Start of #Odal buffer: Wed May 06 22:04:19 2009 [17:35:17] * When we last left our heroes, they had interviewed Koros N'Padar, an orcish officer, and learned that they're in a race against time against the dwarven forces, converging on the pinnacle of the citadel, intent on taking down the Orcish chief. [17:35:22] [Session start] [17:36:47] * Eve_Kasnora races up the stairs, swords drawn in case any orcs remain to bar their way. [17:37:12] * Elenia follows closely behind Eve! [17:39:23] * Xan brings up the rear. [17:40:13] * Plow is at the rear of the group. [17:40:16] * As you leave the forge, you find yourselves in a large plaza, lit from above by magical lights. It shows signs of recent repair, and the bodies of dead orcs, dwarves, and kobolds litter the ground in respectively larger proportions [17:40:18] * Plow also. [17:40:43] * The stairway from the plaza is long, and grueling, and in the distance, you can hear the sounds of hundreds of footfalls as you make your way up [17:41:06] "Faster, friends!" [17:41:51] * Paera runs after the group, breathing heavily. "Wait *gasp* wait up!" [17:41:59] I am not so fit. [17:47:21] * Xan steadily and stoically proceeds. [17:48:02] * Plow continues his pace. Not needing to breathe makes this easier. [17:51:32] * Elenia moves along as quickly as she can without tiring herself out. SHe looks over the architecture... "As far as fortresses go, the layout seems to comply with our fortresses in the Underdark in many regards... this way! I have a good feeling." [17:52:44] * Eve_Kasnora attempts to keep her fast pace steady and even, encouraging the others to keep up. However combined shouts to her comrades and physical exertion makes her slow down to catch her breath. [17:53:14] * Eilenia finds a shortcut, branching off the main stairwell, which seems like it might lead more directly to the atrium at the top [17:59:37] * Paera finds an injured dwarf and patches him up, asking for directions. [17:59:45] * As you go through the side-passages, you notice that even these parts of the fortress haven't been untouched by the battle. The remains of a small skirmish lies in the corridor, along with a dwarf, seemingly left for dead. [18:00:33] * He relates that he and his brothers were sent ahead to get behind the orcs, trapping them between themselves and the main advance, and explains the passages that can be used for getting ahead of them even now [18:04:40] * Plow pauses at the intersection of two passages. He studies each, then decides on one. "I sense we should go this way." [18:05:53] * Xan nods to Plow, halting and pushing a bookshelf over, revealing an old door to an unused passage. [18:09:01] We are dealing with nobility... I doubt they would make a stand in a simple hallway... [18:09:31] * Elenia starts heading down paths that might appeal to highborn sensibilities. [18:10:44] * Eve_Kasnora runs with the group till the route they've chosen comes to a broken staircase. She sees a tapestry hanging on the wall and runs at the gap in the stairs, reaching for the tapestry. She swings out over the gap, but not far enough to cross it. A couple more tries and Eve just shakes her head. "We are not passing this way. Let us be finding another." [18:15:21] * Eve_Kasnora finds the only other staircase, and it's also in ruins! She expertly jumps the gap and ties off the tapestry to let the others climb over the gap. Then she encourages them to keep pace with her as she runs even and steady up the stairs! [18:23:48] Oooh, nice recovery [18:24:50] * Plow tries to keep up with Eve. "Head to the left, Kasnora!" His metal frame isn't as wieldy for stair climbing,. [18:26:01] * Eve_Kasnora kicks down the first door she sees on her left. [18:30:01] * As the dust from the door being kicked down settles, you notice, on the other side, a continent of Orcish soldiers, with a massive orc in a Nerathi breastplate slouching at the head of a table, on which a full model of the citadel has been constructed. With him are a portly human, dressed in voluminous robes, and a hobgoblin, dressed in traditional hobgoblin lamellar armor. [18:30:33] * They turn as one to look, and the orc at the head of the table barks a command in giantish, and the