Start of #Exalted buffer: Mon Aug 18 21:15:41 2008 [17:20:39] Rusty was going to be away for part of the session, right? [17:21:49] I don't remember [17:21:56] 1d20 [17:21:57] Eilenia rolls 1D20: 13 [17:26:00] I'm gonna need a heads up [17:26:03] I don't remember a pillar. [17:26:04] On what's going on [17:26:30] The...altar/idol thing that looked maybe alive. [17:26:40] Aah [17:26:52] That I thought was going to come to life and eat us. :saddowns: [17:27:18] Alright. A few sessions ago, the PCs went to check out the town sluices. They found guards concerned because the guy who normally patrols the overflow and deals with the goblins had disappeared [17:28:03] Will my 18 passive insight pick up on Devia's plight? [17:28:24] It turns out that most of the town's nobles, controlled by the parasites, had been using an old cavern that the sewers connected to as a temple, and had strongarmed the goblins into being guards [17:28:35] ah [17:28:43] Down there, you found some documents, a strange altar, and a doppelganger. [17:28:52] And that depends entirely on wether she's trying to disguise it [17:29:18] If not, looking will be enough to tell. Otherwise, it depends on a bluff check [17:29:19] Wait, so Devia was here last session? [17:29:23] Yeah [17:29:23] Yeah [17:29:24] yesem [17:29:32] oh :downs: [17:29:39] HI! [17:29:47] Hi! :downs: [17:30:55] aaaaahahahahhahah, there's a rumor that the Xbox version of Rock Band 2 will have an achievement for playing the entire Endless Setlist without pausing. ;laffo: [17:31:09] Hahaha christ [17:31:34] I'm kind of torn about wether to get Rock Band 2 when it comes out or wait until they release the full set so I can have two guitars and a new drumkit [17:37:11] You guys just go ahead and tell me when you're ready to end the scene [17:37:33] *shoves them in the inn* [17:37:40] I don't want to rush you, especially since we're in the middle of a introduction [17:37:47] I'm ready [17:38:18] I'll character rp all day. [17:38:24] so when ever you guys are done. [17:38:49] heh [17:38:58] I love [17:39:48] :D [17:40:10] in soviet d and d you eat dragon? [17:40:56] hehe [17:41:12] hrm [17:41:18] Eve's coin purse is still 0. [17:41:21] I feel this is remiss. [17:41:34] (And I probably butchered the use of remiss there.) [17:42:37] elven... beard? [17:42:43] You were remiss in your use of language. [17:42:51] Indeed. [17:43:12] Elves can grow beards, and if you think otherwise, you're a racist. :colbert: [17:43:15] No one found any gp? [17:43:18] But the PHB says otherwise [17:43:23] We paid for a room already,didn't we/ [17:43:27] Elves with human blood can. [17:43:33] I'm heading toward the bar. [17:43:36] The PHB also says that jews are all cheap. :colbert: [17:43:38] I'm russian. [17:43:45] hahaha [17:44:02] You were remiss in your placement of facial hair, Cha. [17:44:10] Hahah [17:44:30] hahahaha [17:44:45] I just realized from reading Devia's emote that Eve IS pretty and has no coin and wants to drink. [17:45:04] hahahaha [17:45:16] Here we go, elves have little body hair. [17:45:24] it is patchy [17:45:27] I wonder if she's above seducing men for free drinks. [17:45:31] So an elf is perfectly capable of having a shitty beard. Page 41. [17:45:37] haha [17:45:44] hahaha [17:46:20] I wonder if I can pull off some bullshit about liking men with beards and seducing a bottle of vodka from the barkeep. [17:46:42] He's probably proud of his shitty little beard. [17:46:51] (may have taken him 50 years to grow it) [17:47:04] Devia can turn into someone pretty any time she likes. [17:47:06] the sight of it makes dwarves vomit. [17:47:28] So we got NO gold from the sewer expedition? [17:47:34] Or since we got into town? [17:47:36] Or he could be self-conscious about it, or he could have shaved recently and is growing in his full winter beard and thinks you're a patronizing bitch. :V [17:47:37] yes she can but the afect is a bit ruined if they know shes a dopleganger [17:48:05] Well, you could always leave and come back. :V [17:48:10] HA [17:48:16] meh [17:48:28] It's too bad the Paizo Book of Beards isn't 4e compatible, or else I could roll on the random beard-based self-esteem chart [17:48:28] I wanna see if he can figure out how to get free vodka by himself. [17:48:30] You don't have to walk around in your natural form either [17:48:39] Yeah. [17:48:44] Cha... you're not serious [17:48:47] she is right now. [17:48:51] Got it in one. [17:49:09] Is there anyone else at the bar? [17:49:53] Nah. [17:50:00] It'd be easier to seduce someone buying drinks to buy one more, me thinks, than to seduce a free drink from the guy selling them [17:50:02] damn [17:50:07] hahahaha [17:50:18] Not many traders currently, and the locals are probably in another bar rather than one run by an inn. [17:50:26] * Eve_Kasnora nods. [17:50:43] hrm [17:51:14] This of the saddest things I've ever read, I love it. [17:54:54] ...Hahahaha [17:55:05] I love high-end video game drama [17:56:21] I remember hearing some CoH goon mention that the only interesting thing that happened when he was playing Eve was that he started a diplomatic incident by sending a shipment of ore to an allied corporation in a freighter named Dongs, or something. [17:56:58] Hahahahahhaa [17:56:58] hahahahahaha [18:01:06] diplomacy time [18:01:18] 1d20+9 [18:01:19] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+9: 6 +9 = 15 [18:01:27] I love how he ends with "I don't think about her" when he's clearly FUCKING OBSESSED. [18:01:28] damn [18:01:58] hahahaha [18:04:16] (I think the best part of Eve is that it's a game specifically designed to generate drama, and *people still pay for it*. It's like knowing a kleptomaniac who tries to sleep with everybody, and giving him $15 a month) [18:04:31] Yeah [18:04:35] how can i be making withthe diplomacy check? [18:04:47] Roll a d20 and add your DIplomacy modifier [18:04:51] (Except that's an imperfect analogy, since to be like Eve, the kleptonymphomaniac would also have to be boring as hell when they're not ruining things for everyone) [18:04:58] sunrod. [18:04:58] Or your Charisma modifier if you have no Diplomacy-specific mods [18:05:12] I dunno, I kind of think the drama is a selling point. [18:05:37] This is for Eve online? [18:05:43] I can't