Start of #Odal buffer: Mon Aug 17 21:12:43 2009 [17:10:22] * NovaSeaker ( has joined #Odal [17:10:22] * NovaSeaker is now known as Eve_Kasnora [17:13:20] * Xan ( has joined #Odal [17:16:01] * Paera ( has joined #Odal [17:20:41] * When last we left our heroes, they had taken Ghaele Coldheart prisoner, shortly before he ended his own life. They stand in the Feywild, in the monument forest. [17:20:49] * Also, the horse is still there. [17:20:53] [Session start] [17:21:39] What a strange person. [17:22:39] "Paera!" [17:22:48] "Why didn't you heal him!?" [17:23:26] * Paera shakes herself out of staring at Coldheart's body. [17:23:37] H-heal him? [17:23:52] I...I can't heal dead people. [17:27:26] * Demota is now known as Eilenia [17:27:36] What a strange person. [17:28:29] "He WASN"T BEING DEAD WHEN I CALLED YOUR NAME!" [17:28:49] "You just watched me tackle him!" [17:29:51] I assume fear gripped her. [17:31:03] "Calm down." [17:31:15] "He did it before any of us had a chance." [17:31:18] * Eve_Kasnora turns on Elena and throws her hands out to her sides. "Fear of what?! His suicide would somehow be killing her too?!" [17:31:22] * Paera takes a couple steps away from Eve, but glares at her. "What're you mad at me for?! This is my fault? You wanna blame someone, you were the one holding him!" [17:31:50] "I managed to get him to the ground and you couldn't utter a single healing word?!" [17:32:05] "CALM DOWN." [17:32:32] * Eve_Kasnora faces away from the group and crosses her arms over her chest. [17:32:39] "We have our quarry. It is unfortunate he died, but we have a portal." [17:32:52] * Eve_Kasnora shakes her head. "He was being the sacrifice." [17:33:08] "Indeed he was. Now we need to figure out what to do." [17:33:31] "As this place is further and further being screwed up." [17:33:54] "Indeed it is, which is why we need to keep our wits about us." [17:34:36] "We are needing to get back to the library. They should know what's coming." [17:35:18] * Paera turns away from Eve and nods slightly in agreement. [17:35:57] * Xan nods. "Let's go through the portal." [17:37:08] What could we take as proof of our conquest? [17:37:56] * Eve_Kasnora walks over to Coldheart's corpse and lugs it over her shoulder. [17:38:03] "Lets be going." [17:38:15] * Eilenia nods [17:38:21] * Eve_Kasnora starts treking through the snow carrying the dead weight. [17:38:42] * Xan starts towards the indicated portal. "Have we got everything of value?" [17:39:16] * Paera follows slowly after the group, keeping her distance from Eve and wiping at her eyes a bit. [17:40:48] * Eilenia starts heading to the portal. "Perhaps if we're back, I could let those other nobles know that the tent has a vacancy." [17:44:52] * As you walk through the rows of monuments, in the direction Coldheart indicated, the path slowly becomes more dense and overgrown, with fey creepers wrapped around, across, and sometimes through the monoliths. Eventually, you reach a spot where two monoliths are toppled such that they lean against one another [17:45:56] * Eve_Kasnora walks through the makeshift arc with no hestiation. [17:46:16] * Eilenia steps through. [17:47:45] * Xan steps through as well. [17:50:08] * As you step through the portal, the world seems to shudder and briefly collapse. Reality itself sims, and it takes a while for your minds to adjust, as though you had stepped into a darkened cavern at high noon. [17:50:46] * Eilenia frowns. "Oh, back in the world again. I scarcely feel like myself at all. What about you, Eve?" [17:51:33] * Eve_Kasnora sighs, half guiltily and half from relief. "I am feeling much more like myself." [17:51:58] * Eve_Kasnora turns and waits for Paera to walk through the portal. [17:52:18] * As your mind adjusts, you begin to notice that you're in an alleyway, wrapped in fey creepers, which writhe and twitch as you pass. Above you, a low arch between buildings serves as a catwalk to link two insulae [17:52:32] * Paera is the last through the portal, looking at the ground as she exits. [17:53:36] * Eve_Kasnora speaks up softly. "Paera?" [17:54:17] * Paera looks up. "W-what? If you're just gonna yell again, I don't wanna here it." [17:54:17] "Where