Start of #Odal buffer: Mon Jul 14 20:42:22 2008 [17:13:20] * It's been a few days since you left the waypost, and so far, your travels have been uneventful since then. After the swamp, the road became wide, with evidence of recent, if infrequent, travel. [17:13:41] * Yonjuuni is now known as Paera [17:15:43] * Eve_Kasnora has successfuly avoided falling into any pit traps on the way. [17:16:17] * According to the map you saw back in Odal's Fen, there's a coastal town a few days' travel from the waypost, where, if it's still standing, you could possibly get a ferry and save some time on the way to Horbek's Glory. Called Harborhead, you've already seen some signs pointing the way over the last half-day. [17:16:23] [Session start] [17:17:24] "So, what are you all to be thinking? My vote is for to heading to Harborhead." [17:18:53] I'm in favor. The faster we get there, the better. [17:19:30] Hm... ? That sounds reasonable. It will be good to visit somewhere nicer. [17:19:35] * Eve_Kasnora uncomfortably shifts in her dwarven-made armor, for the billionth time. [17:20:37] * Xan nods. "As long as we stay on the right path." [17:20:53] We need to sell these things too. [17:21:06] Gems and swords and armor. [17:23:25] If it still stands, at least. [17:24:04] * Xan nods. [17:24:11] * Eilenia grabs another happy snack from the Basket of Provisions. [17:24:32] * And so, you take the road to Harborhead. As you head along the road, the sun begins to set in front of you. Shortly, you arrive at Harborhead. Its walls are high, and the sun glimmers on the water beyond it. The wide trade road leads to the large eastern gate, while roads snake off to the side leading to smaller, side gates [17:27:47] * Eilenia looks over the gates. [17:28:46] "Well, trade road goes to big gate. We are to looking to be trading. We go to big gate, yes?" [17:29:54] Yes. [17:30:10] * Xan nods. [17:30:40] That was less eventful than I expected. [17:30:56] I wonder what sort of people live here. [17:30:58] * Eilenia walks along [17:31:56] * You ride up to the gates. Currently, only one of the two doors is open, and a group of guards, three humans and a halfling, stand to a side. As you approach, they look up. One, a human man with a halbred, speaks. "Hold, travellers! What's your business in Harborhead?" [17:32:37] * Eve_Kasnora turns to the others in her party and nods to let them know she's going to try and handle this. [17:33:54] * Paera nods back at Eve and hangs back. [17:34:36] * Eve_Kasnora raises her open hand in a gesture of greeting and a show of peace. "Greetings, dutiful guards of Harborhead. We are to be traveling to Horbek's Glory on a mission of peace from Odal's Fen. We intend to trade in your city along the way. This is to being acceptable, yes?" [17:37:47] * The guard whistles. "Odal's Fen? Does- does it even exist anymore? I mean, my granddad's dad said that- Well, nevermind. Yes, please, come in!" He motions the others to step aside. [17:38:29] * Eilenia nods approvingly. [17:39:47] * Paera blinks. "Wasn't expecting that..." she murmurs quietly. [17:39:50] "Thanks being to you very much, honorable guards." [17:39:57] * Eve_Kasnora smiles and nods at them. [17:40:06] * "But I should warn you, Harborhead's in mourning right now. Duke Martyn Harborhead died a few days ago, fell ill and just withered away." He makes a protective gesture, the sign of Melora. [17:41:11] * Eve_Kasnora frowns. "I am being very sorry for your loss. We will conduct ourselves to be showing proper respect to your departed lord." [17:41:23] * "So, really, there's not much open. Some merchants still trade in the markets, trying to get a leg up on the ones who're staying home, and a few inns are open in case any merchants come, but aside from that..." [17:42:02] * Eve_Kasnora grimaces at the idea of greedy merchants using this time of mourning for monetary gain. [17:42:46] "How did he fall ill?" [17:44:45] * "Anyways, I'll give you an escort. I'll send some off-duty men to look after the gate. And nobody rightly knows. Or if they do, it's