Session Start: Mon Mar 29 00:00:00 2010 Session Ident: #Exalted [17:24:54] Anyways, who's here and ready for a game? 01[17:24:57] Me 06[17:25:22] * KouriAlkytha jumps around invisibly like a ninja [17:25:37] Get IC and get in-channel if you're here 03[17:25:45] * NovaSeaker is now known as Eve_Kasnora 03[17:25:52] * Yon is now known as Paera 03[17:29:09] * Demota is now known as Eilenia 03[17:29:47] * asdasd ( has joined #Exalted 02[17:30:15] * Eve_Kasnora ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) 03[17:30:25] * Eve_Kasnora ( has joined #Exalted 01[17:30:26] re [17:30:29] ooooh kay [17:30:54] reyo [17:31:46] Alright, Plow's not with the group anyways, so I'm gonna go along without Matt for now 02[17:32:55] * asdasd ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [17:34:25] Hrm 03[17:34:28] * MattonMac is now known as Plow [17:34:34] What's happened since last time? [17:34:54] Let's see... [17:35:23] XD [17:35:48] Since last time Plow was in? 03[17:35:54] * asdasd ( has joined #Exalted [17:35:54] Is Tarpaulin still around? [17:35:55] Or since last time you played? [17:35:59] Since last I played [17:35:59] He is if you want him to be 01[17:36:03] re Nova [17:36:06] I didn't write him out [17:36:09] Well, are we still in Mechanus? [17:36:11] Nope [17:36:16] You escaped to Horbek's Glory [17:38:05] Hrm [17:38:08] You guys are already in the Runesmith's. You just kinda got there and talked about whores 01[17:38:15] aah [17:38:17] I'll be Tarp for now 02[17:38:23] * Eve_Kasnora ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [17:38:24] and switch back to Plow tonight 03[17:38:27] * Plow is now known as Tarpaulin 06[17:38:28] * Charles ods [17:38:41] Maybe in some kind of rogue modron metamorphosis. :} [17:38:45] ARGH [17:38:52] That was supposed to be a :| [17:39:00] ahahahaahahaha 03[17:39:08] * asdasd is now known as Eve_Kasnora [17:39:13] hahaha [17:39:51] I like the idea of Cha perving off to modron -> warforged transformations [17:40:33] "I often see my modron next door neighboors metamorphosing in their backyard. I don't stare or gawk, but if they're there I appreciate the beauty of clockwork nirvana." 01[17:40:41] hahaha [17:41:18] Hahahahah [17:43:36] XD; [17:43:44] So Cha, how close would you say Runepriests are to Truenamers? [17:44:21] Ehhh... [17:44:24] The whole dual states to runes things makes me think of Utterances being spoken forward and backward for opposite effects [17:44:31] I think runes are similar to truenames [17:44:40] But I dunno if they're identical [17:45:16] I mean, if one wanted to play a Truenamer, do you think it'd be easy to play the Runepriest as one re-skinned? [17:45:28] Like, I don't think that a guy named Steve necessarily has a Steve Rune floating out there in the cosmos, waiting for someone to find it and influence him [17:45:36] Oh, yeah, yeah, I'd say that works pretty well [17:45:40] XD; [17:48:07] I was thinking of stealing some Runepriest stuff for Xev [17:48:29] I think that's the way to go. If I wanted to play a Truenamer, I'd probably go that route, too [17:48:30] Oh hey, Kouri is a new PC? [17:48:43] Yep, elven monk [17:48:47] cool [17:48:56] Have we met OOC before? [17:49:18] Nope [17:50:33] Wheee, Int 8 XD; [17:50:37] Oh. Well then, nice to meetcha. Is Kouri your PC name or your screenname? [17:50:40] Yup :P [17:50:42] PC name [17:50:48] Flarelord is my Screenname :P 03[17:52:39] * asdasd ( has joined #Exalted 03[17:53:03] * asdasd is now known as Eve_ 01[17:53:50] Flarelord, you know about the /me command, right? 02[17:54:05] * Eve_Kasnora ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) 03[17:54:11] * Eve_ is now known as NovaSeaker 03[17:54:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +o NovaSeaker 03[17:54:21] * NovaSeaker is now known as Eve_Kasnora [17:54:32] XD tarp [17:54:53] yeah, but that tense isn't my favorite :3 I'll use it if ya insist though :3 [17:55:44] Just helps with discerning what's an action and what's being said [17:56:05] I don't always like trying to conform an action to it, but sometimes ya gotta. =( [17:56:48] Oh, I can bring in Plow when I get back to my room, since I have two computers. That'll be a good place to switch over. [17:58:03] Don't worry Tarp, if someone wears your name out, I'm sure you can buy a new one just like you can buy everything else, for NINETY NINE NINETY NINE NIIIIIIIINETY NIIIIIIIIIINE [17:58:25] I really wanted to type "I am being glad to be of service being." 