are we?" [17:56:16] "I am wishing to apologize, Paera. Everything just.... was seeming a lot worse, to me. I should not be taking my fustration out on you." [17:57:18] Oh, is that why you were so afraid of Baba Yaga? [17:58:40] * Paera blinks, and then nods quietly. "T-thanks, Eve. You're, um, feeling better now?" [17:59:00] * Eve_Kasnora looks to Elena. [17:59:16] "That's just a fairy tale." [17:59:30] * Eve_Kasnora says no more and very quickly gets back to trying to find out where they are. [17:59:55] "Xan, you are being familiar with this city, yes? You should be the one most likely to be knowing where this is." [18:08:20] "We're where the temple complexes used to be." [18:08:52] Maybe we could find out more about that artifact we recovered here. [18:11:04] * Xan nods. [18:11:19] * Xan looks around, gauging what he sees now with how he used to be. [18:11:32] "What artifact?" [18:14:49] The eye. [18:16:18] "We were not finding that he... oh, neverminding. I was misunderstanding what you were saying." [18:18:29] * Xan starts looking for a way down. [18:22:54] * Xan finds a way down from... whatever he was trying to climb down [18:25:35] ((thought we were like perched atop some spires or buttresses or something and maybe had to fight our way down. That would have been fucking cool.)) [18:27:31] * Oh, no. I wish I had thought of that, but you came out in an alleyway between two old buildings. [18:28:54] * Eilenia makes her way forward, staying behind Eve when possible. [18:29:06] "Xan, are you knowing where the Temple of Ioun used to be? The libararians were telling us to find it." [18:31:08] * Xan nods, and leads the way [18:33:15] Perfect. [18:33:20] I wonder who still lives there. [18:34:26] * You pass through the mouth of the alleyway, and into a long, winding street not much wider. In the distance, above the rooftops, you can see the heights of a spire of the temple of Ioun. [18:36:14] * It seems that in this part of town, once they could no longer build out, they built up. Early Nerathi buildings have modern annexes built onto them, reaching heavenward, a serious of skyways tracing between the buildings, possibly to make up for the narrow, weirdly laid-out streets. [18:37:16] * Eve_Kasnora tilts her head. "Is... is this being influence from the Feywild?" [18:38:08] "It is built as such." [18:38:20] "I killed the Head Priest here." [18:38:49] * Xan sighs. "I will submit myself as a penitent." [18:40:32] * Paera frowns. "Xan..." [18:40:56] * Eve_Kasnora blinks and looks to Xan. "I was not aware you were being the religious type." [18:41:10] "I owe my penance to that god, if any." [18:41:44] ""The teachings of Zerthimon would show me more as slave than faithful." [18:42:27] * Eve_Kasnora narrows her eyes just slightly. "I am not sure I am understanding your meaning correctly." [18:43:57] * As you approach the temple, the network of buildings fall away. A wide lake, quite probably artificial, judging by its position within the city and its shape, sits, ringed by crystal tiles. In the middle of the lake, a domed structure, with a set of four towers rising from the center, rises from it. There is a door in the dome, but no clear way to get to it. [18:45:38] * Eilenia leans over and touches the water. [18:46:10] * Xan approaches calmly. [18:46:44] * As Eilenia stands on one of the crystal tiles, a clear note rings out, as though her weight caused the crystal to begin vibrating. [18:47:29] "That isn't what I meant, Eve. I was referring to the children of Zerth, the Silverblood, how I would see serving under any god as a penance in and of itself." [18:47:56] * The water is warm and clear, though it is difficult to see how deep it is. Until Eilenia touches it, it's entirely still [18:48:28] * Paera glances over at the water. [18:48:40] The crystal moves. [18:49:44] "Ah. As if you turn away from your own god in an act of self-sacrifice." [18:50:40] Stand upon it [18:51:19] * Eve_Kasnora looks over to Elena and steps upon a crystal tile adjacent to the one she activated. [18:53:18] * A sound slightly higher (Or lower in pitch, depending on the direction in which Eve is adjascent) rings out, beginning to harmonize with the