Session Start: Mon Dec 28 00:00:00 2009 Session Ident: #Exalted [17:52:51] Heya Ran 01[17:53:06] Oh, wow. Okay 01[17:53:11] Castlevania Rebirth is out on Wiiware. 01[17:53:11] 01[17:53:16] And the skeleton sprites are NEW. [17:53:23] Where you been? We had to suspiciously ignore Otto's absence the last few sessions. You missed Eve going Shadow of the Colossus on a slowly-animating Orcus statue. [17:53:32] :O [17:53:53] (And almost dying. Her pink circle ran out.) [17:55:05] Well, I had the logs, but, yeah. There was a disorder with my schedules, and a confusion to the day time [17:55:10] Game day* 06[17:55:12] * Eilenia nods [17:55:23] So, yeah, some mixups. Sorry about that 01[17:55:31] Mail me at if you can't get on IRC and you've got questions [17:55:55] I think we may assume, to explain for Otto's absence, that he went off the shadowfell to escort the prisoners back safely. 01[17:56:24] Sounds good [17:58:15] Man, Shattered Memories is a sad game. I don't really understand all of it, and it might have been the choices I made, but the game just feels really melancholy. 01[17:58:31] Finished it? 01[17:58:36] Well, your first run through, anyway [17:58:43] Yeah 01[17:58:56] Any places you suspect things could have gone differently? [17:59:42] Well, apparently the first test you take HEAVILY weights the endings [17:59:43] Yeah, I think we mentioned as such in-character 06[17:59:49] * Eilenia nods 01[17:59:59] Now hosting gametable [18:00:08] That Otto went to escort the first wave of freed prisoners back to the worldly necropolis while the party stayed behind to deal with the demonic ritual [18:00:09] I think that the ending I got was really influenced by me answering honestly, though. It just kind of felt appropriate [18:02:20] Well, that's convinient 01[18:02:27] Haha 01[18:09:09] Hopped into channel 03[18:10:52] * Ranakel is now known as Ottonius 03[18:10:58] * Kentaro is now known as Charles [18:11:00] Followin' 03[18:11:06] * Yon is now known as Paera 03[18:11:21] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Charles 03[18:11:55] * Eilenia is now known as Demota 03[18:11:58] * Demota is now known as Eilenia 01[18:12:02] Out [18:13:55] It seemed the solution was for motherfuckers to vacate. 01[18:14:10] Returning [18:14:10] It probably realized you were getting into channel unbidden and before your time. >:( [18:14:39] How perceptive 03[18:14:40] * NovaSeaker is now known as Eve_Kasnora 01[18:20:22] Oh, I was waitng for that. :( [18:20:33] I keep forgetting to wait for it :( [18:21:14] Cause I've gotten in the habit of typing all my intro text and the session start tag in notepad, and pasting it all at once [18:21:50] Preparation's for faggots! I'm the best! :jecht: [18:24:04] hahaha [18:26:20] (I've been watching a playthrough of Final Fantasy X, and Jecht is incredible) [18:26:41] haha [18:26:46] Yeah he's a huge douche 01[18:27:18] I should REALLY watch that 01[18:27:33] I still love this [18:27:45] He's a lovable douche [18:28:26] Jecht is SUCH a huge douche he's incredible [18:28:26] hahahaha [18:28:57] I still love Jecht in the peanut gallery in the final boss fight of X-2. [18:29:01] Wasn't Tidus's mom also too enamored with Jecht to care about Tidus at all? [18:29:02] Any guy who tells his five year old son that he's worthless and that he'll never be as good as he is is a pretty awesome guy, even if he's a total asshole 01[18:29:29] hahah [18:29:30] Well, Tidus was a whiny bitch, and Jecht was the best. [18:29:46] So I think if Tidus's mom felt that way, it's totally understandable 01[18:29:46] Nova's dad is Jecht in my mind [18:30:33] I think the fact is, first, Jecht had a cool design. Second, Tidus was a whiney bitch and Jecht told him what the player wanted to tell him: to just shut the fuck up. The fact it is most likely his fault that his son is messed up like that is merely secondary [18:30:38] My dad never called me worthless to my face. [18:30:51] Just keep going! Don't panic! You can win this! OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK PANIC PANIC PANIC 01[18:31:10] hahahahaha [18:31:55] Unfortunately, I don't think I ever heard any of that. [18:32:25] I was aiming for a perfect percentage my first run through, so I did EVERYTHING and then wiped the floor with the last boss fight. 