02[18:03:05] * Eve_Kasnora ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [18:03:08] If you manage to withstand three strokes my spear! I'll give you a 4th stroke! 03[18:03:14] * Eve_Kasnora ( has joined #Exalted [18:03:47] I feel like I managed to miss one key part in thinking of how to link Kouri up with the group. :| [18:03:50] This game is so poorly written. [18:03:57] What game is this? [18:04:03] "HEROES OF KUNG FU" [18:04:06] Oh wow [18:04:13] It's a browser-based MMORPG ported from China or Japan [18:04:20] Flash, on Kongregate 01[18:04:23] Huh [18:04:30] and it is one of the lousiest pieces of crap I've ever played [18:04:36] but I can't stop because it's about the Three Kingdoms era. =( 06[18:05:38] * Tarpaulin has a serious addiction. [18:05:39] Basically, Kouri's village was supposed to protect the Eye of Vecna from evil influences, but it got stolen, so she's trying to track it down so she can keep doing that, which is a pretty good in for the group, except for having to know they've got the Eye. :| [18:05:42] Hahah [18:05:54] Have her be told by a Wizard. [18:05:56] :P [18:06:14] Wizards are always telling people things. [18:06:37] If by that, you mean 'Eilenia forgets what secrets are', that might actually be doable. :| [18:06:43] Didn't the ghost high priest at the Ioun temple know we had it? [18:07:03] And someone had the eye of Ioun [18:07:12] I think he did, yeah. But I chalked that up to him being a ghost 01[18:07:24] Maybe she can sense it [18:07:35] But he could talk to his following, and maybe get in touch with the people in the same city [18:07:43] True [18:07:47] +that were charged with guarding it [18:08:07] That shadar-kai chick Tabitha coulda told her 06[18:08:21] * Charles nods [18:08:28] Alright, that could work [18:08:58] It's, like, fourth-hand information at this point, but Tabita could have told Lianna, who could have told Kouri when Kouri told her about a missing artifact [18:09:17] yeah [18:09:21] Hahahah "We're not so great." "Yeah, just makin' some robot lobsters, you know." [18:09:30] <3 Eve. [18:09:30] hehehe [18:09:35] I wish Plow could've been there to see that. [18:09:47] I need to get him back before you guys disappear under the ocean. [18:10:03] Yeah [18:10:06] XD; [18:10:28] I'm honestly kinda inclined to say that Plow showing up in the Feywild for that one session was some fey trickster fucking with you guys [18:10:42] Oh also, Flare, you have to read everything Eve saids with a really badly impersonated eastern european accent. [18:10:50] So we don't have to explain what the hell he was doing there [18:10:59] heh [18:11:12] Alternatively, you guys can meet Plow under the waves and that could just be his thing. :| [18:11:17] I'm not against that. Though I do like that Plow could just be some fantasy Carmen Sandiego, worldtripping his way from plane to plane. [18:11:20] hahaha [18:11:22] Hahahah [18:11:24] I vote for that. [18:11:44] Well, not the worldtripping thing. [18:12:01] Just, you know, showing up gods-know-where without and explaination. [18:12:13] Aw. I like the idea of Plow stealing the Tomb of Horrors [18:12:18] And ACME agents having to solve it 01[18:12:19] haha [18:12:29] "Plow?! What are you doing here?" "Standing." "B.. but how did you get here?" "I walked." [18:12:50] Why would anyone WANT the Tomb of Horrors back? [18:12:59] hahahahaha [18:13:11] Hahahaha [18:13:44] Yeah. Really, the only reason to steal it's that he's Definitely Evil [18:14:08] (That's still maybe my favorite moment from this game) 01[18:14:44] What moment again? :( [18:14:51] hahaha [18:15:23] Matt was trying to reassure us that