first tone [18:54:56] "Huh." [18:54:59] * Paera watches curiously. [18:55:24] "Am I being crazy, or is a bridge to the temple going to be appearing if we are activating these tiles in certain order?" [18:57:10] Or we could just step on them all [18:57:47] "Is being a wide lake." [18:59:18] * Xan ( Quit ( [18:59:29] * Xan ( has joined #Odal [19:00:32] Let's see what happens if we stand on more,then [19:00:51] * Xan steps out. [19:02:59] * Paera nods, stepping out onto a tile of her own. [19:03:56] * Another tile begins ringing, and settles into the harmony. Shortly afterwards, however, the tone ceases, and the tiles stop vibrating. [19:05:22] "Looks like the temple's on lockdown." [19:05:55] "Maybe is wrong sequence?" [19:07:30] * Paera scowls at the tiles in annoyance. [19:07:41] * Eilenia frowns. [19:07:52] Wait a second. [19:07:53] * Eilenia touches the water again. [19:08:31] They're playing did that hymn go again? [19:08:43] * Paera hesitantly hums a tune. [19:09:13] "You are knowing a hymn to Ioun?" [19:10:18] My mother told me about it a while ago. [19:13:34] Fascinating. What's it about? [19:14:40] Um. Returning to contemplation, I guess. [19:18:21] * It takes a few minutes to puzzle out the notes, but with Paera's guidance, the group manages to tap out the first bar of the hymn. Slowy, a bridge begins to form out of the waters of the lagoon, leading to the dome of the temple [19:21:59] * Paera sighs. "Well, I guess it adds some security, but still." [19:23:50] * Xan ascends [19:23:59] "I am thinking it is being more a test of knowledge. Afterall, you are not worshipping Ioun." [19:24:02] * Eilenia steps along the bridge. [19:24:07] Or maybe it was ceremonial. [19:24:11] * Eve_Kasnora heads onto the bridge, still lugging around the corpse of Coldheart. [19:24:12] Someone had to live in this city. [19:24:30] Think about it, maybe each morning, all the worshippers got together and had the hymn and made a bridge. [19:26:28] I suppose. Kind of discouraging to someone seeking knowledge who isn't already a worshipper, though. [19:29:54] "I am guessing that is why they had the library elsewhere." [19:31:03] * As you enter the temple, you notice two things: It is remarkably cold, and it doesn't seem like anybody's been here for a while. A series of prayer rugs are laid out radially on the floor, surrounding a central shaft of crystal, engraved with a liturgy in Common, in which the eye of Ioun stares out, seeming to follow you no matter where it goes. [19:32:12] "Is... Is that being normal Iounite symbology, Paera?" [19:32:23] * Eve_Kasnora eyes the... Eye of Ioun. [19:33:11] What is it with gods and eyes? [19:33:13] * The temple is, in a word, austere. Though it's rather cavernous, the only features on the walls are precisely carved, tiny Common script that covers it entirely. Four bulges stand at what would be the corners of the room, with empty arches. [19:34:40] Well, yes. I'm not sure if it's supposed to look like it's watching us, though, I mean this is the first time I've ever been in an actual temple of Ioun. [19:39:13] "They don't normally keep it this cold." [19:40:13] * Eilenia examine sthe bulges. [19:40:37] * The seem to be the bases of the towers that jutted from the dome [19:41:47] * Eve_Kasnora walks up to the eye. [19:42:55] "If... If you are really watchin, Ioun, you are knowing what I am carrying. I am wanting to seal it away forever, and I am thinking this would be beneficial to you. If you are agreeing.... send me a sign." [19:43:55] * The crytal cylendar it's on seems set to rotate, and as Eve watches, it begins to slowly grind around, the chill of the room intensifying [19:44:13] * Eve_Kasnora blinks. [19:44:34] "This is not right." [19:44:47] Is Coldheart responsible for this? [19:44:55] * Eilenia draws her orb and longsword. [19:45:06] "This... this temple is being compromised." [19:45:32] Maybe it was sealed off for a reason. [19:45:46] * Eve_Kasnora draws her swords, backing away from the central pillar. [19:46:00] * Paera shivers, backing towards the entrance to the temple. [19:48:08] * Eilenia gets behind Eve [19:48:11] * As Eve steps away, the turning of the cylinder intensifies, and then