tell what's happening. [18:05:52] I thought it was some rockband leaderboard or something [18:06:00] 1d20+4 [18:06:00] Devia rolls 1D20+4: 8 +4 = 12 [18:06:03] damn [18:06:11] We're just making a comparison as they're both about trivial videogame drama [18:06:17] late ont eh draw [18:06:18] But I get to hear about it as it happens, which is almost as good [18:06:30] Okay, Cha, on a scale from 3 to 18, how good looking is this barkeep? [18:07:00] The drama where a dev was helping that one guild get epic spaceships was pretty terrific to see unfold. [18:07:08] Hahah [18:07:40] Eve has been in a swamp for who knows how long and she's probably had nothing but sunrods to keep her company. [18:07:43] I'd say probably pretty much average. He might look better if he cleaned up a little, but his facial hair is kind of ruining the effect. [18:07:54] * Eve_Kasnora nods. [18:08:07] I'm not sure elves are Eve's thing either. [18:08:53] Yeah, that was phenomenal. I liked the SA specific one where someone spread around an MP3 of a "GOONFLEET STATE OF THE UNION SPEECH" and they flipped the shit out. [18:09:15] What? [18:10:24] hahahahhahaha [18:10:33] ... [18:10:34] Something Awufl has a .... history in EVE Online, to say the least [18:10:36] I think i just died [18:10:41] Now, here's the thing... does Eve have an acurate picture of what she looks like? [18:11:21] If not, she's genuinely complimenting Devia on her appearance. [18:11:37] hahahaha [18:11:39] They got up in the mods faces and claimed copyright and shit, I think the guy who gave the speech even claimed to be a 'professional voice actor'. [18:11:48] Hahahahahaha [18:12:18] hahaha what? [18:12:21] The WORST thing about Eve Online was learning that The Great Scam was entirely fictional. :( [18:12:26] aw [18:12:30] The Great Scam? [18:12:49] Well, mirrors probably exist. [18:13:26] reflections in puddles [18:13:39] Puddles don't exist. >:( [18:13:59] Whuh oh [18:14:06] She probably had a mirror in her little swamp cabin, yeah [18:14:27] Here we go. Romans had bronze, silver, and silver-and-gold-based mirrors [18:14:57] Assuming that Nerath was basically roman in technology, good mirrors are probably not uncommon. [18:15:01] alls she needy was a shinny plate [18:15:10] needed* [18:15:41] heh [18:15:52] I'm sure there's steel mirrors or something [18:15:57] The Great Scam was this amazing series of posts by this guy about an EPIC grief in Eve Online, in which he suckered some people out of hundreds of millions of Evebucks (like, $2000 worth of real money). It was an amazing read. [18:15:58] There was in 3e [18:16:15] hah [18:16:46] no idea how to spell ahsuphacust [18:16:49] esophagus? [18:16:53] Esophagus, yeah [18:16:54] cuase I'm special. [18:16:55] haha [18:17:05] I thought you had Devia choking on her drink [18:17:21] she kinda did. not over board. [18:17:39] just the face. [18:17:41] Huh, it just occured to me: Alcohol can be treated as a poison. [18:18:01] haha [18:18:13] it was in 3e [18:18:18] In 3e... yeah [18:18:35] Yeah, but I never figured out how the fuck poisons in 3e worked. [18:18:55] I'm sure Nova could tell us, and we'd have no idea if he was telling the truth or not [18:18:59] fort save, take ability damage, 10 rounds later, fort save, ability damage [18:19:11] then 10 days later, fort save, ability damage [18:19:24] Then 10 years later, fort save, ability damage [18:19:32] haha [18:19:42] you lost your fort save, your kidneys fail [18:20:02] Meanwhile, here, I can say that hard liqour is a +3 attack against Fortitude, ongoing slurred speech and poor judgement (Extended rest ends both), aftereffect: -1 to rolls on the next day's first encounter. [18:20:30] haha [18:21:03] hahahahaha [18:21:35] I think instead of afereffect it should be secondary attack [18:21:41] haha [18:21:42] I've gotten drunk with no hangover before [18:21:47] And since a 20 is always a success, it means that even epic characters will eventually have their liqour catch up with them. [18:22:03] Maybe if you fail a save when you wake up. [18:22:15] I've never been hungover, but that's because I'm conscientious about water [18:22:30] I think a secondary fort attack would be more in keeping with the rules [18:23:01] I'm done drinking when eve is. [18:23:03] No poisons have secondary attacks, though [18:23:25] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [18:23:30] Tsavarogorod has a mind flayer infestation :( [18:23:47] anything can have a secondary attack [18:23:51] It's just a power [18:24:34] True. [18:25:12] I'm more inclined to think that it's better to keep it simple, though. [18:25:26] And say that if you get hit by its initial fort attack, you're shitfaced. [18:26:26] I'm gonna call the scene there. [18:26:36] Unless anyone has anything they really want to do before it's over [18:26:43] Nah [18:26:58] kay [18:27:09] Hahahha, I love the idea of putting a Weird Al version of a song in Rock Band along with the regular version, and you just randomly get Weird Al sometimes when you select it. :V [18:27:17] +3 attack vs. Fortitiude/ Hit: slurred speech and poor judgement until the target takes an extended rest. Upon completing an extended rest, the target takes a secondary attack [18:27:35] I was going to hit on the bartender :( [18:27:52] * Devia giggle [18:27:56] IF THERE ARE ANY GUYS THERE EVE WANTS TO DOOOOOOOO THEM [18:28:01] AHhahahahahaa [18:28:05] hahahahahahahaha [18:28:07] :D [18:28:09] Baahahaha [18:28:43] No, she was just gonna flirt and leave him high and dry. That's what girls do, amirite? [18:28:59] eh? eh? [18:29:07] * Eve_Kasnora nudges the guys in the room. [18:29:19] Elena is responsible! [18:29:21] -.