Start of #Exalted buffer: Thu Jun 26 21:12:33 2008 [17:12:44] Also, everyone get IC and in #Odal, we're gonna start when Nova gets back. [17:12:54] * Demota is now known as Eilenia [17:13:34] back [17:13:43] * NovaSeaker is now known as Eve_Kasnora [17:13:56] starting gametable [17:14:16] * Il_Dice ( has joined #Exalted [17:15:24] [17:15:34] port 6812 [17:15:54] Connected [17:19:23] Oh yes. Nova. [17:19:28] mm? [17:19:35] I picked up a set of these yesterday. [17:19:52] A bit expensive, but I figured the containers would be great to use dice in. They're wide enough that a d20 can get a good amount of spin going so it's random for sure. [17:20:11] huh [17:20:13] They were $7 or so for a set of 4, though. The idea is you flip open the lid, and run water through it, and it washes the blueberries. Then you eat it. [17:20:32] The lid's removable so you can re-use it more easily, thankfully [17:20:33] heh [17:20:38] Throwing the containers away would be amazingly wasteful [17:22:21] * Mechazawa is now known as Xan [17:23:45] * Yonjuuni is now known as Paera [17:25:30] Oh, I managed to whip up a less scary and more red pog. [17:25:51] cool [17:25:52] Mega Man 9 confirmed. [17:27:22] ... [17:27:25] Plug Man? [17:27:26] Yon, did you want me to resize it? [17:27:34] BECAUSE HARD MAN WASN'T BAD ENOUGH [17:27:39] Oh, is it the wrong size? [17:27:40] email it to my gmail [17:27:47] well I was wondering why youw ere sending it [17:28:01] Since gametable auto-uploads pogs in the pog folder [17:28:04] Oh! [17:28:08] I did not realize. [17:28:13] ah [17:28:22] Wiiware to get manga. [17:28:26] From Leiji Matsumoto [17:29:44] Guitar Hero action figures from McFarlane. -guitar-hero-figures-wait-what--92422.phtml [17:30:42] Splash Woman. [17:30:43] Wow. [17:30:48] Well I guess if you want action figures to milk a franchise that really doesn't need them, McFarlane is your man. :V [17:31:08] heheh [17:31:29] Yon, did you see my suggestion about your stormreach character? [17:31:43] Plug man beats Splash Woman, I bet [17:31:46] this is symbolic [17:31:56] That they don't need to be a Xen'drik native? Yeah [17:32:10] Wait, are we starting already? [17:32:12] In fact that would work very well. [17:32:45] Yes [17:32:57] Starting what? [17:33:29] Cha: Checkpoint? [17:33:37] oh, whoops [17:33:46] The checkpoint on the highway. [17:33:47] It's a save point. :I [17:34:01] Like a toll station for back when travellers and traders used this roa. [17:34:02] Er, road. [17:34:03] Thats.. sort of what I'm imagining [17:34:06] Ah [17:34:20] Anyone manning it? [17:34:21] I was waitng for a SEssion Start tag [17:34:37] (Yeah, sorry about jumping the gun there.) [17:34:54] (I seem to be trained in jumping the gun) [17:35:12] I'm gonna use 'waystation', since 'checkpoint' is really awkward. [17:35:26] I'm gonna use 'playstation' [17:35:31] Can we use 'playstation' [17:37:31] * Paera ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [17:37:56] Whoops, I am being to forgetting my accent. [17:38:12] (I'm gonna butcher this accent so damn much) [17:38:45] I've just been reading it with a Russian accent without doing the whole Boris and Natasha thing. [17:38:55] Yeah, you can juts type normal now or something [17:38:58] Are you just going to walk up, or are you using some degree of caution? [17:40:02] Some degree but I am clinking and clacking [17:40:23] 3d4 [17:40:23] Eilenia rolls 3D4: 2 4 1 = 7 [17:40:55] I can roll a stealth check I suppose [17:41:27] 1d20+1 [17:41:28] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+1: 7 +1 = 8 [17:41:39] CLICKITY-CLAK [17:42:14] I'm gonna wait for Yon to get back before I describe what happens. [17:42:59] Unless he's not back in five or ten minutes [17:45:21] Actually, since the entire group is coming, I can just tell him what happens when he reconnects,. [17:46:43] Alright, on the map, the grey stuff is off the ground, on a second floor 15 feet up. [17:47:02] How do we get it to snap to grid? [17:47:51] Are