Start of #Exalted buffer: Mon Jan 11 23:12:47 2010 [17:22:31] * Rusty ( has joined #Exalted [17:22:34] Oi [17:22:40] Hey [17:22:43] Yo [17:23:12] Hi [17:25:11] No repsonse fomr Nova... [17:26:29] I'm back now. [17:26:45] Hi [17:27:24] Alright, get IC and in channel [17:27:56] * Ranakel is now known as Ottonius [17:28:00] Ahahaha [17:28:01] Prototype fits that 'just kill everyone because WEEEEEE' mentality, though not to the degree of Caim. [17:28:01] It was like they wanted to make a game like inFamous where you got to choose whether you were a huge bastard or a saint and just got too lazy to finish the good guy side as well as render character models that don't look freaky. I couldn't tell if I was supposed to sympathize with Alex or not. It was like "Awww, he has amnesia and he's a monster... but according to this mission report he just took out half the population of New York C [17:28:01] Blood on the Sand presented you with a reason. Fiddy was mad because, well, bitch took his skull. Then he became a war criminal and will probably make a guest appearance in 'Phoenix Wright: Geneva Convention Violation Attorney'. [17:28:01] At least you aren't obligated to feel bad for Caim. He'll kill everyone whether you care about his motivation or not. [17:28:04] * Yon is now known as Paera [17:28:06] * Demota is now known as Eilenia [17:29:57] ...Huh. In the late 70s, VASCU captured a killer who burst into flames while being transported to his trial during daylight [17:30:05] huh [17:30:10] And the media apparently covers slasher killings, including supernatural aspects [17:30:25] Which makes the hidden supernatural stuff *even less hidden*, which is interesting [17:30:29] Hey, Rusty. Want a Google Wave invite? I've got a ton to hand out [17:32:01] Sure. [17:32:06] * NovaSeaker ( has joined #Exalted [17:32:12] * Rusty is now known as Xan [17:32:32] ...hahahahahah what the FUCK [17:32:33] PSP God of War spoilers. Kratos goes to Heaven and reunites with his daughter, leaving his sins (and strength) behind him. But in order to save the world from Persephone, he pushes his own daughter away and starts murdering people IN HEAVEN so he will get kicked out and get his powers back in the progress! [17:33:06] Hey Nova [17:33:12] ... what the hell? [17:33:29] Greek mythology doesn't even HAVE Heaven [17:33:53] Sorry I'm late guys [17:33:54] * NovaSeaker is now known as Eve_Kasnora [17:34:06] We haven't yet started anyways [17:34:34] I forgot I HAD to do food shopping and gas up my car today. With overtime, and needing to make dinner, I was later than I expected [17:35:14] Don't the greeks have, like, the Elysium Fields? [17:35:16] This place feels so familiar... Dull brown endless ruined, repetitive slums... Fighting the same three enemies over and over... Collecting endless keys for arbitrarily placed gates... Oh... OH GOD! Terrible flashbacks! DEEPGROUND! NOOOOOOOOOO! [17:35:25] ancient greeks, mind you [17:35:50] They did, but that isn't exactly Heaven [17:35:56] They did, but it's not heaven, yeah [17:36:14] it's actually a part of the hell, the other part being the tartarus [17:36:14] If a Greek guy was *totally* awesome in every way, they got sent back to have another life [17:36:35] If after three of them, they managed to be totally and consistantly awesome, they went to the Elysian Fields [17:37:24] Sent [17:37:29] huh [17:37:38] so its closer to Nirvana than Heaven [17:37:40] If I remember my Bullfinch's. [17:37:53] In what way is it like Nirvana? [17:38:13] A reward after repeated reincarnations [17:38:47] In that sense, yeah. [17:39:02] But it probably did a lot to influence modern beliefs with regard to heaven [17:39:19] *nod* [17:39:38] Which isn't suprising, since Christianity is more based on stuff picked up from Greeks than it is by things Jesus said and did, since everyone *LOVED* what the Greeks thought back then. [17:39:48] * Eilenia nods. [17:39:55] Well, they are kind of the foundation of Western