Start of #Exalted buffer: Thu Aug 27 13:53:25 2009 [17:30:18] Get IC, guys. I'm gonna go downstairs to feed the cat then we'll start [17:30:30] * Demota is now known as Eilenia [17:30:31] * Mechazawa is now known as Xan [17:30:47] * Eilenia is now known as Demota [17:30:51] * Demota is now known as Aurora [17:30:57] * Aurora is now known as Eilenia [17:31:02] Okay, that's odd. [17:31:20] ? [17:31:22] The whowas said "There was no such nickname" until I nicked into it. [17:31:52] It gave me the usual registration issue, then when I nicked bakc, the whowas said I was the last user [17:32:16] Actually, I don't know if I wanna go downstairs. It's creepy down there, and the cat still has food left [17:32:35] Wah [17:32:43] semi-perfect timing to wake up from nap [17:32:50] I should probably give her her evening medicine, but my mother never does, soooooo. [17:32:53] Gonna whip up my dinner [17:35:47] Get in chat and get IC, Yon, and then we're just waiting on Nova (and maybe Matt if he shows up) [17:36:03] * Yon is now known as Paera [17:36:52] Cha: What's downstairs? [17:37:16] The unfinished basement [17:37:27] It generally feels really creepy and oppressive after dark [17:39:14] Oh [17:39:15] Oh [17:39:22] * MattyQ is now known as Plow [17:39:30] Oh jeez [17:39:37] I just realized I need to re-do Plow's sheet again [17:41:11] Oh wow, Issue 16 is in open beta and power customization looks PRETTY AS FUCK [17:41:46] ooh [17:41:58] We're level 5 now? [17:42:21] Yeah [17:42:50] I'll probably be a couple minutes, but I'm here, just updating. [17:43:12] * NovaSeaker is now known as Eve_Kasnora [17:43:29] Yey! Matt's here :D [17:43:45] Is he now [17:44:29] Maybe I'm just dreaming of him... again. ._. [17:44:41] * Plow is only a dream. [17:44:58] Oh, Nova, I'm sedning Eureka 7 to Cha and he is watching it [17:44:59] :toot; [17:45:01] Wait I thought that was Eve. [17:46:31] Yay. Watch all that. [17:46:33] THen Xam'd. [17:46:35] No. [17:46:38] Both at the same time! [17:47:03] It's probably going to take me a few months, since I'm watching 2 every day the Daily Show isn't on [17:47:19] And last time Dem tried to get me to watch it he sent me approximately four hundred goddamn episodes [17:47:44] Oh yeah, I nee dto fix the party GP because Elena paid for stuff she was supposed to get free [17:48:24] Oh? [17:48:38] SAK, SPellbook, Longsword, 5 daggers.... [17:48:48] Wait, spellbook is free. [17:49:03] We did an equipment reset too, neh? [17:49:08] 15 for the SAK, 15 GP for the longsword, 5 for the daggers. [17:49:09] Yeah [17:49:11] Kay. [17:49:37] SAK? [17:49:49] Standard Adventurers Kit [17:50:15] Give me a bit, I gotta update the party log [17:50:38] It hasn't been updated since session 29 [17:53:03] Ugh, back, sorry. [17:53:41] re [17:55:19] :downs: I somehow didn't realize we were staying in the Shadowfell somehow. [17:55:47] We're not staying [17:55:55] We're trying to find a way out quickly [17:57:11] Eve needs to find an alchemist to make her some medieval Xanex [17:57:20] I like the idea of Paera being scared that Eve will be, like, washed away in the SHadowfell. [17:57:28] Haha [17:57:51] I want to use the plane's psychological effects at least the first time I go there. [17:57:57] haha [17:59:39] Our cash situation. [17:59:43] 1230 GP between all of us [18:00:52] Did you add on mine? [18:00:58] Does that including having bought the provisions basket? [18:01:00] We have 400 gp in ritual components, and 1 Potion of Healing which we should give to someone. Minor action to drink, restores 10 HP. [18:01:21] No, but I THINK there was one in COldheart's stuff [18:01:25] You got the basket for free [18:01:28] So just to clarify, we're in the Shadowfell, but the people we're after are in the real world? [18:01:33] Oh cool [18:01:52] Aah, okay [18:01:53] I think so [18:02:07] Our art objects are: [18:02:11] The cult to