soldiers take ready positions, but do not yet enter combat [18:31:52] * Eve_Kasnora drops her swords and holds her hands up. [18:31:55] "I surrender." [18:32:10] Eve? [18:32:30] * Xan shrugs, not exactly being able to drop his weapons. [18:32:57] * Plow doesn't run in with the rest, yet. [18:33:14] "I am here to be talking." [18:33:59] * The old orc nods, and barks another order, and his soldiers stand down, still ready to fight, just not at this exact moment. [18:34:38] * "Then talk, before the dwarves come. I fear there is little else to do." [18:34:53] * Paera blinks, keeping Eve between her and the orcs. [18:35:07] "My name is being Eve Kasnora. These are my friends, Elena, Xan, Plow, and Paera. We are the ones who have stirred up the dwarves and the kobolds against you." [18:36:12] * The more perceptive among you notice that the model of the fortress on the table has motion inside it. It seems like an illusion, where iconic figures move on their own and disappear from the battlefield. Judging by positions, the orcs are marked in purple, while the kobolds and dwarves are striped red and black. The orcs seem to be losing. [18:36:26] "We have fought many orcs to get here, and we were not understanding the nature of your extended clan. Your Nerath. We were mistaking you for your more savage kin." [18:37:49] * The commander lifts his head from the fortress model. "And now you surrender, with my armies broken and my remaining sons likely to be dead? Is this what passes for a joke in the barbarian lands?" [18:38:06] "The dwarves have a right to their ancestral home. Whatever they were doing to you, and your son, you were the aggressors first, and were demanding something of them you had no right to demand." [18:38:16] "Koros is not dead." [18:38:30] * Eve_Kasnora internally winces at her risk of assuming they were related. [18:40:10] "I personally captured him in honorable battle, and he is being the one that told us of your Nerath." [18:40:49] "Surrender, and you and your remaining sons will be traded back to your empire for the emancipation of the dwarves." [18:41:58] * The orc looks up, his brow furrowed. "Koros lives? Then perhaps I haven't lost everything." There is a pause as he looks back into the model, and then away. "If I fail here, my family is as good as dead. The other chieftains will see that my armies are weak, and turn on me in the senate." [18:43:22] "Is your Nerath truly so savage?" [18:45:03] * It seems as though the chieftain is caught between anger and self-pity. "Not savage. The times are changing, though, and a new emperor will need to be chosen. Very soon." [18:45:29] A new emperor? [18:45:29] "I see that your projections have you losing the ensuing battle." [18:46:06] "Chieftan. I surrender to you so that we may speak. But if you do not accept my terms, know that I will have you in my custody one way or another." [18:48:22] * He pauses. "It is very likely that my men will lose. And it's very likely that I would lose if I fought you." [18:48:57] * Eve_Kasnora nods. [18:48:58] "I'm afraid that I think you wiser if you're concerned about the senate then. What course of action do you intend on pursuing?" [18:54:03] * The orc nods to Eilenia. "The emperor who raised us to civilization is growing old, and it is likely he will die within the year. A new emperor has to be found, or else the empire may well shatter." [18:54:09] * Eve_Kasnora nods. "Times are changing, chieftan. My friends and I are trying to make a difference. To beat back the light. Horbek's Glory... is being a truly massive unfortunate circumstance, of light battling light." [18:54:30] [Beat back the darkness*] [18:55:28] "I take it you would want a stake in this power, or the potential for it." [18:56:02] "What better way to earn points with your own kind than negotiating a peacable pact with the dwarves and kobolds?" [18:56:10] * He nods. "I would, and my victory here was a foothold for me, until that fell apart." [18:56:58] * Eve_Kasnora frowns. "From what your son Koros tells me, you would not make the most civilized emperor. You starved the entire population of dwarves for the death of one of your sons. How many dwarven children died because of your dark desire for