Civ. [17:40:03] Yeah [17:40:47] I imagine if we were pseudo-intellectuals living back then, we'd have been blown away by the Greeks, too [17:40:55] Oh jeeze [17:41:18] Hey Ran, wanna note that Otto has a black eye for calling women "bitches" in front of Eve? :V [17:41:48] He certainly didn't called them bitches out loud. Or, maybe once or twice, while he was very, very drunk. [17:42:01] :P [17:42:14] Man. Given how this game's set in the equivalent of eastern Europe, I'm totally picturing Otto having a Niko Bellic in GTA4 accent now, and I don't know WHY. [17:42:22] * Ottonius rolls a die to see if that happenned [17:42:32] "Eeeeey, you live in swamp? That's excellent! I love swamp woman titties!" [17:42:40] Eve reaction would largely depend on how drunk she is. [17:42:44] And the result is: he did ! black eye it is [17:42:49] If she wasn't at all, she'd probably laugh it off. [17:43:05] Eve's probably an angry drunk. And an angry most-other-things [17:43:08] If she was minorly drunk, she woulda hit him. [17:43:12] Hahahahahhha a8c.jpg I never played Prototype. Was the plot that the military was creating weapons-grade hipsters? [17:43:38] If she was totally sloshed, she'd go "Beetches? I'll show you beetches!" and then bite him while making growling noises. [17:44:36] Yon: Hahahhahahahaha [17:44:37] I really like that one comment about how if 3rd edition Monster Manuals wrote humans like any other monster, their full attack action would be two punches, two kicks, and a bite. [17:45:32] Seriously I've never taken a close look at Alex Mercer before, what the FUCK is he wearing? :psyduck: [17:45:56] Prototype spoilers, because it was the one clever thing about the game: [17:45:59] Can I have a +1 bonus at "Dwarven drinking songs" ? [17:46:02] Do we level up? [17:46:18] I think you levelled up like two encounters ago [17:46:31] Well damn, what level are we? [17:46:39] I guess it'd be narratively appropriate to do so now, but I'm gonna give you some time to get used to your new toys [17:46:41] 5? 6? [17:46:49] We were 6. [17:46:51] We were at 6 [17:46:56] New Toys being the blade and the stone? [17:47:02] For the entirety of Ivorgard, I think [17:47:06] * RowynAway is now known as Rowyn [17:47:18] The fact that all the amoral shit you did in Prototype was largely the result of the fact that your character was a sentient virus, and what viruses do is consume and survive [17:47:36] You levelled up after you found Tabita [17:47:43] I think you started at 5 and went to 6 [17:47:57] I like Paera [17:48:02] Hi Rowyn [17:48:11] If I were an adventurer, I think that's how I'd spend my downtime. [17:48:15] Just being lazy [17:48:48] Hahaha [17:49:30] -summary-judgment-court-ruling.html Wow [17:49:53] wow [17:49:58] That's messed up [17:50:04] Howdy [17:50:33] Wow, what the fuck Upper Deck [17:50:50] Ahah [17:51:27] geeze [17:51:33] Hahaha, I love the new Achewood [17:51:34] what were they thinking? [17:51:52] It was probably a calculated risk to make more money, like nearly everything else corporations do [17:53:01] Hahahahha [17:53:02] [17:53:40] "They also did a good bit where a browned marshmallow stood in for Unobtainium, but Philippe ate it during a smoke break." [17:57:50] 1d20+2 nature [17:57:51] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+2: 8 +2 = 10 [17:57:59] Do I know what a lobster is? :V [17:58:42] A rock lobster. [17:59:45] You're probably vaguely familiar with lobsters [17:59:51] Aw [17:59:53] Make an arcana check [17:59:59] I wanted to go "WHAT THE FUCK IS A LOBSTER?!" [18:00:06] 1d20+2 [18:00:06] Eve_Kasnora rolls 1D20+2: 11 +2 = 13 [18:00:27] A moment [18:00:28] You've heard rumors that lobsters are benign creatures from the Far Realm [18:00:43] All deep sea creatures could be Far Realm stuff. :V [18:01:39] ...Are you serious, Cha? [18:01:46] 1d20+14 [18:01:47] Eilenia rolls 1D20+14: 1 +14 = 15 [18:01:50] angngahn [18:01:59] * Ottonius applauses [18:02:00] QUICK! [18:02:08] PEARA! ROLL