orcus was situated beneath the city in the world [18:02:14] What's the GT address, again? [18:02:21] Trying to identify it. perception? [18:02:21] Four human- it's in the channel topic [18:03:02] Rusty: Probably, just roll it [18:03:19] Four human skulls covered in gold, a book of eladrin erotica, "wahtever books and convenience items are in coldheart's tent", a silk robe and a gold ring with a ruby setting with an inscription in elven from a female noble, a series of finely bound books, and a horse. [18:04:03] We're level 5, eh? [18:04:05] Yeah [18:04:24] The figure's too small to be human. [18:04:29] Maybe a halfling, or a gnome [18:04:39] (or a dark one) [18:04:41] 1d20+11 [18:04:41] Xan rolls 1D20+11: 1 +11 = 12 [18:04:43] :/ [18:04:48] (*coughmetagamingcoughcough* sorry) [18:05:00] Man you have NO idea what that thing is [18:05:38] It was a giant hippo. [18:05:43] With a rubber duckie. [18:05:45] I forget, what were the Elemental Chaos and Astral Sea's mental effects? [18:05:50] hahaha [18:05:55] I SEE DRAGONS! [18:05:57] * Darkheart ( Quit (Quit: Client Exited) [18:05:59] DRAGONS EVERYWHERE! [18:06:08] The Astral Sea makes things make more sense, or at least appear to [18:06:11] I forget the Chaos [18:06:11] * Plow (mattyqwill@ has left #Exalted [18:06:15] * Plow (mattyqwill@ has joined #Exalted [18:08:02] Dude, if you die in the Shadowfell, YOU DIE IN REAL LIFE! [18:08:08] @_@ [18:09:44] " "Native species to overtly hostile planes are some of the most beautiful creatures in the multiverse." Xan has a thing for Shadar-kai chicks, doesn't he? [18:10:04] At least he's not talking about Wildren [18:10:32] Did you mean Wildren or Wilden? [18:10:32] No, he was talking about wildlife in general [18:10:37] Wildren [18:10:41] Cause Wildren are even WORSE than wilden. [18:10:46] They are much worse [18:10:52] much much worse [18:10:57] *shudder* [18:12:41] * NovaSeaker ( has joined #Exalted [18:12:51] re [18:12:56] re [18:13:01] Do we need to roll to ID them? [18:13:27] Slick black tower eh? That's what she said. [18:14:02] * Eve_Kasnora ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [18:14:28] You guys should be careful with the tower. I hear once you climb it, you can *never go back* :( [18:14:53] Oh fuck, I just realized what this is. [18:15:03] 1d20+10 [18:15:04] Xan rolls 1D20+10: 20 +10 = 30 [18:15:09] Thats my stealth check. [18:15:18] * Charles nods [18:15:19] Pale humanoids. [18:15:26] Tattoos. [18:15:32] What does Eve normally do? [18:15:36] Men [18:15:36] Black tower THRUSTING into the heavens. [18:15:40] Thayans? [18:15:43] Blunder in and provide dis- AHAHAHAHA [18:15:43] We've found... [18:15:48] THE SEAT OF KRAUSER'S POWER [18:15:50] Get into fights and yell about Bahamut. :| [18:15:52] Aahhahahah [18:15:59] hahahahahahahaha [18:16:01] yep. Distraction [18:16:24] I'm just not certain a fight is needed here [18:16:30] * NovaSeaker is now known as Eve_Kasnora [18:16:34] Changing the font to Arial. [18:16:50] I'm almost certain that stealth roll will get me into a good sniping perch [18:18:28] GT ip? [18:19:08] It's in the channel topic [18:19:17] Is everyone hiding, or are Eve and Eilenia still standing out in the open? [18:19:23] Whose is it? [18:19:33] Nice boat. [18:20:01] Sweet dude [18:20:03] hehe [18:20:07] Could you make the small ones? [18:20:11] I'm gonna try hiding [18:20:14] Eve is approaching in the opening [18:20:25] Oh. Oh yeah. Charles. [18:20:26] [18:20:27] What do you think [18:20:32] Yeah, I'll give it a shot [18:20:49] You want all the ones from Stormwrack? [18:20:51] I added a table of contents (unnumbered), changed the font, and added hierarchical markers [18:20:53] Yeah [18:20:56] Definitely do [18:20:57] Even the Theurgeme? [18:21:21] What do you think? [18:21:33] Yep, even that one. [18:21:43] I'm running a pirate ship graveyard in my rt game [18:21:54] cool [18:22:26] And