Start of #Exalted buffer: Thu Mar 12 09:23:25 2009 [17:30:25] * Demota is now known as Eilenia [17:30:32] Yon: THe UK has a real problem with knife crimes. [17:30:32] I'm mainly talking about WoW and FFXI [17:30:40] well of course it does since mmos make more money [17:30:44] I'm trying to think of a game that puts a lot of detail into knifing people. [17:30:48] Indeed. [17:30:56] Did Final Fantasy and Blizzard games really have a stringest release schedule before they made MMOs? [17:31:11] Square Enix just keeps pumping out games, even after FFXI came out [17:31:12] That MMOS=Easy Money thing is where I get the feeling that MMOs are stagnatign the rest of the videogame industry. [17:31:14] And all I can come up with is Assassin's Creed. [17:31:16] I can't believe Blizzard did [17:31:18] I mean, come on [17:31:23] And they've been no slouches on updaing FF11 either [17:31:27] Ghost was supposed to be released years ago [17:31:28] Nova: A lot of MMOs are actually failing. [17:31:30] and they pushed and pushed it [17:31:46] They aren't really "easy money". Never were. [17:31:46] * Yon is now known as Paera [17:31:52] * NovaSeaker is now known as Eve_Kasnora [17:31:57] Because maybe I'm wrong, and maybe I just fell through a hole from an alternate dimension, but I'm pretty sure that Final Fantasy's had a pretty solid 'every few years' release schedule, as well as Squaresoft shoveling out more games in general since FFXI, and Blizzard NEVER releases ANYTHING [17:32:09] Yeah. [17:32:14] I agree. [17:32:20] I mean, how long was it between Diablo II and Warcraft 3? [17:32:24] Blizzard was a total flake when it came to game releases. [17:32:38] Blizzard would call you, invite you to dinner, and then never show up. [17:32:40] heh [17:32:42] And you'd call it at home [17:32:43] Blizzard has the luxury of releasing games when they're good and ready [17:32:47] and it'd be all, "Sorry, baby, I forgot" [17:32:50] Just like 3D Realms [17:32:51] and then you'd drive by its house [17:32:52] haha [17:32:57] and it's in the living room, makin gout with capcom [17:33:02] NO! [17:33:09] And Square has the luxury of being able to put out anything it wants and having people buy it because OMG BISHI ^-^ [17:33:14] ^-^ [17:33:16] Dude. [17:33:18] ^-^ [17:33:26] well betweeen warcraft 3 and d2 there was 2 years [17:33:27] Those fucking little dudes from FFXI [17:33:29] are amazing. [17:33:36] taru? [17:33:40] Yeah [17:33:47] I'll admit thoes guys are great [17:33:47] between WOW and the next non WOW release we're looking at least 5-6 years at the moment [17:33:48] Get in #Odal, Dem and Yon [17:33:54] Okay [17:33:57] Maybe the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. [17:34:29] Blizzard's always been fairly slow, though. And I doubt they're not working on their other games because of WoW [17:34:34] Yeah. [17:34:40] I used to have a Taru warrior named Pikkipalo [17:34:43] Hell, Blizzard's had a history of canned games too [17:34:49] and he was the damnest little guy. [17:34:53] If anything, what WoW's done is give them the revenue stream to keep those games in development as long as they want to. [17:35:06] That is why I appreciate WoW. [17:35:11] I don't play it, but I'm glad it let Blizzard survive. [17:35:12] Because before WoW, they had to release games before they were done in order to make money for their next game [17:35:13] You really think they will pull manpower off when WOW first came out? Heck even EA pulled people off to do WAR [17:35:18] I was there I know [17:35:23] What [17:35:31] Seriously, I have no idea what you're trying to say [17:35:32] They grabbed people from all over the mythic department to work on WAR [17:35:35] I'm having a hard time understnading you. [17:35:58] I'm saying that MMOs take a lot of man power and they development on other games are slowed down because of that [17:36:02] Well, yeah. [17:36:08] No one's denying that [17:36:14] That's why I reset them. [17:36:23] +n [17:36:32] But I don't think it's right to try to wish MMOs out of existence, Nova. [17:37:26] Why not? It's not like my wish will make it come true. [17:37:32] If companies keep promising me new, solid single and co-op player experiences, and they use MMOs to fund that development, then I'm totally cool with MMOs. [17:37:37] It's just an opinion of one guy in his mom's basement. [17:37:44] Because' it's a bad desire. [17:37:47] One guy... who would change the world. [17:37:56] * Plow situational music [17:38:01] ! [17:38:05] By that logic, it's rational to hate any genre you don't like made by a company that also makes games you like [17:38:17] Because they could be working on something you LIKE instead. [17:38:21] I can hate genres. But I wouldn't try to wish them out of existence. [17:38:30] I hate sports games and wish they weren't made either. [17:38:34] STop it! [17:38:34] lol [17:38:38] You don't know what you're doing! [17:38:41] Also, Dresdin seems to be operating under the premise that WoW has, like, a constant pool of employees and doesn't try to expand as a result of being *rich as fuck* [17:38:53] heh [17:38:55] who said that [17:39:37] Of course they expanded and of course they are expanding but the majority of their resources is still focused on WOW [17:39:40] Okay, who wants to play Odal now? [17:39:42] As it should be [17:39:47] * Eve_Kasnora raises a hand. [17:40:16] Odal has become one of my favorite parts of the week. ._. [17:40:21] Same here. [17:40:30] The one bright point I look forward to each week [17:40:49] Odal is like my mid-week weekend. [17:40:54] Exactly [17:40:57] my weekends are pretty awesome [17:41:02] but as far as the school week goes [17:41:04] this is it. [17:42:21] yeah [17:42:38] My weekends tend to be pretty good, but they're always usually tiring. [17:42:47] For some reason, even more tiring than the weekdays. o_o [17:42:53] I'm hosting gt [17:42:59] Alright, logging on in a sec [17:45:06] I read what Dem just said as being said by Matt, and it was really hard not to be snarky until I read the name tag. :| [17:46:21] Hahahaha [17:46:23] Oh dear. [17:46:36] I try to be pretty good about that stuff. [17:46:42] I can't connect. [17:46:46] Neither can I [17:46:46] Ugh, I put the new IP into gametable and it froze. [17:46:49] Damn [17:46:53] So I guess I win the can't connect contest. [17:47:03] What's the prize? [17:47:39] Astral Voice [17:48:00] 1d20+14 [17:48:00] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+14: 13 +14 = 27 [17:48:09] What is that? [17:48:37] For a second I thought Astral Voice was the prize and I didn't understand what kind of prize that was. :downs: [17:48:43] hahaha [17:49:02] Hahaha [17:50:03] Horbek. [17:50:15] Accent. [17:50:26] :P [17:50:26] Acce-- yeah. [17:52:34] did I get that right? Ruler of Ruin? [17:52:44] Yeah [17:53:03] Yeah [17:53:08] cool [17:53:52] ...I am listening to a Japanese cover of Bohemian Rhapsody. MY BRAIN. (why the fuck am I even listening to this) [17:54:14] If I only had a heaaart... [17:54:19] Oh man. I heard a Japanese cover of like... a huge medley of Queen songs [17:54:45] what was Yeenoghu's other name? Something of Slaughter? [17:54:59] Dunno [18:00:46] Don't we have a magic bread basket? [18:00:56] * Ryumaru ( has joined #Exalted [18:00:56] We do. [18:00:57] Or something? [18:01:02] Good for six people a day, IIRC [18:01:16] * Ryumaru blinks. Mews. [18:01:25] I still have rations [18:01:34] Do you think Warforged always look smug? [18:01:35] They probably do. [18:01:42] How good a word is "smug" [18:01:58] Hello @ Ryu [18:02:06] It kind of depends on how they were made [18:02:19] Hehe. Hi. =3 [18:02:26] It'd probably take a real dick of a wizard to make a warforged that always looked like he thought he was better than others [18:02:30] Hahaha [18:02:44] Do you think the way a Warforged looks affects his personality? [18:02:45] hahahaha [18:03:54] It might, in the way that the way anyone looks (and thus, is reacted to) affects their personality [18:03:59] That's what I was thinking too [18:04:08] Well I think it's an established fact that a lot of wizards are real dicks.' [18:04:17] That's true [18:04:38] I know if I was a wizard, I would be a giant dick. [18:04:50] Unless I was a gnome [18:04:54] Then I would just be a tiny prick. [18:05:08] Hahah [18:06:09] * Eve_Kasnora crosses fingers for that 27 diplomacy check [18:11:36] Nova, what's your GT info again? [18:12:26] Fromthe guys who brought you The Graveyard and the Endless Forest: 03/11/what-cruel-teeth-youve-got-the-path-impressions/ [18:12:28] :| [18:13:01] Oh my god. [18:13:05] You guys have to SEE this. [18:13:09] Hang on, bear with me [18:13:13] haha [18:13:15] that's funny [18:13:17] you'll see why in a moment [18:14:35] Nova's GT IP: [18:15:00] Oh! i have the port wrong [18:15:12] okayokay [18:15:14] hang on [18:15:17] check this: [18:15:36] Stilcan't connect [18:15:42] awwwwww [18:16:01] I'll host [18:16:08] [18:16:08] - [18:16:09] 6812 [18:16:38] Morgan does all this art, and crafting stuff with yarn [18:16:44] Man, I forgot that 4e orcs are acutally supposed to be pretty threatening. I need to get out of this mindset [18:16:46] hee [18:16:50] I was struck dumb by that cuteness though. [18:16:50] ._. [18:18:01] how were orcs not threatening before? humanoid monsters were as threatening as their class levels [18:19:30] Well, that's the thing. [18:19:38] It was the class that was threatening, not the orc. [18:19:57] I dunno. As a player, I was always more scared of humanoids than monsters. [18:20:11] If I saw, say, a dragon. You can tell how hard the fight is gonna be by looking at it. [18:20:12] Well, that's because humanoids exist as a chassis for class levels [18:20:25] A human could be a 1st level warrior or a 20th level fighter. [18:20:33] Man, if a beholder has some fighter levels in 3.5, watch out because shit's about to get *crazy* [18:20:42] haha [18:20:47] Monk levels [18:21:01] * Ryumaru expected DnD chat. xD [18:21:05] I prefer fighter because I imagine that beholder plate armor would look like a basketball [18:21:06] ^Exalted chat [18:21:15] Yeah, you could add class levels to everything, but you knew that the DM HAD to add class levels to humanoids if you were fighting them at any level past, say, 5. [18:21:28] Man, we haven't played Exalted here in, like, four years. :( [18:21:33] haha [18:21:33] Only four? [18:21:33] * Plow thinks we're terribly misleading like that. [18:21:41] Hehehe. [18:21:47] * Ryumaru was just generally searching for a game. [18:21:50] I don't think we've TALKED about Exalted since I've been here. [18:21:55] I like to think Exalted refers to the channel regulars rather than the system. :| [18:21:55] Haha [18:22:02] Heehee [18:22:07] Actually, yeah, more than four. At least since I was in college [18:24:02] I realize how little Plow is invested in the food plot. [18:24:08] Hahaha [18:24:09] There were a couple planned games but they went nowhere. [18:24:20] Not only is food such a nonfactor for him, but he basically tagged along because he's interested in dungeons and treasure. [18:24:25] Yeah. I don't think we've even STARTED an Exalted campaign since 2002. [18:24:41] Yeah [18:24:43] I think Charles mentioned to me, out of channel, a potential Exalted game here [18:24:45] but it never panned out [18:25:56] Aww. [18:26:17] well I'm stumped. [18:26:19] I mean... [18:26:24] Sure we should still help them but [18:26:30] What the hell do we do about Odal's Fen? [18:26:50] It's cool. [18:26:54] We'll loot a ton of food from the orcs. [18:26:59] Send it back on ships. [18:27:04] Plow will look on with disinterest. [18:27:55] We help them, and we don't send the food back to Odal's Fen ourselves. [18:28:28] Paera and the other ritualists can help make stuff grow until they can be self sufficient [18:28:34] * Plow doesn't do food. [18:28:35] @_@ [18:28:39] But seriously, I could. [18:28:40] So yeah, sure. [18:30:26] I'm eyeing the section of Conservapedia that links to articles on Heresies. It's...missing something. :V [18:30:40] oh awesome [18:30:46] they're fucking racist dwarves [18:30:59] Heresies? [18:31:32] * Plow apparently makes an appearance for the dwarves, too. [18:31:54] Nova: To be fair, their only experience with orcs in their entire history was probably orcs trying to kill them and take their shit [18:32:00] Yeah [18:32:04] Eve's agreeing with them [18:32:12] That's my only experience with Dwarves. [18:32:15] So an orc showing up and asking for them to give them their shit just seems like a different approach to the same problem [18:32:24] But I, knowing what you've said about these Nerathi orcs, am just groaning [18:32:30] You should really stay away from that carnival, Matt. :| [18:32:58] Dem: Well the section is clearly lacking the Horus Heresy, and obviously something should be done about this. :I [18:33:03] hahahaha [18:33:07] Hahahhaha [18:33:14] Do you need an account to make a page? [18:33:18] It's a good thing Eve isn't a 3e paladin. She'll probably be loping off innocent orc heads by the end of this. [18:33:32] Nah, she'd just spam detect evil like danmaku [18:33:38] oh, true [18:33:44] I wonder if they have a section on AI we can write to be about Abominable Intelligences [18:33:52] It's a good thing Eve isn't a 3e paladin. She'd have destroyed a good drama. [18:34:04] You have to register but it seems fairly easy to do so. [18:34:04] :toot: [18:34:10] I'm hosting GT right now, by the way [18:34:17] my host didn't work? [18:34:17] That'd be great [18:34:20] If I tried to run this plot in 3e, I'd have had to have the orcs encased in lead [18:34:28] hahaha [18:35:04] Cyborks are good [18:35:37] Encasing something in lead means that you have something to hide from Superman, so therefore you're definitely up to no good. :colbert: [18:36:28] 28 minutes til I have WAR [18:36:42] Guys, I'll BRB [18:36:46] You know, that guy seemed too enamored with it, and there definately seems to be some pretentious metacommentary about gaming in there, but The Path actually sounds like it could be an actual art game [18:37:00] Like, unlike everything else those guys have made, it sounds like it has *content* [18:37:04] Yeah. [18:37:07] I'm surprised. [18:37:15] Maybe they're learning [18:37:23] I'd be suprised [18:37:38] They sounded pretty satisfied about making games without content [18:37:49] True [18:39:17] (Still BRBing. Just assume Plow is wanting to get to see these orcs, sooner than later) [18:40:50] Does the chair leg menace with anything? [18:43:02] Spikes of bread. [18:43:32] The Path? [18:43:55] The art game that Dem linked a pseudo-review of a while ago [18:43:56] [18:44:26] By a group that's previously put out such games as: Being an old lady in a graveyard, sitting on a bench, getting up, and leaving a graveyard [18:44:39] And: Being a horse thing in a forest and smelling other horse things [18:44:47] And mooing :V [18:45:06] heh [18:45:17] Oh those guys [18:45:23] I remember that [18:46:15] Oh yeah, just so you guys know... I didn't let the dwarf know that was a magic basket [18:46:29] I basically consider them a cancer on the face of game design, but The Path sounds like they've reversed the good idea/stupid idea ratio [18:46:36] Did you fill it with snakes? :( [18:46:36] Oh, right, Cha, you asked about Conservapedia and AI...well... [18:46:41] Dem, what's your IP:Port for GT again? [18:46:49] [18:16:08] [18:46:49] [18:16:08] - [18:46:49] [18:16:09] 6812 [18:46:52] Artificial intelligence was most popular between the 60's and the 80's, when computers were still new and misunderstood. Notably the homosexual Alan Turing, who shortly thereafter committed suicide, was responsible for much of the fever of attempting to create intelligent computers, with his publication of the paper proposing the Turing Test. This fever quickly subsided, when it was proven, predictably, that AI was impossible. [18:47:03] hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahah [18:47:35] That HAS to be a fakepost [18:47:36] I don't think an article on abominable intelligence would be out of place at all. :V [18:47:57] Yeah [18:48:05] Could be. It reads like everything else on Conservapedia. [18:48:07] Honestly, I think a series of articles about Warhammer 40k should probably be snuck up on there [18:48:25] And you never know when it's THIS IS WHAT CONSERVATIVES REALLY BELIEVE or a troll. [18:48:34] I'm pretty sure that everything on Conservapedia is a fakepost, even if the people posting it don't know it [18:49:44] I just told them that it would feed 6 people. [18:49:50] They don't know it'll refill [18:51:11] we all said assistance too much [18:53:10] I only mention this so that if the rest of the party doesn't want me just handing over