once he can make his muscles work again, just *eyes* Johen. 06[17:44:12] * Marianysa eyes Johen darkly. 06[17:44:18] * Aurora sighs [17:45:54] I doubt the rum'll help, but if you want some you're welcome to it. 06[17:46:16] * Aurora sighs. "I guess there's no other choice but to try right now." 03[17:46:20] * Phanos ( has joined #Sharn 06[17:49:20] * Mauz shrugs and lies back. "... going to have a headache when this is over." 06[17:49:28] * Marianysa lies down grumpily and tries to get some rest. [17:50:52] [After a heart-pouding hanful of minutes, maybe close to an hour, Lurking Two-Maws gets tired of its continuous attempts to gain entry to the hut. The group is able to relax for a while and start to rest, but a handful of times through the night, they are woken to the terrifying, thunderous roar of the ancient beast.] [17:52:44] [The morning comes, and the group rises to a hot, uncomfortably stuffy hut. With the shutters closed, the heat and humidity of the jungle turns the interior into a sweaty sauna.] 06[17:53:32] * Marianysa wakes up blinking, dark circles under her eyes. "Wanna kill that dragon." [17:54:08] *Johen clears his throat. For some reason he doesn't look as uncomfortable as anyone else. "Ahem. It's a drake, not a dragon." 06[17:54:25] * Marianysa snaps back "Nobody askd you." [17:55:22] "Don't seem nachral." 06[17:56:03] * Mauz is sweaty, icky-looking, and he's just a touch hung over thanks to the damned shelter. "Well, that was a right fucking horrible experience. Pard, how likely is it that our good fanged friend'll double back on us?" [17:57:57] "E might jus stay der." 01[17:58:32] Does... it need to eat? [18:00:14] "Might need to eats us." 01[18:01:06] I don't suppose there's any way to outrun her? [18:01:35] "I can walks us through dem shadows." [18:02:35] How far? [18:02:43] *Pardrengo wakes up at a groan. "Grrhg. I.. I don't even know if it left." [18:03:00] "Far as we wanna go, til I perform another crossin." [18:03:29] *Pardrengo looks at Phanos. "Wait, ya talking planar traveling?" 06[18:03:38] * Phanos nods. [18:04:08] Really, now. Is that even safe here? [18:04:18] "It ain't nevah safe." [18:04:46] "Ting is, is bein' outside right now mo o' less safe?" [18:04:47] *A look of hope crosses Pardrengo's face for an instant, but slowly a grimace replaces it. "That.. that might be gettin us out o' this mess... but... ain't no good idea..." 01[18:04:56] What is it? [18:05:56] "Open gate to dem place wat shadows, dark travel quick-quick. We bleed from one place to anoddah, outpace Xan, probably." [18:06:40] *Pardrengo sighs. "An get yerself horribly lost and never see home 'gain." [18:06:47] "Ain't called the "Shattered Land] [18:06:53] fer nothin" [18:07:22] "Anyweah we be, I jus summun us back, you buy me time, ya?" [18:08:16] Look, anything's better right now, but we need to stick to the gameplan regardless: Aun. [18:08:24] *Pardrengo looks at Phanos dead on. "You be hearin' me boy?! Planar travel ain't no exact science at the best o' times, and ya damn sure don't try it out in the wilds of Xen'drik!" [18:08:42] "Den wen you try?" [18:08:57] "Got bettah idea?" 01[18:09:13] Well, we could build a catapult. [18:09:16] *Pardrengo growls. "When ya don't care about ever getting home!" [18:09:20] "I offah magic juju bringa....what..ya..?" [18:09:27] "Home?" 06[18:09:47] * Marianysa looks at Aurora. "That's retarded." [18:09:49] "I am home." [18:09:57] *Pardrengo narrows his eyes and stands up. "I'm bringing getting your sorry ass back to Stormreach, ya ungrateful swine!" 