I'm also in an online naval campaign [18:23:08] dem: Looks good [18:23:37] I realized that alchemy and rituals might be a good thing to mark, so everyone can see what's at our disposal [18:24:38] Yeah, that's pretty nice, Dem. [18:25:07] Dammit. First time Eve's hit on and it's by a nasty tattooed freak. [18:25:20] Dem: Great list [18:25:25] Are we free to edit it? [18:25:56] You are, yeah. It's the same Odal's Fen party log I had for a while. [18:26:07] Nova: When you said you wanted more people to hit on you, you said nothing of quality. :| [18:26:11] I just redid the fonts and created headers [18:26:11] haha [18:26:36] heh [18:26:44] Well... at least he's a wizard. [18:26:47] I think. [18:27:04] No Eve nooooo. He's a Shadar-kai. Think of the diseases. [18:27:10] You just think that because he's wearing a robe. CLASSIST [18:27:12] But he's not all weak and frail and needing Eve to take care of him. :V [18:27:15] Also, Shadowfell. Not in the mood, probably. [18:27:39] I somehow read "Classist" as "Classiest" :\ [18:27:43] (Eve likes moemoe wizards.) [18:27:45] :| even [18:28:39] As for Eve not being in the mood... she hasn't had sex in years. [18:28:49] I hear that for non-virgins, that's quite annoying. [18:29:06] Hahahaahahahaha [18:29:16] hahahhahahahaha [18:29:56] :( [18:31:23] Did we have any clues at all about finding this acolyte? [18:31:59] Nope! [18:32:42] Is it wron gthat I imagine that guy looking like Gob now? [18:32:54] Hahaha [18:32:58] Ahahaahahahah [18:33:10] With extra special emphasis put on "illusions" [18:33:16] my illLUUUUsions [18:33:37] Gob? [18:34:00] Arrested Development [18:34:05] ah [18:34:09] Remind me to send you episodes sometime. [18:34:14] Unless you're willing to rent or buy the DVDs [18:34:48] Probably the best sitcom in a long time [18:35:20] Yeah [18:35:33] Xan's probably wondering why Eve isn't screaming and swinging her swords and people's heads yet. [18:35:50] Shadowfell [18:35:55] It kills emotion. [18:36:20] Xan's probably wondering why Eve isn't moping and swinging her swords and people's heads yet. [18:36:39] Totally [18:36:44] BRB, I need to relocate. [18:36:57] * Xan ( Quit (Quit: I am not ignorant, I am intelligent. I'm not an ape, I am the way, I am the truth. I am religion, I am politics, I am a psychoanalyst, I'm an inkblot shaped like Zeus) [18:41:27] aaaaaaaahahahah [18:41:29] [18:42:24] Elena hates this plaaaace. [18:42:30] Did Elena just die? [18:42:35] nah. [18:42:44] If she closes her eyes, maybe she won't see how bad this place is [18:44:02] ...socialist fire fighters? :psyduck: [18:44:14] ...wha the crap? [18:44:26] Hahhahahha [18:45:04] SOCIALISM! [18:45:15] I love how they keep all-capsing it. [18:45:34] I imagine them saying it the way the Powerthirst guy says KENYANS [18:46:05] when did Obama become a nazi? [18:46:11] hahahha [18:49:16] haha [18:54:25] I kind of think that I should implement Knowledge: What Is Going On and make everyone trained in it, so I can have you guys make checks when I'm not sure anyone knows what's up. :( [18:55:04] Here's how I see it [18:55:11] We're trying to find an acolyte, who has a relic [18:55:17] We've found a settlement. [18:55:18] Right [18:55:23] And acolyte is in the World. [18:55:27] Is he? [18:55:31] We need to get back to the World. [18:55:32] Because I don't know where we got that idea [18:55:38] I don't recall that ever actually being said [18:55:50] Yeah. I assumed that he'd be here in the Shadowfell [18:55:51] Now I'm extra confused. [18:55:54] The priest sad the orcus cult was beneath the city [18:56:02] said*I [18:56:06] -l [18:56:11] The city stretches across all three planes, doens't it? [18:56:29] I kind of thought Eve's drive to get back to the world being a "Fuck that shitty-ass priest! I'm gonna find my own way to obfuscate the eye of Vecna!" thing. :| [18:56:32] Well I figured he meant the wolrd