a magic item, they can do something about it without being mean [18:53:31] Well, we'll probably get it back later if we can fix this [18:53:34] I don't mind [18:53:36] THink of it as an investment. [18:53:47] <_< [18:53:55] We invest food, and we get food back later. [18:54:10] Let's just hope that our food dividends aren't paid for by food submitted by other investors. [18:56:12] * Paera tosses the dwarf and his children into a pit leading to the Nine Hells. [18:59:19] I can't stay connected to GT, by the way [18:59:31] Damn [18:59:37] Maybe Nova should host after all? [18:59:47] I tried hosting [18:59:53] noticed no one was connected [18:59:56] I'm still hosting [19:00:28] I have no good way to illustrate Plow's annoyance at the phrase "Nerathi traitors." [19:00:35] Except more gestures, I guess. [19:00:51] Damn [19:01:02] Nova: [19:01:12] Try to put in your port and see if that site can do it [19:03:17] Is anyone else losing interest in Order of the Stick? [19:03:34] A little, I guess [19:03:34] nope [19:03:59] Mostly because I never really liked the elf whose name I can't recall as a characer [19:04:00] I don't have the password for my router since I formatted [19:04:12] So focusing on him for a month isn't the best way to keep my interest [19:04:14] I'm nope [19:04:19] Varsuvius [19:04:30] Heh [19:04:36] The password shouldn't have changed [19:04:41] Did you ever change your router password? [19:04:46] yeah but I have cookies [19:04:48] You cna probably look up your factory default password [19:04:59] I entered it once and forgot about it [19:05:14] Wow, I thought his name was Xan, and I was ready to be all "Man I fuckin' hate Xan" [19:05:27] Then I remembered that's probably the name of Rusty's character in my game [19:05:40] hahahaha [19:06:38] Hahahahahahah oh wow. (Touhou/300 doujin) [19:06:53] awesome [19:07:05] Oh man, it's by Wiz garage? [19:07:11] I hope we see more Garisa [19:09:43] Oh my. owned [19:10:53] (I'm a little idle) [19:11:42] brb [19:12:02] Yeah, you guys can take a quick pee break or something [19:12:12] coo [19:12:13] Describing this bad larry might take me upwards of five minutes [19:12:20] bad larry? [19:12:39] It's just one of Cha's phrases. [19:12:49] ... that's odd. The 300 thing isn't available at [19:14:06] "The 300 thing"? [19:14:26] [19:06:38] Hahahahahahah oh wow. (Touhou/300 doujin) [19:20:19] I wish I were good at describing stuff. [19:20:27] My youkai game can't stand up to this. [19:23:44] Aaaahahaahahha You there! What is your profession? Swindler! -_- NEET. [19:24:06] Hahahahah [19:24:19] hahahahahahaha [19:27:08] This is all underground, neh? [19:27:25] Yeah [19:28:12] keh. [19:32:36] so basiucally, the whole mountain is hollow? [19:32:48] -u [19:32:54] (sorry, i'll be RPing again in a moment) [19:33:10] A huge amount of it, at least, yeah [19:33:47] There's probably enough structure left to make it so that its own weight (and shit like earthquakes) doesn't bring it all down, but it's basically the shell of a mountain [19:34:16] Alrighty, I'm back. [19:34:18] Re [19:34:33] You're underground, so there's a pretty strong chance you'd either be inside solid rock or a fomorian kingdom in the Feywild. :| [19:34:57] :( [19:35:17] Neither of which is fun. [19:36:50] So, uh, just to double check, Gametable's still down, right? [19:37:38] think so [19:37:45] Nova's is, yeah [19:37:48] Mine is still up [19:37:50] I can't host cause I can't access my router [19:39:02] Yeah, Dem's is working [19:39:07] I like that underlay [19:39:16] Assuming Fillis is on dem's table right now [19:39:35] Mind if I clear the table? [19:39:36] Oh [19:39:37] nm [19:39:39] Oh yeah, for all the DMs out there. If you have an underlay that's meant to be moved around on, you should lock it. [19:39:52] You can go ahead and clear it [19:39:58] Good adiv,e thanks [19:40:17] [19:42:05] THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS [19:43:11] Nova: That underlay is actually from Keep on the Shadowfell. I wanted to see if I could use the entire map as an underlay. [19:43:17] But there was just not way to get it to work right [19:43:21] Yeah [19:43:28] I ended up taking the single bit I wanted. [19:43:28] I tried doing that with Expedition to the Demonweb Pits [19:43:54] underlays that size just slow the program down, and I had to futz with the image to get it sized properly and had to split it up [19:44:09] But that looks like a nice scalign job [19:44:10] The thing that really disappoints me is that I can't use the map for the BBEG. [19:44:18] Any advice for splitting it up? [19:45:35] no [19:45:43] I did a terrible job [19:46:00] Place your pogs where you are when you're at/near the bottom of the stairs [19:46:14] Also, could anyone with pog-fu pog up these two real quick? [19:46:42] i had to spend to healing surges to get back to full [19:46:46] so I'm at 2 surges [19:46:56] two* [19:48:30] html and [19:48:54] One moment. [19:48:56] Is what the first one is meant to be [19:49:11] To be hoenst, I already have themin my pog making directory [19:49:16] Though I dnd't make pogs out of them just yet [19:51:28] This is the first battle we've done where range might actually be an issue. [19:51:49] I still need to re-pirate photoshop :/ [19:52:05] I can't get the owl in the pog [19:52:07] Frame [19:52:26] That's cool, this guy doesn't have an owl ingame anyways [19:52:28] Lemme see [19:52:33] he will when i'm through with him [19:52:42] heh [19:52:55] That reminds me of Jim Darkmagic entertaining that dwarf npc [19:53:10] oshi [19:53:13] you're a wizard [19:53:21] you could totall do the same thing [19:53:28] ? [19:53:35] I didn't take any damage in the last fight did I? [19:53:44] I don't think so, no [19:53:45] No one but me did. :/ [19:53:56] (Which is the point) [19:54:35] heh [19:54:56] I realized though that I can't completely tank every fight. Cause then we get into situations like this. Where I have 2 surges left [19:55:01] Vegeyr created [19:55:04] Yeah [19:55:28] How're you naming these? [19:55:39] Eve: Also, not every fight has a door you can block. :| [19:56:27] dwarf_vegeyr and dwarf_egil [19:56:28] heh [19:56:41] I precede PC pogs with "pc_" [19:57:18] IT's done [19:57:19] hit f5 [19:57:43] Yeah, not showing up [19:57:58] How about you just place them? I have an issue with scanning for pogs for whatever reason [19:57:59] put it on the table [19:58:00] I have placed them [19:58:10] I think it's a problem with DM's hosting [19:58:18] He's probably got partial access [19:59:10] Can we... [19:59:20] Can we have the serious Plow pog? @_@ [20:00:11] Oh come one. :( [20:00:14] pc_plow [20:00:17] ... [20:00:20] That one doesn't have the frame [20:00:23] I will give it a frame [20:00:33] Eve doesn't have a frame :( [20:00:38] She should have a frame [20:00:41] Also, I would like to say that Uldar's pog is amazing. [20:00:46] I don't like the frame [20:00:46] Otherwiese, how can we see terrain markers/ [20:00:51] Yeah. [20:00:56] You should have seen what happened that session. [20:01:01] Ahzgrit would have gotten a kick out of it [20:01:19] Uldar? [20:01:38] Brian's dwarf Warden [20:01:43] ah [20:01:45] Uldar Loreaxe. He speaks for the trees [20:01:53] Hahahaha [20:01:59] nice [20:02:11] 2d20+6 [20:02:11] Charles rolls 2D20+6: 2 3 +6 = 11 [20:03:25] [20:04:22] hahahahahah [20:04:24] Hahaha [20:04:27] nice meta description [20:04:46] Oh, roll init, guys [20:04:55] 1d20+7 [20:04:55] Eilenia rolls 1D20+7: 7 +7 = 14 [20:05:36] 1d20+3 [20:05:36] Paera rolls 1D20+3: 4 +3 = 7 [20:05:42] 2d20+2 [20:05:42] Charles rolls 2D20+2: 2 4 +2 = 8 [20:05:46] Okay Matt, I foundmyversion of the Plow pog [20:05:49] The face is a little small [20:05:49] Whoops, that was meant to be +3 [20:05:53] Oh? [20:05:54] I'm going to go and make another version [20:05:56] Did my pog not show up? [20:06:04] Well, there are +2 guys in the fight [20:06:04] or you mean, the happy face? [20:06:04] It's the one without the silly face [20:06:08] 1d20+4 [20:06:08] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+4: 6 +4 = 10 [20:06:10] 2d20+3 [20:06:10] Charles rolls 2D20+3: 9 14 +3 = 26 [20:06:12] huh [20:06:24] my init went up by 2 this level :P [20:06:56] Sorry, needed to actually open my char sheet [20:06:58] 1d20+6 [20:06:58] Plow rolls 1D20+6: 7 +6 = 13 [20:07:04] Hey Fuuko. [20:07:05] Fuck you. [20:07:06] Oh, funyn thing about