not leaving his palace." [17:44:47] I'm sorry to hear that. He must have been a great leader. [17:45:42] * Eve_Kasnora nods. [17:47:03] "We appreciate your aid." [17:47:10] It is a shame we could not come in happier times. [17:49:21] * The guard nods, and waves for some of the men at the gate to follow. [17:49:49] * Eve_Kasnora holds the reigns and motions for the horses to trot forward at a light pace. [17:53:10] * Eilenia follows along once the gate is ready for the group. [17:53:53] * The guards lead you through the city, down a wide street lined with high stone buildings. A canal is cut through the middle of the boulevard, small boats tied to moors down by the waters. In livelier times, it'd be a tight squeeze for the cart, but in the city's current state, you easily pass through. [17:54:23] * Paera frowns and trails after the group. "Doesn't exist, huh. I knew we were secluded but..." [17:56:00] I'm not very familiar with your city. In they Feywild, where your city would exist, there are instead a handful of witches. [17:57:30] * The market is in a wide plaza, a cathedral devoted to Melora and Avandra at one side, and high arches lining the edges, with shops behind them, set back into the buildings. In the middle of the square, there are market stalls set up, much of the ground being covered in gulls, resting from flights out to sea. [17:57:38] "I stumbled upon Odal's Fen quite by accident while wandering the swamp." [17:58:36] * Eve_Kasnora narrows her eyes as she comes within sight of the stalls set up, trying to get a good look at the merchants who are trying to exploit this town's trying times. [17:58:40] * Eilenia llooks for a place where they might be able to rest for the evening. [17:58:59] Eve, if they upset you, you need only not buy from them. [17:59:49] "I am not to be passing judgement yet. They may have been falling on the hard times." [18:00:07] "But I will not be doing business with merchants motivated by greed." [18:00:44] * None of the merchants look particularly wealthy, certainly, but only a few are particularly haggard. Most of the ones who are better off are dealing in luxuries, while the poorer ones try to peddle cloth and food. [18:03:08] Times are tough. Sure, it's a sad time for the city, but life has to go on. Can't just drop everything. I don't really blame them. [18:04:04] * Xan pays a poor merchant for some bread, feeding that bread to an even poorer person of the streets. [18:04:58] * Eve_Kasnora watches Xan and smiles to herself, following his lead. [18:07:50] * Eilenia manages to find an inn on the edge of the square, on a streetcorner leading towards the harbor. [18:08:50] That place looks interesting. [18:10:24] "Are we going to be selling our horses and cart, or to be bringing them with us on boat?" [18:10:46] "We still have a ways to go, don't we?" [18:11:03] They're useful. [18:11:12] * Paera looks the inn over, raising an eyebrow. "It's just an...inn? What's so interesting, Eili?" [18:11:48] "I do not know. I have not looked at map." [18:12:34] * Eilenia shrugs. [18:12:42] It simply caught my eye. [18:14:18] What will we do today? [18:20:06] * Paera purses her lips. "Well...I suppose that would depend on how much they would charge us to bring them aboard. Probably be best to keep them if we can, though." [18:24:49] "I wish to attend any services for the late Duke if they are being held." [18:25:11] That would be a good gesture of friendship for this town. [18:25:21] I'm also curious aobut what they know of Odal's Fen.. [18:26:40] * Paera nods. "We are in something of a diplomatic role here." [18:26:47] Yes. We represent the whole town. [18:27:22] Perhaps we could get a trade route established and get more food just in case we are delayed. [18:28:19] "Yes. Those food merchants seemed to not have enough demand for their supply. Perhaps your food problem can be stalled until we fix it for good." [18:28:41] "I am not to be thinking it will be easy brokering food trade relations with a city in mourning, however." [18:29:17] True... [18:31:39] Perhaps