vengence?" [18:57:36] * Paera winces. [18:58:17] * Xan sighs. [18:58:31] * Elenia frowns. [18:59:02] Please consider what you are doing. [19:00:01] * The chief looks down. "The world should have no place for murderers such as them." He doesn't sound as sure of himself as he previously was. [19:01:19] That was not the act of the whole city. [19:01:38] "There's something you primes have yet to gain an understanding of, and my people as well. Hells, look at the blood war. The more you pointa finger, the less honest justification you have for your own brutality." [19:01:55] "A just emperor would put them to justice for war crimes. But you starved the innocent along with the guilty." [19:02:18] "The bravest warrior is the one able to swallow foolish pride and throw down his sword, axe, or spear." [19:03:12] "Dwarf, kobold, or orc, bloody piles on the ground are only that." [19:04:10] * "And what of Koros? Should he have to suffer under an enemy of my family? I may not be fit to lead a city, or an empire, but Koros..." He cuts off, looking back to his model. He seems to be trying to find the forge that his son's unit was pushed back to [19:04:27] "The most irrelevant issue here is who was here first. You're all here now, and genocide isn't the solution. Neither is retribution." [19:05:28] "If you want to be known as a legend among your people instead of one name among many, you need to go against the curve and behave differently." [19:06:46] "Koros is being a prisoner of war, granting all the rights that that brings." [19:07:08] "I' [19:07:15] m sure you've taken a few yourself." [19:08:51] "He will be released to your countrymen, along with yourself, as soon as the dwarves are given their home back." [19:10:37] * "He's a prisoner of war now, but when he returns home, he'll be the son of a disgraced general, when he should- No, it's nothing you're meant to know." [19:12:01] "Are you really so disgraced?" [19:12:09] "If you fight this, we will battle. I may not be able to stop the dwarves from exacting their revenge on you. Koros will be the voice of reason." [19:12:18] "The greatest generals know when to retreat, when to talk." [19:12:23] * Eve_Kasnora steps forward. [19:12:51] "He will be the one to fix your mistake. He will save your Nerath from a long and costly battle. He will be... a hero." [19:12:52] * The overweight mage speaks up, having been watching the conversation go back and forth. "Sir, if we lay down arms now, we can go back to Aiulen and claim extenuating circumstances. This battle didn't go according to projections." [19:13:31] "And you can go back with a mindset of civility." [19:15:04] There've been enough deaths, on both sides. Let's just...stop this. [19:15:36] "The best way to claim new territory isn't through conquest, it's through diplomacy, contracts, paperwork. Solid exports and imports, rich cultural heritage. If the people like you, they'll offer up their land voluntarily, or at least let you freely roam it." [19:17:00] * The general nods, slowly. "Perhaps I won't be dishonored if I return to Aiulen after this." For the first time, he almost seems to smile. "Perhaps if I am, I might still be allowed to die on my feet rather than be killed by a patrician's assassin." [19:18:15] If you leave... will anyone else come here to try to claim this place? [19:18:55] * Eve_Kasnora nods. "There will be no Aiulen until the dwarve's sovreignty of Horbek's Glory is restored. [19:19:15] "And officially recognized by your government." [19:19:28] * "It is possible. I came here of my own volition, and I cannot promise my enemies will not try to conquer it." [19:21:01] * "I cannot speak for the emperor, or for the other clans, but I guarentee the independance of Horbek's Glory." [19:21:28] "How can you guarantee that?" [19:23:29] * He genuinely laughs, this time. "The way that orcs have made guarantees since Gruumsh made it so that Correlon couldn't take his other eye. We'll march on any army that tries to take the city." [19:24:36] * "I'm not a charitable man, human, but if I can stop another general's army on the march, it might be a step towards proving that Clan Padar has the strength to bring light back to the world." [19:24:49] True. We won't be