- [18:29:34] It's a sliding scale. [18:29:53] Kidding, Sarah. :P [18:29:59] i knows. [18:30:09] any way boys think I' [18:30:20] huh that was delete not send [18:30:36] you're not leaving. >:( [18:30:51] ? [18:31:08] oooh. [18:31:10] If you wanna go by the rules we just whomped up, Nova, Eve done got shitfaced then avoided a hangover [18:31:12] I thought you were about to say you were leaving [18:31:18] heh cool [18:31:28] nooo [18:31:29] (Natural 20 on the first roll, then around 14 on the second, against fort) [18:31:31] Sarah, how long did Devia stay in eve form? [18:31:38] I went to say soemthing witty and then deleted it...i hit enter instead. [18:31:49] ah [18:32:02] ...oh, Suda51. [18:32:02] Suda 51 posted: [18:32:02] Of course I had a chance to present it to different publishers, but EA was the company that understood the game and understood my approach to it. That's why I took the chance to work with EA. Also, EA produced Rock Band, so they understand the "soul of rock." [18:32:04] so what am i rolling to determining my blood alchol levels? [18:32:14] If she got really shitfaced she probably went to go spoon herself. [18:32:45] .... and whats her name watches her sleep? [18:32:52] Yes. [18:32:55] Sarah: I roll a couple attacks against you. [18:33:01] okays [18:33:27] same numbers for me? [18:33:29] In this case, 19+3 primary, and 5+ let's say 2 secondary. So, drunk, but no hangover. [18:33:38] kk [18:33:38] Suda61 is great [18:33:40] er, 51 [18:33:46] Awesome, we both got drunk [18:33:53] haha [18:33:56] Though they published Rcok Band. Did not produce it [18:34:19] Beautiful [18:34:22] I like how Shinji Mikami said that it's good that Suda51's working with EA because EA can tell him when an idea is a bad one. [18:34:38] (Which is something No More Heroes sure as hell could have used :() [18:35:30] oh god it's gorgeous. [18:35:32] Hahahaha [18:37:50] I think the most accurate assessment of NMH came from Yahtzee (I think) when he said it was impossible to tell when it was being a bad game for artistic reasons, or when it was being a bad game because it was *actually* not being good. [18:37:54] oi [18:37:57] Heya Rusty [18:38:01] Game on? [18:38:05] Eve got drunk [18:38:08] Yes [18:38:09] Heya [18:38:18] Summary, Eve and Devia got wasted [18:38:25] Like, say, was grinding for money just a commend in grinding for money in other games, or is it actually just mindless grinding? [18:39:33] * Mechazawa is now known as Xan [18:39:35] Watch the self-narration [18:40:04] Yeah sarah, use /me for narration [18:40:22] Some people don't use quotes for speach and just chatroom it [18:40:43] Since a lot of elements of presentation are intentionally bad (Mooks all being identical, say) but gameplay elements being intentionally bad is a brave new world. [18:40:58] my bad [18:41:18] I don't liek starting with a name everysentence due to training self from writting stuff. [18:41:22] Heh [18:41:29] Well, if you want to do that, start it with an asterisk. [18:41:37] kk [18:41:40] Do [this] or *this* for actions then [18:41:43] I just spaced [18:41:53] no prob, we don't mean to badger you [18:41:53] Don't use brackets. That's for environment description [18:42:50] so yeah... one more time... [18:42:54] Are we still flat broke? [18:43:17] As a party, there's no coin among us? [18:43:18] We had a bunch of cash, but we never split it up [18:43:21] Check the party log. [18:43:27] link [18:44:08] [18:44:15] Go to "Share Documents" [18:44:23] And everything, everything I have shared with you, will be there. [18:45:04] [18:45:11] 731 gold 497 silver [18:45:12] Take it easy [18:45:22] oooooh [18:45:35] I think we can split that now. [18:45:42] Yukkureve would be terrifying [18:46:51] ? [18:48:41] [18:49:09] I'm pretty sure Yukkureve would be more like "Be taking it slowly" [18:49:13] hahaha [18:49:29] hahaha [18:50:16] heh [18:50:28] okay, how many party members? [18:50:36] And does Devia get a cut? [18:50:42] No idea. [18:50:55] There was 4 of us for the battle [18:51:09] Did devia start with character wealth for level 2? [18:51:13] Cha? [18:51:15] Yeah, but money awarded doesn't change depending on group numbers [18:51:20] And I just let her take one magic item. [18:51:31] I was kidnapped. I sorta decided i was broke. [18:51:32] I think we should take her out of the picture then [18:51:34] And whatever mundane gear she wanted [18:51:38] cause this was our level 1 loot [18:52:05] Actually, I think Eve said she wasn't going to be part of the coin cause she got the armor [18:52:18] Well, she wasn't given the full loadout for a level 2 character [18:52:34] Just one item, as opposed to three items and 360 gold [18:52:41] ah [18:52:46] okay lets just split it 5 ways [18:54:00] so, we in an inn? [18:54:04] 4 copper, 101 silver, 142 gold [18:54:09] yeah [18:54:51] we killed a few nobles, got out of the sewer/storm drains, went back to the inn, Eve and Devia got drunk, and we went to sleep and woke up [18:54:57] Everyone mark that money down. [18:55:40] I'll currently forego my share of the loot. [18:55:44] Okay. Mark it as distributed in the party log [18:55:59] And actually, just borrow it if I need supplies or ammo. [18:56:17] My character's a survivalist and as a result prefers to keep what he finds in the field. [18:56:23] Okay... [18:56:25] so... [18:56:32] mention that in character and we'll resplit it [18:56:49] also, we're all in the room we woke up in [18:57:24] Providing Cha doesn't intend on punishing me with the spartan lifestyle choice I'm making here. [18:57:33] I just can't see him going off to market. [18:57:38] So... [18:58:12] Oh, fucking dammit, Rusty, you've just entirely ruined my mental image of Xan. [18:58:16] Rusty: Well, it's D&D. So it's more of a madness lifestyle choice [18:58:39] Well, I'm not sure how you *won't* end up shortchanged unless I do a lot of fucking with the parcels to make it so you get things you might have shopped for if you did, in fact, sop. [18:58:40] He's now Naked Snake really badly pretending to be a non-human. [18:58:43] Shop, rather. [18:58:45] I mean technically it's alright if Cha keeps feeding you magic items you need. [18:59:01] hahahaha [18:59:04] Mental image of Xan? What, you picture him with a shopping cart? [18:59:19] For now, at least. Later on, when money parcels get a lot bigger, it'll be harder to handle. [18:59:22] No, now he's Naked Snake, the ultimate survivalist. [18:59:24] eh, I guess I'll just keep a running tally then. [18:59:34] Also the whole 'procure on site' thing. [18:59:41] heh [18:59:57] And his weird skin color and markings? Just camo. [19:00:00] does it _taste_? [19:00:00] Just trying to stay in character now that I've found him and all [19:00:14] Well, if you want, you can abstract-shop, then. [19:00:19] Has cardboard been invented yet? [19:00:23] Heh [19:00:24] abstract-shop? [19:00:32] Just tally