the inn will have the information we need. [18:33:09] * Eve_Kasnora nods and steers the cart toward it. [18:36:49] * The inside of the inn reveals it to be a tall, narrow slice of the building that surrounds the square. The bottom floor is somewhat cramped, and starting in the corner is a staircase that winds up around the edge of the room, stopping at frequent landings, each with a door. A bored-looking woman sits behind the desk, and she looks up as you enter [18:37:51] * Xan nods to the woman, not inherently familiar with the normal aspects of cities, currency, and the like. [18:38:41] * Eve_Kasnora enters and walks toward the woman with a small smile. [18:39:15] * "Hey, good evening. Welcome to the Saint Muntz inn, how can I help you?" [18:40:02] "Hello. We've just arrived in town and we're looking for a room and some stables for our horses. We would also like to pay our respects on behalf of Odal's Fen to your recently departed duke. Is there going to be a public funeral?" [18:44:55] * "I'm afraid we don't offer stable services, but..." she takes a small stick of charcoal and begins drawing on her desk, sketching out a crude map of the city. "If you take your horses here and tell them that Calina sent you, you won't get the trader rate, right?" She smiles. "And as for his excellency, there's been an open service at sunset every evening the last few days. Over at the cathedral at the other side of the square. Can't miss it." [18:45:20] * Eilenia nods [18:46:38] "Thank you very much." [18:46:53] * Eve_Kasnora pulls out her coin purse. "We'll reserve our room now." [18:46:56] * Paera nods. "Thank you." [18:48:49] * "That'll be two gold for the lot of you. Eight, if you want a room up top, where the old Nerathi plumbing still works." [18:51:35] "That is not being necesssary." [18:52:51] If it's for the whole group, I think we can afford eight. [18:55:57] * Before anyone can object, Calina takes the eight gold and hands you a key. "Enjoy the room, I promise it's worth it." [18:56:46] Thank you [18:56:46] * Paera blinks for a moment, then laughs. "You drive a hard bargain." [18:57:38] * Xan smirks. [18:57:46] "People do enjoy their coin here." [18:58:32] * Eilenia takes the key [18:59:23] * Eilenia checks the time. How close to sunset? [18:59:36] * Eve_Kasnora shrugs and takes the map. "I'll be back after finding the stable. Thank you Calina for your help." [19:00:02] * The sun has already begun to set. [19:00:29] Thanks. [19:00:38] Hm. We should see the service now. [19:02:25] * Eilenia speaks quietly to Paera. "How do the people of the World conduct funerary services?" [19:04:30] Well...I'm really not sure how they do things outside of Odal's Fen. I imagine it varies depending on the gods they worship. [19:06:02] "I will meet you at ceremony." [19:06:14] * Eilenia nods. [19:06:19] * Eve_Kasnora heads out. [19:06:25] * Eilenia heads off to the cathedral. [19:06:28] We'll see you there. [19:07:01] Yes. [19:10:45] * When you arrive at the cathedral, the doors are open and organ music drifts out. The inside is well-lit, kept bright by everburning torches attached to the support pillars, while braziers hover in the air above the aisles, held aloft by enchantments and shedding light. [19:12:10] * A few townsfolk are inside the cathedral, but less than you'd expect, given the size of the town. Only a few dozen sit on the benches, and a small group of guardsmen hold vigil over the Duke's body at the far end of the cathedral, by the altar. [19:12:32] "Odd rituals. We set our dead to rest in the astral sea." [19:18:07] * Paera watches silently. [19:18:41] * Eilenia watches quietly and respectfully. [19:19:13] * As you stand in the entrance to the cathedral, a small, dark-skinned half-elven woman in a heavy cloak stands from her bench and heads down the main aisle. As she heads out, she brushes against Eilenia, makes a gesture of apology, and heads out the back. [19:20:15] * Eilenia glances at her as she heads out the back [19:23:54] "Hmm, wonder who that woman was." [19:26:47] "Who what woman