opposing you. [19:25:12] * Elenia is now known as Eilienia [19:25:18] * Eve_Kasnora nods. [19:25:35] * Eve_Kasnora walks further into the room then, still completely unarmed. [19:25:42] "Then we are having a deal." [19:26:02] * Eve_Kasnora steadily walks right up to the Chieftan and extends a hand, to shake. [19:27:16] * Eilienia is now known as Eilenia [19:29:50] * He nods, taking Eve's hand. "Understand, though, that our truce is for this city alone. This was a setback, and mistakes were made, but we will not stop spreading the light because of this." [19:31:02] "Then it's likely we'll meet again on the feild of battle." [19:31:27] Maybe not if they conduct it responsibly. [19:32:43] "I am hoping you don't. But that you are leanerning from this." [19:33:03] [learning*] [19:33:22] * Eve_Kasnora shakes his head. [19:33:46] "Do not be demanding fealty. Ask for friendship." [19:35:48] * The orc frowns. "Time is short. We will see how events unfold." [19:36:24] I hope the right decisions are made [19:38:04] * "I hope the wrong ones haven't already been made. Now, I would like to retire to my quarters, so my scribe can prepare the terms of surrender." [19:38:19] * Eve_Kasnora turns to the other orcs, the hobgoblin, and the human. She looks back to the chieftan. "Tell your men to stand down." [19:38:24] Very well. [19:38:55] "The dwarves are still coming. We will have to explain our terms to their chief." [19:39:43] * Paera slumps against the wall outside the room, finally letting out a relieved sigh. [19:42:11] * Plow nods to Paera. He has lingered outside during the negotations, keeping watch on the passages. "It is better this way, I suppose." [19:42:14] * "I will need to send a runner to my men in the tunnels, so they can pull back. The rest of my men will remain with me, as a personal guard." [19:42:33] We did what we could [19:42:36] * Eve_Kasnora nods. [19:42:39] I only hope this ends as well as it can. [19:42:57] "Xan, you are being the fastest among us. Tell the dwarves they've won, and to shed no more blood." [19:43:12] * Xan nods, and rushes off. [19:43:26] Good luck [19:43:37] * The general barks a command in giantish, and one of the orcish soldiers runs out of the room, behind Xan, while the general and the remaining men leave through the eastern door. [19:43:45] * Eve_Kasnora turns back to the Chieftan. "Xan will take care of the dwarves, and your man can take care of your troops." [19:43:59] * Eve_Kasnora follows them closely. [19:44:37] * Eve_Kasnora looks to plow, then gestures toward her swords. "If you are pleasing, could you hold onto my swords?" [19:44:49] * Eve_Kasnora points at them, on the ground, near the door. [19:45:18] * Plow nods, "I will guard them carefully." [19:46:48] "You are having my thanks." [19:50:44] I don't understand how you can do that sort of thing, Eve... [19:51:40] You're quite skilled. [19:53:01] What sort of thing am I doing, PaePae? [19:54:51] ...stop calling me that. Stuff like...well, I mean it was all I could do to just STAND there and not run away. [19:55:07] I expected conflict [19:56:43] You do not like the nickname? I am callng Eilenia Elena all the time... [19:56:49] * Eve_Kasnora looks slightly confused. [19:58:08] It's embarassing! [19:59:24] Apologies, Paera. I did not mean to poke fun. [20:00:03] But regardless, you are being too modest. I would not be standing here if you were not being with me. [20:02:07] Oooh, ooh, what about me? [20:06:40] You are performing as inspired as ever, Elena. [20:06:42] * A long while after, the treaty is finalized, and both sides have, with some reluctance, stood down. [20:07:59] * The orcish army is demobilized, and on its way back to Aiulen, as the dwarves and kobolds work together to begin re-fortifying the citadel they had recently aggressively de-fortified, before the gnolls realize the opportunity at hand [20:11:03] * Eve_Kasnora approaches the kobold priest during a break in the re-fortification work she was helping with. [20:11:12] "You wished to speak to me?" [20:13:47] * Eilenia goes to have a look at the seed and learn more about it before returning to rejoin Eve [20:13:58] * Paera goes with Eilenia to see the seed. [20:14:41] * The kobold priest looks