city. [18:56:52] since why would the acolyte be in the shadowfell city? [18:57:00] I thought this all happened before he died. [18:57:08] Why would this have happened before he died? [18:57:16] :psypop: [18:57:22] Because everyone fled when Xan killed the priest. [18:57:23] The city didn't split into three planes until after the guy was killed. [18:57:28] Did they? [18:57:29] Exactly [18:57:29] Maybe this argument should happen in-character [18:57:35] Which Is why I thought the cult was in the World. [18:58:03] Cause the city didn't split yet [18:58:12] ... I don't know anymore. :/ [18:58:45] Nova: The World is reflected in the Shadowfell and Feywild at all times [18:59:01] Yeah but not people [18:59:06] What's unique about this situation is largely that the barriers are blurred, not that there are versions of cities on the three planes [18:59:34] yeah [18:59:45] That has nothing to do with why I assumed the cult was in the world [18:59:50] I'm just confused now [19:01:26] Clearly the solution is to follow Pyramid Head. :| [19:02:17] The reason Eve was exiled from Tsarovgorov was that she raped and murdered her husband after she found out he had cancer. :( [19:03:06] what [19:03:34] Is.. is that what really happened in Silent Hill 2? [19:03:37] @_@ [19:04:09] I did not know about the rape part. [19:04:18] Well, the rape is questionable, but James is basically the shittiest human [19:04:44] I know it's confirmed he killed his wife because he didn't want to have sex with her, and he had an affair with a nurse while visiting her [19:05:18] * Xan ( has joined #Exalted [19:06:05] [19:06:28] I like "killed his wife because he didn't want to have sex with her" [19:06:46] Yeah. [19:06:52] Sorry [19:06:54] I mean, I guess it's faster than getting a divorce@! [19:07:13] Hahahahhaha, I love this entire page [19:07:14] I wonder who else James kille dbecuase he didn't want to have sex with them [19:08:08] Hahah [19:08:21] Hahahahahahahahah [19:08:23] Man, that'd be the weirdest serial killer MO ever [19:08:44] Because the police would have to profile who the killer deemed entirely sexually unattractive [19:09:03] And approach potential victims and be all "Ma'am, we have reason to believe you may be a disgusting heiffer" [19:09:08] hahahahah [19:09:14] Hahahahahhah [19:11:01] de/july09/ff3_2.gif [19:11:02] Steve: Uh... [19:11:02] Zack: There is nothing that is not stupid about this thing. It's sort of making me mad. [19:11:02] Steve: I think it's like, sort of like a puzzle monster, I guess? Like the instinct would be to fight it and pry the gem off its head, but it doesn't want to fight, and if you pry the gem up it's worthless. [19:11:02] Zack: Oh, and by the way, it can will itself to die and has no fear or conception of death even though it has roughly human intelligence. [19:11:02] Steve: But it might just walk up and say, "Hey, guys, this gem on my face is worth 500 gold pieces." [19:11:02] Zack: What sort of life does a piece of shit like this make for itself in the D&D world? Is there a crude society of these useless fuckers just jabbering telepathically and admiring gems and casually dying because they don't give a fuck? [19:11:06] Ahahahahahah Elena [19:11:18] Hahahhahah [19:11:30] I can't believe you managed to work that in. [19:11:49] Steve: We've done enough of these that you should know the answer to the why: wizards. Created by wizards for wizardly reasons. [19:11:49] Zack: Man, fuck wizards! [19:11:49] Steve: Dude, I am with you 100%. Wizards are the pits. [19:11:49] Zack: Yep, my head gem is worth a fortune. Sure, I'll climb into that fucking basket. Go ahead and close the top. Oh, well, fuck my life. [19:11:49] Steve: It would be annoying if you had one of these as a pet and you forgot to feed him. He would just feel hungry and then die because he was hungry. [19:11:56] work what in? [19:12:11] Four