01[18:32:27] HOw'd we get into the FEywild again? :( [18:32:42] unstable breaches in the planar fabric [18:33:14] I'm pretty sure you would've heard it, since I'm 100% positive that the peanut gallery comments are scripted. [18:33:46] I've done the final boss fight two or three times and the "Don't panic!" "FUCKING PANIC!" lines happened each time at exactly the same moment [18:36:20] haha [18:36:31] It's been a while, I probably just forgot [18:37:07] Wait, Dem, you're just wandering off? [18:37:24] Like, looking for someone who might know something about getting to the Feywild? 01[18:37:32] Well, just looking for someone to pass that message onto the feywild side of things. 01[18:37:43] We prooobably don't have the time to finagle another trip there. 01[18:38:59] I'm okay with just handwaving it [18:40:08] I'm just saying that's a TERRIBLE idea [18:40:37] Like, the planes are healed, but the city's still kind of a shithole, because all kinds of stuff probably got trapped here. It's just that nothing new is coming through 01[18:41:05] aah. 01[18:41:06] True [18:44:33] Oh, Dem, Shattered Memories has a UFO Ending and a Dog Ending [18:44:37] And they're the *same ending* 01[18:44:58] hahahhahah, YES. 01[18:45:08] The Dog Ending needed to come back after SH2 [18:45:33] Holy shit yes 01[18:45:39] God, I want that game. Hm. [18:45:43] It also has James show up. 01[18:45:45] I still have some cahs on the Amazon gift card. 01[18:45:49] Oh god, does he hold the board? 01[18:45:52] Please tell me he holds the board [18:46:19] Nope. He just bursts into the therapist's office, and Doctor Kaufman tells him it's the wrong day for couples therapy. [18:46:32] (And then Kaufman remarks that he hasn't seem James' wife in a while) 01[18:46:42] hahhahahahah [18:47:03] Aaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha 01[18:47:18] Does James have the same old VA? 01[18:47:40] I wonder how long "a while" is. [18:47:41] Eve is going to be horribly mangling the name of Harborside, becuase it's been months since she's thought about it, just like me, and has forgotten what it's called. Just like me 01[18:49:13] Gaiman on Cthulhu [18:49:21] hahaha... [18:49:55] The voice actor sounds the same, yeah [18:50:04] I just remembered that one time Charle's compared something to a bear, and we all just went "What the fuck's a bear?!" after rolling shitty un-asked-for nature checks. 01[18:50:18] Awesome 01[18:50:22] hahaha [18:50:40] Neil Gaiman was doing a book signing in town here recently, I wish I'd gone. :( It sounded amazing [18:51:15] Aw man [18:52:36] Apparently he was kind of horrified at being in Winnipeg in December. That seems to be a running them. :V 01[18:52:53] hahha [18:53:00] I think my favorite part of the ending is when Kaufman is analyzing the dog, and she complains that her mom was a bitch. :V 01[18:54:17] hahahaha [18:54:19] Like every time I go to a concert in the winter, the band is like "WHAT THE FUCK YOU PEOPLE ARE INSANE WHY ARE YOU NOT HIDING IN YOUR HOMES IN THIS WEATHER" 01[18:54:20] It's a girl? 01[18:54:24] I figured that the dog was a guy [18:54:32] Ran: I really just guessed cause Otto's all about the light and shining the way to brightness [18:54:38] Yeah, the dog's female. It was given a girl's name in Origins, IIRC [18:54:52] You know, I kinda wonder if, like, there were two distinct development phases in Shattered Memories. Because, like, everything 'before' the high school seems different than the stuff after it 01[18:54:54] huh [18:54:58] Oh, I know :') [18:55:16] The "how did you tell" was all the more funnier. Or so I think [18:55:21] heh [18:55:44] Before that point, it's a lot more horror oriented, with the terrible thing that happens to the girl in the shed in the woods, and the creepy hunting shack, and the really creepy scene when the nightmare world first happens [18:56:47] And after that, it sort of becomes more introspective and sad, and I'm pretty sure that the biggest changes were game-mandated, and not because of my playstyle [18:56:51] hahahahaha [18:56:55] nice, Dem 01[19:01:24] 01[19:02:17] [19:03:11] Ahahahahah YES 01[19:03:24] High School Girls looks like the worst show. D: [19:04:01] It's apparently really, really fucking gross, yes [19:04:04] ....that has to be photoshopped. 