Start of #Exalted buffer: Mon Mar 15 21:40:55 2010 [16:41:54] When'll we start? [16:43:01] Twenty minutes, half an hour [16:52:20] k [16:53:33] This dog has such an accusing look in its eye [16:54:00] Wow, yeah [17:09:36] * Demota is now known as Eilenia [17:11:28] what? [17:12:14] Alot of FFXIII mythology has do to with the fal'Cie [17:12:40] Which are sorta like XIII's Summons, but not all fal'Cie are summonable, only Eidolon fal'Cie [17:12:50] * Eilenia nods [17:13:29] The rest are just quasi-mechanical/crystal/biological hybrid entities that think on inhuman scales and are incomprehensible in their actions. [17:13:41] huh [17:13:56] That seems like a distinctly western concept [17:14:01] So they're to scale and action as Nomura is to fashion? :| [17:14:07] Not in the "completely crazy" sense, but in the sense that they're forces of nature, and just ARE and DO, with no explaination. [17:14:54] The closest a human can get to understanding a fal'Cie is being branded, which turns them into l'Cie, humans with magical potential. [17:15:27] l'Cie are all given a Focus, which they must complete by the time their brands advance to their final stages, or they become Cie'th [17:15:35] Which are kinda like the walking dead [17:15:50] What about Nick Lachey? [17:16:26] Eventually Cie'th wander until their bodies shut down entirely and turn to stone, but their minds are still alive and they're filled with regret and sorrow for not having completed their Focus [17:16:49] Nick Lachey is PA's jest on all te "Cie" terminology [17:17:10] oh okay [17:17:40] (Oh, and when a l'Cie does complete their focus, they get turned into Crystal and "live" for eternity) [17:18:00] It also doesn't help that the fal'Cie that gives a l'Cie their brand doesn't tell them what their Focus is. [17:19:21] What's the tech like, anyway? FF7-like is the impression I got, where most people use near-future tech, though some have swords [17:20:12] It's a bit like FFX's Zanarkhand [17:20:36] Very technologically advanced, but magic's incorporated into the tech. [17:20:47] * Eilenia nods [17:21:05] Also, gunblades transform from gun to blade, instead of being like FF8's [17:21:10] Oh, good. [17:21:11] Which was pretty inexplicable. [17:21:36] I think 'being full of inexplicable bullshit' was the narrative theme of FF8 [17:23:23] Hahaha [17:24:48] haha [17:25:08] 1d20 [17:25:09] Eilenia rolls 1D20: 9 [17:25:13] .... :( [17:25:21] Just below average [17:29:36] I'm ready to go whenever [17:32:43] Everyone here? [17:36:08] I is. [17:36:10] * NovaSeaker is now known as Eve_Kasnora [17:37:28] I'm here [17:37:32] * Yon is now known as Paera [17:37:33] Whoo! [17:42:35] * Paera finishes reading backscroll. " Vanille?" [17:42:40] What the FUCK man?! [17:43:09] Oh, thank christ [17:43:40] The turn after Arcoscephale sends a 'it's time for a fight to the death' message, Agartha sends a 'Hey, Arco's beating you up, want some help?' message [17:43:48] I spent 25 hours wanting to slap her every time she opened her mouth. [17:43:56] Granted, chances are he sent the same message to Arco [17:44:10] But hopefully I offered him better terms, only asking for one province [17:44:23] And there's also the issue that both he and Arco want to expand into me or each other [17:44:36] So it's better for either to fight a one-front war than a two-fronter [17:46:55] Yon: I don't enjoy all the vocal noises she makes whenever she enters a new area, all the "aahs" and "a-haahhhhs", but her accent is amusing to me [17:47:42] You mean her accents. I swear she has at least three she switches between. :T [17:48:12] I'd like to note that Yon isn't the only person I talked to who says she swaps accents and is annoying [17:49:29] Like sometimes she sounds like a cockney on helium. Sometimes she sounds like she's going for australian. Sometimes she has this unidentifiable "Does ANYONE actually talk like that?" accent going on. [17:50:16] What, like Electrical Beast? [17:50:23] You know what I'd like to see in a Final Fantasy game? Consistant accents. [17:50:37] Like, say, Wakka, who NOBODY ELSE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD speaks like [17:50:57] (and her voice is less annoying than her personality, her animations, and the fact that she's my best healer preventing me from fielding Team Gar.) [17:50:57] I dunno, I was able to hear the similarity between Vanille and Fang's accents. [17:51:04] Which was consistent enough for me. [17:51:23] Lightning is a great medic. [17:51:35] She learned Raise before Vanille did, for me [17:51:39] I dunno. Two people who speak like nobody else is maybe even weirder than one person who speaks like nobody else [17:51:45] Because one person might just have brain damage [17:51:52] I use Lightning, Sazh, and Snow [17:51:53] Two means there was a *conscious