that Uldar pic [20:07:24] He busted out his daily and killed everyone adjacent and made a persistent aura that made spaces within 2 squares difficult terrain. [20:07:29] Whever he walks, difficult terrain [20:07:32] Kept the koboldsfrom shifting [20:07:36] I think I've had 13 on our last three encounters. [20:07:37] 8d20+3 [20:07:37] Charles rolls 8D20+3: 5 4 14 5 15 18 1 1 +3 = 66 [20:08:35] heh [20:10:32] New pog of plow uploaded and placed [20:10:38] The face is much larger [20:10:58] Yaay [20:13:17] 1d20+6 [20:13:17] Charles rolls 1D20+6: 12 +6 = 18 [20:13:35] 1d4+3 [20:13:36] Charles rolls 1D4+3: 2 +3 = 5 [20:13:57] I realize I still have a bag full of effin' explosive powder [20:15:21] Uh oh [20:15:26] We gotta protect civvies. [20:16:09] Fucking escort missions. >:( [20:16:32] We're at the bottoom fo the stairs? [20:16:57] The bottom's at the left [20:17:02] aah, okay [20:17:02] I should have qualified that better [20:17:17] If you guys didn't know that and want to readjust, that's cool [20:17:24] How "high" is each step? [20:17:37] like, at what point can I just go off the stairs and onto the ground? [20:18:02] They've very shallow. Maybe six inches to a foot each [20:18:05] Is the blue line a legalmove? [20:18:06] Alright [20:18:18] Let's say a foot [20:18:29] Gonna step up and Thunderwave [20:18:36] 1d6+5 [20:18:36] Eilenia rolls 1D6+5: 3 +5 = 8 [20:18:43] left then right [20:18:44] 2x1d20+7 [20:18:44] Eilenia rolls 2x1D20+7: ( 3 +7 = 10 ) ( 9 +7 = 16 ) = 26 [20:18:46] vs Fort [20:18:46] Also, moving off the stairs or over a barrier counts as two spaces, since it's waist-high and you kinda need to vault it [20:18:51] Oh, okay [20:18:54] Lemme reconsider that move [20:18:59] Can I betray the dwarves? [20:19:00] I mean [20:19:06] * Ryumaru ( Quit (Quit: Client Exited) [20:19:07] I am a Nerathi traitor. >:( [20:19:09] Okay, that move isn't legal. [20:19:14] One kill [20:19:19] That moveisn't legal. [20:20:10] I can only target one guy if I did that, andthat roll would have missed [20:20:15] * Paera watches Ryumaru leave. "I always tense up when someone intentionally makes cat noises." [20:20:16] Should I redo the move? [20:20:19] Oh well [20:20:23] What are you talking about -nyo? [20:20:25] Sure, if you want to [20:20:26] You wanna bleed -nyo? [20:20:42] Let's just keep it, I guess, since I don't wanna slow stuff down [20:20:56] I'd be more worried by someone unintentionally making cat noises [20:21:02] * Plow agrees. [20:21:04] Like, as the result of a medical condition [20:21:10] Brain damage. [20:21:33] Min6 hit [20:21:40] I know a guy who makes them unintentionally. [20:21:44] He's creepy as fuck. [20:22:08] (but he IS seriously mentally ill, so...) [20:22:08] ... [20:22:13] yeah... that is.... weird [20:22:14] :( [20:22:14] >_> [20:22:19] <_< [20:22:27] Eve, hel pmeee.. [20:22:41] awww [20:22:47] Min6 should be down [20:22:50] Nova: Oh, he does far weirder than cat noises. [20:22:58] poor Eilenia. ._. [20:23:09] If I had human emotions, I would feel sorry for her. [20:23:11] what happened? [20:23:11] I've heard him have conversations with non-existent people. [20:23:22] Oh, christ, it's my turn? [20:23:23] Damn [20:23:26] Alright. [20:23:26] Uh. [20:23:39] Why is Elena looking at me? [20:23:51] Because you're sleeping [20:24:29] ....? [20:24:29] In all seriousness it's because she's kind of out there andmight need someone to proect her from meelay [20:24:35] Do I have line of sight to Minion 3? [20:24:45] (I ask because of the stairs) [20:24:59] why the hell did you go out there? [20:25:11] Well, they were bunched together... [20:25:45] Hard to say. I think you do [20:26:19] I'll be honest, I'm confused about Controllers and what they should be doing the first round [20:26:38] delaying [20:26:41] Haukay. [20:26:50] You always let the tank accquire aggro first. :colbert: [20:26:56] Does my attack change at long range? [20:27:02] Is it -2 for long range? [20:27:14] Cha gives us the init for monsters, so I'd delay until after the monsters go. Or, after the defender or striker or leader. [20:27:19] Yeah [20:27:21] -2 for long [20:27:22] Kay [20:27:34] 1d20+9 [20:27:34] Plow rolls 1D20+9: 7 +9 = 16 [20:27:39] Vs AC on Minion 3 [20:27:48] Using magic weapon [20:27:48] Next turn, I'll likely jump back behindthe stairs and start using it as cover [20:28:01] Honestly, I just give you the monster init because it is a GIANT PAIN IN THE DICK to update it from my secret list as theyd o, so I'd prefer if you didn't metagame it [20:28:17] Hits, and kills him [20:28:25] Am I not seeing a ton of monsters? [20:28:30] I want to give mosnter init, but I find that when I get above a certain number of participants, it's easier NOT to [20:28:34] (Wasn't there a horde?) [20:28:41] They're not clear on the map yet, yeah [20:28:44] Oh, cool [20:28:44] Hiding behind stuff [20:28:47] =) [20:29:38] ohshi [20:29:43] It was a kobold, right? [20:29:45] 1d20+6 [20:29:45] Charles rolls 1D20+6: 18 +6 = 24 [20:29:47] Yeah [20:30:11] 1d6+3 [20:30:11] Charles rolls 1D6+3: 6 +3 = 9 [20:30:26] You take 9 and two ongoing, Dem [20:30:34] Save ends? [20:30:42] Oh, Charles, it's 8:30 now. [20:30:42] FOREVER >:( [20:30:44] We can start playing. [20:31:00] Oh, awesome [20:31:07] Ohwait. [20:31:09] >:3 [20:31:13] I havn't done init for a 4e encounter yet, so yeah it would probably too cumbersome [20:31:26] On the other hand, I don't roll seperate init for creatures of the same type [20:31:42] Sometimes I even roll one d20 for all monster inits and just apply their individual mods. [20:32:38] Nova: If you don't roll seperate inits in 4e, you end up with synchronized rape brigades for the monsters who synergize together [20:32:43] Yeah. [20:33:13] Like the Kobold Skirmishers, who get +1 to hit for every kobold adjacent to their target, AND get sneak damage [20:33:18] Like, four monsters that get bonuses on attacks together, like combat advantage guys or gnolls or whatever, all going at the same time, would be like a chainsaw. [20:33:31] * Eve_Kasnora ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [20:33:38] * Eve_Kasnora ( has joined #Exalted [20:33:46] uh hey [20:33:47] Draw your movement paths, Nova [20:33:49] [20:31:42] Sometimes I even roll one d20 for all monster inits and just apply their individual mods. [20:33:49] [20:32:38] Nova: If you don't roll seperate inits in 4e, you end up with synchronized rape brigades for the monsters who synergize together [20:33:49] [20:32:43] Yeah. [20:33:49] [20:33:13] Like the Kobold Skirmishers, who get +1 to hit for every kobold adjacent to their target, AND get sneak damage [20:33:49] [20:33:18] Like, four monsters that get bonuses on attacks together, like combat advantage guys or gnolls or whatever, all going at the same time, would be like a chainsaw. [20:33:51] That was kind of wacky [20:33:52] right sorry [20:34:54] Is Platinum Scales like Eve's version of Great Balls of Fire? [20:35:00] Not the song. [20:35:01] Well. [20:35:03] Maybe the song. [20:35:08] It's her version of "Greaty Googly Moogly!" [20:35:13] Hee hee [20:35:18] -y [20:35:32] +awesome [20:35:35] Okay, I'm gonna charge that minion there [20:35:41] 5 [20:36:05] 1d20+10 [20:36:06] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+10: 9 +10 = 19 [20:36:14] Hits [20:36:54] Hahaha, they're talking about the dynamics of time travel and the good/bad futures in Sonic CD: [20:36:55] Semi-Normal posted: [20:36:55] Does the game give us any indication as to whether the Robotnik you fight is the Future Robotnik (say, 20 years in the future), or the time-travelling Robotnik from the Present who's travelled into the distant (centuries/millenia hence) future? That would make the Bad Future even worse, because that means that there's NO ONE left alive... Not even the maniac who left it in this state. [20:37:01] It's the same Robotnik we've always known. It's just that once Little Planet appeared this time around, he chained it down and stole the Time Stones so he could travel through time and change the past so the future would be in his favor. The way I picture it is Robotnik's sittin there minding his own business, building some hedgehog-stomping murdermachine when all of the sudden *POOF*. All his shit is pink and Robotnik's just like "Oh, God damn it." [20:37:13] All his shit is pink and Robotnik's just like "Oh, God damn