01[19:04:16] It's not 01[19:04:30] High School Girls is infamous for showing girls as like... terrible gross beings [19:04:42] ... ._. [19:05:52] Well, teenagers *are* the wretched of God's earth, because they are so horny and they smell so bad. [19:06:01] haha [19:06:20] Must... Resist... Urge to point... And yell "who the hell do you thing you are"... [19:06:51] He knows *exactly* who he is. :V [19:07:25] That's precisely what would make it so funny :') [19:08:10] I think if we return next time, and he doesn't give Elena a perfect fucking score, Eve is going to start shouting "WHO DO YOU THINK WE ARE?!" 01[19:08:46] [19:08:02] Also: [19:09:24] Aahahahahaha, I was just about to go "Needs more Batman under the piano" and then the image finished loading. [19:09:27] And Otto is gonna cheer her the fuck up, then suggest changing the grade system, the lowest possible grade being "abso-fucking-lutely awesome" [19:09:27] Oh, great. The only thing better than wandering vagabonds and grave-robbers are wandering vagabonds and grave robbers with a sense of entitlement. Disappointment-superlative. >:( [19:09:47] hahaha [19:09:52] :D 01[19:09:55] This is probably like, one of the highest grades he's ever given 01[19:10:02] Her "Tolerable" was pretty much unheard of. :V [19:10:11] Oh he's one of THOSE douches [19:10:32] He's teaching children how to tear apart and reweave reality on a fundamental level 01[19:10:35] Well, he's gotta keep wizards from getting a big head. [19:10:41] You don't want to teach wizards self-esteem. 01[19:10:42] And in his tower, on top of that [19:10:45] And Elena wants to set Eve up with him! Isn't it wonderful? 01[19:10:49] A mage MUST learn hubris. 01[19:11:16] Eve, I find you... smoldering-lukewarm. [19:11:58] I have an excuse for not liking him ! I'm half-sorcerer ! Sorcerers don't like wizard teachers ! [19:12:02] It's in the blood :o [19:12:26] Dem, do you have a link to this thread, assuming it's a Music Meister thread? 01[19:13:19] Let me ask Jesse [19:15:05] What the fuck's a lobster?! 01[19:15:19] hahha [19:15:27] Ahah [19:15:48] Have you seen it? It's probably from the far realm. D: 01[19:15:55] Jesse seems to be idle [19:16:08] 1d20+2 [19:16:09] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+2: 12 +2 = 14 01[19:16:34] [19:15:49] Got a link to that music meister thread? 01[19:16:34] [19:16:24] [19:16:44] THEY EAT SAND! [19:16:52] Hahaha [19:17:16] 1d20+2 [19:17:16] Ottonius rolls 1D20+2: 20 +2 = 22 [19:17:30] Oh, that reminds me. The whole 'drakes and behemoths might be related to dragons' thing combined with me wondering what the difference could possibly be between a lizardman and a dragonborn made me think: [19:17:36] In our world, all lizards might be dragonkin [19:17:52] oh? [19:18:08] Of course not ! Clawed lobsters comprise a family (Nephropidae, sometimes also Homaridae) of large marine crustaceans. Lobsters are economically important as seafood, forming the basis of a global industry that nets more than US$1 billion annually.[1] And yes, I'm so versed I actually say the wikipedia anchors orally. [19:18:16] Hhahaahhaha OCTAVE BLAST [19:18:54] Well, it sorta makes sense. More sense than having lizards and dragons be totally seperate in my mind [19:19:18] Plus I like the idea of, like, iguanas and skinks being the world's shittiest dragons [19:19:48] This is beautiful. 01[19:19:58] hahaha [19:20:05] Seen like that... [19:20:51] Bahahahahah 01[19:21:37] hee [19:21:56] Ahahaha [19:23:30] Holy shit, now THAT'S a crossover I wasn't expecting. 01[19:23:30] hahahah 01[19:23:42] What's the other guy? [19:24:19] That's Eddie from Brutal Legend [19:28:38] hehe [19:33:42] Hahahah "What is this place?" "It's a boat. It's like a car, but it goes on water. 01[19:33:49] hahaha 01[19:33:51] What's that from? [19:35:31] Shattered Memories 01[19:42:28] So, Eve's conception of the tming got corrected. :| [19:43:59] Yeah well, didn't really help much :V [19:44:19] I think it's interesting that Eve assumes that what he was researching had anything to do with defending Nerath. :V [19:44:37] yeah, that was on purpose :V [19:44:45] It's like if someone working for a car company died at Pearl Harbor, and someone was all "But he died defending his nation!" 