you holding control? [17:48:08] No [17:48:20] Wait, it jsuddenly started working [17:48:21] Cha, mind if I draw that with the darker grey? [17:48:32] the light grey is hard to see [17:48:57] Yeah, no problem. [17:49:04] Derp, redunancy. [17:49:59] * Yonjuuni ( has joined #Exalted [17:50:01] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Yonjuuni [17:50:11] * Yonjuuni is now known as Paera [17:50:17] Re [17:50:45] In an act of extreme agility and skill that would make Batman jealous, I managed to unplug the modem despite it being in an entirely different room. [17:50:53] Wow [17:50:55] Oh, wow. That's amazing. [17:51:13] hah [17:51:50] I'm a little confused [17:51:56] The horizontal lines are stairs? [17:52:07] Yeah. [17:52:12] and there are like, bridges across the way? [17:52:18] The thing in the left side is a spiral staircase, leading up. [17:52:44] That's the second floor. There's also a first floor under it, so if you're in that area, mark which you're on by on your pog. [17:54:33] okay [17:55:08] on the spiral staircase, does it open up onto the second floor on top or bottom? [17:55:25] There are two entrances, and then it goes up past it. [17:56:24] we are missing paera's pog [17:56:25] 1d20+5 [17:56:26] Eilenia rolls 1D20+5: 17 +5 = 22 [17:56:39] 1d20+1 [17:56:39] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+1: 2 +1 = 3 [17:56:47] Wow I am horrible at rolling init in 4e [17:56:58] 1d20+7 [17:56:58] Xan rolls 1D20+7: 3 +7 = 10 [17:56:59] I've done it three time so far and rolled a 1 or 2 each time. [17:57:04] It's these dice. [17:57:24] I could just activate my bot if we ever decide to get rid of them. [17:57:37] 1d20+1 [17:57:37] Paera rolls 1D20+1: 3 +1 = 4 [17:57:44] So am I! [17:57:46] Yon, stick your new pog in your folder [17:58:30] What folder? My pog folder? It's already there. [17:58:39] I don't see it [17:58:39] Do we see where the sling bullets came from? [17:58:44] email me the pog [17:59:53] It came from the arched area above where you are [18:00:11] Sent. [18:00:19] On the upside, the enemy rolled for init *almost* as bad as you guys [18:01:22] They're still hidden, though, on account of being small creatures behind relatively high cover. [18:01:30] Yon: uploaded [18:01:49] I'll mark where the bullet came from [18:02:08] Alright, so I can't see anything? [18:02:15] best for last! :I [18:02:24] Are you on the first or second floor? [18:02:38] Paera is :awesome: [18:02:42] Wait, where is the cart? [18:02:48] Whatever floor the others are on [18:03:08] Xan's on the second, Eve's on the first. [18:03:15] I'm with Eve [18:03:17] Mark your flooredness on the pog. [18:03:24] ...motherFUCKER. No wonder my pog wasn't showing up. [18:03:39] Then, yeah, you don't know where the kobolds are yet. [18:03:46] Alright. [18:04:07] Because I'm retarded and didn't realize I wasn't connected [18:04:23] ^_^; [18:04:24] How high up is this? [18:04:37] 15 feet [18:04:39] Any squares on the top I have line of sight to? [18:05:59] Never mind. I'm going to try to walk around up the stairs [18:06:08] Alright. [18:06:10] Or... shoot. I don't know [18:06:15] This is a hard decision [18:06:19] I was trying to figure out what you'd be able to see, but math is hard. [18:06:21] I guess I'll step up to Eve [18:06:23] Just do *something*. [18:06:25] * Charles nods [18:06:50] Sorry for the wait. [18:07:32] How high is this pile of crap? [18:09:06] High enough to be difficult terrain [18:09:14] that's all? [18:09:17] Athletics check to move across with no penalties [18:09:35] It's a good two or three feet of stacked metal, but you can climb across. It's not a ten foot mound or anything [18:09:42] Ah okay [18:10:40] Nine damage and you're marked, Rusty. [18:11:21] nice. [18:14:18] rusty? [18:14:36] Your turn [18:14:39] oh, cool. [18:15:56] Two-fanged strike [18:16:09] 2x1d20+5 [18:16:09] Xan rolls 2x1D20+5: ( 1 +5 = 6 ) ( 3 +5 = 8 ) = 14 [18:16:13] ... [18:16:22] I hate this fucking