up the money you'd spend on stuff and you can find it in loot instead of buying it. [19:00:34] i posted but it vanished [19:00:36] Keep a tally of your money, shop for items, and then poof it appears. [19:00:46] did it no go through or did some one delete it for lamness? [19:00:46] In loot [19:00:49] gotcha [19:00:50] that works [19:00:56] You can donate your share of gold [19:01:11] That way, we don't have to fuck with a mechanic that works in order to support a concept that also works. [19:01:17] Or do something with it so that we can keep splitting it even and not have to wonder about how you're carryign tons of gold you never spend. [19:01:28] And potentially lose [19:01:31] Take that vow of poverty! [19:01:36] Hahahahah, wow, they've announced that a song in RB2 will have, on expert, _3722_ notes. In a 5 minute song. [19:01:38] Yeah, Xan's a bit of a do-gooder [19:01:41] Or just have him incharacter assign his money to a War Fund [19:01:49] Well, if you lose your money, you'll get that money back somehow. [19:01:52] They've described it as 'mathematically possible' [19:02:01] O.o [19:02:01] hahaha [19:02:07] dragon force much? [19:02:14] Since that money's now actually in the system as being part of how your character grows. [19:02:14] It's not even metal. [19:02:14] I suppose the people in town could use some of the spare change, and I'll just buy items when I can afford them and they appear in loot [19:02:17] that good cha? [19:02:17] I loves the dragonforce :3 [19:02:24] Yeah. [19:02:27] (also loves the dragonforce) [19:02:29] k [19:02:34] Yeah [19:02:39] We'll just say he gives away his money and earns karmic credit towards future useful loot [19:02:43] hahaha [19:02:46] Wow dude [19:02:55] You can totally play than in character [19:03:03] Be all "The Tao provides" [19:03:34] "By keeping my karma clean, the universe provides what I need." And Xan just keeps finding stuff he needs and we're all like "...that HAS to be a cooincidence." [19:03:51] I'll be like macguyver. [19:03:56] I like that [19:04:21] "I made this +2 longbow gem out of paste and sequins" [19:04:25] They both have mullets. :V [19:04:33] Plus, my mindset is, where the hell am I going to buy a +2 longbow gem in a town market? [19:04:44] "I Made this +2 Longbow Gem out of scap metal in a cave" [19:04:44] I already have one character with a mullet. [19:04:56] I mean Macguyver and Snake. :V [19:05:02] Yon is still picturing Naked Snake [19:05:04] ah, hehe [19:05:08] Well, you can buy a really high-quality gem and pay a wizard to enchant it [19:05:21] I figure that's how buying +whatever magic items typically works now [19:05:34] Imagine him going to a *wizard* and asking that though. [19:05:45] "Make this gem into a +2 longbow for my arms plz kthx." [19:05:51] Hahah [19:06:05] hahahaha [19:06:06] Well, they can reshape reality at a whim. They're probably used to lateral thinking. :V [19:06:08] It's not like going in and asking for a bag of holding. [19:06:19] heh [19:08:34] heh [19:09:11] I really like the idea of Eve trying to relax by spending an afternoon praying with Paera then being all "This is boring. I am to be punching troglodytes if anyone is to be needing me." [19:09:31] hahaha [19:09:37] hahahah [19:09:42] *its hurts* [19:09:47] It's kind of interesting that Xan's the charitable one as well as the only one that shoots to kill. [19:10:00] ?? [19:10:03] Eve kills. [19:10:34] Not goblins. :V [19:10:54] Ah, well, guess this was a game you weren't around for. [19:11:11] Eve didn't fight those goblins, though [19:11:17] ........ [19:11:19] She was bogged down in rats and rat-related creatures [19:11:19] ah [19:11:23] haha [19:12:06] ....ahaahahah, what a great interviewer. [19:12:07] IGN: "If you hadn't included a Linkin Park song, what good band might have made it onto the Rock Band 2 disc?" [19:12:15] hahahahahaha [19:12:20] hahahaha [19:12:27] lol [19:12:59] Hahahahahah [19:13:34] O.o [19:14:30] oh yeah.. [19:14:39] Man, I found my old high school driver's ed manual today, and apparently, when I was 15, I liked Linkin Park enough to write it over the picture of the State House's dome. And even though I wasn't even *fully sentient* until I was 19, I'm really embarassed by that. [19:14:47] wow [19:14:54] guys, I wont be able to make it to tomorrow's game. I'm going to a funeral for a relative of a friend of mine's [19:14:54] wow [19:15:10] oh, condolences? [19:15:15] Okay. [19:15:15] thanks [19:15:27] Tomorrow's a pretty important encounter, so should I go ahead and put the game on hold? [19:15:47] If we can swing another day for it this week we can do that [19:15:49] That sucks. Did you know the relative, or is it a support and courtesy thing? [19:15:56] Support and courtesy thing [19:16:27] Well, hope that goes well. [19:16:37] I don't think any other day works this week, unless Rusty can make Friday or something. And I doubt it. [19:16:42] ...I read that as 'Hope they get well'. [19:18:31] *snrk* [19:19:08] D: [19:19:13] onward? [19:19:25] I mean, I guess it's good to give it three days, but if they don't get better after that, it's pretty much a lot cause. :V [19:21:04] Just as a reminder, you guys have appointments with the guard captain and with Rana this morning about the stuff you found yesterday [19:21:30] I did not know this. [19:21:36] aka get on with it XD [19:21:44] heh [19:22:47] Well, I wanted to make sure people knew what was going on [19:23:05] I had no idea what was going on [19:23:10] If you guys want to have a roleplaying session, that's awesome, because it means I have another week to work on encounters. :V [19:23:19] haha [19:23:42] haha [19:24:14] devia is still being bipolar out of character cause she has no character new character syndrom. does that make sense? [19:24:31] I will infect her. [19:26:35] I thought she was tryign to use her as a miror for a second [19:26:42] that what she did [19:26:48] oh, pronoun confusion [19:26:54] she fixed her own hair [19:27:04] XD [19:28:18] Which meeting are you guys going to? [19:28:45] The what's her name [19:29:10] * Charles nods [19:29:11] Rana? [19:29:49] Who here likes dragonforce? [19:29:54] me. [19:30:13] Do you like it like it, or just think it's so bad it's good? [19:30:25] i like it like it [19:30:29] its