ARCANA! BEAT HER! [18:03:11] As soon as I get my sheet loaded [18:03:21] Nova: I wasn't. :| [18:03:34] Well, maybe I was at the time. [18:03:35] ...oh [18:03:36] :iiam: [18:03:39] hahhaa [18:04:56] Oh, Yon, I found a shortcut [18:05:11] If you go to the start menu, you can open up just the character sheet viewer [18:06:21] 1d20+9 [18:06:21] Paera rolls 1D20+9: 13 +9 = 22 [18:07:07] yes! [18:09:51] So, what do people want to do to try and move this forward, if that's what you want to do at the moment? [18:10:33] Get thigns I need [18:10:40] Any dwarf emissaries currently in town? [18:11:28] They probably/hopefully haven't run far off overnight [18:13:12] Hahahah [18:13:13] I wish wow had a singleplayer mode, because I'm really starting to hate the shitbags I get paired with in the LFG system. I'm pretty sure something along the level of quake 2's AI bots would do a much better job at everything than the random idiots in wow. [18:13:13] I'm pretty sure you could create raids more competent than most pugs with the dragon age tactics system. [18:14:09] ....ahahhahahaha [18:14:12] BARONS DEF CHARGER posted: [18:14:12] Healer is the drummer, Tank is the lead singer, DPS is the other band members with the top DPS being the dude who does the kick-ass guitar solos. [18:14:12] It is a band analogy. [18:14:12] Tank is Wolverine - charges in without thinking and always gets sliced up. Healer is the Scarlet Witch - nuts from having to cope with all the responsibility that receiving such great power with no prior training brings. Top DPS is the Punisher. For them, the war never ends. [18:14:12] It is a Marvel analogy. [18:14:26] hahahha [18:14:38] Hahahahahah [18:15:18] You know, the 'no training for being a healer' thing IS kinda ridiculous [18:15:40] Like, everyone learns to do DPS as they play, and any class that *should* tank at least has SOME idea of how to hold aggro [18:16:11] But I've noticed that as a holy priest, the way I learn to do things is blindly fumbling through random groups and trying to keep the tank up [18:16:54] Well, at least it's not as bad as it used to be. Where the most important skill in healing was knowing _instantly_ what rank of your heal to use. [18:17:20] That's true [18:17:28] I probably would have had an aneurism back then [18:17:52] Yeah. I'm glad I only really started healing in TBC. [18:18:08] I remember trying to learn to downrank way back when and just went "FUCK THIS I QUIT" [18:18:14] I guess, in a really bizarre way, the pre-instance training for healers is escort quests [18:19:57] Why am I leading Elena through the city she grew up in? o_o [18:21:10] Oh, and I specifically mentioned dwarves still doing business in the town hall because I didn't want to further reinforce demihuman stereotypes [18:21:10] Because it's the only way to keep her from running off to look at something shiny. [18:21:19] haha [18:21:22] haha [18:21:32] Elena mostly hung out in the tower [18:32:15] Passive insights? [18:32:38] 12 [18:33:08] 16 [18:33:41] 22 [18:36:06] 20 [18:36:51] Eve and Paera are able to tell that while nothing dangerous or harmful just happened, something weird definitely did [18:39:50] Oh fuck, I only now realized what this was. I always thought it was supposed to be a nerdy fist-bump. [18:40:08] What is it? [18:40:59] It's a fat guy with glasses. [18:41:23] Oooooooooh [18:42:13] What did you think it was? [18:42:29] I had no idea [18:42:29] A nerdy fist-bump. [18:42:39] I assumed it was, like, four doughy white people [18:42:45] Representing the core of goons [18:42:58] aah [18:43:28] Especially since the first few times I saw it someone would almost always say 'brofist' in the post somewhere. And I never actually looked at the filename. :V [18:44:05] Hahaha [18:44:44] When are we gonna talk about the ocean? :( [18:45:04] Fuck the ocean. >:( [18:49:53] Hahahahah, some grognard calling 4e the JRPG edition of D&D. [18:50:18] Debuffs are actually useful at almost all times in 