01[19:44:59] Well, he's got fists, I guess. 01[19:45:02] HEre comes the midnight train [19:45:04] He died making humvees to supply to US Army, obviously. 01[19:45:04] Choo choo 01[19:45:21] CHo Choo cha boogie 01[19:45:29] There's no problem that I can't fix... with my fists. 01[19:46:06] God, I love the Doom comic [19:47:01] Anyss is just pissy and compensating because wizards aren't overpowered anymore. :V 01[19:47:32] They are if you really abuse Sleep and the orb. :V [19:49:26] Orbizards are totally imba, but he's a tomizard :( 01[19:49:34] :{ [19:50:37] It's mostly because he's been around long enough, especially in the War Against Ruin, that he has Opinions about people with power who think they're entitled to reward and praise for what they do. Like, in his mind, Nerath was lost by self-important gloryhounds. 06[19:50:47] * Eilenia nods [19:51:29] :') [19:51:30] So when Eve bursts into his home and starts going "PRAAAAAAIIIIIISE UUUUUUUUSSSSS" it's really just a lot of :picard: on his part. :V [19:51:38] hahaha 01[19:51:49] What about someone going IGNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE? [19:52:21] That's probably more helpful in wizardly training. :| [19:52:33] hahaha [19:52:51] Eve wasn't really looking for praise. She was just shocked at criticism. [19:53:08] "Late? LATE?! EVERYONE WAS SAVED! HOW IS THAT BEING LATE?!" 01[19:53:32] [19:53:38] Well, everyone except the people who got made into a giant statue made of meat. :| 01[19:54:00] Yeah, we were kinda slow there. 01[19:54:13] And also kinda slow in keeping COldheart interrogatable. [19:54:25] Paera doesn't care about the praise or lack thereof, she just doesn't like condescending pricks. :V 01[19:55:56] IGNOOOOOOOOORE MEEEEEEE [19:57:44] It's probably hard not to be a condescending prick when you're a hundred years old and you've seen a empire that covers maybe an eighth of the world crumble because people didn't know what the fuck, and then have a bunch of people burst into your home thinking they're hot shit because they saved one town. :| [19:58:11] Actually, probably more like a hundred and fifty, if he's showing his age as an eladrin [19:58:39] heh [19:58:42] He has a very strange conception of 'people thinking they're hot shit' is all I'm saying [19:59:21] 'Adequate' and 'hot shit' have a lot of overlap in Eladrin culture. :V [19:59:37] "You were late." "Excuse me? Late? Who are you to judge us?" "I'm not the late one, am I?" [20:00:04] (They're people who choose to live in ruins rather than rebuild their cities. Eladrin kind of have a dim view of achievement as a race, I imagine) [20:00:38] heh [20:01:27] I also remember Eve objecting to the "Tolerable" grade, so I was ready to continue the running gag where Eve doesn't understand Eladrin grading systems. [20:01:34] The typical Eladrin reaction to something is probably 'If you can't do it perfectly, why bother doing it at all'? [20:01:37] Hahah 01[20:02:22] Well, they ARE reweaving reality. [20:02:53] Yeah. And even the average eladrin has, like, well over a century to become proficient at whatever they aim to do [20:02:55] As far as Eve can tell, Elena has not failed in anything. [20:03:23] It probably comes down to differing cultural expectations of success. [20:03:35] She's been a highly capable team member, and has been forced to cast spells when treatened in combat, something she sincerely doubts Anyss is capable of. [20:03:35] For humans, if you manage to finish doing something and you're not dead, hooray! [20:04:03] I thought cowardly wizards *was* one of Eve's kinks. :V 01[20:04:07] Yeah [20:04:10] No, no [20:04:22] Earnest, fumbling wizards is one of her kinks. [20:04:40] She just wants to take care of them :3 [20:05:22] Hahaha [20:05:46] But, like, human success is probably measured by 'was I able to end up in a better position than I was in before' [20:06:17] While Eladrin success is measured up to tens of thousands of years of Eladrin accomplishments beforehand. They're a race that's used to, and accepting of, failure. [20:06:50] Which is why they do stuff like live in ruins built by their great^20 grandparents instead of building new structures [20:06:51] Yeah [20:07:34] (Orc success is measured on the three-tiered scale of 'You are HUGE' 'That means you have HUGE GUTS', and 'RIP AND TEAR'.) 