it." [20:37:14] minion dead? [20:37:20] Yeah, he's a minion [20:37:24] hahah [20:37:41] "That is exactly what's running through his mind. It's so obvious now." [20:38:31] I wanted Eve to use her Jump Packs to jump into the slingers and knock them down and suppress them. :( [20:38:39] Oh, jeezus. [20:38:45] Do we have Rusty backing us up? [20:38:48] NPC Rusty, that is. [20:38:48] Nope [20:39:01] I guess I'm the striker proxy. <_< [20:39:14] heh [20:39:17] We all are, kinda [20:39:22] I need to focus on clearing minions [20:39:27] That's true. [20:40:02] where is rusty? [20:40:06] Dunno [20:40:08] Is he not playing anymore? [20:40:18] He's still playing [20:40:22] He has a LIFE now! [20:40:23] * Plow sobs. [20:40:24] I think that's as far as I can go. [20:40:30] man, lives are overrated [20:40:32] Since I can't climb that [20:40:44] I got a life for 4 months and it was moments of awesome in a sea of shit. [20:40:46] Hey Dem... [20:40:57] Maybe you could make me a crying-face pog, also. [20:41:03] With the wiggly-noodle tears. [20:41:11] <_< [20:41:36] I enjoy having a life when it happens, but it's important to balance things [20:42:10] yeah [20:42:14] Yon: You can jump down. It's, like, eight feet up [20:42:23] Which I don't think is high enough to damage you [20:43:15] Hahaha, the Painkiller thread had its name changed to 'A deli full of blowjobs' [20:43:22] I"m just plain uncomfortable when I'm away from the computer for too long [20:43:24] hahhahah [20:43:56] Hahaha [20:43:57] Cha: Well I mean that you said it costs two squares [20:44:08] And I only have one left [20:44:16] Oh, okay. I forgot your speed [20:44:30] Going to change the line a bit though [20:44:45] I enjoy it if I plan to be away from a computer for a long time. If it happens due to shenanigans, it bothers me, but I can totally live with being away from the computer from a few days to go somewhere cool [20:45:40] I remember early on a year ago when the internet at the dorms wasn't set up yet, I was a total wreck. [20:45:58] Like, when I went home that weekend, mom assumed just by looking at me that I hadn't been sleeping [20:46:03] Hey, speaking of which, Nova, is there any chance I could come up to New York for a few days this summer? I was hoping we could play some D&D in real life or something, and I was hoping to take a drive up to New York City over the summer just for shits and giggles [20:46:08] I had a sudden revelation [20:46:15] Charles: Hey, why don't you do it next weekend? [20:46:16] about how sad my life is. [20:46:23] D&D Game Day! [20:46:32] my greatest triumph was coming up with a name of a super laxative. [20:46:34] h...holy shit, you actually believe I live in New York? [20:46:35] MAXLAX. [20:46:36] ._. [20:46:40] hahahah [20:46:56] >_> I was kidding the whole time. I live in London. [20:47:04] aaaagh, stupid kobolds bunching up more than 6 squares away from me [20:47:55] So what's going on now? [20:48:04] Paera is running. [20:48:12] She's pretty slow :/ [20:48:16] It's kind of cute, really. [20:48:23] Nova: I'm not buying it. You're pretty gay, but not *London* gay. :| [20:48:31] hahahaha [20:48:33] Jumbling up all of her robes. [20:48:41] hhahhah, aww [20:48:54] 2d20+5 [20:48:55] Yeah well. We can go to the Nintendo Store in manhattan or something. [20:48:56] Charles rolls 2D20+5: 12 17 +5 = 34 [20:48:59] :D [20:49:08] 5 damage on Eve [20:49:09] I always wanted to go there [20:49:14] what did Paera do? [20:49:22] I think she just moved [20:49:26] She just did a full move [20:49:45] Yes. [20:49:49] Wait, wouldn't she get give more spaces out of that? [20:49:58] 1d20+6 [20:50:00] Charles rolls 1D20+6: 6 +6 = 12 [20:50:13] man [20:50:23] Oh, I meant full moving as in moving as far as I could. :downs: [20:50:26] I so wish I took that burst 1 twf power now. [20:50:41] Alright, I take 2 damage... [20:50:54] Well, you can trade your standard in for another move [20:51:17] Firing off athunder wave first on those two. Top then bottom [20:51:34] 1d6+5 [20:51:36] Eilenia rolls 1D6+5: 1 +5 = 6 [20:51:42] vs Fort [20:51:46] 2x1d20+7 [20:51:49] Eilenia rolls 2x1D20+7: ( 17 +7 = 24 ) ( 2 +7 = 9 ) = 33 [20:51:54] Why did I roll for damage for minions? [20:52:07] Because you're awesome. [20:52:17] That might've seemed sarcastic, but I was being sincere. [20:52:24] Yeah, I figure if I do come up and you don't decide I'm just a jackass for inviting myself, we could check out the city (Since, really, I've only been on Madison Avenue and the korean and cuban(?) parts of town nearby and all that shit. I don't know what there is to do in New York :| [20:52:38] I walk around a lot, when I'm in NY. [20:52:44] Y'know. [20:52:47] See stuff. [20:52:49] Smell things. [20:52:50] I read cuban as cobain. :( [20:52:55] What are the cobain parts of town like? [20:52:58] You can play DnD with my home group CHa, no problem [20:53:07] Grungy. [20:53:09] Tee hee. [20:53:09] And I have a couch to sleep on if you need it [20:53:15] Hahaha, that's cute [20:53:23] ? [20:53:23] That'd be cool, yeah [20:53:27] Matt's joke [20:53:33] I thought you called my couch cute @_@ [20:53:39] Hahahaha. [20:53:39] Hey, lemme know when any of you guys over fly five thousand miles over here. :{ [20:53:57] Honestly, I was half-considering driving cross country [20:54:19] Because, you know, a cross country trip when you've only had a liscence for less than six months is a fuckin' AWESOME idea [20:54:53] At least New York's only a few hours away [20:54:58] I was considering that too [20:55:08] I always wanted to drive cross country [20:55:17] What's Plow doing? [20:55:23] And I've only been driving for 1 year :D [20:55:24] Walking [20:55:26] Hey, we should drive cross-country this summer. :| [20:55:28] and then what? [20:55:33] uh [20:55:33] Oh, I'm moving a little to the left too [20:55:35] you know [20:55:36] people spend your standard actions >:( [20:55:45] I'm gonna fire at Minion #... [20:55:49] 1 [20:55:52] That dude's a bitch. [20:55:53] 1d20+11 [20:55:55] Plow rolls 1D20+11: 11 +11 = 22 [20:55:56] You should all come and visit me in Canada. :V [20:55:59] 22 vs AC [20:56:01] I love how kobolds are so not a threat that you guys are just meandering across the fucking battlefield [20:56:11] "Oh, I'm walking" "I'm gonna move a little to the left" [20:56:23] In my head, it's a battle narrated by Bob Ross [20:56:30] Well, it's more of a cautious stepping [20:56:31] hahaahhah [20:56:34] heh [20:56:45] Hell, that's ALL PAERA DID during her turn. [20:56:50] I assume 22 rips that guy up [20:56:51] "Imma mosey on here." [20:56:53] so I'm gonna go ahead and post [20:57:00] I said I ran. :( [20:57:02] Oh, yeah [20:57:29] Did you move +2 speed and grant combat advantage to all enemies? [20:57:39] :colbert: [20:58:04] Unfortunately, we can't make this a proper Bob Ross battle because we don't have a pog for a happy little tree that can be our little secret. [20:58:10] Hahaha [20:58:13] I forgot I could do that okay. [20:58:18] Kay, Minion 1 is dead. [20:58:47] aDon't make me pog him [20:59:17] Yon: I'm just screwing with you please don't be mad :( [20:59:32] You know, it occured to me that if I meet up with Matt and Nova in New York, and then we drive in shifts to San Francisco, we can A: get there in maybe two days and B: Have enough people for a full game of War of the Ring when we get there. [20:59:37] This is the best bad idea EVER [20:59:50] HOLY CRIZ-AP [20:59:58] What's War of the Ring? [21:00:02] 1d20+6 [21:00:02] Charles rolls 1D20+6: 17 +6 = 23 [21:00:06] 1d6 [21:00:06] Charles rolls 1D6: 1 [21:00:06] Charles' favorite game [21:00:11] Oh man, I forgot [21:00:12] 1d20 [21:00:13] Eilenia rolls 1D20: 18 [21:00:15] One damage, Eve [21:00:16] But that does sound like an awesome game [21:00:17] Elena is no longer on fire [21:00:35] War of the Ring is a board game about the war between the free peoples of Middle Earth and Sauron during the LotR books [21:01:06] San Francisco would take probably closer to three, minimum [21:01:06] War of the Ring is a strategy board game by Roberto Di Meglio, Marco Maggi and Francesco Nepitello, produced by Nexus Editrice (Italy). [21:01:14] assuming we can do a thousand miles a day. [21:01:22] It's sort of asymmetric. The good guys win by taking a few evil cities or destroying the ring. The bad guys win by taking a few good cities or corrupting Frodo. But the good