not bad. [19:30:32] * Paera genuinely likes it. [19:30:41] I can't really tell with my friends cause a lot of them like stuff that's so bad it's good [19:30:47] I genuinely like it too [19:30:48] I listen to it regularly. [19:30:56] I think it's cheesy as hell, but it's heavy metal so that's part of the appeal. [19:31:00] heh [19:31:05] I only know the one song [19:31:09] Yeah I don't think it's cheesy at all. [19:31:14] I think it's pure audible awesome. [19:31:23] i like it cuase its awesome gutat with out growling shit in it. [19:31:25] I like ridiculously fast metal, but I hate typical metal vocalists, so it's pretty much right up my ally. :V [19:31:34] heheh [19:31:43] It kind of reminds me of 80s hair metal, a little. [19:31:47] yeah [19:32:34] But with 80% less hair and 100% more awesoem :D [19:32:35] Hooray, I'm FAST [19:33:49] 80s hair metal was pretty much the peak of awesome metal, I think. [19:34:19] Alright, so this house looks like it's pretty on-fire. [19:34:40] go xan go. [19:35:12] Alright, this is going to be a physical skill challenge, using the Obsidian rules, which I'll summarize the player side of for you guys. [19:35:20] Let's not all die in the fire at once:P [19:36:08] Okay [19:36:19] haha [19:36:25] I like how Devia is the last one in [19:36:40] did Rusty mischan? [19:36:45] okay [19:36:47] yeah, sorry about that [19:36:51] * Eve_Kasnora nods. [19:37:01] First, you say what you're doing, then choose a skill to go with that. If you describe your action really well, I can arbitrarily choose wether or not to give a +2 bonus, according to the rules. Basically, if effort is put in, you get it. [19:37:03] I was just wondering if Sum Em Up! was a githyanki warcry or something [19:37:25] Okay [19:37:26] hahaha [19:37:26] Once everybody declares their actions, you roll them, and I tally the successes. [19:37:32] That happens two more times. [19:37:56] what do we see when we get inside? [19:37:56] Alright, cool. [19:37:59] Success, partial success, and failure are determined by how many successes the group gets as a whole. [19:38:06] * Eve_Kasnora nods. [19:38:23] * Devia follows along [19:38:38] I'm going to run in, use perception to try and locate anyone caught in the fire, acrobatics and athletics to get to them/get them/get out. [19:38:39] Oh yeah, I decided to prepare a different daily today, since Sleep has been alarmingly lackluster recently. [19:38:41] You can spend an AP for a reroll once during the challenge. If you roll a 20, you get another roll, and can keep on rolling as long as you keep getting 20s. [19:38:53] I guess stepping in and looking is requisite first. [19:39:06] And in this challenge, the primary skills are endurance and athletics, which means you get +2 with them. [19:39:48] okay [19:39:54] kk [19:40:04] Perception to look for anyone in the fire, and heal for emergency first aid if/when I have the chance. [19:40:24] i think we declare first actions first [19:40:34] Yeah [19:41:32] rolling to vault over the bookcases [19:41:40] Acrobatics [19:41:45] 1d20+5 [19:41:45] Oh wow, apparently someone ran into a Harmonix employee at a concert by the guys who do Gay Bar, and they said they were interested in getting some of their music. GAY BAR IN ROCK BAND, PLEASE [19:41:46] Xan rolls 1D20+5: 5 +5 = 10 [19:41:52] 1d20+7 [19:41:52] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+7: 3 +7 = 10 [19:41:55] REROLLING [19:41:58] 1d20+7 [19:41:58] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+7: 7 +7 = 14 [19:42:06] gah fucking fuckity fuck dice [19:42:07] howsit you reroll? [19:42:12] You spend an AP [19:42:12] spending an AP [19:42:13] Oh man, that's be great. [19:42:15] Ah [19:42:17] Elecitc Six is awesome [19:42:18] I'll blow one too [19:42:22] 1d20+5 [19:42:22] Xan rolls 1D20+5: 6 +5 = 11 [19:42:26] .. [19:42:34] You know what, those were bullshit rerolls. [19:42:43] Get your APs back to use later in the encounter [19:42:49] okay [19:43:02] Alright. So we have Eve and Xan's actions. What about the rest of you guys? [19:43:21] athletics [19:43:35] kk [19:43:36] 1d20+6 [19:43:36] Devia rolls 1D20+6: 10 +6 = 16 [19:43:50] Want me to roll to describe? [19:43:59] Well fuck, my skills are awful for this. [19:44:06] Sure. [19:44:21] I think I'm going to try to use Acrobatics. Endurance would be higher, thanks for a reroll, but still. [19:44:25] You can do whatever, you just get a +2 bonus for endurance and althetics [19:44:30] She's all graceful and crap [19:44:42] Yon: Well, you can't hurt things, and if you can justify doing other things well enough, you can [19:44:47] I'm going to try to get through, and calling out her name. [19:44:55] Alright [19:45:00] Actually, I'll go Endurance [19:45:03] I'm just trying to figure out how the hell I can get up the stairs. [19:45:04] 1d20+4 [19:45:04] Eilenia rolls 1D20+4: 2 +4 = 6 [19:45:06] :( [19:45:17] Well, I could have used Thunderwave to shove the book case aside. [19:45:20] Jesus Christ, let's bring in a new dicebot. [19:45:31] use mine [19:45:33] it's active [19:45:36] trigger is roll [19:45:40] roll 1d20+7 [19:45:40] Eve_Kasnora rolls [ 1D20+7: 17 +7 = 24 ] [19:45:47] * Eve_Kasnora hugs Rusty. [19:45:49] i got a 16 not counting the plus two for using athletics. [19:46:00] Count it next time [19:46:03] I keep it active. Il seems to provide us things on the lower end [19:46:20] so it was an 18 [19:46:33] * Charles nods [19:46:34] * Eve_Kasnora nods. [19:46:42] I'll announce number of successes once everyone's rolled [19:47:04] I think a handstand vault-flip is more acrobatics than athletics though :pout: [19:47:22] Athletics is what, strength? [19:47:24] It's in what the action accomplishes than how you describe it [19:47:25] Yeah [19:47:26] yeah [19:47:41] well i suck. [19:47:52] Otherwise, you've have rogues backflipping everywhere to take advantage of acrobatics. :V [19:47:53] YOu rolled highest [19:47:59] Well...fuck, I'd be at -2. [19:47:59] true. [19:48:55] I was just trying to maintain a flavor difference between using Acrobatics to get past a barricade than using Athletics [19:49:05] I don't really want to chance it because that's MORE failures for the group. [19:49:12] I think they should look like 2 different things [19:49:33] well probably shes jsut