choice* to speak like that [17:52:15] Cha: Where I'm at in the game, no one else SHOULD speak like these two [17:52:15] Vanille is clearly TRYING to go for a similar accent to Fang. But her voice actor fucking sucks so she's kind of failing. [17:52:21] Also, Dem, do you remember where the narrative breakdown of the story so far from a while ago is? [17:52:31] Nova: Oh, okay. In that case, it could work [17:52:32] Yeah [17:52:32] Because I haven't met anyone who comes from the same place as them to. [17:52:39] Where is it? [17:52:39] [17:52:42] two* [17:53:00] I'm guessing Nova redirected to where the kobold priest is and I can't remember his name [17:53:09] Me neither [17:53:19] that's why I said "the kobold priest" :V [17:53:21] Nova: I tried Lightning, Sazh, Snow. Lightning's lack of Cura made it impossible to actually do DAMAGE and stay alive at the same time. [17:53:42] (plus Lightning is a killing machine so having her as the healer is a waste.) [17:54:10] Ah. I gave Snow just enough of Medic to get cure, and have a dual Medic+Commando paradigm [17:54:43] That's correct [17:55:34] Wait, do the alternate trees ever become worthwhile? Because so far they look like incredibly nerfed versions of the trees that the characters who had it as part of their initial three get. [17:55:51] Nerfed because of CP cost? [17:56:17] That and the fact that they only have like three abilities and no level ups. [17:56:33] I think they get more than three. [17:56:46] Although I haven't checked any of the role level ups [17:57:30] Dem: Can you link to where the plot so far is? [17:57:37] But eventually the CP cost of a character's main roles levels out with the "new" ones, and I've seen it become a viable choice to go either or. [17:57:53] Yeah. [17:58:44] Like, you can spend 4,000 on a stage 8 Commando boost for Lightningm or 3,000 on one for medic. [17:58:57] Hvaing some difficulty [17:59:16] Okay. I'm just barely at chapter 11 so I haven't seen if they improve at all because they're currently pretty bullshit. [17:59:31] I haven't really seen solid evidence of the bonuses the role levels grant, so I'm not too worried about someone being stuck as a "level 1 Medic", if they get Cure [17:59:42] Oh okay [17:59:46] I looked them up, they're pretty big. [17:59:53] Yeah [17:59:57] Still no luck [18:00:06] A level 4 sentinel gets an extra 15% damage reduction [18:00:15] Ah [18:00:55] Well I probably wouldn't use someone with no role level-ups in Sentinel because they're usually a lynch-pin in a strategy [18:01:03] Whenever I do actually use one. [18:01:07] All I have is the party log, and that hasn't been updated in a while, Charles. [18:01:17] (I've seen Sentinel be simultaneously the worst and best role) [18:01:18] I can't find that writeup you made. [18:02:02] Nothing in my shared docs either [18:02:11] Wasn't the narrative party log linked on the same page as the party log? [18:02:27] I would like sentinel a lot better if I could figure out how the fuck the counterattack abilities work, because they do NOT work as advertised. >:C [18:02:41] Oh. It is. Why did you ask me to fin dthe narrative log if it's on the page? :( [18:02:50] [18:02:54] But like, if I need to bust out Medic/Sentinel/Medic to save my ass in a tough fight, I don't necessarily care of Medic 2 is healing 15% less than a dedicated Medic, since I can switch that piss-poor medic out for a really good 4th level Commando or Ravager [18:03:11] I was doing searches through my chat logs and through google docs [18:03:14] Because I didn't even remember the party log existed until you mentioned that [18:03:27] Until I mentioned what? [18:03:28] Yeah, I agree about the counterattacking. I use sentinels best when they're NOT my leader. [18:05:51] The existance of the party log [18:06:56] Oh [18:07:57] * MattonMac ( has joined #Exalted [18:08:04] Hey mMatt [18:08:06] neat! [18:08:07] Wanna play D&D? [18:16:13] Modron tiem? [18:18:05] Hahahahah [18:18:05] Sonichu Balls [18:18:05] This article is about the seven magic crystal spheres. For information on Sonichu's testicles, see Sonichu 8. [18:18:45] Hahahah [18:18:45] In the Official Videobooks Chris begins to refer to them as "Sonichu Crystals", presumably to quell all the balls jokes. Still, the story's still about a group of guys leaving their women behind as they all go out to look for multicolored crystals, so... yeah. [18:20:04] hahahahah [18:22:20] Seven balls? And I thought Krogans had confusing anatomy. :I [18:22:50] Also, brb, my computer is in bad need of a reboot [18:23:00] * Paera ( Quit (Quit: Client Exited) [18:27:01] Otto was a dwarf? [18:27:32] We had a dwarf with us, and we were going to take the same portal back to Horbek's Glory [18:27:38] He was an... emissary? [18:28:13] * Paera ( has joined #Exalted [18:29:09] Jesus