guys have very little offensive punch, and the bad guys have infinite soldiers [21:01:26] 24x60 [21:02:08] cool [21:02:16] my turn? [21:02:17] So it sort of becomes a race where the good guys are desperately defending their lands as they try to get the fellowship as fast as possible to Mount Doom [21:02:19] Yeah [21:02:43] okay [21:02:50] Valiant strike on minion 7 [21:02:53] Like a mix of Risk and Candyland, except better than both in every way [21:02:55] 1d20+9 [21:02:55] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+9: 17 +9 = 26 [21:02:59] deads [21:03:01] then... [21:03:07] How much cover does the slinger have? [21:03:22] I'd say -5 to try and hit him from range [21:03:34] and melee? [21:03:43] -2, I guess? [21:03:52] okay [21:03:59] It looks like if we drive an average of 60 MPH from New York to San Fran all day, we MIGHT make it in two [21:04:11] Provided we can drive and sleep in shifts and keep that average speed up [21:04:24] I think this is an awful plan. [21:04:26] D: [21:04:29] SHUT UP [21:04:33] YOU GONNA GET VISITED [21:04:39] BUT MY TV [21:04:44] o_o [21:05:20] Off-Hand Strike on slinger 1 that I just named [21:05:25] 1d20+6 [21:05:25] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+6: 7 +6 = 13 [21:05:27] Alright [21:05:28] damn [21:06:09] Hits [21:06:18] Heehee [21:07:12] woah [21:07:16] *blinks* [21:07:20] 1d10+4 [21:07:20] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D10+4: 1 +4 = 5 [21:07:22] .... [21:07:33] Do not start with me, dicebot. [21:07:42] FUUKO! [21:07:47] * Plow smacks Fuuko. [21:07:48] Fuuko isn't starting anything! [21:07:57] You shut up. You shut up and take it. [21:08:14] <_< [21:08:24] 1d20 [21:08:25] Plow rolls 1D20: 16 [21:08:27] That's right. [21:08:39] You wouldn't treat Mitsuru like that. [21:09:42] The lines around slinger 1 are just a raised area, right? Not cover? [21:09:57] They're cover. [21:10:04] fffff [21:10:22] Okay, sacred flame anyway. [21:10:59] 1d20+4 [21:10:59] Paera rolls 1D20+4: 16 +4 = 20 [21:11:16] Yon: I hit a slinger on AC 13 [21:11:16] Hits [21:11:24] 1d6+6 [21:11:24] Paera rolls 1D6+6: 6 +6 = 12 [21:11:31] :smug: [21:11:49] Heehee [21:11:49] smug. [21:11:49] 5 temp HP for Eve. [21:11:53] what a good word. [21:12:13] woot [21:12:20] hahahaha [21:14:03] 1d20+6 [21:14:03] Charles rolls 1D20+6: 7 +6 = 13 [21:14:30] hm [21:14:33] 1d20+6 [21:14:34] Charles rolls 1D20+6: 6 +6 = 12 [21:15:22] I guess the dwarves aren't doing much? [21:16:10] Which ones are fleeing? [21:16:20] scroll out [21:16:24] the ones all the way to the left [21:16:32] Oh [21:16:40] Does it make more sense for me to get them? [21:16:46] They might be out of range.... [21:16:58] How absolute are ranges? [21:17:04] you can move first [21:17:10] Yeah, I know [21:17:11] they're absolute [21:17:22] you don't have any range 20 spells or anything? [21:17:28] I have one. Sleep. [21:17:35] Do you want me to use my Daily on two minions? [21:18:02] No [21:18:05] I'll pick them off [21:18:09] Don't worry about it. [21:18:14] They're out of range. Completely out of range, at my full speed. [21:18:40] what's the range on magic missile? [21:18:48] 20. [21:19:08] You can get one and plow can get the other? I just don't want them going to warn anyone [21:19:23] You don't understand. [21:19:26] I don't have Magic Missile. [21:19:35] you don't have magic missile? @_@ [21:19:39] No. [21:19:41] I think the fact that Elena's already said yes is really good here. [21:19:49] Got it covered. [21:19:52] Turn in your wizard license. >:( [21:19:58] heh [21:19:59] "Elena, can you do this?" "Yes *proceeds to do something totally unrelated" [21:20:02] hahaha [21:20:03] What's the penalty to shoot at the guys up there? [21:20:07] -5? [21:20:13] Yeah [21:20:25] that piker came out of nowhere @_@ [21:20:37] He was hiding behind the barricade [21:20:44] i just noticed him, heh [21:20:56] I COULD hit the runners, but only if I did a Run action [21:21:06] anyway, CoD Slinger 1 [21:21:09] 1d20+7 [21:21:09] Eilenia rolls 1D20+7: 9 +7 = 16 [21:21:19] Shoudld have been +2 [21:21:20] Not +7 [21:21:22] It misses [21:23:09] At least I get the CoD hang damage [21:23:24] Kay. [21:23:27] I'm walking again... [21:23:27] slinder 1 takes 3 damage when he activates [21:23:42] At minion 2, this time. [21:23:45] 1d20+11 [21:23:45] Plow rolls 1D20+11: 6 +11 = 17 [21:23:49] 17 vs AC [21:23:51] which should hit [21:24:05] Nova: My spells are Thunderwave and Cloud of Daggers [21:24:33] gotcha [21:24:54] Hits, yeah [21:24:55] I COULD retrain one of those out, but I'm not sure if I want to. [21:25:04] don't think you should [21:25:05] Cloud of Daggers is a guaranteed minion beater. [21:25:14] what's the range on CoD? 10? [21:25:17] Yeah [21:25:31] * Eve_Kasnora nod. [21:25:33] Elena's unintentionally turned out to be a very short-ranged wizard. [21:25:42] No I think you got a good combo [21:25:49] She's got a lot of close blasts and short-ranged controls [21:25:52] What's your encounter power? [21:26:01] Icy Terrain and Colour Spray [21:26:09] * Eve_Kasnora nods. [21:26:21] Paera, what kind of range do you have? [21:26:21] The Spray's REALLY useful since it's a 5x5 area [21:26:22] I'd look into a long range one for your next encounter power [21:26:27] 1d20+6 [21:26:27] Or, Yon, rather. [21:26:27] Charles rolls 1D20+6: 19 +6 = 25 [21:26:28] yeah [21:26:34] 1d6 [21:26:34] Charles rolls 1D6: 2 [21:26:37] 2 damage, Nova [21:26:38] I have to get up close, but it's still good [21:26:50] Icy Terrain, I admit I haven't gotten as much use from [21:27:05] got it [21:27:06] oh wait [21:27:10] 3 temp left [21:27:47] vaulting over barrier [21:28:02] 1d20+9 acrobatics [21:28:02] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+9: 4 +9 = 13 [21:28:10] Eve is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat [21:28:22] No, Fuuko's a dirty whore is what she is. [21:29:28] can I vault over the barrier as part of my move action? [21:30:01] You'll take 3 damage for entering that squad [21:30:02] Sure [21:30:03] square [21:30:09] no more temp hp then [21:30:13] chasing the slinger [21:30:23] Hey Nova [21:30:25] provoking OA [21:30:28] yep? [21:30:28] Just be careful you don't get yourself surrounded [21:30:30] Eve just runs through Elena's cloud of daggers? [21:30:31] Yeah [21:30:33] Yeah [21:30:35] This has happened before [21:30:47] 1d20+5 [21:30:47] Charles rolls 1D20+5: 1 +5 = 6 [21:30:47] crap [21:30:52] I keep forgetting about bloodied [21:30:56] We're pretty spread out [21:31:05] I keep finding myself hoping that it's almost dead [21:31:09] anyway [21:31:19] Valiant on slinger 1 [21:31:26] 1d20+10 [21:31:26] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+10: 2 +10 = 12 [21:31:30] .... [21:31:31] Miss [21:31:43] FUCK YOU DICEFUCKBOTBITCHFUCKSHIT [21:31:52] 1d20 [21:31:53] Plow rolls 1D20: 18 [21:31:56] I dunno, Nova [21:31:58] ROLL ABOVE GODDAMN AVERAGE [21:31:59] She respects me. [21:32:01] 1d20 [21:32:01] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20: 6 [21:32:03] 1d20 [21:32:04] Plow rolls 1D20: 15 [21:32:06] BITCHCUNTWHORE [21:32:21] BITCHCUNTWHORE [21:32:22] Plow is a Fuuko-Master. [21:32:23] 1d20 [21:32:23] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20: 6 [21:32:24] 1d20 [21:32:24] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20: 20 [21:32:50] * Eve_Kasnora shakes fist [21:32:54] And I challenge slinger. [21:33:39] Alright [21:33:50] done [21:33:58] sorry about that [21:34:15] Eve doesn't know how Divine Challenge works. :V [21:34:23] ? [21:34:31] She's passionate. You can't blame her for that. [21:34:42] The kobold totally gets to avoid facing the wrath of Bahamut as long as he runs like a bitch [21:34:53] heh [21:35:04] Hell, as long as he runs like a bitch enough, Bahamut gets bored and stops enforcing the challenge. :V [21:35:07] Question, that black line between me and Eve, how high up is that? [21:35:13] whenever we fight kobolds, I wish I was a fighter. [21:35:15] Like, three feet [21:35:24] Hah. That silly kobold, running away from me. Still in range, though. [21:35:50] If I climb up there will those kobolds still have cover? [21:35:56] Nope [21:36:48] Oh god the broom [21:37:14] I can maintain the challenge indefinately. [21:37:22] move and then charge. [21:37:25] move and charge [21:37:29] etc. [21:38:16] Sacred flame, etc. [21:38:17] The kobold can run, run, then shift, I'm