was?" [19:27:00] * Eve_Kasnora enters through the front, keeping her voice respectfully low. [19:27:46] * Eilenia remains silent, watching the service. [19:31:51] * Eve_Kasnora carefully approaches the body of the Duke, trying to get as close to it as possible without spooking the guards. [19:34:35] * The guards tense at first, but then relax as they realize that she doesn't mean any harm. They move aside slightly. [19:35:35] * Paera approaches Eve quietly, watching her. [19:35:40] * Eve_Kasnora makes a small hand gesture over the duke's forehead, a final rite common in the Platinum Church of Bahamut. [19:36:11] * Eve_Kasnora moves back and sits down quietly toward the back of the cathedral. [19:36:51] * Paera whispers to Eve after she sits back down. "What was that all about?" [19:37:06] * The duke's body looks somewhat strange. Though morticians have tried their best to make him look dignified, his body is oddly wrinkled and seems somewhat twisted, as if seen through the surface of shallow lake. [19:39:06] * Eve_Kasnora lowers her voice and keeps her head bowed. "I tried to determine the cause of his death. And when that failed, I gave him Bahamut's last rites." [19:41:12] I suppose I could take a look. I'm not sure how much I can do without properly examing the body, but... [19:41:34] * Eve_Kasnora nods. [19:41:35] * Paera approaches the casket again, nodding to a guard. [19:42:05] * Eilenia tilts her head down a bit. It's hard to see, given her lack of pupils, but she seems to be reading a scrap of paper in her hand [19:42:28] * Eve_Kasnora glances at the paper in Eilenia's hand. [19:43:17] * Eilenia holds a note. On it is written: "A shadow has settled over Harborhead. There is a growing hunger in the waters, and it looks towards you. Be wary tonight. Find me at 19, Brass Street." [19:44:23] "...Did you write that?" [19:44:42] Hm? No. [19:45:06] "Perhaps the elf did." [19:45:15] "The woman?" [19:45:49] * Eilenia speaks quietly. "She gave it to me. She may have written it." [19:45:56] * Paera returns to the rest of the group, shaking her head. "I've never seen anything like it. It's a very ominous sign." [19:46:17] "Let us leave so as not to disturb the ceremony." [19:46:29] * Eilenia nods. [19:46:32] * Eve_Kasnora rises slowly and quietly departs. [19:47:05] * Eilenia follows [19:47:23] * Paera follows after Eve, taking one look back towards the casket. [19:48:09] * Xan rises and heads out as well. [19:48:29] "Perhaps this place has problems that need solving as well." [19:48:40] Oh yes. [19:49:02] "It is good that we arrived." [19:49:55] Makes me wonder if the dwarves will really be able to help us. Seems like everyone has problems of their own. [19:50:24] "The more allies we gain, the more our own cause will be aided." [19:50:35] "According to that note, the trouble in this town has it's sights set on us." [19:50:52] * Paera scowls. [19:50:54] "If this mystery woman is to be believed. And even if she isn't, *she* has her sights set on us." [19:51:15] * Eilenia shows the note around. "She gave this to me earlier [19:52:01] "Then it will be good to find out." [19:52:23] * Paera 's scowl deepens. "Figures that it'd be more complicated than just getting on a boat." [19:52:29] "I am to be thinking that I will go in Eilenia's place. Xan, you will be in the shadows watching, yes?" [19:52:54] "I am able to do so if it would be useful, aye." [19:53:28] "Paera and Elenia, keep your distance, around a corner. Xan will signal you if I need assistance." [19:53:40] * Eilenia nods [19:53:46] "This is acceptable plan, yes?" [19:53:57] "So long as you remember to signal me, ma'am." [19:54:09] * Paera nods. "I've got your back." [19:54:14] Certainly. [19:54:25] I wonder what's behind this... fomorians? [19:54:27] "You must watch for deceit on woman's part as I do. Use your own judgement as well as watching for mine." [19:54:46] * Xan nods. [19:55:13] * Paera rolls her eyes at the mention of Fomorians. [19:55:47] * Eilenia has no idea what that means, coming from a culture where pupils don't