dicebot. [18:16:27] * Eve_Kasnora shoves Dicebot out a window. [18:16:48] Well, teh dicebot is screwing over the NPCs too. [18:16:57] * Divine_Arrow ( has joined #Exalted [18:17:18] re [18:17:25] [18:10:48] [Xan's turn] [18:17:25] [18:15:51] * Xan looks to the kobold who stabbed him. "My turn." he declares calmly. He swings his heavy fist downwards for the kobold's skull, bladed arm slicing downward as well, like the broken fangs of some great beast. [18:17:25] [18:16:57] * Divine_Arrow ( has joined #Odal [18:17:31] [18:14:39] oh, cool. [18:17:31] [18:15:56] Two-fanged strike [18:17:31] [18:16:09] 2x1d20+5 [18:17:31] [18:16:09] Xan rolls 2x1D20+5: ( 1 +5 = 6 ) ( 3 +5 = 8 ) = 14 [18:17:31] [18:16:13] ... [18:17:31] [18:16:22] I hate this fucking dicebot. [18:17:31] [18:16:27] * Eve_Kasnora shoves Dicebot out a window. [18:17:31] [18:16:48] Well, teh dicebot is screwing over the NPCs too. [18:17:32] [18:16:57] * Divine_Arrow ( has joined #Exalted [18:17:58] * Divine_Arrow ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [18:18:00] * WHARRRGARBL ( has joined #Exalted [18:18:06] Stupid router. [18:18:13] * Charles ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by WHARRRGARBL))) [18:18:18] * WHARRRGARBL is now known as Charles [18:18:21] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Charles [18:18:30] Do you still have an AP, Rusty? [18:18:42] Since you'll get another after this encounter, you might as well spend it now. [18:20:09] YOu can only use 1 ap per encounter too [18:20:34] So you can only really "save up" two AP [18:21:18] Sure [18:21:21] I was under the impression you could only have one at a time anyways [18:21:25] I'll use it to twin strike [18:21:36] And if you reached a milestone without spending it, the one you would have got was wasted [18:21:38] * Charles nods [18:21:47] Nah, you can save up more than one. That way you can do two encounter sin a row where you spend AP [18:21:56] Aah, cool. [18:21:59] 2x1d20+5 [18:21:59] Xan rolls 2x1D20+5: ( 2 +5 = 7 ) ( 4 +5 = 9 ) = 16 [18:22:03] ... [18:22:14] That's stupid. Reroll that. [18:22:17] 2x1d20+5 [18:22:17] Xan rolls 2x1D20+5: ( 12 +5 = 17 ) ( 20 +5 = 25 ) = 42 [18:22:22] looks better there, [18:22:23] :toot: [18:22:30] One hit, but the hit was a crit. [18:22:45] 13 damage, stone fist [18:23:09] It tends to roll either really high or incredibly low. usually incredibly low [18:25:31] yeah [18:25:33] Noooo my AC. :( [18:25:43] At least the dicebot is presumably screwing over the monsters too [18:25:50] I hope you guys weren't hoping for any healing words this fight. :V [18:26:06] You can't stack temp hp, right? [18:26:11] Didn't we get a short break? [18:26:22] considering we sat on the cart and rode on? [18:26:24] We did, yeah. And you can't stack temp HP [18:26:39] Hahahah argh [18:26:47] I keep confusing 'encounter' and 'daily' [18:26:50] 9 damage. [18:29:06] Oh, I should have said this before but didn't: The area with the cross-barred boxes is a portcullis leading into a dark room. [18:29:47] 1d20+3 [18:29:47] Paera rolls 1D20+3: 6 +3 = 9 [18:29:51] Fuck you, dice. [18:30:00] Can I see Eilienia? [18:30:10] Yeah [18:30:27] Dark room? I figured that was the road ahead [18:31:03] That's why I clarified now, before anyone tried going through it. I should have said that in the initial description of the room. [18:31:15] Sorry guys, I'm off my narrative game tonight. [18:31:19] Okay, healing word on Eili. [18:32:00] Alright, I spend a surge? [18:32:22] Who's Xiv? :P [18:32:29] Yeah you spend a surge [18:32:43] Er, Xan. :downs: [18:32:45] Plus extra whatever healing word does [18:33:01] It's an additional 1d6 [18:33:10] And I don't know who Xiv is either [18:33:15] :P [18:33:20] roll the d6 [18:33:35] Is faster than waiting for whoever the recipient is to notice and do it [18:33:44] 1d6 [18:33:44] Eilenia rolls 1D6: 5 [18:33:50] I heal 10 total [18:33:50] Normally [18:33:59] myturnmyturnmyturn? [18:34:33] athletic's check [18:34:35] 1d20+3 [18:34:35] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+3: 2 +3 = 5 [18:34:44] :| [18:34:44] Whose Xiv? [18:34:56] sigh [18:35:26] double moving. [18:35:33] path clear, Cha? [18:35:52] Yeah. [18:36:12] Well, no. A five wasn't good enough to get through. And there are kobolds on the pile. [18:36:29] But the slingers are on deck two, so you won't face attacks from them. [18:36:35] well yeah [18:36:46] So I payed 2 squares of movement cause I didn't make my athletics check [18:37:01] I would have been able to AP for a charge action if I made the check [18:37:10] Chart your movement out, you'll be facing an OA from one of the minions [18:37:26] There were minions right in front of me that I couldn't see? [18:37:34] I don't see any minions on the screen [18:37:38] Oh, fuck, I never connected to Gametable again. [18:37:40] I see two Dragonshields [18:38:36] uh [18:38:41] then I'm not double moving. [18:38:51] Yeah, I was wondering why you were doing that. [18:38:57] Sorry, I totally forgot to reconnect. [18:39:24] no prob [18:39:40] So I was just doing this really masturabatory process of fucking around on my own instance of Gametable, not realizing nobody else could see it. :downs: [18:40:05] I will go for holy strike while divine challenging it [18:40:08] 1d20+6 [18:40:08] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+6: 4 +6 = 10 [18:40:24] Yay! :D :D :| >:( [18:41:04] Describe it, and take your turn, Dem [18:41:25] Whooo [18:41:53] Alright, Cloud of Daggersing the left miniion [18:42:36] 1d20+4 [18:42:36] Eilenia rolls 1D20+4: 8 +4 = 12 [18:42:39] Miss? [18:43:03] Against reflex? Yeah [18:43:22] Ah, should have specified, sorry [18:44:35] Done [18:46:45] Who's Xiu? [18:47:11] I like that cloud of daggers does Force damage [18:47:18] heh [18:47:29] Someone in Dem's DS game [18:47:35] Twin Strike [18:47:58] 2x1d20+5 [18:47:59] Xan rolls 2x1D20+5: ( 14 +5 = 19 ) ( 15 +5 = 20 ) = 39 [18:48:04] Also, this guys my quarry [18:48:04] Speaking of daggers, I like how rogues get a whole paragon path about making them usable. [18:48:05] Wow [18:48:05] Two hits. [18:48:16] If he's your quarry, mark it [18:49:17] 1d10 1d8 1d6 [18:49:17] Xan rolls [ 1D10: 4 ] [ 1D8: 2 ] [ 1D6: 1 ] = 7 [18:50:03] He's bloodied, describe it [18:53:41] 1d20+3 [18:53:41] Paera rolls 1D20+3: 16 +3 = 19 [18:53:55] That's a hit. [18:54:00] 1d6+3 [18:54:00] Paera rolls 1D6+3: 5 +3 = 8 [18:54:07] Xan also gains 3 temp HP [18:54:10] nice [18:54:31] ooh [18:55:11] Charles: Should I remove the minion from the map that was in the dagger cloud? [18:55:25] okay [18:55:32] valiant striking kobold minion [18:55:35] 1d20+7 [18:55:35] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+7: 7 +7 = 14 [18:55:39] :D [18:55:57] versus AC? [18:56:01] yes [18:56:10] Aping [18:56:13] 1d20+7 [18:56:13] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+7: 5 +7 = 12 [18:56:22] * Eve_Kasnora THROTTLES DICE [18:56:41] Dem: Yeah, go ahead and do that [18:56:42] You can wait to hear that the first attack misses before blowing an AP on another. Unless a 14 missed before [18:56:52] It did, yeah. [18:57:00] At 17 missed before [18:57:10] aaah [18:57:12] Oh but that was a dragonshield [18:57:20] so good point [18:58:35] Can I see the slingers? [18:58:57] If not, I'll be putting another cloud on the second minion [18:59:44] You can, yeah [19:00:33] Oh, wait. Out of range. Oh well. [19:01:12] You can do something to Dragonshield Two. [19:01:33] I could, but this is funnier. [19:01:53] Heh [19:02:10] 1d20+4 [19:02:10] Eilenia rolls 1D20+4: 10 +4 = 14 [19:02:17] I keep forgetting that this spell has a chance to actually hit. [19:02:44] Versus ref [19:04:22] hee [19:04:40] That's a lot of knives. What level do you get to start dropping steamrollers? [19:04:40] I like how :geno: Eilenia is even when she's annoyed. [19:05:33] Five damage, and the second dragonshield has you marked. [19:10:13] 2x1d20+5 [19:10:13] Xan rolls 2x1D20+5: ( 5 +5 = 10 ) ( 19 +5 = 24 ) = 34 [19:10:44] Second hits [19:11:11] Aw man. All this time, I was thinking Paera's pog was a colored version of the hipster demon chicks and it turns out I was wrong. :( [19:11:16] 1d10 1d6 [19:11:16] Xan rolls [ 1D10: 4 ] [ 1D6: 5 ] = 9 [19:11:33] Hipster demon chicks? [19:11:38];46;31PM.JPG [19:11:46] hahaha [19:11:48] Scott Pilgrim? [19:11:50] You bring it down, describe it [19:11:52] Yeah [19:12:57] 11 damage [19:13:35] Hm. [19:13:48] If I move away or laser, I take an AoA right? [19:14:23] You can Shift and then laser [19:14:35] He's fifteen feet above you, too [19:14:46] He can't stab you from that height [19:14:57] Oh, right. [19:17:15] 1d20+3 [19:17:15] Paera rolls 1D20+3: 19 +3 = 22 [19:17:41] Hit [19:17:49] 1d8+3 [19:17:49] Paera rolls 1D8+3: 7 +3 = 10 [19:18:08] Xan gains a +2 power bonus against this one for his next turn. [19:18:45] hell yeah [19:18:55] athletics check [19:18:57] 1d20+3 [19:18:57] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+3: 14 +3 = 17 [19:19:15] Laser is not difficult, after all. [19:19:37] That good enough for difficult-less terrain? [19:20:01] * Charles ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:20:02] * Charles ( has joined #Exalted [19:20:18] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+3: 14 +3 = 17 [19:20:23] althetics check [19:20:32] Success. [19:20:54] okay that's my route. [19:21:01] I'm a big confused by the arching bridge [19:22:34] suffice to say, I end my turn adjacent to the sling [19:22:42] slinger 2 [19:23:11] Alright [19:24:14] and I'm marking it [19:24:34] Running up the stairs [19:24:39] Or rather, walking [19:24:59] And I'm gonna try to Thunderwave it to Xan [19:25:08] Versus Fort [19:25:09] 1d20+4 [19:25:09] Eilenia rolls 1D20+4: 15 +4 = 19 [19:25:14] If it hits: [19:25:22] 1d6+ [19:25:24] 1d6+4 [19:25:24] Eilenia rolls 1D6+4: 2 +4 = 6 [19:25:31] It's thunderwaved. [19:25:33] And shoves it two squares in Xan's direction [19:25:45] What does Forced Movement say about occupied squares? [19:26:52] It can't move into a square it can't normally enter [19:27:12] So it just gets pushed into the square next to him [19:27:18] k [19:28:50] fine by me [19:28:53] I think I'm going to try to focus more on Thunderwave against kobolds [19:29:04] when did that kobold shift? [19:29:12] slinger 2? [19:29:14] Their Fort is probably weaker than their reflex, bieng all weedy [19:29:41] oh its their turn [19:29:57] Immobilized, and ongoing fire damage 2 [19:29:58] Yeah [19:30:05] And 11 damage [19:30:07] save ends? [19:30:12] Yep [19:32:10] kayo [19:32:38] My turn? What about Xan? [19:33:07] Whoops [19:34:25] Twin strike [19:34:29] 2x1d20+5 [19:34:29] Xan rolls 2x1D20+5: ( 13 +5 = 18 ) ( 2 +5 = 7 ) = 25 [19:35:44] One hit [19:36:28] 1d10 1d6 [19:36:28] Xan rolls [ 1D10: 9 ] [ 1D6: 6 ] = 15 [19:36:33] SMACK [19:37:01] BONK! [19:41:53] 1d20+3 [19:41:53] Paera rolls 1D20+3: 1 +3 = 4 [19:41:58] :( [19:42:07] :( [19:42:07] Miss [19:42:23] Divine Mettle as my first action [19:42:32] lets me roll a save with my cha as a bonus [19:42:34] 1d20+3 [19:42:34] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+3: 12 +3 = 15 [19:42:40] no longer immobilized [19:43:19] * Charles nods [19:44:14] Piercing strike [19:44:22] 1d20+6 vs. Reflex [19:44:22] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+6: 3 +6 = 9 [19:44:27] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH [19:45:31] thosea re my three actions. [19:45:45] I take 2 damage and am bloodied [19:45:56] do I make a save to end the ongoing damage? [19:45:59] Yeah [19:46:02] Oh shit, I was supposed to heal Eve [19:46:14] Also, which one threw the glue? [19:46:15] 1d20 [19:46:15] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20: 11 [19:46:42] Number two. [19:46:43] Alright, stepping a bit closer and slapping the kboold with another Thunderwave [19:47:00] 1d20+4 [19:47:00] Eilenia rolls 1D20+4: 20 +4 = 24 [19:47:16] That's a crit [19:47:25] Alright, that'll kill it. [19:47:26] Okay, it's