01[20:09:31] hahhah [20:09:34] hahaha [20:10:27] Amazing how they managed to turn that into "You are HUGELY CIVIL!" "That means your CITIES HAVE HUGE GUT-LIKE INFRASTRUCTURES" and "RIP AND TEAR NEW LAND FOR EXPANSION!" 01[20:12:24] ... oh god. That's... oh god. 01[20:12:38] Some European news station talking about the discovery of Cao Cao's tomb. 01[20:12:48] Except they pronounce it "jiao jiao". 01[20:12:55] My parents can't stop laughing. [20:12:58] Hahahahaha wow 01[20:12:59] ( it is penis ) 01[20:13:09] He was a dick, but not literally. [20:13:15] Hahahah 01[20:13:25] "This sword belonged to JIAO JIAO" [20:14:26] Aaaaargh. My mind just cross-referenced 'Cao Cao as a penis' with that Star Wars parody where everyone is thumbs. D: 01[20:15:05] D: [20:16:33] Man, for Romance of the Three Dongdoms, you'd need a *lot* of dudes. [20:18:42] This is the dog in Shattered Memories 01[20:21:13] awwwwww 01[20:21:23] What good proportions [20:23:08] Man, I kinda want to get a picture of Harry from Shattered Memories looking upset and a caption of "I'm going to Silent Hill to bust some heads!" as a SA title now. :( [20:26:48] (That's what he says in the SH3 UFO ending as he kicks through the board) 01[20:26:55] Hahaha 01[20:28:25] I'd like that phrased like a psychiatrist question 01[20:28:41] "I went to Silent Hill to bust some heads. Yes [ ] No [ ]" [20:28:47] Hahaha [20:29:42] Oh, I'm kinda suprised that I didn't realize that Kaufmann in SH1 was the crooked doctor who cooked up and administered White Claudia for the cult. [20:29:49] Wow, way to totally tell Otto to bugger off Paera :V 01[20:30:05] Huh. 01[20:30:11] Intersting that they reimagined so many characters [20:30:19] :') 01[20:30:38] There's what, Cybil, Lisa, Kaufmann, Claudia, Harry himself... [20:31:28] Hey, she told Eve to bugger off on the same subject. :V [20:32:39] I think literally everyone who showed up in SH1 was reimagined with all the creepy cult bullshit removed [20:33:15] So, like, instead of a doctor... WHO WORKS FOR THE CULT! or a nurse... WHO WAS ENSLAVED BY THE CULT! or a cop... INVESTIGATING THE CULT! there's just a cop, nurse, and doctor [20:33:31] And they use the conceptual space to, like, actually develop them as people [20:34:17] ahahaha [20:34:22] I really like Otto [20:39:26] Yeah [20:39:45] Thanks :') 01[20:39:49] Paera's mom is cool [20:40:07] I like the group too \o/ [20:40:32] Oh, I'm actually kinda curious wether Silent Hill was intentionally based on a New Hampshire town. Like, parts of the town reminded me of places I've been around the state, and one of the characters mentions her boyfriend lives in Massachusetts, and he shows up maybe an hour later [20:43:17] And i fear I'm gonna have to leave now unless I want to fall upon my keyboard. [20:43:29] Aw [20:43:37] Eve was just gonna join Otto [20:43:57] Well it's like the official creepiest state or something, so probably? :V [20:44:14] Well, another time, who knows ? [20:44:20] Anyway, seeya folks ! 02[20:44:26] * Ottonius ( Quit (Quit: Quitte) [20:45:27] The creepiest state is *TOTALLY* West Virginia [20:46:08] I guess New Hampshire gets to mix the old world Lovecraftian creepiness of New England with the Appalacian creepiness of the middle-eastern states, though, so it's a close second 06[20:47:01] * Eilenia nods [20:48:47] You guys want to call it tonight? It was kind of a light session, but we DID have three weeks of straight combat [20:49:16] (My best guess is that the new Silent Hill is Nashua, but I may be wrong) [20:49:52] It's a small city with its own mall, I'm pretty sure it's built on a river, and it's big enough to have good and bad parts of the town. [20:49:59] I'm okay with stopping here. 01[20:50:12] I could stop here, but I'd be happy continuing. [20:50:58] I'm okay with this 06[20:53:26] * Charles nods [20:53:41] Maybe we can pick up tomorrow, but I wouldn't get your hopes up, Dem 06[20:54:10] * Eilenia nods 01[20:54:33] I was thinking about going "but you promised" again, but yo ujust spent all day on Silent Hill, so you probably don't need more creepiness [20:55:01] Chances are I wouldn't be around for picking up tomorrow if it happened. 