up. "Oh, good, you're alive. I was curious about you. It's been more than a century since I've seen a paladin, and longer than that since I saw someone with your... fascinating accent." [20:14:46] * Meanwhile: [20:16:44] * The uppermost chamber of the citadel is carved into the top of the mountain itself, a huge cavern, with the ground made of soft dirt. The cavern's ceiling has apparently been enchanted to let sunlight through, as the entirety of the fields are illuminated from above [20:19:15] * Sitting half-buried in the dirt is an egg-shaped golden object, which glows gently in the sunlight. Even the least magically inclined of you can feel intense magic radiating from it [20:21:42] I've...never seen anything like this. A...a real holy artifact. [20:21:59] "So this is the seed." [20:22:36] This is incredible. [20:24:09] * Eilenia approaches it [20:24:43] * Paera turns to Eilenia, a huge grin on her face. "We did it! We really did it!" [20:25:32] * The priest extends a hand to Eve. "Shepard W'nven. I used to be the high priest of Bahamut, before, you know. Gnolls." [20:25:34] We did! So... what now? [20:26:46] * There's a palpable warmth from the Seed as Eilenia approaches. It's not uncomfortable by any means, but it begins to feel as warm as a late summer day. [20:26:59] * Paera 's face falls. "I...have no idea. We've still got that...the Eye. We can't just go home. Or, at least, not to stay." [20:27:19] Oh dear, I'd forgotten about that entirely. [20:30:36] * Plow has followed along with the group to the see the Seed. He lingers nearby. [20:30:37] * Eve_Kasnora shakes W'nven's hand. "A pleasure. I have... never met a true priest of Bahamut, I am thinking. Or if I have, they did not meet standard they were living by when they allowed me to be exiled from my homeland. You were saying that you were hearing my accent before?" [20:30:42] I suppose we can't bury it in the ground. [20:31:02] What is there to DO with it, though? [20:31:36] * You guys figure out, together, that it must be *something* intended to have rituals cast through it. Probably something related to plant growth, going by context, though it's hard to divine anything past that [20:32:03] Let us return to Eve. The seed isn't going anywhere, and we don't know how it works. [20:33:57] * Paera nods. "I guess so." [20:33:59] * Eilenia starts heading back [20:34:24] * The kobold nods. "When I was a wyrmling, there was a knight from Tsarovgorov who stayed in the temple. A, uh, what do you call them? Mendicant knight? Knight errant? Whatever. Said he was on his way to the capitol, to offer his services to the emperor. Back then, it was, uh..." [20:34:24] * Xan nods and moves along. [20:35:48] * He tries to think of the name of the emperor before the last Elidyr, and waves a clawed hand dismissively. "Well, whoever it was, he seemed like a big damn hero. And I was thinking, that if there's a paladin from Tsarovgorov who's made her way here, things are either looking up or going downhill even faster." [20:36:33] "You are... very long lived, Shepard. I was not being aware kobolds lived for over a century." [20:36:51] * "Most don [20:37:03] 't." [20:38:17] "I cannot be saying what sort of portent my arrive might be. I can only say that, though living by Bahamut's creed above all else caused my exile, it was not being his will that I am here. Tsavarogorov... does not produce many heroes anymore... just tyrants..." [20:39:52] * Eilenia shows up with the others in tow. [20:40:43] Ah! Elena. How was your inspection of the Seed being? [20:41:09] * There's a long pause as W'nven takes that in. "Well, shit." He pauses. "You were looking into the seed?" [20:41:55] Oh, yes. You have to see it. It is glorious to behold. Finally something in this plane befitting of the Feywild. [20:42:46] It's...really something. But, I guess I'm thinking now, where do we go from here? [20:43:08] We've basically accomplished what we set out from Odal's Fen to do. But... [20:43:36] * Eve_Kasnora turns back to the kobold. "Yes. We are trying to get it working again, so that all the former nerathi city-states in this province can be trading for food, and that Odal's Fen, specifically, might be surviving the winter." [20:43:47] * "See