pretty sure [21:38:35] 1d20+6 [21:38:35] Paera rolls 1D20+6: 20 +6 = 26 [21:38:35] Any creature that can shift as a minor is faster than any other creature by definition [21:38:37] Same target [21:38:39] WOO [21:38:43] shift, then run and run, yeah. [21:39:00] Yeah [21:39:05] yeah, forgot about it changing it's standard for move [21:39:08] 1d8+12 [21:39:08] Paera rolls 1D8+12: 1 +12 = 13 [21:39:11] plus I'm in heavy armor [21:39:35] WOO awesome Yon [21:40:08] And 5 temp hp for Eve again [21:40:24] :D [21:40:27] woot [21:40:38] 1d20+8 [21:40:38] Charles rolls 1D20+8: 1 +8 = 9 [21:40:52] 1d20-1 [21:40:52] Charles rolls 1D20-1: 12 -1 = 11 [21:41:22] -1? wonder what that was [21:41:41] You'll find out in a second [21:41:46] heh [21:43:11] That was two kobolds totally fucking up a jump check [21:43:36] haha [21:43:54] Oops [21:43:57] hahahahahah [21:44:01] oh god wow [21:44:02] Noooo mah treasure [21:44:19] I saw you say they fucked up a jump check and I was like "haha, kobolds fell on their face" [21:44:24] haha [21:44:36] That kobold running is a lost cause. We can't get him [21:44:37] And then I read in-channel that they fell to their fucking death and I laughed so hard [21:45:13] Alright, moving and blasting Slinger with CoD [21:45:15] 1d20+7 [21:45:16] Eilenia rolls 1D20+7: 16 +7 = 23 [21:45:19] 1d6+5 [21:45:19] Eilenia rolls 1D6+5: 1 +5 = 6 [21:45:22] Plow can get him with a ranged 20 if he has one [21:46:17] Holy shit,t hat slinger lived WAY too long [21:46:23] I misread his 24 HP as 42 [21:46:29] HA [21:46:36] I can get him. =) [21:46:38] You are [21:46:40] already dead [21:47:15] In the interests of speeding up the fight, I'm retconning and saying the piker got all the attacks and excess damage past what nuked the slinger [21:47:25] kk [21:47:41] Attack on the running away guy [21:47:44] 1d20+9 [21:47:44] Plow rolls 1D20+9: 19 +9 = 28 [21:47:48] 28 v AC [21:47:49] Hits [21:47:50] ha [21:47:50] okay [21:47:53] and moving back [21:48:00] What sling rounds did the slinger have left? [21:48:43] Maybe Eve should go downthere and check [21:48:44] A stinkpot and a firepot [21:48:45] :( [21:48:50] invigorating strike on piker [21:48:59] 1d20+8 [21:48:59] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+8: 16 +8 = 24 [21:49:07] He's invigorated. [21:49:08] 2d10+4 [21:49:08] Eve_Kasnora rolls 2D10+4: 7 5 +4 = 16 [21:49:24] no i'm invigorating :( [21:49:37] haha [21:50:18] is anyone bloodied [21:50:19] ? [21:50:24] within 5 squares of me? [21:50:36] * Plow at full health. [21:50:49] you heal 7 hp if you are [21:51:10] Lance of faith. [21:51:21] Man, you know what? [21:51:30] D&D Power Names make for good Touhou titles. [21:51:37] 1d20+7 [21:51:38] Paera rolls 1D20+7: 5 +7 = 12 [21:51:43] :argh: [21:51:44] Miss [21:52:00] Touhou 13: Lance of Faith. Touhou 14: White Raven Tactics [21:52:02] aw [21:52:02] And the kobold is breaking into a run, so Eve gets an OA [21:52:21] With CA [21:52:34] 1d20+10 [21:52:34] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+10: 5 +10 = 15 [21:52:39] 1d10+4 [21:52:40] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D10+4: 4 +4 = 8 [21:53:08] if that downs him I aim to knock out [21:53:45] Elena usually doesn'tlash out with lethal force, so she usually creates knockouts [21:54:13] I really like that 4e just does away with subdual damage and makes it "You do what you want to do" [21:54:31] yeah [21:54:52] I sort of figured the group's default setting was knockouts after that time you beat the fuck out of the sewer goblins [21:54:53] RE5: Not Racist [21:55:15] Oh, I see. [21:55:16] <_< [21:55:18] Uh [21:55:22] Plow: You could have hit a pressure point [21:55:30] In the back of his head? ; _ ; [21:55:41] Yes [21:55:53] Well, Xan shoots to kill [21:56:04] Oh man. rowned [21:56:05] Yeah. [21:56:09] We should talk to himabout that [21:56:09] wait we usually go for knockout? [21:56:14] Yes. [21:56:20] I figure Plot might, and Paera and Eilenia try to knock people out [21:56:26] Plot. [21:56:39] Er, I meant Plow might kill [21:56:45] Man, that guy's fast [21:56:50] Remember? It sort of happened retroactively when you guys found out the sewer goblins weren't evil [21:57:13] Hey, question [21:57:16] * MattyQ ( has joined #Exalted [21:57:16] What's the range on a sling? [21:57:16] And you all decided you had just knocked them out except for Rusty because Xan's a fuckin' murder machine, ready to break into any home and slay the occupants. :V [21:57:24] 5/10, I think [21:57:31] What's the penalty for firingmore than 10? [21:57:32] That was weird. [21:57:46] I don't know if you can [21:57:58] I don't think I was there for that [21:58:00] I think it's up to 5 normal, up to 10 with a -2 [21:58:05] aah [21:58:06] Oh, right [21:58:23] I never really imagined Eve as going for the knockout though [21:58:32] * MattyQ killed peeeps. [21:58:33] Unless specifically stated [21:58:34] * Plow ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [21:58:39] Double move [21:58:41] Oh [21:58:43] * MattyQ is now known as Plow [21:58:46] There we og. [21:58:48] There we go. [21:58:55] Yeah, she's usually too filled with angel dus^W^W religious fervor to spare lives [21:59:17] I wonder if Eve understands what it is she is doing [22:00:20] Eve is a knight of the faith and slays those that harm or prey on innocents. [22:00:29] Keyword slays. [22:00:30] And... [22:00:44] 1d20+9 [22:00:44] Plow rolls 1D20+9: 12 +9 = 21 [22:00:48] 21 vs AC [22:00:55] We already captured one, right? [22:01:01] no? [22:01:08] You mean reenforces the status quo in the form of the millenia old racial enmity between greater and lesser races. :hannity: [22:01:09] Oh, I thought you knocked one out. [22:01:11] Elena's knocked out several. [22:01:20] Paera knocked one out, too [22:01:21] Kay. [22:01:27] I'm gonna just kill that last one, then. [22:01:33] also, I'm one square off from being able to charge it :( [22:01:43] Is Plow going to eat his brain? [22:02:03] Cha, do I need to roll damage? [22:02:11] Nah, finish it off [22:02:14] Kay. [22:02:19] Cha: I'm sorry, I don't recall stories of Nerath serving gnoll as a delicacy. [22:02:32] Or stealing shit from kobolds. :P [22:03:30] Oh, I'm sure there was encroachment into kobold tribal lands. I mean, a bunch of total pussies like kobolds don't just decide to go picking fights with a nation because it's fun [22:03:58] heh [22:04:14] The way I see it, Plow's dark hits them in the head. [22:04:20] i figured they were the devious kind that just preyed on easy pickings once the nation fell. [22:04:26] And there is a tube connecting them to Plow [22:04:35] And Plow just kind of sucks the brain through the tube like a straw [22:04:42] The only reason you don't hear about Nerathi taking stuff from kobolds is because Nerath wrote the history books. :V [22:04:58] :V [22:05:07] :V [22:05:45] * Plow has a brain container in his tummy. [22:05:55] Kobolds, in my mind, are basically an intelligent race that tends to get excluded. In the history of Arkhosia I wrote up for this setting, they were, like, the bureaucratic class of Arkhosia [22:06:16] oh? [22:06:20] And when shit with down with Bael'Turath, they basically ran, because if they stuck around, they'd be killed for sure. [22:06:37] Ah. Explains Shav's hatred. [22:06:38] And that is why kobolds have a reputation for cowardice [22:06:42] So the Dragonborn hate them because they have this cultural thing of kobolds being cowards [22:06:47] Yeah [22:07:04] That just started with Shav because of Shav's personal distaste [22:07:07] What happens now? [22:07:17] Well, Shav did spare a kobold [22:07:17] I should go to sleep [22:07:20] Who ran away. [22:07:21] And they build traps because, like, they were this group of engineers and bureaucrats and shit hiding in caves, with dragonborn warriors and rampaging demons trying to kill them, and traps were the only real way to protect themselves [22:07:23] Damn [22:07:29] Yeah, I was thinking we could end it here [22:08:08] I'm not gonna spend my surge. [22:08:11] * Plow kills stuff. [22:08:19] It'd only do half-effect and I need to save it. [22:08:32] (I figure that the rest of the common races also consider kobolds to be cowards because they talk to the Dragonborn much more than they talk to Kobolds) [22:08:44] Yeah [22:08:48] That totally makes sense [22:08:48] I mean [22:08:55] haha [22:08:55] Put a kobold beside