plow was Defiinately Not Evil, but forgot to type the Not. [18:15:45] Eve was being suspicious about anyone holding onto the Eye [18:17:18] Hahaha 03[18:18:16] * NovaSeaker ( has joined #Exalted [18:18:26] What moment again? :( [18:18:26] hahaha [18:18:26] Matt was trying to reassure us that plow was Defiinately Not Evil, but forgot to type the Not. [18:18:26] Eve was being suspicious about anyone holding onto the Eye 03[18:18:41] * NovaSeaker is now known as Eve_ 02[18:19:59] * Eve_Kasnora ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [18:22:24] :3 [18:26:50] I'd also like to point out that resting her hand on the hilt of her blade isn't quite the same as being ready to draw. [18:27:16] It's definately a threat, but not the same as her getting into an attacking stance with a firm grip on her weapon. [18:27:41] Her body language suggests that she's just resting her hand on it. 06[18:29:50] * Tarpaulin is still here, just watching [18:32:52] I wonder what Elena would think would have happened if Eve and her teacher got together 01[18:33:20] That's just frolicking, not pollutiing the bloodline. >:( [18:37:59] She didn't think Eve could be carrying the professor's baby after enough frolicking? 01[18:38:46] It probably didn't occur to her. Fey are like this [18:38:55] That depends on wether half-elves could also be half-eladrin. [18:39:08] Or half-drow. [18:39:13] Wait, is Eve pregnant? <_< [18:39:26] What kind of rolls do you have to make for that? [18:39:37] Bonking Rolls 01[18:39:48] I sort of imagine if they exist, they're pretty much treated as half-elves [18:39:55] I mean, it makes sense, but it's hard to say wether or not it's the case. 06[18:40:00] * Charles nods [18:40:14] And, given adventurers penchant for ale, what kind of rolls do you have to make to determine the possibility of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? [18:40:36] I'm sure there was some 3.5 book with OGL stats for that [18:41:21] Cha: Maybe Eladrin+Human=Elf 01[18:41:40] Elves already exist as elves that got attuned to the world, I think [18:41:46] True [18:42:00] But the Eladrin are basically the Feywild refllection of humans 01[18:42:05] Yeah. [18:42:18] So you add more World into the Eladrin, by one means or another, and you get Eelf. [18:42:20] -e [18:43:46] Man, that's a shitty pickup line for eladrin girls. "Got a little World in you?" "No." "Want some?" 01[18:43:54] hahahhaha [18:44:24] hahaha [18:45:02] Also, I think it's interesting that Drow are Drow, whereever they are. 01[18:45:14] Yeah. [18:45:16] They had just as much time to attune to the World as Eladrin, but remained Drow 01[18:45:33] Well, the Underdark is sort of treated as another world, kinda [18:46:23] Kinda, but the differences between the Shadowdark, Feydark, and Underdark are still there. 06[18:52:30] * KouriAlkytha reveals another forbidden artifact! [18:52:41] the Nomomnomicon [18:52:54] book of evil occult eating arts [18:53:12] Hahah [18:53:48] hahahahaha 06[18:54:59] * KouriAlkytha tries 'Summon Bigger Gluttony' [18:55:31] Heading back to dorm 02[18:55:35] * Tarpaulin ( Quit (Quit: Tarpaulin) 03[19:06:51] * MattyQ is now known as Tarpaulin [19:11:01] sorry for that delay 01[19:15:52] Hi [19:17:25] gm needs to pass me the details QQ [19:18:56] heh 03[19:24:09] * Eve_Kasnora ( has joined #Exalted 01[19:24:26] Re [19:25:05] yo 02[19:25:12] * Eve_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) 03[19:43:35] * Eve_ ( has joined #Exalted 02[19:44:07] * Eve_Kasnora ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [19:48:19] Hahaha 01[19:48:32] hee [19:48:55] Hahahahaha [19:49:28] heheeh 01[19:49:32] Hohohooho 03[19:49:53] * Eve_Kasnora ( has joined #Exalted 02[19:51:04] * Eve_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) 01[19:52:03] Shoot, I might have to head out. Mom needs to get something to dad, and I should probably go along [19:53:37] Alright. Maybe we'll just call it here, since it's getting late and I'm hopped up on prescription cold meds [19:53:45] hehe [19:53:50] yeah, tonight has been