still marked [19:47:29] If a 24 hits, then it takes ten damage, and is pushed back 2 squares [19:48:43] Oh, I misread the map. It doesn't fall off the stairs. [19:48:48] Oh well, not like it matters [19:50:19] hahahaha [19:50:36] Oh, wait. I read it right after all. Yay [19:51:22] 2x1d20+5 [19:51:22] Xan rolls 2x1D20+5: ( 1 +5 = 6 ) ( 13 +5 = 18 ) = 24 [19:51:34] One hit [19:51:54] Marking him as quarry as well. [19:52:19] 1d10 1d6 [19:52:19] Xan rolls [ 1D10: 4 ] [ 1D6: 2 ] = 6 [19:55:08] Five damage [19:56:11] It is can be my turn nao plz? [19:57:07] Oh yeah. The topic line is too long to be entirely contained in the top bar in mIRC [19:57:23] It fits for me [19:57:30] bloodied [19:57:33] Yeah me too [19:57:42] Resolution is probably lower for you [19:57:45] The slingers are on floor one now right? [19:57:54] Yeah, probably. I'm on a laptop [19:57:59] Floor two. Sorry, I should have marked that [19:58:24] Are they in sight? [19:58:56] If you move up a few squares [19:59:21] To where? I'm a little confused by the map. [19:59:43] Thereabouts. [19:59:49] You're underneath a bridge right now [20:00:59] Aaaah [20:01:56] 1d20+3 [20:01:56] Paera rolls 1D20+3: 16 +3 = 19 [20:02:01] Everything with lines through it is a platform 15 feet above the ground [20:02:09] Slinger 1, by the way [20:02:24] 1d6+3 [20:02:24] Paera rolls 1D6+3: 3 +3 = 6 [20:03:10] Okay. 3 temp health to Xan [20:03:13] 1d6 [20:03:13] Paera rolls 1D6: 2 [20:03:16] thanks [20:03:20] And 2 + a surge for Eve [20:03:21] He's bloodied. [20:05:02] Valiant strike, two adjacent enemies so I get +2 [20:05:07] 1d20+8 [20:05:07] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+8: 19 +8 = 27 [20:05:12] Much better. [20:05:18] Nice [20:05:23] 1d10+4 [20:05:23] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D10+4: 10 +4 = 14 [20:05:26] :toot: [20:05:27] MUCH better. [20:06:03] Can I not give temp hp if they're bloodied? I'm confused [20:06:19] No, I meant the attack bloodied the kobold [20:06:42] slinger 2 wasn't hit yet? :( [20:06:51] Yeah [20:07:08] Oh, okay. [20:07:22] ALrighty. [20:07:32] What happens if an Area attack doesn't have enough room becaose of terrain? [20:07:53] Doesn't looks like I can fire off a Burst 1. [20:07:57] Then part of it doesn't happen. [20:07:58] Or a Blast 1 [20:08:01] But the rest does [20:08:03] Alright [20:08:12] Firing off Icy Terrain [20:08:21] 1d20+4 [20:08:21] Eilenia rolls 1D20+4: 3 +4 = 7 [20:08:25] Versus Re- GOD DAMMIT [20:08:45] Okay, the area is difficult terrain until my next turn. Which means the Slingers can't shift [20:08:47] Can we start using Rusty's dice? [20:09:00] It'll get worse. Remember the first dicebot we had? [20:09:15] Mark terrain [20:09:16] Oh, wait. Tow kobolds [20:09:18] I get tow attacks [20:09:21] Going on the lower one now [20:09:22] two. [20:09:23] 1d20+4 [20:09:23] Eilenia rolls 1D20+4: 13 +4 = 17 [20:09:27] Does that hit its reflex/ [20:09:40] 1d6+4 [20:09:40] Eilenia rolls 1D6+4: 2 +4 = 6 [20:09:47] Yep [20:09:50] 6 cold damage and knocks it Prone [20:10:17] I should make a burst 1 underlay [20:10:50] was that slinger 2? [20:10:54] Look, my dice are actually decent [20:10:56] Yeah [20:11:05] I vote for rustydice [20:11:24] I'll activate em. Trigger is roll, but the rest of it works the same as what we got. [20:11:31] I've roll far below statisical average tonight. [20:11:39] Okay [20:11:53] It's rolled fine through over a year of Eberron games. [20:12:03] We're just on an unlucky streak. [20:12:11] For like, two days? [20:12:21] Yes, two days. [20:12:21] I've always hated those dice [20:12:45] which is prone? [20:12:48] The bottom [20:13:14] good. Prone targets are harder to hit ranged [20:13:22] Cha- Mind my using my dice? [20:13:28] Yeah, no problem. [20:13:40] Xan rolls [ 2x1D20+5: ( 10 +5 = 15 ) ( 16 +5 = 21 ) = 36 ] [20:14:32] Two hits [20:14:41] Another twin strike, yeah [20:15:06] Xan rolls [ 2x1D10: 7 3 = 10 ] [ 1D6: 3 ] = 13 [20:15:18] Dead [20:15:34] Yay [20:16:03] You