it? Hell, I used to tend it, back after we retreated into the citadel. And before the dwarves put us out. It's really something, isn't it?" [20:44:05] "You know how to activate it?" [20:44:12] He pauses. "Odal's Fen? You mean they survived? That's excellent!" [20:44:20] "You've heard?" [20:45:08] * Paera blinks. "Yeah. We came here because the town didn't have the food to survive for the winter." [20:45:17] * He nods. "Yeah, I used to spend eight hours a day just forcing crops to grow. And, yeah, I heard of Odal's Fen. Mostly heard that it was kind of a shithole, but any place that holds out is better than nothing." [20:45:57] "I have never actually been inside." [20:46:16] "I could not be telling you if it is still being a shithole." [20:47:39] It doesn't seem to be much different from the rest of the plane. [20:48:42] "So all this seed does is forces crops to grow?" [20:48:49] I'm not sure what kind of standard you're comparing it to, but it is NOT a shithole. [20:49:41] * The kobold laughs. "I find it hard to believe that any place isn't a shithole these days. Isn't that why you big damn heroes are doing all this work?" [20:50:45] "I'm just trying to figure out why the creatures of both this world and my own treat one another so horribly." [20:51:05] "There's always a way to compromise. A path of balance." [20:51:20] * "And, as I understand it, the Seed provides everything plants need to grow. And it let us cast rituals through it that made the plants grow in the blink of an eye. It'd just be half a day of making plants grow as the dwarves harvested them and stored them, and then to bed, and then to the Seed again. Still, now that people need it, there's worse things I could be doing." [20:51:44] * Eilenia nods [20:52:07] "Can it purify soil?" [20:52:22] "The entire province would be greatful for your efforts." [20:52:50] * "I don't doubt that it could. I'm not really an expert on it. You'd be better off asking a pelorite dwarf, if any are still alive." [20:53:26] "Do you know of any names we might ask for specifically?" [20:54:16] "If we could find a means of permanently fertilizing soil, train peasants of each race in farming, and utilize the seed only when needed, then perhaps we could get somewhere." [20:54:42] Only when needed? It doesn't seem to be a limited resource. [20:54:54] "Unless we find a way to get it to work with a consistent, permanent effect for the good of all, then it's only a buable to be fought over." [20:55:21] "Whosoever posesses it will overuse it. Gifts like these weren't given to mortals to cause bloodshed." [20:55:26] Overuse... ? [20:55:41] Xan's right. If we just rely on it for everything, then what happens if it gets taken again? [20:55:55] I suppose that is a concern [20:56:19] "Yes, overuse. Instead of teaching people how to farm, they rely on the seed. It changes hands, a people starve, its posessor spoils and forgets." [20:56:33] "And the cycle repeats itself." [20:56:35] He ticks off names on his claws. "Grungi Hammerheart, Calwel Summerheat, and Alia Stonebrow would be good places to start, I guess. Truth be told, I haven't worked with the dwarves for ninety years, so I can't really say if they're still around." [20:57:11] "Where can we find the first?" [20:57:33] Hm.. [20:58:18] * W'nven shrugs. "You've talked to the dwarves more recently than I have." [20:58:57] * "Again the whole 'dwarves kicked me out ninety years ago' thing. I don't really hold a grudge, just makes it hard to keep track of who's where. [20:59:20] * Xan nods. [20:59:35] We could just talk to their leader again. I mean, we need to anyway. [21:04:14] * Eve_Kasnora nods. [21:04:46] * W'nven looks back to the barricade. "I ought to go back to work. I'll keep my eye on you kids, though. It's a big, stupid, angry, murderous world, and anybody doing good things is worth my time." [21:04:56] Very well. Take care of yourself. [21:05:15] "Shepard... I am being curious. You were seeming dissappointed when I told you of my exile. Was there being a significant reason for bringing Tsavarogorov up?" [21:08:29] * "Don't get me wrong, your exile certainly isn't good. I was more concerned about the state of the kingdom, though. I had thought maybe you were