06[18:10:19] * Phanos smiles. "Home is dese people ere." [18:10:42] "We ain't goin back to Stormreach. We goin dem ruins." [18:10:52] *Pardrengo snears. "What 'bout you, Miss?" He turns to Mari. "You alright with spendin yer life in dis here hut and calling it home?" 06[18:11:20] * Mauz snickers at the mention of a catapult. "Hey, I'm grateful I'm still alive. Phanos just thinks... differently. Still, we do need to find some way to either track down the ruins or..." [18:11:38] *Pardrengo rolls his eyes. "You guys know this idiot better than I do. Someone explain to him that planar travel ain't workin right, and anywhere he THINKS he can go using it he WON'T BE GETTING TO." 06[18:12:09] * Marianysa looks blankly at Pardrengo. "Of course not, but is that the issue here? I can't follow this fucking argument after sleeping like that." 01[18:12:10] Well... he HAS gone where he wanted to go. And then came back. [18:12:33] Hey, hey. Easy. He's good peoples. Okay. Look. Focus, everyone that's not the guide. 06[18:13:30] * Mauz rubs his head -- stubble. The feel of it makes him scowl. "We know even less than we did before, aside from the fact that the bastard's up to something big. It might not even involve her, but... I'm willing to gamble she's in the mix of this somehow." [18:13:43] Even if it's a dead end, I wanna see just what the fuck he's up to. [18:14:05] *Pardrengo growls. "Ever heard o' 'outta the frying pan into th' fire'? That's w'et yer pale friend here be suggesting. Got a little trouble at your doorstep, well why don't ya just fling yourself blindly through the f'ckin mutliverse and hope ya be hurling yourself blindly in the direct'ion of someplace that ya can even survive on fer more'n five seconds!" 01[18:14:46] Alright, well, that's one option. 01[18:14:50] Let's try to think of some others... 01[18:14:55] We could... try to MOVE the hut. 01[18:15:03] Without leaving it. [18:15:13] Isn't it rooted into the earth? 01[18:15:16] Is it? 06[18:15:36] * Phanos looks to the group. "Everyone rested up den?" 06[18:16:05] * Mauz grinds his teeth a little. "As rested as I'll ever be. And I really want out of this thing, I feel like I'm doing to drown in my own sweat." [18:16:10] [The structure is firmly rooted to the earth, yes.] [18:16:20] I always imagined I'd die with a little more dignity than that. 06[18:17:21] * Phanos rises, cracking his neck, screwing the raven skull into his cane. [18:17:28] "Den les just go kill it." [18:17:39] If we could actually move this thing it'd be a lot more useful than just the best possible shelter. Armies would use them as the best possible armor. 01[18:17:55] Great, we can live, get to the ruins, AND make a massive profit. [18:18:20] Regardless, we should move. If you'll excuse me. 06[18:18:32] * Mauz tries to peer outside of the shelter without actually opening the door proper. 06[18:18:57] * Phanos walks past Mauz and strolls casually outside. [18:20:34] ... you could at least make SURE there's not an ambush waiting! 06[18:20:52] * Mauz strolls out after Phanos. "And I thought *I* was careless about this sort of thing." 01[18:21:13] Hey! [18:22:53] [Before Mauz can follow Phanos out, he watches as a tentacle smacks into Phanos and throws him to the ground, then curls around his waist and hauls him into the air.] [18:22:55] [Init] [18:23:05] 1d20+13 03[18:32:17] * NovaSeaker changes topic to 'Init: Phanos, Mari, Lurking Two-Maws, Mauz, Temper, Aurora, Pardrengo' [18:33:14] [Phanos's Turn] [18:34:58] [In the full light of day, Phanos is treated to a clearer view of Lurking Two-Maws, and her name suddenly becomes apparent.] [18:36:31] [Not only is she enormous even for a fang titan drake, not only are her teeth like rows of serated shortswords, but her chest is dominated by a huge, grostesque lamprey-like maw with row upon row of teeth. Surrounding this hideous addition are several whipping tentacles, one of which lashed around Phanos's chest and pulling through the air toward the maw.] 06[18:37:04] * Phanos grins. 