4e, making it the opposite of a JRPG. :V [18:50:25] hahaha [18:50:25] hahahaha [18:51:09] ...ahahahaha [18:51:09] Angry Diplomat posted: [18:51:09] Also Promethean is rubbish, it's a square peg of frankenstein/golems/osiris/shamanistic vision quest faggotry hammered brutally into the round hole of the tired, flaccid WoD "take a movie monster and divide it into subtypes with fruity names and encourage disaffected teens to identify with it" schtick. [18:51:09] The effects of Disquiet on an internet forum [18:52:42] Hahahaha [18:53:06] How many Apparati do we need? [18:53:34] Just the one. I'm gonna say it can be scaled up [18:53:44] opment/ what the fuck is this [18:53:45] Just so you don't have a fleet of apparati [18:53:59] hahaha [18:54:37] Awwww [18:54:44] I'm just imagining the last arc of Gurren-Lagann now, except in a real ocean, and with the party piloting lobster-apparattii with the Horbek's Glory dwarves being the redshirt army [18:54:53] But we'd have been able to customize the apparati with flames and stuff ! [18:57:01] Hey, this way we'll have an extra big lobster to scare off those theoretical giant lobsters on the bottom of the ocean. :V [18:57:16] Hahaha [18:57:29] haha [18:58:01] Oh, wow. The VASCU section mentions how agents recruited from special victims units will generally execute any Ashwood Abbey hunters they catch in the act, because of how *insanely disgusting* they are [18:58:48] Elena HATES IRON [19:02:38] Does Xan mean the town, or the underwater temple? [19:04:17] Oh right, fey [19:04:27] I thought she was being cautious about rust. [19:05:24] Anywhere nearby [19:08:18] Oh man, I just realized we're totally behind on gear for the last level [19:08:31] Or are we? [19:08:33] I can't recall [19:08:46] Well, I can't tell for myself [19:09:45] I think we're on track for getting treasure during level 6 [19:09:54] I don't recall [19:10:13] Oh, there's a funny story about iron in the setting, Nova. Well, not really funny. But sort of interesting [19:10:15] We allocated treasure for starting 6th level characters when we were bumped to 6 [19:10:34] Oh? [19:11:23] * Rowyn (rowyn2001@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [19:11:28] Did you? Alright [19:11:33] I thought that was level 5 but I wasn't sure [19:11:39] I dont' remember any more [19:12:30] Basically, the eladrin didn't really "join" Nerath, but they were allies or let Nerath say they were a part of the empire when Nerath protected them from Fomorians and Drow by giving them detachments with iron weapons [19:12:41] While eladrin COULD weild iron themselves, that's damn distasteful. [19:14:19] if it was so distasteful, why did they accept it? [19:14:36] oh, detachments [19:14:51] * Darkheart (lol@ has joined #Exalted [19:14:55] Hi DH [19:15:13] Hi~ [19:15:35] I imagine that iron might cause long-term issues in the fey, even if it's not immediately harmful, so that iron weapons might be poisonous. But it's not something that's modeled in play. [19:16:01] Sort of like how covering your weapon in filth will probably fuck up any wounded opponents, but you're not going to get a mechanical bonus from a shit-smeared sword [19:16:32] yeah [19:16:37] Well, cold iron weapons do extra damage against fey. [19:17:25] Do they? I thought materials didn't matter in 4e anymore [19:17:42] Well, cold iron is treated as an enchantment [19:17:47] Aaaah [19:18:45] This brings up the question of if eladrin, elves, and drow have red blood. [19:19:36] Like Adamantine [19:19:49] Oh, I'm considering a houserule [19:20:05] There are some enchantments that don't cost a copper piece above a generic magic item. [19:20:14] Like Summoned Armor [19:20:35] I'm considering letting you apply those in addition to any other type of armor you'd like. [19:20:44] I might be Overthinking It, but maybe that's why Vulcans have green blood. [19:21:05] Vulcans are elves, elves are fey, fey abhor iron. [19:22:26] I've got a pretty bad headache guys. I think