01[20:55:25] Maybe we can resume Thurs if Maha isn't... oh, wait. Raid day. [20:55:42] Dem: You fucker, that was probably the creepiest event of my life. >:( 01[20:55:47] :( [20:57:51] There's seriously no rational explanation for that, other than "I was halucinating because I was tired", but still. And that building got really oppressive after midnight 01[20:58:53] Man, I'm having a hard time mentally working with shotguns in the Doom Roguelike 01[20:58:56] Or combat shotguns, anyway 01[20:59:32] They aren't automatic weapons, so after every shot, you need one tick to put the next shell into the chamber, which is separate from reloading 01[20:59:54] Though the chambering happens automatically 01[21:00:07] So if you have a Combat Shotgun, it's got a capacity of 5. 01[21:00:23] Let's say you fire it, then it's at 4/5, but you can't fire it again until another tick has passed. [21:00:43] That sounds frustrating. :( 01[21:00:50] So you could move then fire, or reload then fire, but you can't juts shoot again 01[21:01:20] Yeah, a little. It's an intersting way of handling it, at least. 01[21:01:30] Exploding barrel everywhere is a bit crazy sometimes, though 01[21:01:45] My first character died from accidentally being too close when I caught one in a shotgun blast 01[21:02:10] My second character fired the shotgun into places further than I could see, then heard a ton of explosions chained. :V 01[21:02:15] And enemies dying 03[21:06:26] * Paera is now known as Yob 03[21:06:28] * Yob is now known as Yon 03[21:06:38] * Eilenia is now known as Demota 01[21:06:40] End session tag? [21:07:41] Man, as mediocre as Homecoming was, this is clever [21:08:10] I want to light Anyss on fire almost as much as Johen. :| 01[21:08:35] I sort of imagined Anyss as being a little more charming. 01[21:08:48] Though that's an eladrin thing in general [21:09:01] hahaha [21:09:10] I think you just hate wizards :V [21:09:13] That aren't Elena 03[21:09:17] * Eve_Kasnora is now known as NovaSeaker 03[21:09:18] * ChanServ sets mode: +o NovaSeaker 01[21:09:27] Mari's a wizard! [21:09:32] No she isn't [21:09:40] She's a Swordmage/Artificer [21:11:04] Just wizards who are smug, abrasive assholes. :V [21:11:06] I figure that Anyss can be charming when he wants to be. He just doesn't have any patience for anyone in the group aside from Eilenia. 06[21:11:22] * Demota nods [21:11:33] Maybe he remembers Eve suddenly giving him the cold shoulder [21:11:48] Cause prior to that, Eve was very polite to him 01[21:12:00] Possibly [21:12:04] Which is kind of funny because I think this is the first time Paera's said a word to him. :V [21:12:14] haha 01[21:12:25] Well, they might have talked pre-adventures. I dunno. :| [21:12:46] Nova: Yeah, that's probably it. Like, there's probably a 'what the fuck is *her* problem' thing [21:13:40] Ahahahah [21:13:41] Fancy Dan: gonna play champions now [21:13:42] Fancy Dan: oh god [21:13:42] Fancy Dan: so many Avatar people [21:13:42] Fancy Dan: so much blue skin 01[21:13:46] hahahahahaha [21:14:33] And as for Paera, I think he's watched her enough to know that she's basically doing it right, so it's not like he needs to correct her. She just gets pissed on incidentally. :V 01[21:14:43] haha 01[21:15:13] I wonder if Eve's going to figure out what the hell is wrong with her version of what happened a century ago. :| [21:16:17] I kinda doubt even if she did that it'd change her opinion of him at this point 01[21:16:35] True 01[21:16:41] I hope this doesn't cause problems later 01[21:18:24] Man, the Doom wiki isn't as useful as I was hopin 01[21:18:29] The Doom roguelike, anmyway 01[21:26:50] I guess I was just hoping the group would like Anyss. Especially after he went out of his way with the fireworks 06[21:28:17] * Charles nods. [21:28:59] Well, really, the only times they've interacted with him was while he was engaged in business to some degree. 01[21:29:05] True 01[21:30:09] Man, I'm not sure what to do in the Doom roguelike. The pistol's kinda weak, and the shotguns so far have tricky reload mechanisms 01[21:30:21] And melee is for masochists. 01[21:30:39] It's interesting what happens to a rogulike when you don't naturally regenerate HP over time [21:30:42] Which means they've probably got the impression that he's more of a dick than he actually is, because he's working with a student. 