01[18:38:53] Gah! 06[18:39:11] * Marianysa stares. "I really hate Xen'drik." [18:39:32] ... if that thing doesn't kill Phanos, I will. 06[18:39:59] * Phanos looks to the creature, his eyes flickering a stacatto of blacks and whites at a rapid pace, captivating the creature, holding him still in its grasp, for now. [18:42:08] [Lurking Two-Maws seems entranced for the moment.] [18:42:17] [Mari's Turn] 06[18:45:12] * Phanos slips gracefully from its grasp with ease, seeming to be some trained dancer for a moment, his movement, posture, and grace unnervingly different. He seems to jerk back to his original posture afterwards. [18:46:12] "Padrengo, you know of a nearby cliff?" [18:47:23] *There's a pause for a moment, and Pardrengo's voice is heard from inside the hut. "Glitterime Falls might not be far this time of year!" [18:47:45] "We can run it off!" [18:48:36] "Either that or we get into position!" 06[18:54:28] * Marianysa dashes out of the hut. "I'll keep it busy, you guys figure out a plan!" She swings at the beast, but somehow doesn't make it through the impeding tentacles. [18:54:54] "It IS busy." 06[18:55:25] * Phanos snaps his fingers, recapturing its focus, his eyes re-film-flickering. [18:55:33] [Lurking Two-Maws seems somewhat put off, and staggers around, dizzily.] 06[18:56:10] * Marianysa hesitates. "What do you want me to do, Phanos?" [18:57:02] "You're in charge, Mari. Do we lead it off of the cliff or fight it here?" [18:58:01] If we can get it off the cliff, do it! [18:58:16] [Mauz's Turn] [18:58:37] "Then RUN! Padrengo, where is it?" [18:58:45] A cliff? Fine, lemme see if I can trip the damned thing up in the meantime! [18:58:53] "NO!" [18:58:55] [Lurking Two-Maws stares into Phanos's eyes for a few more moments, and then it lowers is gaze and swings its massive head back and forth as if clearing its mind.] [18:59:28] "Well, mebbe." [19:00:17] *Pardrengo knocks an arrow. "Let's see... Vult is in Zarantyr.... maybe south!" [19:00:46] South it is! 06[19:01:21] * Mauz bolts out the door, turning only to launch a single, stunning point of light at the huge thing in a bid to keep it in place just long enough to set up the... whatever seems to be planned. [19:06:19] [Aurora's Turn] [19:06:25] It'll stay put for a bit, get moving! [19:06:44] *Temper bolts out the door and toward the massive beat, getting a good solid punch into the thing's ankle. [19:07:10] *Temper looks back to Mauz. "No! You are too frail!" 06[19:08:26] * Aurora heads over to the doorway and fires off a ray of holy power, which is somehow dodged. [19:08:42] Ahahahah! Damn right I am! [19:09:17] *Pardrengo runs out the door, firing his bow as he tries to get out ahead to lead the group toward Glitterrime Falls. [19:10:07] [Phanos's Turn] 03[19:11:23] * NovaSeaker changes topic to 'Init: Phanos, Mari, Lurking Two-Maws, Mauz, Temper, Aurora, Pardrengo, Johen' 06[19:12:25] * Phanos tucks his cane under his arm, holds his tophat down with the palm of another hand, then trots off at a leisurely pace southward, making sure to step clear away from the giant dinosaur first. [19:12:28] [Mari's Turn] [19:14:34] *Johen runs out of the hut, holding his tome open in one hand and pointing the other at the beast. Nothing seems to happen though. [19:19:22] [Mauz's Turn] [19:20:23] *Lurking Two-Maws roars and hunkers down, whipping all of his tentacles about itself in a frenzy. One of them smacks into Temper, flinging the stout warforged away like a child's toy. [19:21:03] Deeeh... 06[19:22:32] * Mauz moves to join Phanos, snapping off a quick Eldritch Blast to keep the thing's attention. "Over here, fucker! I'm delicious!" [19:24:13] *Temper picks himself up and throws himself at the beast. [19:24:23] *Temper "RRRAAAAAUUUUUUUUUG!" [19:25:15] [Aurora's Turn] 06[19:26:05] * Aurora unleashes another bolt of divine power, wounding the creature and empowering Temper. [19:28:48] [Phanos's Turn] [19:29:18] *Pardrengo and Johen continue their running fight toward the falls. Pardrengo runs a bit harder to try and lead the way. [19:30:10] [Mari's Turn] 06[19:30:53] * Phanos looks out towards the creature, vines of shadow spiraling outwards from his arm, but breaking as he tries to yank the creature towards him. He continues his stroll south. 