can make an OA if you want, Rusty. [20:16:26] sure the hell will [20:17:26] Xan rolls [ 1D20+5: 3 +5 = 8 ] [20:17:28] miss [20:17:46] wait [20:17:50] which one is running? [20:18:04] The one right in front of me? [20:18:06] My mark? [20:18:12] Slinger two had to get up in order to run, didnt it? [20:18:18] Oh, hey, didn't notice that [20:18:23] That's an OA for you too, Nova. [20:18:35] Oh, yeah, it did. [20:18:39] 1d20+6 [20:18:39] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+6: 2 +6 = 8 [20:18:42] So the most it can do this turn is shift twice. [20:18:42] oh well [20:18:46] Do yoy need to get up to run? [20:18:46] wait wait [20:18:48] crap [20:18:54] I forgot to use rusty's dice >:( [20:18:59] Reroll. [20:19:04] roll 1d20+6 [20:19:04] Eve_Kasnora rolls [ 1D20+6: 14 +6 = 20 ] [20:19:11] :) [20:19:16] 1d20+6 [20:19:17] Eilenia rolls 1D20+6: 4 +6 = 10 [20:19:20] 1d10+4 [20:19:20] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D10+4: 5 +4 = 9 [20:19:20] Dead. [20:20:14] Nova: Now pulla Kamina, grab the head in mid-air, and put it on top of your own [20:20:27] No. [20:20:41] But I may start to wear flame-patterned bikinis in the summer. [20:21:23] Also, I attribute my success solely to Rusty's dice. [20:22:56] Make a spot check, Xan [20:23:14] 1d20+8 [20:23:14] Xan rolls 1D20+8: 17 +8 = 25 [20:24:01] comrade. [20:24:03] I had to. [20:24:59] The ways further in seem twofold. There's the portcullis, which seems to be activated by a level which was removed, though in your search, you find it in the junkpile. And the spiral staircase goes up, to an unknown area. [20:25:18] How tall is this tower? [20:26:19] When you were approaching, you could see a watchtower that exited onto a battlement. It was about a fifty or sixty feet up. [20:26:43] Oh, and everyone gets an AP, since you just completed a milestone. [20:27:37] Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay [20:28:00] Yay :D [20:28:07] Heh, but we lost it since we;re taking an extended rest [20:28:10] If we sleep though, we reset to 1 ap anyway [20:28:21] Yep. [20:28:55] It's worth noting that Eilenia can *take watch all night*. [20:29:05] Though I don't know if she'd offer to do this or not. :V [20:29:09] How so? [20:29:18] She's an Eladrin, and they have Trance. [20:29:31] Which means they only need four hours of rest, and are completely aware during that time. [20:29:32] ahh [20:30:05] Hahahah [20:30:18] Not 'watch out for kobolds.' 'Watch you sleep.' [20:30:26] hahaha [20:30:55] I kind of picture Eilenia as having permanently droopy eyes [20:31:09] Which helps me not think of her going ._. with that statement [20:31:11] I'm picturing someone waking up and screaming when they realize that Eilenia's lying on her stomach, her face inches away from theirs. [20:31:19] hahaha [20:34:05] I think i just made a masturbation joke without realizing it. [20:34:09] Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have our first paladin masturbation joke of 4e, yeah. [20:34:18] * Eve_Kasnora snerks [20:34:25] This is almost as momentous an occasion as our first missed magic missile. [20:34:31] what do you expect from someone who Lays On Hands themselves every 5 minutes [20:34:38] (Before, paladins would lose their class abilities if they made a joke about jacking off. :V) [20:34:44] hahaha [20:35:09] Well I'm female, so no one considers it rude for me to talk about masturbation. It just sounds hot. [20:37:14] I'm miss Phanos making cracks at Loh. [20:38:15] My Passive Perception is 12 [20:39:15] Well, aside from the confusion over the map and the shitty rolls, I think that went pretty well. [20:39:29] Alright, shall we restore surges now, or wait til we get the results of the watch? [20:39:45] Everyone gets 125 XP now, and let's wait until you get the results of the watch. [20:40:09] k [20:40:13] treasure? [20:40:13] you actively make a perception check on watches [20:40:18] since you're actively on watch [20:40:25] 1d20+2 [20:40:25] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+2: 12 +2 = 14 [20:40:33] Her precetion is not that great, so if people wnat to still take watch, that'd be good [20:40:46] Is that counting the previous session? [20:40:49] Mostly because at this rate, when you get through this dungeon you'll be one encounter away from levelling. And I'd give it to you if I can't think of a good encounter, but if I can, I'll make you earn it. [20:41:02] Your current total is 250 xp. [20:41:03] We got 125 xp last session too, right? [20:41:06] yeah [20:41:06] Yeah. [20:41:10] okay for some reason my xp didn't save [20:41:31] Post XP and treasure, including mundane gear, in #Odal [20:41:52] (I want you guys to level up at the end of this dungeon mostly because it's a cool place to level up. As opposed to leaving the dungeon, killing some rats, and then realizing new things about the world and yourselves) [20:42:34] Heh [20:42:53] Well, we're a quarter of the way there. [20:43:00] haha [20:43:24] Alright, that's it for the end-game advancement summary? [20:43:30] Yeah. [20:44:01] * Eilenia is now known as Demota [20:44:04] Alright, cool [20:44:08] * Xan is now known as Mechazawa [20:44:14] That was fun [20:44:15] * Paera is now known as Yonjuuni [20:44:54] Yeah [20:45:01] We still handled it pretty well, I think [20:45:09] even though it takes awhile, I'm enjoying 4e combat [20:45:41] I think we'll get faster eventually. [20:45:54] * Mechazawa shrugs. [20:46:05] It took us about two and a half hours [20:47:15] I just realized that, given how this dungeon is making you advance faster than I initially planned, I need to distribute a lot more treasure over the next few encounters. [20:47:33] yaaay! [20:47:36] * Eve_Kasnora is now known as NovaSeaker [20:47:44] I might even retroactively have that 25 spot check find something in this room if I can think of something good and thematic for the stuff in this room. [20:47:56] Looot [20:50:16] Actually, there you go. I'm gonna say the machine parts are worth 120 gold to an engineer or wright. [20:50:24] So you can probably sell them off at the next town. [20:50:24] [20:50:27] How does this look? [20:51:29] Change the bit about the machinery to note that it's saleable for 120. [20:51:34] Also, what are the rules on reselling mundane equipemtn? [20:51:38] Okay [20:51:53] I'll say it nets 1/5 of purchase price, like magic items. [20:51:57] add that to the list whoever's keeping track? [20:52:24] I'll also say the machine parts weigh 10 pounds. It's mostly small steel gears and the like. [20:53:37] Not that weight is currently an issue, with your cart, but still [20:54:16] (Also, for the sake of common sense, I think it's worth saying you brought the horses and cart into the campsite so you won't find it skeletonized by swamp drakes in the morning) [20:54:31] haha [20:55:06] hah [20:55:20] Oh, Dem, if you can make me a monodrone pog in the next couple weeks I'd appreciate it [20:55:29] Alright [20:55:57] Alright peps, I'm out [20:56:07] Nighty [20:56:11] Night. [20:56:12] Later. [20:56:40] Bye [20:56:42] This won't need much cropping [20:56:43] night [20:57:17] Alright, I'll see what I can do [20:57:27] Also, there's an ALARMING number of ugly people's myspace pictures in a GIS for Monodrone [20:57:50] AAAAAAH [20:57:57] D: [20:59:10] Aww [20:59:11] * NovaSeaker ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [20:59:16] A frame from that could work, too [20:59:26] k [21:00:01] Either way, I don't want to have to use pictures of orcs labelled Monodrone. [21:00:15] * Il_Dice ( Quit (Quit: Client Exited) [21:00:20] Alright [21:00:40] I also just realized that I could make modron miniatures pretty easily in real life by using dice and paint. [21:01:24] The exception is pentadrones, but I could easily make monodrones out of clay, duodrones could be a pair of d6, tridrones would be d4s, and quadrones would be a single d6. [21:04:50] Yeah End of #Exalted buffer Thu Jun 26 21:12:33 2008