slow [19:54:18] We can start with the journey to the bottom of the sea next week. [19:54:33] Yeah, I'm distracted because I've got a fucking bad headache. :/ [19:54:42] Oh shit, Kenneth from 30 Rock had a bit part on Arrested Development. That's craaaaazy 03[19:56:19] * Paera is now known as Yon [19:56:40] So Nova, have you finished FF13 yet? [19:57:04] nope 03[19:57:07] * Eve_Kasnora is now known as NovaSeaker 03[19:57:08] * ChanServ sets mode: +o NovaSeaker [19:57:19] I've still yet to go back to the story [19:57:31] just dicking around with missions [19:58:00] Well at least you'll completely steamroll the final boss at this rate. :V [19:58:12] heh [19:58:44] The Adamancheild was pretty hard [19:58:57] You should really get back to the story so I can talk to SOMEONE about the ending. >:( [19:59:03] Sorry ^_^; [20:00:15] Sorry for the slow game tonight, people. Hopefully next week will be better [20:01:13] no prob [20:01:21] I was cutting in and out anyway [20:03:47] Yeah, like I said, I wasn't much up for the game myself [20:04:05] Hopefully I'll be feeling better by wednesday [20:04:24] Hey Cha, I just remembered. Weren't we supposed to have a fifth player for Mage? [20:05:26] Well, there were a few maybes. Ange was considering it, but was too busy (and maybe more interested in Heroquest) and I haven't heard anything about it from Sarah [20:05:35] Flare is thinking about it, though [20:06:01] I'm intending to [20:06:09] gonna have Char her ehelp me get the character set up [20:06:27] I did like that suggeston you made :) [20:07:07] Cool 02[20:36:52] * Rowyn (rowyn2001@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited) [20:44:11] Oh, hey, Flare, since I never really welcomed you properly. Glad to have you in the game(s), it's always nice to have new people to play with. Hope you have fun here! [20:46:23] Hear hear! 06[20:48:24] * KouriAlkytha waves [20:48:24] hehe [20:48:28] thankies 03[20:48:41] * KouriAlkytha is now known as Flarelord [20:49:00] (apparently the no longer really relevant channel name is a good way to attract people :V :V :V ) [20:49:08] hehe [20:49:11] ya [20:49:42] We had someone actually try to steal the channel a few years back. It was pretty funny. [20:49:55] I wouldn't mind getting some actual Exalted on in here, now that I've sunk a few hours into trying to decipher the books 03[20:50:00] * Rowyn (rowyn2001@ has joined #Exalted [20:50:01] Hahaha, man. That was wacky. [20:51:00] same [20:51:06] ;-; need to play mah infernal [20:51:09] actually [20:51:16] Charles and I have a pair of infernals we need to play [20:53:19] Boo infernals [20:53:45] It's an interesting thought experiment to make an infernal that's not Babyraper McKillmaim [20:54:16] heh [20:54:18] There was just something so surreal about have a mexican standoff over control of an IRC channel. [20:54:29] ours are both traitors to the reclaimation [20:54:40] though mind is still working toward her urge thinking it a good thing :) [20:54:50] mine* [20:55:05] which is the whole point of Urges [20:55:06] I ended up going with 'Nobody can be better than me at the stuff I care about' for my urge, and a general mad scientist theme so that she ended up just being fixated with taking down anyone who's better at making things than she is, which isn't *too* evil [20:55:14] hehe [20:55:29] Yon: Yeah, that was just *so* weird. Like, how he just sat in here all day for, like, weeks [20:55:32] Not saying anything [20:55:35] Malefactor and Defiler pair :3 both using Mind Hand :P [20:55:37] Just waiting for us all to leave [20:55:55] And us waiting for the same thing. [20:56:02] The weirdest part was his MOTIVATION [20:56:17] He USED to have the #exalted channel [20:56:28] He'd abandoned it for months and had no more use for it [20:56:49] But he saw someone else using it and decided NO IT'S MINE NOBODY ELSE CAN HAVE THIS CHANNEL THAT I WON'T USE [20:56:55] hehe [20:56:58] Yeah [20:57:10] But, like, at least we were using the channel. He just sat here and waited [20:57:16] It was like a weird one-sided