06[21:30:45] * Charles nods 01[21:31:46] Heal items ar emore plentiful, though 06[21:32:56] * Charles nods 01[21:33:17] Also, it's a game about ranged weapons, which is really weird in a roguelike [21:34:05] (I think the core issue with Anyss is that he just isn't that impressed with the group, and he talks down to them. But if that's the case, the group's probably going to dislike every eladrin they meet who're still active in the world) 01[21:34:05] You don't fire in a direction, you select an enemy you can see. Or just a square somewhere, so you can fire further than you can see. 01[21:34:33] Yeah, they really didn't care for coldheart. :V [21:35:37] I figure the only person a modern eladrin might *not* talk down to is a very old dwarf, and that's because they have the same sort of pre-war experience. 01[21:35:45] Yeah 01[21:35:53] Or a dragon 01[21:36:03] Talking down to a dragon is dumb. 01[21:36:18] Though I don't know if a dragon counts as a person. They're kinda above personhood. [21:36:22] Yeah. Even if the dragon deserves it, it'd probably send it into a tard-rage [21:38:32] I think dragons are still people, but dragons don't usually see it that way. [21:38:51] Like, only dragons raised inside of civilized society can see it as anything other than a collection of things to eat or horde 01[21:38:55] ahahaha 01[21:38:55] Manah here actually reverts back to a little girl voice. Though, she tends to float back and forth between the two while she speaks. I suppose it’s only fitting having the main antagonist of a party containing a pedophile and a child murderer turn out to be a child. [21:39:25] Hahahha [21:39:54] Yeah, probably not going to get along with them very much, not that it's hard to irritate Paera. :V 01[21:40:04] I wonder how the hell draconic reverence of Bahamut works [21:41:11] Dragons don't worship Bahamut as a god. [21:41:22] It's just 'Oh yeah, I guess he's a cool guy.' [21:41:47] Chromatic dragons are actually more inclined to worship gods, because to them, the world is more of a consistant struggle for survival 01[21:41:58] huh 01[21:42:05] So he's like a buddha? [21:42:23] While metallic dragons are basically rich white kids who live in their parents basement and don't give a shit about anyone else. [21:42:40] Sorta, except with less actual implied devotion [21:43:30] Hahahahaha [21:43:30] I really wish I had access to developer diaries/logs to read when they made this game. A commentary or something that would give insight into what they were thinking when they made this game. [21:43:31] I'd imagine a developer's commentary for ILLBLEED would mostly consist of Japanese men banging randomly on keyboards and yelling at interns to bring more sake, while low budget horror movies play on a TV in the background. 01[21:43:38] hahaahahahah [21:46:06] For some reason, when I read that, I had read it was "Japanese men banging randomly on pots and pans and yelling..." which I kinda like better. :V 01[21:46:16] Yeah 01[21:48:32] I really love how completely insane Illbleed is, and how it sort of hovers on figuring out if it's meant to be parody or not [21:49:35] Illbleed! [21:49:46] A friend ran a oWoD mortals game based off of that. [21:49:49] It was FUCKING AWESOME. 01[21:49:50] hahahahaahahaahhahaa 01[21:49:54] How the hell did THAT work? [21:49:56] Consider. 01[21:50:05] ALso, watch the LP here, DH. [21:50:07] He'd run one that was based off of Res Evil. 01[21:50:09] The LP itself is REALLY good [21:50:10] I was also in it. [21:50:22] I used the same character in the Not Illbleed one. [21:50:51] I kinda think NWoD would be better for Illbleed because it actually has fear mechanics 01[21:51:03] huh [21:51:23] The first game was Last Escape, the third was Stop Me If You'Ve Heard This One. [21:51:33] I played Tyrone Whitelock, Cool Black Guy. [21:51:50] (The second was a Silent Hill-alike that didn't go too well. :V) 01[21:51:56] What was the Illbleed one like? [21:51:57] Anyway, the trick was. [21:52:13] They'd gone to check out a museum for a guy who made schlocky horror films. 