a Dragonborn [22:09:02] who are you going to respect more? [22:09:17] * Plow started off really sarcastic sounding. [22:09:20] Sorry, I'm super tired [22:09:29] In my mind, kobolds are basically just a really pragmatic race. Like, they're not afraid to run away from a losing fight, and they value survival and intellect over valor and dramatic last stands [22:09:45] Yeah [22:09:49] "Kobolds are devious little cowards that given a chance will pretend to be your friend and then stab you in the back when you least expect it and make off with your valuables as you slowly spill your lifeblood on the cold uncaring ground." [22:10:12] I figure a kobold that is out for revenge doesn't care about the dead so much as wanting to make sure that the killers don't kill any more people they care about [22:10:36] Because, you know, the dead are dead, and vengeance isn't going to solve shit. But solving the problem of 'some asshole going around killing people' will [22:10:54] heh [22:10:57] Yep. [22:11:05] So we actually got all the kobolds here, right? [22:11:14] Some of them got themselves [22:11:14] Well, two of them got themselves. [22:11:20] HIVE MIND [22:11:21] HIVEMIND [22:11:27] DOUBLE HIVE MIND [22:11:51] Also, I figure that traditional dragonborn comedy is really similar to manzai, with the roles being 'stupid, cowardly kobold' and 'honorable Arkhosian warrior' rather than 'dumb guy' and 'corrector'. [22:12:00] With the kobold traditionally played by children. [22:12:05] hahahah [22:12:10] Oh yeah [22:12:23] That EBerron Trilogy I'm reading has Dragonborn in Argonessen. [22:12:28] Oh? [22:12:47] (As an aside, I figure there *were* parts of Arkhosia where the kobolds stuck with the dragonborn, and in those places, they're probably still revered as productive members of society.) [22:12:52] The main character is a student of the Draconic Prophecy, so he goes there and runs into the dragonborn who he tries to parlay with [22:13:00] But those places are also isolated boltholes of Arkhosian culture [22:13:09] Alrighty, I'm out. Have a good night guys. [22:13:10] Oh [22:13:14] before I forget [22:13:15] And they go "Man, you talk like a dragon-king. Or a character from a bad romance." [22:13:19] I probably won't be around for the next session [22:13:32] No? :{ [22:13:33] And the survivors didn't spread out and spread legends of kobolds' shittiness like the ones from the places where kobolds ran did, since they didn't really need to, if their places survived [22:13:35] dragon-kings being true dragons, and apparently really arrogant and overdramatic [22:13:39] hahaha [22:13:53] Spring break, so I'll be otherwise occupied. [22:14:01] Anyhoo... [22:14:03] aah [22:14:03] Alright, have a good time, man [22:14:04] Later [22:14:05] Good session! [22:14:05] We'llmiss you [22:14:09] Goodbye Matt [22:14:10] But the character only knows draconic from studying the prophecy, so pompus and overdramatic is the only way he knows how to speak it. [22:14:18] hahahahaha [22:14:22] Later Matt! [22:14:24] Night! =) [22:14:29] * Plow ( Quit (Quit: Client Exited) [22:15:30] Wow. Reference is made to a "Gholam" in Dark Heresy [22:15:30] woot, nice! [22:15:32] I actually spent a fair amount of time thinking of the various races' kinds of performed humor [22:15:34] And it's basically a tech golem [22:15:38] Astral Voice got us XP! [22:15:43] What is Astral Voice? [22:15:59] my utility [22:16:05] daily +4 to diplomacy checks [22:16:17] thats why my diplomacy check is so crazy high [22:16:22] Elven humor, for example, is basically based around racial stereotypes and fart jokes, and became REALLY popular in Nerath, as it was spread outward by merchants [22:16:28] * Paera is now known as Yon [22:16:42] Cause I always use Astral Voice since we tend to not have more than one important discussion per day [22:16:54] heh [22:16:55] wh-hat? [22:17:03] Nova: Read the PHB elves again [22:17:10] They're very earthy [22:17:15] is that 850 each? [22:17:26] or 850 divided by 5? [22:17:32] Divided by 5 probably [22:17:42] 875 divided by 5 [22:17:56] I always give total XP rather than individual XP [22:18:23] I sort of wonder how Eladrin humor works. [22:18:42] Honestly? I figure it'd like Louis Black with better delivery and less yelling [22:18:44] Maybe they just point at a map of the World. [22:18:52] hah [22:18:57] 175 each then? [22:19:05] 175 xp each [22:19:10] Because any civilization that lives in the ruins of their ancient accomplishments probably can't help but think about how shit kind of sucks now [22:19:32] so... what're we at? [22:19:38] Current XP: 3,925 [22:19:49] I'm at 4175 [22:19:55] Sort of like the laughing God who laughs because that is all he can to to keep from crying? [22:19:59] ... odd [22:20:09] Party log? [22:21:01] i gotta go to sleep [22:21:04] night guys [22:21:10] There's probably two traditions for the eladrin. Social satirists, and traditional balladeers. Satirists are probably also a recent thing [22:21:20] Night nova [22:21:34] Since satire holds a mirror up to society and makes it consider itself, and the eladrin have just recently started fixing their shit up [22:21:43] I sort of wonder what the place of Warforged in the World is [22:21:58] In my mind, they're pretty eclectic [22:22:04] It doesn't seem to be like Eberron, where they're all recently integrated [22:23:04] In what way? [22:23:11] * Eilenia is now known as Demota [22:23:41] Well, people have probably been making living constructs for various purposes at the height of various empires [22:24:06] They're not just made for war. Some are made as surrogate children, or laborors, or Frankenstein-style experiments... [22:24:09] * Eve_Kasnora ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [22:24:47] * Demota nods [22:25:21] Actually, I figure that Eladrin drama as a whole is probably broken into comedy, tragedy, and satire [22:25:35] Maybe with the aspect that the same story can be used different by all three traditions [22:26:05] And some Warforged were made to rule. [22:26:07] And to borrow the Louis Black analogy, satire probably isn't necessarily funny in the least with eladrin. :| [22:27:39] What about Tieflings? :| [22:27:56] Tieflings don't really have much of a culture aside from that of Bael'Turath [22:28:06] WHich, in my mind, is vaguely Sumerian [22:28:12] Or Egyptian [22:28:24] I'm inclined to think that in our setting, names like "Sorry" and "Random" aren't Tiefling names. :| [22:29:11] Well, they might be, if the tiefling's parents aren't careful, between ages 13-17. [22:29:12] I'm having a hard time thinking of what Bael'Turath was acutally like [22:29:24] hahaha [22:29:33] But then if they want to pick a name for themselves, they probably pick something not totally gay [22:30:09] Man, I'm using gay as an epithet and things in my peripheral vision are crawling to the right [22:30:14] About time for me to go to bed [22:30:18] Night [22:31:39] Also, Bael'Turath was a slave-owning sorcerous ancient empire. That kind of sounds like Egypt or Sumeria to me [22:31:51] With that in mind, Egyptian and Sumerian humor: [22:31:51] 1. Something which has never occurred since time immemorial: a young woman did not fart in her husband's lap. (1900 BC – 1600 BC Sumerian Proverb Collection 1.12-1.13) [22:31:52] 2. How do you entertain a bored pharaoh? You sail a boatload of young women dressed only in fishing nets down the Nile and urge the pharaoh to go catch a fish. (An abridged version first found in 1600 BC on the Westcar Papryus) [22:31:58] DOOOOH HO HO HO HO HO [22:47:38] You have interesting ways of determining when to go to bed, Cha. [00:02:14] * Dresdin ( Quit (Quit: Client Exited) [00:07:58] * Charles ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:55:36] * Yon is now known as sleepyon [01:05:42] * sleepyon ( Quit (Quit: Client Exited) [03:37:11] * Charles ( has joined #Exalted [03:37:13] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Charles [04:04:37] * Charles ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:14:27] * Charles ( has joined #Exalted [04:14:30] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Charles [04:17:30] * Charles ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [06:14:32] * Charles ( has joined #Exalted [06:55:05] [06:55:27] [07:43:26] [07:49:21] hahahaha [07:49:58] aww End of #Exalted buffer Thu Mar 12 09:23:26 2009