I'm going to bed' [19:23:04] Dem: That's kind of a clever concept, but it might be about as true as my Keebler -> Lembas connection [19:23:34] Yeah [19:23:36] Night Rusty [19:23:44] Sleep well dude [19:23:53] Feel better Rustmiester [19:24:39] I'm not feeling very well either, actually. I'm not ditching just yet but I'm a bit distracted by it [19:28:01] I'm trying to remember when the modern concept of a penitentiary was created [19:28:10] It was pretty recent [19:29:19] Yeah. [19:29:33] It's drifted pretty far from its original intent, though [19:29:41] Yeah [19:30:16] But even then, the idea of prison being a punishment in and of itself is, like... I want to say at least during the 1700s [19:30:29] well, I figure they were keeping Eve somewhere while they were deciding to exile her. [19:30:34] Yeah [19:30:42] That's sort of the historical model [19:30:49] Yeah [19:30:56] Like, prison was a place people were kept until their sentence was decided on and executed [19:30:59] I figure Tsavarogrovov uses prison in itself as a punishment too [19:31:05] You weren't just put in prison for X years [19:31:11] Since we're setting it up as a super-strict city-state [19:31:21] Because the original purpose of that was to make people repent and change their ways [19:31:33] (Hence, penitentiary. It was a place for people to become penitent) [19:32:13] Yeah [19:32:18] Then I guess no one really repented. [19:32:20] (I like how Eve is pro killing-people and anti-prison) [19:32:38] Hahah [19:33:22] Well, people might have, but I think the societal shift came later. Especially since modern societies couldn't really manidate something like repentance, which is sort of a religious concept [19:33:30] I wonder when Panopticon was designed [19:33:31] Yeah [19:33:36] Yeah [19:33:38] Panoptiocn? [19:34:03] It's something where everything can be seen in like... well, I'm bad at explaining [19:35:26] It was a prison designed to be psychologically stressful and easy to monitor because one guard could watch all prisoners at all times [19:35:42] Or, rather, there was the possibility that an unseen guard was watching [19:35:54] And prisoners would never know when they were being watched or not [19:36:11] yikes [19:36:14] Wasn't there a Let's Play about making one of those in Sims 2? Or was that just a Sims 2 thread? [19:36:38] (either way it's where I know the concept from. :V ) [19:36:47] Here we go [19:36:47] The Panopticon is a type of prison building designed by English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham in 1785. The concept of the design is to allow an observer to observe (-opticon) all (pan-) prisoners without the prisoners being able to tell whether they are being watched, thereby conveying what one architect has called the "sentiment of an invisible omniscience."[1] [19:36:48] The idea was, there would be this orb in the center or something, where someone could see out, but no one could see in [19:36:50] I think [19:37:17] hah [19:39:35] Here we go: [19:39:36] incorporates a tower central to a circular building that is divided into cells, each cell extending the entire thickness of the building to allow inner and outer windows. The occupants of the cells are thus backlit, isolated from one another by walls, and subject to scrutiny both collectively and individually by an observer in the tower who remains unseen. Toward this end, Bentham envisioned not only venetian blinds on the tower observation ports bu [19:40:31] Oh the things that you can do by enchanting a simple steel rod with the right enchantment. :V [19:40:49] Ah, Icon Hell. [19:41:01] I wanna like it and at the same time it seems so childish. :V [19:41:03] Icon Hell does not work as advertised. :( [19:41:08] It does not make rrraaaaaage [19:41:27] Yon: Like an immovable rod? [19:41:34] Exactly! [19:45:10] Anyway. [19:45:13] I am 5/5 now. [19:45:20] With my Tier Scrub. [19:45:41] Now I get to replace my old rings and shit so that a nominal