related to him. You look a little like him. But, you know, all you smooth-skins pretty much look the same, and my eyes aren't what they used to be." [21:10:13] * Paera looks at Eve curiously, listening to the conversation. [21:10:21] * Eilenia watches with interest [21:11:35] * Eve_Kasnora nods. "He would have to be something like my great-great-grandfather." [21:11:51] * He shakes his head. "Wishful thinking from an old wyrm, I guess, but I had hoped that there was some chance that one wandering knight from Tsarovgorov might have something to do with another." [21:12:20] * "Oh, yes, I forgot how quickly humans breed. I really haven't had to think of your kind for quite some time." [21:12:22] * Eve_Kasnora nods. "Hope is precious in this time." [21:13:04] * Eve_Kasnora smirks at his last comment. [21:13:45] "Farwell W'nven" [21:14:02] * Eve_Kasnora pronounces his name suprisingly well, probably from being fluent in Draconic. [21:14:26] * "Look, I really need to get back to work, on account of gnolls maybe finding their way in here in the aftermath. Maybe if you're still here once we're done, maybe if you ever come around here again, I can tell you some stories about the knight. I mean, he never quite saved the world, but after meeting him, I managed to follow his career. See you around, Eve." [21:15:46] * Eilenia waves to the kobold [21:16:30] * The kobold waves as he returns to work. [21:16:59] So... what shall we do after tihs? [21:17:14] * Xan ( Quit (Quit: I am not ignorant, I am intelligent. I'm not an ape, I am the way, I am the truth. I am religion, I am politics, I am a psychoanalyst, I'm an inkblot shaped like Zeus) [21:18:03] Odal's Fen is assured food. [21:18:14] But one issue in particular is not yet resolved. [21:18:20] The Eye. [21:18:28] Precisely. [21:18:37] We are needing to find a way to destroy it. [21:18:56] Yeah...but where do we even START with finding that? [21:19:25] My guess would be.... Ioun's church? [21:19:43] God of Secrets and Goddess of Knowledge might be hating each other. [21:20:06] Besides, Goddess of Knowledge might be having record of how to do it, regardless. [21:20:26] We'll have to find a priest of Ioun, then. [21:20:33] We should be checking Horbek's Glory for Nerath-era centers of Ioun worship. [21:20:48] Can it even be destroyed? [21:20:56] It must. [21:20:57] I guess that'd be a start [21:21:12] But first, we have a more immediate situation. [21:21:16] Gnolls. [21:21:34] What can we do about them? [21:23:28] Maybe they might have the situation under control [21:23:32] Destroy them one pact at a time. [21:23:52] [pack*] [21:23:59] * Eilenia nods. [21:24:27] Perhaps it might do to revisit Odal's Fen ourselves. [21:24:31] I'm sure Paera misses home. [21:25:33] * Paera smiles wistfully. "It's been quite a while since I've seen the temple. I mean, I've never left home before." [21:25:58] Perhaps we will be welcomed as heroes. [21:28:42] Maybe even a celebration. [21:28:45] Wouldn't that be fun? [21:29:41] I dunno, I don't really like big parties. [21:31:03] I don't believe I've seen how people celebrate in the World. [21:31:06] I would not be wishing to endanger Odal's Fen... [21:32:47] D-do you really think that the gnolls would know to follow us? [21:34:48] I hope not [21:38:54] Besides, we took a boat, did we not? [21:39:30] Between a newly strengthened Horbek's Glory and Brother Eye overthrown, I am not sure gnolls could follow us even if they wished to [21:42:40] I am more worried about Vecnite cultists finding us. [21:43:20] So should we avoid cities? [21:44:03] Unless absolutely necessary. [21:44:45] Ugh, them too. [21:44:50] We are needing cities for research gathering resources. But we should spend as much time away from civilization as possible. [21:45:07] Oh dear. [21:45:07] It is not being so bad. [21:45:19] You get used to eating vermin in a month or so. [21:45:27] * Eve_Kasnora grins. [21:46:36] That sounds difficult. [21:48:40] Why would you WANT to get used to that? [21:51:08] I can't imagine there are many ways to prepare beetles [21:53:22] I'm not sure I care to get by without contact with many other intelligent beings either. [22:03:43] [Session Pause] End of #Odal buffer Wed May 06 22:04:19 2009