01[21:52:14] I'm having a hard time telling if Illbleed was meant seriously or not [21:52:15] Instead. [21:52:37] The people were literally transported into the movies themselves. [21:53:18] There was a clown horror one, a classic european vampire movie, a 50s radioactive horror movie, a werewolf murder mystery, and a classic italian zomboe movie. [21:53:47] Tyrone made friends, kicked ass, found his wife (from one of the movies no less) and shot a physical representation of entropy with a shotgun [21:53:51] It was the bomb. 01[21:53:54] hahahah [21:54:01] Seriously. 01[21:54:02] Which movie? [21:54:07] The vampire one. [21:54:19] He wowed one of the Typical Baron's Hot Accent Daughters. [21:54:30] Did more of his clothes fall off every time one of his friends died? [21:54:37] No. [21:54:42] Although one of the PCs DID die. [21:54:48] In said vampire movie. [21:54:53] Oh, I guess that happens the second time you play through the campaign. [21:54:54] (And later NPCed as a vampire.) 01[21:54:58] 01[21:55:09] NPCed as a WoD vampire? [21:55:14] Nope. [21:55:21] But he was still scary. [21:55:37] Anyway, that ended, they cleared out the mess surrounding the museum. [21:55:43] That reminds me, I really want to pick up Damnation City sometime soon 06[21:55:43] * Demota nods 01[21:55:46] What's that? [21:55:47] And then the owner game them the deed and a million bucks. [21:55:56] Which was the hook for going through all five rides anyway. [21:56:13] It's branded as a Vampire book, but apparently it's, like, *the* book for running modern city-based games [21:56:30] Like, it talks about how to set up supernatural populations and politics inside of cities and so forth 01[21:56:33] huh 01[21:56:39] Cool 01[21:56:45] I wonder if it'd be decent for youkai. :| 01[21:57:06] They're high school kids, though, so the concept of city is pretty limited [21:57:16] Even if Youkai has creepy political/horror stuff going on, it's above the kids' heads. 01[21:57:54] Yeah. [21:57:54] It might be useful if you ever decide to do copious amounts of background on what Shizuru's parents probably deal with, though. :V 01[21:58:11] I guess some of the kitsune stuff is creepy political, but not in the same way that World of Darkness does. 01[21:58:12] haha 01[21:59:34] Well, I do have a little background on Shizuru's parents. 01[21:59:37] This is what i've written so far 01[21:59:38] When the lesbians who happen to own the cottage four down from mine go out on their dock at dusk to make love, I don’t yell angrily at them, ridicule them, or rudely watch them, but if I happen to be out on my point (which is high enough to overlook their dock), I’ll smile and wave at first sight and then carry on as if they’re not doing anything. This has led to them in turn casually accepting my distant presence: they usually make love, then plunge in for a dip that includes lots of splashing and laughter, and then they climb back out on the dock to dry off (if the night’s too cold or mosquito-ridden for that, it’s on with the towels and back inside). Either way, they usually wave and call “good night” as they go. [21:59:48] I do wanna play Ty somewhere else. [21:59:52] Dem: Hahahahahaha [21:59:53] Likely in a nWoD game. [22:00:00] Dem: :{ [22:00:04] He'd most likely be a low-level, but streetwise Hunter. 01[22:00:13] We had a nWoD game going, but peoples' schedule conflicts exploded it. :/ [22:00:43] If I restart Mage then by God, I'm restarting it in the One-Roll Engine because it's a d10 pool system that's not retarded [22:00:52] With a really weird Merit that's Second Sight+. 01[22:01:00] What's that like? [22:01:34] Basically, you roll as many d10s as you have in your pool, and look for matches [22:01:55] The more matches you have, the better you do something. The higher the dice you use are, the faster you do it [22:02:02] Or something like that [22:02:46] Then you get into specific types of dice you can buy to manipulate probability, but those might just be given by spells and the like 01[22:03:19] DH: 06[22:03:22] * Demota nods [22:04:19] AAAAAA MIKU [22:08:33] Rebooting and then vanishing into Dragon Age 02[22:08:36] * Yon ( Quit (Quit: Client Exited) 01[22:09:01] DH: [22:12:25] AAAAAA SO CUTE *D* 03[22:12:46] * Yon ( has joined #Exalted 01[22:53:25] Slee[pin 02[23:15:37] * Darkheart ( Quit (Quit: Client Exited) Session Close: Tue Dec 29 00:00:00 2009