guild will actually spare the time to looka t me. :V [19:45:45] GOD DAMN GEARSCORE. [19:46:10] I saw a guy today with a mod that divided your dps by your gearscore. [19:46:15] I promptly ignored him. :V [19:47:19] (It didn't help that he posted the results after EVERY boss fight in ToC25. The FULL results) [19:47:55] hahahhaha [19:48:32] Hahahha christ [19:48:58] Wait, that mod has to be a joke. It literally provides NO useful information AT ALL [19:49:50] Well, if it was a joke, he was either the one falling for it or he was some kind of REALLY elaborate troll. [19:50:49] Like, someone with GS 1600 and 1000 DPS would get the exact same result as someone with GS 2400 and 1500 DPS, even those are *very* different measures of quality for their level [19:51:02] Or, you know, an equation that actually works [19:51:53] I'm using the word suppose an awful lot :( [19:54:39] I suppose you are. [19:56:11] Suppose he is, what then? [19:56:56] I suppose we'd have to deal with it. [19:57:04] meh [20:07:58] Huh. The NWoD has two tiers of slashers. One of which is just a normal, if driven, killer, the other of which has been so twisted by their own legend and deeds that they become actively supernatural. I'm not sure what I think about that. [20:08:20] Like, it's cool and makes sense for a horror game to have room for stuff like Freddy or Jason Voorhees. [20:08:24] Wow [20:08:55] I think it's a pretty solid split. [20:08:55] But it feels weird for a normal killer to 'evolve' into something like that [20:09:03] Ah [20:09:18] Granted, it has *some* precedent [20:09:23] Yeah, it'd be like the slasher from Scream to actually turn into a ghost or something [20:09:26] Like, Freddy was just a guy who killed some kids [20:09:31] But, yeah, that's it [20:09:43] Yeah, that's the idea I got. [20:09:46] What abotu Jason? [20:09:53] Was Jason ever just a normal guy who kills people? I dunno [20:09:57] Why is he able to come back from the dead? [20:10:04] How can he breathe in space? [20:10:07] Hahah [20:10:21] I thought originally he was just a mentally handicapped kid with super-strength [20:10:25] Jason was never a normal killer. He went from retarded kid straight to to immortal juggernaut [20:10:38] Heh [20:10:41] In the NWoD rules, Jason would be a Mask, which are incapable of doing anything not related to killing, but are insanely durable, and can come back from being nominally 'dead' at least once [20:10:43] At least I'm pretty sure that's what happened [20:11:21] (While Freddy is a Legend, which is a killer whose fame as an urban legend has become so strong that they're essentially forced to conform to their own stories.) [20:11:27] He drowned, his mother went on a killing spree (and I'm pretty sure she was entirely mortal) and then he rose from the dead, put on a hockey mask, and went around murdering shit [20:12:02] I guess the thing is that, like, not every slasher becomes a supernatural slasher. But even the potential seems a little weird [20:12:13] Depends on how legendary they get. [20:12:15] * Eve_Kasnora nods. [20:12:28] I mean, look at Killerman. [20:13:41] I went to get a drink and forgot where I was going. :( [20:14:05] I have no idea who the hell Killerman is. [20:14:22] From Illbleed [20:14:42] Ah. I need to get around to reading that. [20:14:58] Killerman was a serial killer form the 1920s. [20:15:07] Who's Elena talking to? [20:15:09] He was called Killerman because he left a star on the bodies of his victims. [20:15:17] Eve [20:16:06] Yeah. It seems like someone becoming a supernatural killer is largely dependant on how extreme their acts are. Like, say, a brute doesn't degenerate into a mask unless he has some supernatural influence and is already really far gone. I guess the supernatural requirement helps. [20:16:08] He...buh...what? [20:16:27] What the fuck does that have to do with his name? [20:16:58] The game explains it as "a killer's mark". [20:17:03] It doesn't make any more sense [20:17:15] :psypop: [20:17:24] ILLBLEED! :doom: [20:17:42] heh [20:18:19] reminds me. The new video should be up [20:18:21] * Rowyn (rowyn2001@ has joined #Exalted [20:18:28] I'm really curious about what the fight with Ohnoman will be like. [20:18:33] Yeah, there is a boss named Ohnoman. [20:18:36] Hahah [20:18:53] Dr. Wily is really running out of ideas. :( [20:19:10] ahahh [20:19:21] So. [20:19:26] [20:19:39] HOLY SHIT T. Hawk. [20:19:51] omae wa mo. shindeiru [20:19:56] I like how they pulled off the blurry-arm effect with 3d. [20:20:01] Yeah [20:20:04] I'm impressed [20:20:04] Uh, no, Dem. [20:20:11] Yare yare daze. [20:20:22] ooh [20:20:31] (he was even going ORAORAORAORA) [20:20:59] T Hawk's second ultra is just FUCK YOU, SIR. [20:21:17] I like his ultra where he drops the guy, then jumps up and sits on them Indian-style [20:23:37] You mean you didn't watch it yet, Dem? [20:23:45] Not yet [20:23:50] The fight with Ohnoman, Bull Stinger, and the bad end are all already up [20:23:56] oh, cool [20:24:23] He trashes Bull Stinger up good. Also Ohnoman is OH NOOOOOO [20:24:35] Oh, right [20:24:38] OH NOOOOOOOO MAN [20:28:45] [20:29:38] Er.. did I just let the cat out of the bag? [20:29:46] Huh? [20:30:09] Linked Portal only requires a permanent circle at the destination, I think [20:30:21] Yeah. How is that letting a cat out of the bag? [20:30:26] Also, it's cheaper to go from portal to portal [20:30:31] Granted, I think Cha is handwaving this [20:30:32] Yeah [20:30:40] Oh [20:30:51] I am, under the pretense that other people are paying for your costs [20:31:00] And casting the spell since you can't yet [20:31:21] If you just go "Man, this NPC is mean to mean, imma make my own portal with blackjack and hookers :saddowns:" you're on your own [20:33:27] heh [20:35:44] Odd. A big chunk of my sheet is missing. Reverting [20:35:47] I'm gonna say that a scribe from the library cast it for you guys and Eve just doesn't remember because she blacked out everything that happened last night. :| [20:36:55] Or at least everything relevant to plot holes that come from me not checking ritual lvels [20:37:07] My fault too. :( [20:37:16] Thank you, power of alcohool ! [20:37:25] heh [20:37:40] No problem. it's not as if Eve really payed any attention [20:38:08] I honestly just assumed Elena had it [20:39:02] Hahah [20:39:25] I honestly kinda like the idea of Eve being so irrational because she kind of just blacks out all the time :V [20:39:28] hahaha [20:39:55] Like, she just fugues off and then all of a sudden she's up to her neck in kobold guts screaming about Bahamut wondering how she got in a hole [20:40:13] hahahahaha [20:40:54] Eve only remembers a tiny portion of every session's events. :V [20:41:26] It'd be funny if that was a reoccuring joke for a player who always had to be late to a session because of scheduling or something. [20:41:35] heh [20:41:55] Like, they'd just show up in-character, and honestly have no idea what just happened and what fights they were just in. [20:42:07] Hahahah [20:42:50] "You're screaming about Bahamut up to your neck in rampaging baphomet-worshipping minotaurs." .... "Well, alright then." [20:50:30] If you guys wanna talk to him without Elena around, she could go grab some stuff. [20:50:51] I reaaally don't think anyone actually wants to talk to Anyss. [20:50:59] Hahah [20:51:03] :( [20:52:56] hahaha [20:55:46] oh man [20:55:55] I shoulda flipping him a silver piece as a tip [20:56:06] AS LONG AS IT ISN'T IRON. [20:56:14] Oh man we should have a lobster made of gold [20:56:18] Hey, that makes you better than all the other assholes who wander through his home. :V [20:59:34] Hahaha [20:59:34] Attilla posted: [20:59:34] Yeah, I'm referring to the Arcane Sword Epic Destiny. [20:59:34] I love the "Immortality" on that one. "You become really good at using swords? Or maybe become a sword? Whatever, check out these sweet features." [20:59:51] hahah [20:59:57] Ahah :') [21:01:38] Hey, you might have