copying. it probably lack finess. [19:49:40] Yon, pick a skill you're good at [19:49:41] i siad atempts. [19:49:59] she might fuck up the vualt but i rolled high enough i'm pretty sure i made it over. [19:50:05] heh [19:50:20] Whereas Eve gracefully plowed face-first into the barricade :P [19:50:24] Skills I'm good at? That's heal, arcana, religion, bluff, insight, and stealth. [19:50:38] in wich case I'm jsut mocking you [19:50:46] Yes [19:50:49] haha [19:50:55] I suppose I could use arcana to determine that the fire is being caused by Bombs and we're actually in FF6. :V [19:51:01] haha [19:51:03] or 4 [19:51:25] What about skills you're not negative in? [19:51:29] Try endurance [19:51:40] You'd have at least +2 in that, right? [19:51:49] +2? [19:52:01] And in this challenge, the primary skills are endurance and athletics, which means you get +2 with them. [19:52:43] Also +1 just for being level 2 [19:52:54] So if you have a 10 in Con you're rolling +3 for endurance [19:52:54] Yeah [19:52:58] I'm kind of confused by the definition of endurance and how it actually applies to this. [19:53:04] it's a skill [19:53:08] You roll it [19:53:12] endure teh fir e as you run through it. [19:53:23] the [19:53:40] Yeah [19:54:03] Or just continuing to run after running half a mile in heavy armor, yeah [19:54:39] The issue is GETTING to the fire. [19:54:47] just roll something [19:54:49] Since we're blocked on the floor that's not on fire. [19:54:58] how's your acrobatics? [19:55:03] got a dex penalty? [19:55:20] +1 dex, -1 armor check [19:55:25] you're even [19:55:28] roll it [19:55:32] Fine, fine. [19:55:36] 1d20 [19:55:36] Paera rolls 1D20: 3 [19:55:40] use rusty [19:55:46] roll 1d20 [19:55:46] Paera rolls [ 1D20: 12 ] [19:56:08] Alright. For this round, we've got two successes [19:56:48] You could also have tried knowledge dungeoneering if Cha would let it count as a quasi engineering/architecture thing to give us info on how long till the place collapses [19:56:48] Let's assume that the people who cleared the barrier help the others over it, to keep the flow happening [19:57:08] * Eilenia nods [19:57:28] so my fabulous vault failed? [19:59:03] okay, rolling athletics to move upstairs and to her quarters safely. [19:59:11] * Charles nods [19:59:44] Xan rolls [ 1D20+9: 15 +9 = 24 ] [19:59:52] I'm using Athletics to heave the furnature coverign her door out of the way [19:59:59] roll 1d20+6 [19:59:59] Eve_Kasnora rolls [ 1D20+6: 7 +6 = 13 ] [20:00:03] rerolling [20:00:04] roll 1d20+6 [20:00:04] Eve_Kasnora rolls [ 1D20+6: 2 +6 = 8 ] [20:00:08] ..... [20:00:12] I hate you rusty [20:00:46] 1d20+8 athletics [20:00:46] Devia rolls 1D20+8: 9 +8 = 17 [20:01:14] whered my other post og? [20:01:18] go* [20:01:40] *running upstiars to help eve. [20:02:05] Stop being better than me at everything while looking just as good. :( [20:02:14] hahahaha [20:02:36] That Paladin is a Spy! [20:02:48] spy? [20:03:14] Play TF2 already. >:( [20:03:24] Second round of actions... hm. [20:03:28] Yeah,TF2 is reallyeasy to learn [20:04:11] That paladin is a GENTLEMAN. [20:04:31] I swear, the spy's gonna be the best halloween costume that nobody gets [20:05:12] haha [20:05:22] I saw five spies at the last con I went to [20:05:32] one of which had a bunch of cigarettes taped to a fake mouth. [20:05:40] wut? [20:05:42] I seriously wish I could just laser the barricade. :( [20:05:56] heh [20:06:05] rooollll [20:06:11] There was a spy at Otakon who had a selection of paper masks of anime characters, it was pretty funny. [20:06:13] use the knowledge dungeoneering thing [20:06:34] Right, I guess I'll try that. :/ [20:06:40] roll 1d20+1 [20:06:40] Paera rolls [ 1D20+1: 19 +1 = 20 ] [20:06:45] ...haw. [20:06:47] you can direct teh pcuhing and shoving. [20:06:56] haha [20:07:08] Sarah: One of the Team Fortress 2 charaters is the Spy, a man in a suit wearing a ski-mask. He chain-smokes and 'Gentlemen!' is his catchphrase. And I'm going as him for Halloween. :V [20:07:22] HAHA [20:07:42] Oh, also, steampunk transformers are fucking AWESOME [20:07:50] justin sent that to me. [20:07:54] I also saw someone as an MGS soldier with a tinfoil question mark on a stick shoved down the back of his collar to make it look like it was hovering above his head [20:08:08] haha [20:08:10] Oh shit, I should totally check what other people are doing for Halloween and make paper masks of their costumes. [20:08:19] HAHAHA [20:08:25] that would be awesome. [20:08:34] Alright, just throw your dice and we can get onto round three, Dem [20:08:35] i wnat to do somethign super fun [20:08:42] I'm thrilled that the comic is finally coming OUT. They've been talking about Steampunk Transformers for so long, but it looked like it was a pipe dream until now. [20:08:48] And emote your action of directing the others, or whatever, Yon. [20:09:53] Alright, another Endurance [20:09:55] 1d20+4 [20:09:55] Eilenia rolls 1D20+4: 6 +4 = 10 [20:10:00] Whoops. Oh well [20:10:20] Alright, you've got a total of five successes now [20:12:23] Are there any other rooms with windows in them and the doors open? [20:12:36] We outside of combat time? [20:12:45] we're in challenge time [20:12:50] she's not safe yet [20:12:53] Alright [20:13:03] I've got Featherfall. I could cast it on her and we could hurl her out a window. [20:13:08] Someone's gotta get her to saftey and someone else's gotta heal her. [20:13:28] Well, the main room on the floor has windows. And the room she's in has windows, which is the other room on the floor [20:13:32] i like the feather fall idea [20:13:37] me too [20:14:05] What if I jump out a window to burst it open, acrobatics to land safely, and catch her whens he feather falls and use Lay on Hands? [20:14:27] Try it. [20:15:08] ...holy shit, in an amazing instance of Sony NOT being stupid/evil... [20:15:31] roll 1d20+7 [20:15:31] Eve_Kasnora rolls [ 1D20+7: 7 +7 = 14 ] [20:15:35] SIGH [20:15:38] FUCKING SIGH [20:15:39] They've announced that the controllers for Rock Band 2, GH World Tour, and Rock Revolution will be cross-compatible. [20:15:47] ROLL ABOVE TEN YOU STUPID DICEBOTS [20:16:11] nice [20:17:19] Alright, you take two damage from the fall. [20:17:26] okay [20:17:30] What about other people? [20:17:40] is she feather falled