balls on the edge of a cliff [19:12:19] ? [19:13:15] You know, I really love it when a character can somehow work in something LOL INTERNET like that and have it be in character and at least semi-relevant. [19:13:28] (like Phanos dropping a Chuck Norris joke) [19:13:37] When did he drop a Chuck Norris joke? [19:13:56] [19:14:07] After Loharath died, he paraphrased "Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer. Unfortunately Chuck Norris has never cried." [19:14:13] hahaha [19:14:23] Did I? [19:14:29] Wow. [19:14:36] I totally don't remember that. [19:16:08] hahaha [19:16:48] Yeah, I was reading the logs of the last few sessions to refresh myself, and Phanos says something like "Dat man, his tears could cure the plague. But dat man, he never cry." (I totally cannot do Phanos' accent.) [19:17:10] an someone recap me here? [19:17:38] I don't even really consciously apply that. [19:17:39] Eve has a low Arcana skill, and Elena has a high Arcana score. >:( [19:18:27] I'll be right back, I need to run to the store quickly before it closes. [19:18:37] GOod luck [19:18:45] Long story, we found a tower of people. [19:18:58] Eve didn't ask them about the Acolyte because she assumed the Acolyte was in the world [19:19:59] I can't think of an explanation for needing a door there. [19:25:47] Is Eve going to respond? :( [19:26:21] sorry I'm gawking at Steampunk [19:27:04] At what? [19:30:25] -> [#Exalted] PING [19:30:39] elena takes the initiative again [19:35:09] ... hurr. Probably the temple we just went throuhg [19:36:51] That's okay [19:36:57] It's an Elena question to ask [19:37:07] i guess [19:37:17] Everyone's gone quiet and I'm feeling pretty discouraged. [19:37:33] Back, sorry about that [19:38:20] re [19:39:15] I'm just letting someone else do the npc talky for a little. [19:39:23] I feel like I do most of it [19:39:29] * Eilenia nods [19:41:17] How deep is the water? [19:43:00] About ten feet deep, but the catacomb might go deeper [19:43:11] Tunenl to the catacombs, rather [19:45:18] An athletics check from everyone swimming through the tunnels [19:46:28] 1d20+1 [19:46:29] Eilenia rolls 1D20+1: 16 +1 = 17 [19:46:42] BUT THE FUTURE REFUSED TO CHANGE [19:46:57] 1d20 [19:46:57] Paera rolls 1D20: 6 [19:47:05] I'll roll in a sec [19:47:08] wow, I haven;t open my character sheet yet >_>; [19:47:23] sorry [19:47:48] 1d20+9 [19:47:48] Xan rolls 1D20+9: 5 +9 = 14 [19:48:33] 1d20+11 [19:48:33] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+11: 5 +11 = 16 [19:48:39] :gonk: [19:49:33] Fun fact: Scale armor provides no penalty to any skill checks [19:50:06] Oh jesus Paera's going to drown :( [19:50:08] Except for bluff checks to convince people you're not wearing scale armor. :| [19:50:13] I just noticed her 6 [19:50:19] * Plow (mattyqwill@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited) [19:50:28] Plow :( [19:50:29] I think we lost Matt :/ [19:50:38] He hadn't actually said anything all night [19:50:43] yeah. [19:50:58] He probably passed out [19:52:55] I just realized that this is yet ANOTHER time Paera has had trouble with water. :V [19:53:29] What was the other time? [19:53:50] The boat, after Harborhead. [19:54:17] She spent the entire trip being noisily ill. :V [19:54:41] haha [19:54:49] Hahha [19:54:51] Aahahah [19:54:51] [19:55:02] Steve: Atlas Shrugged Man and that giant tapeworm are forming a gang with Ogremoch. [19:55:02] Zack: They'd better watch out or that caveman and his wolf are going to get them! [19:55:02] Steve: I have gotta admit, I love D&D but this guy sort of sucks. [19:55:02] Zack: Sort of? Look at that fucking thing and tell me that isn't contempt for the people buying the book. They might as well draw a smiley face and give it a thousand hit points and call it Tough Battler, King of the Evil Attackers. [19:55:02] Steve: I think Keith used Tough Battler in one of his