exist! [19:57:44] * Eve_Kasnora makes arrangements for the plan, then leads the way to the meeting place, 19 Brass Street. [20:01:00] * It takes a while to get to Brass Street, but going through the winding streets, you eventually find your way there. The houses are closed up, and only the numeric placards by the doors give any indication of which is what. [20:01:26] * Xan shadows eve, hiding in a nearby alleyway where he cans till keep watch. [20:02:22] * Xan somewhat sticks out. [20:02:56] * Paera hangs back in the shadows as well, a little further away from the meeting point than Xan. [20:08:37] * Eve_Kasnora stands out in the open, waiting. [20:11:08] * Eilenia stands just behind Paera. [20:12:22] * Eve_Kasnora sees no one coming, so she knocks on the door to 19 Brass Street. [20:14:44] * The door opens, slowly and on a chain. Through the crack, you see the half-elven woman from the cathedral, peering out and holding a stout, engraved length of black wood. "Were you followed?" [20:15:37] "Only by those I trust. I presume you are to be knowing that we travel in group. You are not surprised to see me." [20:17:01] * "I've been told some things about you, and what you might do. Come in, quickly." [20:17:12] * She unchains the door, and steps back. [20:17:44] * Eve_Kasnora turns to where she planed for Xan to hide and motions for him to follow her in. [20:18:03] * Eve_Kasnora enters and stands in the entry as the others come in. [20:18:43] * Eilenia steps in, quickly. "How did you learn of us?" [20:19:13] * Paera shrugs and follows the group in, stopping outside to look for anyone watching or following them first. [20:20:05] * Xan moves in as well. [20:20:25] * Eve_Kasnora waits for everyone to enter and then steps aside, closing the door. [20:21:08] Looks like we're clear. [20:22:25] * Eve_Kasnora nods. [20:22:26] "I believe I concur." [20:22:43] * Eve_Kasnora turns to the half-elf. "You are to be explaining who you are now, yes?" [20:23:11] * The inside of her house is cluttered with things, from star charts to books and scrolls to strange statuettes. She relaxes slightly. "I'm an astrologer. Your arrival, and the events of the last few days, were spelled out clearly in the stars." [20:24:44] * Paera blinks. "Wait, seriously? We're just on a trip to get supplies so our village can survive the winter." [20:25:05] * Xan nods. [20:25:16] Strange. [20:25:49] I am only travelling to learn. [20:26:26] "I just met up with them outside their town." [20:27:31] * "It's... not clear to me what role you play. Or what will happen in the future. Lately, the stars have become more difficult to read, as the Void That Hungers begins to affect them more." [20:28:55] ... [20:29:08] * Eve_Kasnora quirks a brow at her. "Void That Hungers." [20:29:29] * Eilenia looks with interest. "What is that?" [20:31:04] * Paera watches the elf carefully. "Excuse me?" [20:32:14] "I am not to be knowing what you are talking about. But you have information that can help us, or you would not be going through trouble to speak to us, yes?" [20:34:47] What's the Far Realm have to do with all of this? [20:35:13] * At that, her demeanor changes, and she seems afraid. "Over the last few weeks, Harborhead's changed. People don't go out anymore. The duke's death was no accident, and more members of the ruling council carry the ug-ts every day." She says the name like she was choking. "It's not what I can do for you, it's what you can do for us!" [20:36:01] Is that what killed the duke? [20:36:07] * Eve_Kasnora holds out her hands in a placating gesture. "Please to be holding on a moment. What are ug-ts being?" [20:36:38] ... what are those? [20:40:09] * "I don't quite know. Some kind of parasite, I think. They're in the water." [20:40:33] "...We have not drank anything yet, yes?" [20:40:36] * Eve_Kasnora turns to the others. [20:41:01] No... [20:41:06] [Session End] [20:41:50] This session, we sold off all mundane gear we got from the previous encounters. We don't know how much it's worth in total yet. End of #Odal buffer Mon Jul 14 20:42:22 2008