CHRIST. [18:29:51] [18:23:00] * Paera ( Quit (Quit: Client Exited) [18:29:51] [18:23:03] * Eve_Kasnora takes a moment as she stares at the space where the portal just was. Then she turns to the kobold priest. "Sherpard W'nven. Please be forgiving the intrusion." [18:29:51] [18:23:31] Hello, sir. How are things? [18:29:51] [18:26:28] We meant to come here to ask for help about some metalworks, though we were waylaid.... there was a dwarf with us. DId he make it here safely? [18:29:51] [18:26:54] "Dwarf?" [18:29:51] [18:27:53] * The kobold begins gathering himself and pats down his robes. "Uh.. yeah. Yeah. He made it through. What in the nine hells happened to all of you? It looks like you had the worse part of that portal trip." [18:29:51] [18:29:24] * Paera ( has joined #Odal [18:31:54] Man, I kinow it's not the bulk of that, but I giggled at a real time strategy game that takes place between 350 million years ago and 2500 AD [18:32:01] Yeah [18:33:06] It's okay, Eilenia. Eve calls Mount Celestia 'Big Good Mountain'. :V [18:33:15] hahaha [18:33:25] hahaha [18:33:28] Nah, that's what she named her left boob. :| [18:33:39] She calls the other one Jolly Rodger. [18:37:43] Do we still have Wyrmgear? [18:39:20] Nope! [18:39:48] I dove for Tarpaulin and everyone jumped after us. [18:40:02] Didn't have time to get Wyrmgear [18:43:50] * MattonMac ( Quit (Quit: MattonMac) [18:46:40] Wrex. [18:53:23] I would like to remind everyone to read "Little by little" as "Leetle by leetle" [19:04:32] What Elena meant was that magic is freaking hard to research. :| [19:07:40] You gotta be careful with Elena though. [19:07:59] She says so much random stuff, when you start talking about spiders it just all goes out the window :V [19:11:31] That's good, but keep your eye out. We must always be vigilant against our eternal enemy, the Fomorians [19:12:58] The barley, it whispers secrets! [19:27:15] * Alt-Eisen ( has joined #Exalted [19:27:33] Hi [19:27:48] yo [19:41:50] Hey, AE [19:42:04] yo [19:44:33] Maybe there'll be some dwarf willing to pay Eve back in the end. :} [19:46:09] "Another dwarf mans the switch that will flood Horbek's Glory with magma in case of elephant invasion." [19:47:02] ahahaha [19:47:34] Holy crap, if I was a PC in a game and realized I was in a Dwarf Fortress dwarven fortress, I'd get my ass out of that place so goddamn fast. [19:47:57] Hahahahha [19:48:15] hahahahahaha [19:48:15] Yeah [19:55:31] She probably knows these things because of her continuing quest to get her teacher laid for extra credit. :T [19:56:08] Hahahah [19:56:09] * Rowyn (rowyn2001@ has joined #Exalted [19:56:16] Hi Rowyn [19:56:18] hahahaha [19:56:31] Hey Rowyn. [19:59:56] hahahaha [20:02:50] You know, in describing this stuff, I suddenly realized how bizarre the concept of dwarves having giant beards and dwarves being craftsmen is. [20:03:35] Yeah [20:03:38] It's a goddamn hazard [20:04:09] What they don't tell you is every dwarf has the smell of singed hair permiating wherever they go. [20:04:22] That's why they live underground. You can't tell the smell from the must of the other rock, so it's okay. [20:04:27] *musk [20:04:44] :O [20:04:56] Oh, hey, Nova, I looked up the guy who composed the soundtrack for FF13. Apparently he did some partial work on a few games with Uematsu and composed the soundtrack for a few of Square's B and C list games. Including Dirge of Cerberus. And apparently quit shortly after FF13. [20:05:42] How is the FF13 soundtrack? [20:05:47] I liked the trailer music at least [20:06:08] I'm kinda tired and the plot's kinda stalled, so I was considering calling it for tonight [20:06:53] * Eilenia nods. "No forgeworker talk ready?" [20:07:15] I didn't have any planned, and I didn't want to interrupt anything you guys had going [20:07:20] * Eilenia nods. [20:07:40] It's nice, but hasn't been super memorable so far. Better than FF12 for the most part, though. (I'm not sure what happened there, I like the FF12 composer's OTHER stuff) [20:08:07] I'm okay with just stopping or just doing RP for the rest of the day [20:09:00] (Like, he did Valkyria Chronicles, and I loved the soundtrack for that.) [20:09:04] Huh [20:10:14] I'm gonna go to bed, you guys can call it whenever you want [20:10:16] * Eilenia nods [20:10:18] I like the battle music alot [20:10:18] Night Charles [20:10:28] Night Cha. [20:10:31] Also, I like the new version of the Esper Fight [20:10:34] Night Cha [20:10:36] * Eve_Kasnora is now known as NovaSeaker [20:10:37] * ChanServ sets mode: +o NovaSeaker [20:11:05] I guess we'll stop here? [20:12:00] Might as well. [20:13:21] Falrigh [20:13:26] * Eilenia is now known as Demota [20:13:58] I like how "There are whores" leads into a theological discussion on different interpretations of faith. :| End of #Exalted buffer Mon Mar 15 21:40:55 2010