campaigns. [19:55:02] Zack: He does infinity d8s in damage. [19:55:24] hahahahahaha [19:55:33] Hahahahaha [19:56:09] There'sa huge question mark on Gametable [19:56:16] Oh, it's gone [19:56:37] was me, sorry [19:57:04] Wanted to see that map underlay someone had of four buildings on corners of an intersection [19:57:37] My theory is that tiefling inner fire is extinguished by water. [19:57:39] :| [19:58:33] haha [19:58:39] Hahahah [19:58:39] I think Eve talks because Paera's shy, Elena is nuts, and Xan is quiet. [19:58:43] And Plow is never here. [19:58:48] Heh [19:58:59] I probably shouldn't be mad at Matt again. I feel bad every time I feel that way. :/ [19:59:07] Well, not mad, but annoyed. [19:59:10] He's a good person [19:59:14] But Eve is an emotional screaming bitch. Why is she better than Elena? [19:59:27] I don't know. [19:59:35] I think it's the issue of "Eve takes the front" in my mind. [20:00:19] She's only a defender in combat. It's not her job to defend you aspies from social situations. :colbert: [20:00:38] Also I've been trying to get a handle on Paera's character for five levels now. :( [20:00:56] heh [20:01:14] I liked when she was all "FUCK YEAH!" *covers mouth in shock* [20:01:30] Yon: Yeah, Eve's been trying to get a handle on Paera too [20:01:36] Why is Xan smiling at Eve? [20:01:44] Creepy fucking gith >_> [20:02:01] * Xan ( has left #Exalted [20:02:10] * Xan ( has joined #Exalted [20:03:15] Dem: That line doesn't quite work if you don't add a :} [20:03:28] Yon: Yeah, Eve's been trying to get a handle on Paera too. :} [20:04:26] Oh fucking DAMMIT. quote: [20:04:26] Would it be possible to play a Sin-Eater whose death was the result of a miscarriage, or abortion? I was considering it, and a late-term miscarriage fits everything. Most of the capabilities for thought are there in the last month before birth, and it does have that horror effect. [20:04:28] hahahaha [20:04:44] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [20:04:49] Was that in grognards? [20:04:49] :aaaaaa: [20:05:00] Yes, it was. [20:05:35] I think knowing that guy has that horror effect. [20:05:35] There's more in the post but it's a wall of text that I'm not c+ping. (and I can't tell if it's a fakepost or just WW fans being creepy and pretentious) [20:06:56] Actually, he didn't stealth. [20:07:13] He entered this time boldly. [20:07:28] oh [20:07:36] Why was he smiling at Eve? [20:07:44] How do you enter boldly without arms? Well I guess they did it in MGS4. :V [20:07:46] Xan smiling is creepy >_>;; [20:07:56] I think you're the only one who's played that game. :( [20:08:04] I haven't [20:08:50] aaaaaaaaa zombies [20:08:53] I haven't [20:08:57] Anyone have a 19-20 crit? :( [20:08:59] hahahahaha [20:09:06] No :/ [20:09:11] But! [20:09:18] FUCKTONS of radiant damage :D [20:09:19] But you can roll twice? [20:09:20] heh [20:09:33] Let's fuck up some zombies. [20:09:38] All of my attacks are radiant. Thanks grand-pappy :D [20:09:45] Ahahaha [20:09:51] Elena used to have a Radiant attack. :( [20:09:59] awwwww [20:10:00] Hahahaha [20:10:00] He's also got a giant orb of liquid silver hovering in front of him. [20:10:05] Rusty, seriously, why was Xan smiling at Eve :( [20:10:24] Finally, a chance to use Turn Undead! [20:10:33] aahahahahahahahaha [20:10:36] Because he's employing her tactics this time. [20:10:40] And lasers. Oh, so many lasers. [20:10:41] He finds it amusing. [20:10:44] Ah [20:10:54] Yon: I thought Elena was gonna be the one to Death Knight eve. :( [20:10:57] But eve wouldnt know that:) [20:11:06] .... [20:11:21] Elena's going to whatnow? [20:11:46] Turn Undead. :V [20:11:52] And also, he sort of knew that smiling at her would be misinterpreted. [20:12:03] So in a way, he did it just to fuck with her. [20:12:06] pg haha [20:12:20] I'm super tired, see you guys tomorrow End of #Exalted buffer Thu Aug 27 13:53:25 2009