rolls to a halt, the room returning to its normal chill. [19:48:17] You live in the cold place, you know how to deal with this [19:48:35] * Eve_Kasnora tilts her head to the side, puzzled. [19:48:45] * Eve_Kasnora walks closer. [19:49:23] * Eve_Kasnora mumbles absentmindedly to Elena "It is not knowing how to deal with cold so much... you are just doing it." [19:50:05] * Xan gronans, silver dripping from his orb. [19:50:07] * As Eve walks closer, one of the prayer mats on the opposite side of the pillar begins to scrape across the ground, making a sound as though fingernails were dragging across the crystal tiles of the temple [19:50:29] * Eve_Kasnora backs away again. [19:50:34] "Huh." [19:59:23] Hm. [19:59:28] Are we supposed to kneel on that mat? [20:05:31] * Eve_Kasnora approaches the prayer mat cautiously. [20:05:43] * The mat continues scraping along the floor, slowly and deliberately. [20:09:54] * Eilenia steps on the mat out of curiosity. [20:10:20] * Paera eyes the mat suspiciously. "Well, I guess this could be a sign." [20:10:33] * There's a pause, and then Eilenia feels an intent jerking, as though someone was trying to continue pulling the rug. [20:10:56] * Eilenia steps off the rug. [20:11:34] * It juts forward quickly, in a sharp, sudden movement, then resumes its previous drag. [20:12:03] * Eilenia places a gold coin in front of the mat. [20:12:17] * Eilenia places a copper one, replacing the gold coin. [20:13:22] * The coin is lifted from the ground, and begins shifting in midair, as though manipulated by a phantom hand [20:13:51] "Lets... follow that coin." [20:14:08] * Eve_Kasnora moves toward the coin cautiously, swords drawn. [20:15:58] * The coin passes through an archway, and then begins bobbing up a spiral staircase. Every surface inside the temple is covered with blocks of common script, but there's no time to read it as the coin makes its way up the stairs. [20:16:35] * Eilenia chases after the coin. [20:16:46] * Paera follows Eve nervously. [20:17:38] * Slowly, it picks up speed, as it is chased up what must be a dozen stories, it finally reaches a landing, with a doorway. The coin darts against the doorway, and holds there before falling. [20:18:41] * Eilenia reclaims the coin. [20:18:52] I win. [20:19:02] * Eve_Kasnora sheaths her off-hand weapon and pushes the door open. [20:21:14] * Eilenia puts the coin away, in a very special pocket. This one has performed its duty admirably. [20:21:33] * Eilenia speaks a few words out power, and the coin glows with arcane light. [20:24:21] * The door opens to nothingness, nothing but thin air between you and the tower across from you. The lurch of vertigo is so intense that you hardly even notice the city below you. But as you do, you can hardly help but wonder what could have happened since you entered the tower? The world is dimmer, and Ivorgard lies in ruins. From below, you can hear the keening banshee wail of wind whipping through a dead city. There may be movement down there, but i [20:24:35] * but it's strange movement, alien to life. The air is thick, heavy, and hard to breathe, and you can feel yourself becoming drowsier, even as you scan the desolation, the urge to sleep forever nearly overpowering. [20:25:13] "what is this?" [20:25:16] ... I don't care for this place. [20:26:21] * Paera staggers away from the door. "What IS this?" [20:27:17] "Th.. this is not being the work of Ioun!" [20:28:05] * In the gap between towers, a form of dreary light coalesces. A man late in his years stands suspended in air, dressed in the robes of a heirarch of Ioun, his chest decorated with a number of badges, and, somewhat gruesomely, a bolt of liquid silver through his heart. [20:28:32] I bet I know whose work that is. [20:29:00] "I do not think I will kneel to this." [20:29:21] * "Our Lady's ways are mysterious to the initiated, templare." His voice is hollow, and does not sound as though it comes from him. [20:29:35] This place is the Shadowfell, where all souls go when they die. So what happens if someone dies here? [20:30:11] * Paera shivers again, looking at the priest. [20:30:24] * Eve_Kasnora rears back a bit at the apparition. [20:30:45] "You are not