yet? [20:17:49] I don't want to chuck her and kill her. [20:17:50] I'll be using Feather Fall on her as a free action [20:17:58] well you go next [20:18:41] Feather Fall's a free action. [20:18:48] Yaaay [20:18:49] So are a lot of skills. [20:18:59] I'll attempt to look around and make sure I'm not missing any vital clues at this point, letting the rest of the party get out before Xan departs. [20:19:02] Okay, so I catch her....? [20:19:07] I think in terms of a skill challenge, doing something which brings it closer to resolution is an action [20:19:20] Ah. [20:19:24] Okay, so I don't hurl her. [20:19:33] ? [20:19:39] I'm not really sure Eilenia can do any hurling. [20:19:50] erm yeah. [20:20:01] Yeah, that too. Feather Fall doesn't make things lighter, it just makes them fall slower. [20:20:15] haha [20:20:31] Okay, I'm done [20:20:33] so who gets the honors? [20:20:42] Strength of 8, not me. [20:20:45] Alright, so Eve's jumped out, Eilenia's taken her action, Devia and Paera haven't acted yet [20:20:51] And roll Perception, Xan [20:20:56] Xan rolls [ 1D20+9: 18 +9 = 27 ] [20:21:23] Alright, Devia and Paera are left. [20:21:25] (i miss read my sheet XD acrobatics is higher than athletics.) [20:21:26] heh [20:21:41] what abot xan? [20:21:43] Sarah, roll athletics to throw Rana clear [20:21:47] there he is. [20:21:51] kk [20:21:58] 1d20+12 [20:21:58] Devia rolls 1D20+12: 11 +12 = 23 [20:22:21] We're on what, the second storey? [20:22:25] Yeah [20:22:25] yeah [20:23:13] I'm gonna try and jump for it so that I can theoretically do some first aid next turn. [20:23:18] Acrobatics. [20:23:25] 1d20+1 [20:23:25] Paera rolls 1D20+1: 13 +1 = 14 [20:23:51] Alright, you soak the damage [20:24:08] make sure Devia throws before Paera leaps [20:24:19] Post your actions, Devia and Paera, then we can resolve this. [20:24:35] or not [20:25:00] Effect: You or the creature takes no damage from the fall, regardless of its distance, and does not fall prone at the [20:25:00] end of the fall. [20:25:10] Rules as written, she does not fall prone [20:25:11] i was trying to figure out how to emote a 13 at throwing people out windowes [20:25:13] @_@ [20:25:16] with out throwing her likea football [20:26:13] How tall is a story? [20:26:26] tall [20:26:38] Ten feet up or so [20:26:58] Encounter time over? [20:27:18] so e just asume we getout? [20:27:27] yeah [20:27:42] * Eilenia nods [20:28:00] I'll go ahead and lay down an Icy Terrain where the burning is at its worst. [20:28:32] I expend a lay on hands for Rana as soon as I catch her [20:29:32] Alright, with a total of 8 successes, you just crossed over the threshold to complete success. [20:29:45] awesome [20:29:49] And, Fey Stepping down through the window. [20:30:07] Just curious, did feather fall count as a success? [20:33:19] Yeah [20:35:58] awesome [20:36:24] I like that, being able to use resources to get autosuccesses [20:36:35] It was a Daily. :I [20:37:05] feather fall is a daily? [20:37:10] makes sense [20:37:48] Well, let's hope she can tell us a little about the weird statue. [20:39:05] we fought a parasite in the sewer? [20:39:11] What was the fight like? [20:39:37] We're talking about the weird cultist room thin [20:40:07] Sounded like there was a parasite [20:40:15] Any idea how a queen would compare to the one we found in the sewer? [20:40:35] I dunno. :( [20:40:40] also, I wans't there for the weird cultist room thing [20:40:43] Oh [20:40:47] Yeah, the cult leader monstered out into some fucked up parasite thing. [20:40:58] ah [20:41:08] so giant enemy crab [20:42:26] cave monster? [20:42:36] rust as planned? [20:43:18] I was expecting a creepier response from Eilieleieliliele [20:43:36] me too [20:43:42] We're running up on time for Nova to log, so I figure we should wrap this up about now [20:43:49] * Eve_Kasnora nods. [20:43:51] k [20:44:02] wait, me to log? [20:44:06] you mean log off? [20:44:15] Well, you tend to need to quit around midnight [20:44:46] I was imagining more boss Plagas than Giant Enemy Crab, but I guess that works. :V [20:45:36] I wanted to keep going. :( [20:45:44] Too bad Nova's gotta leave [20:45:46] denied. [20:45:50] I like the Obsidian skill challenge system more than the basic one. Even if that was rough going [20:46:36] yeah, I was just wondering what you meant by log [20:46:49] Just making sure I wasn't supposed to be taking on logging duties [20:47:06] Oh, that too. [20:47:18] You have, haven't you? [20:47:21] Log saved. [20:47:22] HAVEN'T YOU [20:47:27] .... [20:47:34] * Eve_Kasnora steals Dem's logs. "Of course I have." [20:47:34] o.o [20:47:54] Oh, everyone gets 125 XP for the skill challenge [20:47:56] that was fun [20:48:04] What XP am I supposed to be at? [20:48:10] I'm still at 1000 [20:48:16] well, now 1125 [20:48:17] I liked the part where I got to use the accent. [20:48:21] hehe [20:48:32] 2,375 [20:48:39] o_O [20:48:44] Seriously? [20:48:46] er [20:48:48] WHoops [20:48:48] duno what i should be at. [20:48:49] Wrong thing [20:48:49] 1,558 here [20:48:56] heh [20:49:00] I added to the wrong number [20:49:01] i started level two sooo [20:49:15] 1,559 for me [20:49:27] any reason for the 1 xp difference? [20:49:28] damn you and your 1 extry xp! [20:49:33] I don't know [20:49:41] how did dem get an extra xp? [20:49:41] check the party log [20:49:47] I might be wrong. [20:50:04] Well I'm going to claim +1 emo xp for being emo for a month, so I'm at 1560. [20:50:57] * Xan chuckles [20:51:29] 1000+125+313= 1438 [20:51:38] Alright [20:51:48] Fixing it [20:52:06] well how did rusty get at 1558? [20:52:15] I don't know [20:52:24] Someone please check the party log. I'm trying to dela with the chat logs righ tnow [20:52:26] 120 xp difference [20:52:45] the party log does not help the 120 difference [20:52:47] Or someone check the session logs [20:52:51] Maybe I missed 120 somewhere [20:52:51] because cha just granted us 125? [20:53:04] it's exactly 120 less than your total [20:53:39] [20:53:45] Logs page updated [20:54:15] There's a party logbook at the top of the page. I figured I'd mention this since nobody seems to have noticed since hte page has been up [20:56:17] I'm confused how. How much xp should we have? [20:56:24] If the party log is inaccurate [20:56:28] Yon, what's your