06[19:33:11] * Marianysa heads after Phanos, taking a frustrated swing and a miss at the beast. [19:37:30] *Lurking Two-Maws roars and stomps after its fleeing prey. Temper and Mari manage to catch its legs with a few attacks, harrying it as it moves. Two tentacles whip out down toward the fleeing food. One snatches up Mari and the other Pardrengo. [19:38:26] Shit, that thing's quick! [19:39:26] *Pardrengo screams and tries to bash the monster with his bow as the tentacle grabbing him moves him closer to the hideous maw in the drake's chest. Then with a hideous squelch, he is stuffed inside. 06[19:39:42] * Marianysa vanishes from the monster's grasp, reappearing and ramming her sword into it's belly bellow the maw. [19:40:16] ... oh, that's not good. [19:40:50] *Mari drops the rest of the distance to the ground with not too much effort. [19:41:01] [Mauz's Turn] [19:41:09] The hell do you think you're doing? SPIT HIM OUT. [19:42:21] *Lurking Two-Maw's lowers its terrifying visage to look at Mari and... it seems to narrow its eyes and snuff at her in annoyance. Indeed her vital strike to its stomach failed to even pierce any of its scales. [19:42:49] fuck. 01[19:42:56] We gotta get him out of there! 06[19:43:51] * Mauz growls, still hustling south. "I would very much like him BACK!" His arm is coated with a thick rime of ice, even as he focuses on the beast and POINTS. Icy death claws up from the ground at the thing... [19:45:40] Beat the damned thing down! [19:49:15] [Aurora's Turn] [19:50:14] *Temper rushes forward with both his fists clasped together, ready to throw his devestating haymaker punch, but Lurking Two-Maws roars and whips its tail around, catching first Temper and them Mari on the follow-through, flinging them both back. 06[19:52:41] * Aurora shouts out at the creature. "Let him go!" Two-Maws doesn't seem convinced. [19:52:47] [Phanos's Turn] 06[19:53:58] * Phanos once again reaches out to capture the creature within the grasp of the vines, failing to compensate for its size. [19:54:22] [Mari's Turn] 06[19:57:48] * Aurora then concentrates, and calls a silvery soul into the world to bear arms once again against the forces of evil. The hazy form bears a sword. 06[20:00:06] * Marianysa dashes around behind the drake, her sword darkening. Finding a good angle, she slides the blade between it's scales. A shadow begins to creep over the dragon, spreading from the wound. [20:07:57] [Mauz's Turn] [20:08:53] *Lurking Two-Maws attemps to grab Temper and Mauz in its tentacles and misses. It roars its fustration, a deafening, terrifying noise and roots everyone but Johen on the spot. [20:09:30] *Johen fills space around the creature's maw with flying daggers, but none of them do more that scrape it's tough hide. 06[20:12:42] * Mauz takes one shot -- which flies wide -- then snarls and unleashes another... which misses horribly. Mauz snarls out a loud, irritated curse to the stars. [20:14:59] *Temper breaks from his reviere and once again tries to punch the monstrocity's kneecap off. [20:15:14] [Aurora's Turn] 03[20:18:18] * NovaSeaker changes topic to 'Init: Phanos, Mari, Lurking Two-Maws, Mauz, Temper, Aurora, Pardrengo, Johen ' 06[20:19:02] * Aurora recovers, then moves the blade being closer to the beast, firing off another ray that misses. [20:20:36] *Johen summons more flying daggers around the creature's head, trying to find a weak spot. So far all he seems to be doing is annoying the beast. [20:21:32] [Combat to be continued.] [20:21:32] [Session End.] 03[20:21:53] * Mauz is now known as Darkheart 03[20:22:26] * Aurora is now known as Demota 03[20:28:06] * Marianysa is now known as Yon 02[21:20:39] * NovaSeaker ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) 02[23:51:17] * Darkheart ( Quit (Quit: !) Session Close: Thu Nov 26 00:00:00 2009