of the Maimed God, then." [20:31:26] * "Maimed though I am, no. [20:32:58] * Eve_Kasnora grips her grandfather's sword tighter, and summons forth as much light from it as she can, in defiance of the gloom. [20:33:41] "I seek her wisdom. I must know how to seal his remains." [20:35:15] * Eilenia looks herself and the others over. "Good news. None of us have any wounds consistent with sudden and unexpected death." [20:35:23] * The spectral priest eyes Xan, but doesn't address him. "That will be difficult." [20:35:41] "Anything worth doing is." [20:36:07] * Eve_Kasnora notices his eyes shift. [20:36:57] * Eve_Kasnora whispers to him under her breath. "Xan... I believe you have a unique opportunity to seek forgiveness." [20:37:40] * "Since I have passed on, I have developed a rather dim view of difficult tasks. I fear they may be responsible for our current trials." [20:44:23] "Your death... it was ordered by a mad eladrin noble set on colliding the worlds. He sacrificed himself to Vecna moments ago. Are you having *any* inkling of knowledge on what this might mean and how it might be stopped?" [20:48:03] "You have my apologies for being the source of this transgression." [20:48:40] * "I might. It has become difficult to remember what happened before. Moreover, I am not sure I trust you, as you travel with my murderer, and carry the body of the eladrin who ordered my death into my temple. If you will do a service to the lady, to prove you do not wish to bury her light further, I will retire to the libraries and see what can be learned." [20:51:39] "I will absolutely do that for you. It is the least I can be doing." [20:51:59] * Xan ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [20:56:40] * The priest nods. "Very well. In the catacombs under the city, cultists of Orcus are plotting against the Raven Queen. Ordinarily, we leave each other alone, but they have stolen a relic from my temple, and have captured a worshipper, who has become very important to me in my current state. If you can liberate both, before they are each consumed, I will help you." [20:57:22] * "If you cannot, I would appreciate that you did not darken the doorstep of my temple with murderers and the murdered again. I hope, though, that we can be of use to each other." [20:57:46] Of course. [20:58:07] * Paera mutters "Technically, it was a suicide." quietly. [20:58:12] "I am apologizing for bringing him with me. I was wanting to show proof of his demise." [20:58:41] "But...Orcus? Really?" [20:58:47] * Eve_Kasnora shakes her head. [20:58:54] "I am needing a vacation." [20:59:24] * Eve_Kasnora looks to Elena. "I am not supposing you are having some where of putting him?" [21:00:06] We could divide him up for easier storage. [21:00:34] * Eve_Kasnora stares at Elena nonplussed. [21:00:54] Or leave him in the temple. [21:00:57] * The priest nods. "I wish to rest as well, templar. Perhaps we both can, if we are able to help each other." [21:01:21] * Paera STARES at Elena, eyes wide. [21:02:00] Oh! I suppose that would be messy. [21:02:01] "I will not rest while you are unable to do so." [21:02:31] "Is there... a way back to the city? The normal one." [21:03:19] * "It is not unlikely. Unfortunately, I am bound here, and only able to perceive the world in the barest of ways." [21:05:57] * Eve_Kasnora nods and turns back to the group. [21:06:06] "Lets be finding a portal then." [21:06:52] "We must be moving quickly. There is no telling how long the worshiper is being held prisoner." [21:07:15] Very quickly. [21:07:21] * Eve_Kasnora clings to her fiercly glowing sword, hefting the dead eladrin on her opposite shoulder, and makes her way back down the stairs. [21:07:26] * Paera nods. "Right." [21:07:59] * And so, our heroes set off to prove to a beligerant ghost that they weren't a band of miscreants. [21:08:04] [Session end] [21:08:13] * Paera is now known as Yon [21:08:25] [Unless people want to roleplay some more, but I'm tapped out for now] [21:08:40] * Eve_Kasnora is now known as NovaSeaker [21:09:01] * Eilenia is now known as Demota [21:10:15] * Xan ( has joined #Odal [21:10:27] * Xan is now known as Mechazawa End of #Odal buffer Mon Aug 17 21:12:43 2009