listing for exp? [20:56:40] Mine is not updated. [20:56:46] oh [20:56:59] I'm going to reset my exp to match what the party log says. [20:57:59] Session 1: 125 xp [20:58:06] 2: 125 xp [20:58:11] 3: 250 xp [20:58:14] 500 total [20:58:19] 4: 500 xp [20:58:25] 1000 total [20:58:34] 8: 313 xp [20:58:41] 1313 total [20:58:53] Session 9, we killed hte cultists, but the log doesn't mention us getting exp there [20:59:04] that's probably the 120 [20:59:23] We need to confirm this [20:59:29] also, did we ever note the 300 xp for completing the checkpoint quest? [20:59:40] I don't remember. [20:59:44] or was that part of the session xp [20:59:45] I think we did.. [20:59:55] I'm guessing it's part of the session xp for when we hit 1000 [20:59:59] I'd assume that's part of the 500. [21:00:03] yeah [21:00:45] Okay, I found something in session 9's log [21:00:50] Or rather, in the OOC logs [21:00:57] We gained 125 xp then [21:01:49] Again, I'd like to ask for help maintaining the party log. :/ [21:02:03] I know we got an amulet of some kind, but I cna't remember what kind any more, or who has it. [21:02:06] Or even when we got it [21:02:24] I _think_ Xan took it. It was kind of vague. [21:03:01] Nope [21:03:10] the amulet was an amulet of protection, iirc [21:03:11] I'm maintianing the logs pages for my two games, Charles' game, and Nova's game [21:03:17] Or maybe it was an amulet of health [21:03:19] I don't remember. [21:03:22] But xan didn't want any of that corrupted culsitt hoohah [21:03:23] it was [21:04:12] heh [21:04:18] Again, please, help me out here. [21:04:27] Yon [21:04:29] I really hate to keep asking and bugging you guys about this. :/ [21:04:33] You're in charge of the party log now. [21:04:35] I feel guilty for it [21:04:40] Wait, ME?! [21:04:40] It was an amulet of health dem. [21:04:44] Yes you. [21:04:54] I can confirm that, just don't know who took it. [21:04:55] You'd best be joking, I can't even keep track of my own xp. [21:05:00] * Paera is now known as Yon [21:05:05] It's good practice. :P [21:05:08] * Xan is now known as Mechazawa [21:05:15] we're all counting on YOU yon. [21:05:20] ._. [21:05:23] * Eve_Kasnora is now known as NovaSeaker [21:05:24] meh [21:05:28] I am, however of the opinion that there should only be one person doing the log. [21:05:28] * ChanServ sets mode: +o NovaSeaker [21:05:29] It's supposed to be the group's effort [21:05:38] I agree with Yon [21:05:47] I've been trying to maintain it myself, and I'm falling apart over it. [21:05:49] too many people editing the thing will make in inacurate [21:06:00] Rusty, you do it [21:06:00] It's not enough work for multiple people, and yeah, what Nova said. [21:06:07] I'm usually too tired to do it after session [21:06:13] me do what? [21:06:19] I run a game mondays. [21:06:22] maintain the party log [21:06:23] And play in two. [21:06:24] you do? [21:06:27] Yes, I do. [21:06:36] Also, I don't want it to only be a loot and gear log [21:06:45] Well you're already so good at multiasking! [21:06:45] I'd like to remember what happened, plot-wise. I want session summaries [21:06:51] Dem, you're the only person who wants that. [21:06:56] I don't want entries like this [21:06:57] Session 6 [21:06:57] --------- [21:06:57] We talk to a lady for a while [21:07:00] Yeah [21:07:00] Oh shaddap you. [21:07:09] Dem, that stuff is up to you [21:07:14] That's enough multitasking for me. [21:07:14] fine [21:07:19] You can't make us keep session journals [21:07:43] But I agree that xp should be noted [21:07:57] Also, it looks like rusty's was off by 5 [21:08:05] so everyone should be at 1564 xp [21:08:09] wait [21:08:14] 1563 xp [21:08:17] You know what, Nova's right. [21:08:19] I'll do the log. [21:08:26] But I'm only tracking vital stats. [21:08:30] Thanks. [21:08:35] Thanks Yon [21:08:51] Loot, xp, maybe a brief summary. [21:08:56] :3 [21:09:00] Awesome [21:09:03] Thanks Yon * Retrieving #Exalted modes... [21:09:18] * Topic is '#Exalted: You relieved yourself. Your condition became "Hooly Booly Hooly Booly Prince Tricky Hooly Booly"| Stormreach: Delayed indefinately | Kobold Hall Sunday: Start on July 13 | Odal's Fen: Everyone is now level 2 | Nova's GT IP: / Port 6812 | Dem's GT IP: / Port 6812' [21:09:18] * Set by Demota! on Fri Aug 15 22:47:01 [21:09:32] Here's my game schedule- Mondays: DM Rise of Runelords Pathfinder game, Odal, and cross server Mercenaries soon to be sky pirates 4e. Tuesdays: Shackled City on Sandwich, Jokar on Serenity, 4e Module Series here. Wednesdays: Aeoth on Sandwich, Nova's game here, (pending). Thursdays: Dragonstar, erratically. [21:09:34] Oh yeah. Yon, were you still interested in running that super robots game? [21:10:01] And when I say brief summary I mean "- saved Rana from her burning house", if anyone wants more detail that's what logs are for. [21:10:12] That's totally fine. [21:10:42] I'm still interested but I'm not going to even start any work until I'm at my new place and we know what people's fall schedules are. [21:10:47] * Eilenia nods [21:10:49] Alright [21:11:05] Wow Rusty [21:11:15] I would totally burn out on gaming long before then. [21:11:18] heh. [21:11:41] Alright, the consensus for xp is: Everyone's total should be 1,563. [21:11:51] Sounds good [21:11:52] I've got so much other, more hectic shit going on in my life that gaming, by and large, is a HUGE vent for my frustrations [21:11:59] heh [21:12:08] i find d&d online hard as shit [21:12:14] two games is enough for me. [21:12:28] I used to game that much but most of the games were terrible. :( [21:12:35] heh [21:12:50] Remmeer when ND used to run his sailor moon game literlaly every day? [21:13:45] Sarah: How tall is Devia? [21:13:49] In her natural form? [21:13:50] No, because the only Sailor Moon game I remember he did died after like three sessions. [21:13:57] heh [21:14:04] And then he tried to start it again and it never got off the ground. [21:14:18] I never played in any sailor moon game, I think. [21:14:37] ah well. [21:14:37] I'm having an okay time in ND's shackled city game [21:14:49] Playing a hillbilly shifter druid [21:14:54] heh [21:15:09] Who is basically the incredible kitty hulk. [21:15:30] He's the one with the mullet I spoke of End of #Exalted buffer Mon Aug 18 21:15:41 2008