cold war [20:57:19] I haven't looked much into Infernals. Are Urges less nasty than Resonance? [20:57:20] Get that man an orange lantern ring, seriously. [20:57:38] what's use din WoD for performing music? [20:57:45] It was pretty funny when he conceded defeat, too. [20:59:27] He was all acting like his decision to voluntarily leave was some magnaminous gesture but he was just being so grudging and petty about it. [21:00:34] The way Urges work is you have one specific thing you want to do to make the world more like Hell [21:00:41] Every time you ignore it, you get some limit [21:00:55] But you can also burn off limit by acting like Snidely Whiplash [21:01:37] So if you kidnap some beautiful woman, entire a hero to rescue her, tie her to the essence train tracks and then try to marry her, you get to make virtue rolls to ditch Limit [21:01:58] hehe [21:02:02] :) [21:02:25] which is awesome fun [21:02:34] given my infernal is all about kidnapping princesses anyway [21:02:34] :P [21:02:46] I like it a LOT more than Resonance, because Resonance is just spooky bad shit, while the Urge and Villianous Acts can be pretty goofy fun [21:03:11] Expression is used for singing, I believe [21:03:39] aha, and Presence? [21:03:55] what about wailing on some poor thug with a guitar? [21:04:00] Dexterity + Weaponry? 02[21:04:33] * Alt-Eisen ( Quit (Quit: Client Exited) [21:04:49] Presence + Expression sounds about right, and that's probably Dex + Weaponry, yeah [21:05:38] hehe [21:05:41] awesome [21:05:50] and writing music is more... what? [21:05:51] hehe [21:05:58] I need a good name for her and her band [21:05:58] :) [21:06:00] Yeah, definitely. Weaponry is apparently fighting with anything that's in melee but not your fists [21:06:07] but yeah, my character is coming along nicely [21:06:12] [21:06:48] Creating arts is an Int+Crafts roll [21:06:55] indeedly [21:07:46] I actually think heroic Infernals are more playable than heroic Abyssals. Like, an Abyssal always needs to be killing stuff or else their resonance gets to ridiculous levels, IIRC [21:08:05] While the Infernals are only punished if they ignore chances to excercise their Urge [21:08:24] mhm [21:08:26] Yeah [21:08:39] I'm thinking she's going to Major in Mind with a Minor in Matter and Spirit [21:08:52] Which, provided you have an Urge that isn't actively destructive, will probably only be about as bad as the average Solar Exalted flipping their shit and tearing a bunch of orphans in half every once in a while [21:09:23] heheh [21:10:02] ...I want to make a baby-eating Solar now. [21:10:22] :3 mah Infernal :) (built with free essence 3, 10 point sof flaws, and 50 xp ;-; mrr, the game we were going to play in was cancelled today ;-;) [21:10:28] (we being Charles and I :P) [21:11:04] It likely wouldn't help with me not knowing the Green Sun Princes' Charms [21:11:21] hehe [21:12:12] Well, I'll tell you one thing: They're a damn sight more interesting than the Alchemical charms I started off looking at [21:12:25] My Sidereal might find her cute. :3 [21:12:31] hehe [21:12:42] I think my favorite that Flarelord's showed me is a charm that lets you treat dashing as resting for purposes of sleep and respiring essence [21:13:09] I immediately renamed it Worst Roommate Imaginable Prana because once you take it, you never sleep and just run in little circles all night instead [21:13:24] hehe 02[21:14:46] * NovaSeaker ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [21:14:48] Ha [21:16:11] Adorjan has awesome charms [21:16:19] though [21:16:29] Mind-Hand Manipulation is my favorite charm tree in the whole damn game [21:16:35] SWLIHN for the win [21:16:50] The picks are getting in the way. [21:17:48] picks? [21:17:55] Yeah, Adorjan has a deep charm tree [21:18:03] but they're all good [21:18:07] and there are a LOT of permanents [21:18:08] I think I'm gonna hit the hay, I'm practically passing out [21:18:24] pics [21:18:46] ooo 01[21:20:15] back 01[21:20:17] Who's still around? 