been there on the trail of the heroes. :| [21:02:02] It's pretty obvious what the immortality is. YOUR BODY IS MADE OF SWORDS [21:02:05] :D [21:02:07] I... Guess I could have. [21:02:11] Aha. [21:02:27] That'd mean you'd get bladeling stats. [21:02:41] cf. manual of the planes [21:03:05] (what're the stats on a body made of steel with fire for blood? :| ) [21:03:18] Oh, we wanna talk some Wave stuff? I really want to see what's possible with Wave [21:03:45] * Rowyn (rowyn2001@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [21:03:51] * Paera is now known as Yon [21:04:54] These hands have created many swords? [21:05:17] I dunno how the Ulimited Blade Works mantra goes, but I figured it was an appropriate reference. [21:05:19] * Eve_Kasnora is now known as NovaSeaker [21:05:20] * ChanServ sets mode: +o NovaSeaker [21:05:26] * Rowyn (rowyn2001@ has joined #Exalted [21:05:30] These hands have created over a thousand blades. [21:05:36] That's enough tinkering with that garbage [21:05:44] Wait, no. "I" have created over a thousand blades. [21:05:48] Nova: That's exactly what I was reffing, yeah. [21:06:28] Eye have created over a thousand icicles. [21:06:32] hahaha [21:07:07] Well, it's Touhou. [21:07:11] Have withstood pain to lose many danmaku battles. Yet, this brain will never hold anything. [21:07:13] Everyone hurls clouds of projectiles [21:07:14] ahaha [21:07:18] * Eilenia is now known as Demota [21:07:29] So, as I pray, Unlimited (9) Works. [21:07:29] * Ottonius is now known as Ranakel [21:07:58] * Charles ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [21:09:39] Oh no Charles. :( [21:15:28] So I think the most hilarious thing about Flash Rebirth is that apparently Impulse is now a mantle that's passed down to the youngest, most hyperactive speedster. :V [21:16:03] haha [21:16:10] (Wally's daughter is calling herself Impulse now and is using a female version of Bart's costume. Bart is COMPLETELY :psyduck:) [21:19:23] And holy shit do we have a lot of speedsters now. [21:20:11] * Charles ( has joined #Exalted [21:20:13] What we need [21:20:19] ...What [21:20:22] That was weird. [21:20:35] I just scrolled up to something *entirely* diffrence [21:20:39] Two Flashes, three if you count Jay Garrick but everyone just calls him Jay Garrick, Kid Flash, Max Mercury, Jesse Quick, and Impulse. Of course to make up for it there's now TWO Zooms and I can't decide which one is creepier [21:20:41] re. [21:20:46] So, I'm pretty seriously considering porting Mage to PDQ or something, but I'm unsure how to handle stuff like paradox other than 'entirely arbitrarily' [21:20:58] * Demota nods [21:21:01] No idea, really [21:21:11] Just because there are a lot of systems in the NWoD system that I honestly don't care to deal with [21:21:25] Like, combat and stuff seems better than before but it's still kind of a mess [21:21:34] Or I might port it to the One-Roll Engine [21:21:39] I dunno how I feel about that. I'm REALLY attached to the Spheres as both a magical concept and as a rules concept [21:21:41] Nova still interested in trying out a Geist thing? [21:22:03] Yeah, same here. Maybe we could use one thing predominantly, but mod it heavily for spheres [21:22:42] It might be just nostalgia, but there's very much a part of me that wants to finally, after all these years, play my 'first' RPG _properly_ [21:22:55] * Demota nods [21:23:01] * Charles nods [21:23:03] I'd be up for playing it by the book too. [21:23:41] Well, the One-Roll Engine is really close to the Storytelling system except not dicks-in-ears retarded with dice pools [21:24:05] But either way I'd like to continue somehow, because I do really like what we'd gotten started. [21:24:06] So we could probably just rip out the existant resolution system, but keep all the stats and all that [21:24:17] * NovaSeaker ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [21:24:19] That doesn't sound too bad End of #Exalted buffer Mon Jan 11 23:12:47 2010