03[21:20:21] * Eilenia is now known as Demota [21:20:27] me [21:20:33] musing on my mage [21:20:42] I'm bad with names, but I have a good basis [21:21:04] I'm struggling to pick her Path , but I know she's Free Council and has a legacy: Uncrowned Kings [21:23:10] :P a misunderstood problem child, dabbled in drugs in her later high school years, but the death of a close friend snapped her to her senses, and helped her see just how much she was wasting her life, so she decided to try and turn things around for herself, Largely successful in that, prior to her getting an Awakening [21:26:03] Now has a band of her own. Makes her own guitars, because she has a habit of breaking them :3 [21:26:25] eithe rin performances, or, possibly, across the faces of Evildooers! [21:26:45] :) hmmm [21:26:52] *ponders* [21:26:56] opinions? 06[21:29:10] * Demota nods 01[21:29:12] Dunno 01[21:29:19] I'm a little distracted 03[21:36:43] * RowynAway (rowyn2001@ has joined #Exalted 02[21:38:51] * Rowyn (rowyn2001@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [21:40:56] Your mage is inspired by ROCKING SABER? That's awesome. Also how have I not seen that picture before it owns so hard [21:41:09] hehe [21:41:12] Yes :3 [21:41:19] I need a hand working on her though [21:41:36] starting with picking my path [21:41:43] her personality fits Acanthus [21:41:57] but he rprimary magic is to be Mind and Matter [21:42:08] (and mind and matte rdon't coexist in any of the paths ^^) [21:42:35] I'm not much help, the main reason my character hasn't Awakened yet is to sort of ease me into learning the setting. :nyoron: (I was REALLY big on old Mage so I have trouble wrapping my head around new Mage) [21:43:07] aha [21:43:21] I love this new Mage Arcanan guide [21:43:38] makes it so much more clear that your 1-2 dots aren't 'wasted dots to get to stuff you can 'do' [21:43:49] If I'm remembering correctly though, wouldn't that give us three Acanthus? I can't remember which path is which [21:44:41] Eh, might avoid acanthus if I can find anothe rpath that works [21:44:56] Mastigos favors mind but suppresses matter [21:45:09] Moros -- I hate the thematic connotations [21:45:44] she could be an Obrimos [21:45:50] it favores NEITHER of her focues [21:45:54] but doesn't suppress them either, [21:45:55] like Acanthus [21:46:01] plus that's the home of the SMASH! [21:46:58] Oh, wait [21:47:12] I was wrong. I think it's two Obrimos [21:47:17] I see her style being sound focused. (For mind fu and forces fu if she goes Obrimos) [21:47:29] Unless Matt changed what his character was [21:48:14] ya [21:48:19] But I think Cha said characters being the same path wasn't a huge issue [21:48:28] probably not [21:48:32] she's Free Council [21:48:38] and an Uncrowned King [21:48:41] go figure >>; [21:48:50] So...*shrug* not a big deal I guess? [21:49:15] ^^; [21:49:19] She makes her own guitars [21:49:29] because they have atendancy to get SMASH'd in performances [21:49:30] or [21:49:35] on the faces of the evildooers [21:49:36] :) [21:50:00] (the fact that the current Obrimos and the future Obrimos are the two characters in the group already at each other's throats amuses me :V ) [21:52:46] that's the only part of the Obrimos mold she wouldn't fit [21:52:53] infighting over rank [21:53:30] biggest problem [21:53:42] is that I want to havea ruling arcana of my favored stuff [21:53:44] or at least mind [21:53:57] so I can cast improvised spells without massiv emana surcharges [21:54:08] but again, only Mastigos favor Mind 01[21:55:48] oh man [22:02:46] Ahahahah oh man that's a good shirt [22:03:20] I almost want one. [22:04:58] heh [22:05:55] (except I would be too embarassed to actually wear it because holy shit that outgeeks EVERY nerdy shirt I have combined) [22:13:47] Really I should read the book with the Paths in more detail [22:15:55] I wish there were a little more path flexroom 02[22:31:08] * Darkheart ( Quit (Quit: Client Exited) 02[23:02:58] * Flarelord ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) 01[23:13:17] Oh, hey, that was Odal session 50 Session Close: Tue Mar 30 00:00:00 2010