Session Start: Sat Nov 14 00:00:00 2009 Session Ident: #MaidRPG 03[15:09:18] * Alt-Eisen ( has joined #MaidRPG 03[15:14:40] * Zegon ( has joined #MaidRPG 03[15:15:09] * Demota is now known as Nanette 03[15:15:43] * Rowyn ( has joined #MaidRPG 03[15:28:43] * Alt-Eisen is now known as Lilly [15:50:54] So, are people ready? [15:51:11] I start at a Climax! [15:51:16] I dunno where I'm going, let's see what happens! Also, what was the conclusion of your investigation into the treasure room? [15:51:17] da ze 01[15:51:36] :3 03[15:51:37] * RowynSleepyn ( has joined #maidrpg 03[15:51:45] * RowynSleepyn is now known as Aurelin 03[15:51:55] * Rowyn ( has left #MaidRPG 01[15:52:39] I'm good 01[15:52:47] We gavce up on finding stuff 01[15:55:57] One of us will play princess 01[15:56:00] Or maiden [15:59:17] [Back to the Maid D&D game you all know and love. Or maybe I'm just misguided and you come to make a fool of me/yourself/the person next to you which may happen to be me. Anyways, our protagonists and Aurixorn, in their last bid to try and get those pesky adventurers to pay their eggs to enter the dungeon which they escaped to after a sneak attack on the master, have just decided not to use treasure as bait.] [16:00:42] [Maybe letting the adventurers have their hands on a nasty sword or a belt of giant's balls +5 isn't such a good idea. So onto plan B, which is to use a maiden or princess or something of that sort as bait instead! Then there's a trap, and... did you guys plan a trap for this?] [16:01:18] [Regardless, you're now on the west side of the castle. Session Start!] 01[16:01:40] To the dungeon! 01[16:01:49] We'll use a freeze trap! 01[16:02:52] I'll be bait! Who else? [16:03:10] Are you sure you'd be okay doing that? 01[16:03:13] :9 01[16:03:43] Of course. It's my specialty 06[16:04:01] * Zegon runs over to Aurelin and grips her side. "Nanette's scaring me..." [16:04:09]'s... 01[16:04:27] Ther'es nothing to be scared of. 06[16:04:32] * Nanette patpats Aurixorn. 06[16:04:38] * Aurelin eeps as she gets clung onto and looks at Nanette. "Are you *sure* they won't immediately recognize you as know." 01[16:05:28] I cna shapechange! [16:05:51] ...why didn't you tell us about this before? 06[16:06:13] * Nanette shrugs <3 06[16:06:49] * Aurelin gives up. "Okay...sooo...all we need left is a way to track them." 01[16:07:25] Track them? [16:07:46] (Err, Aurixorn did that) [16:08:06] * Aurixorn blinkblinks. "So is there a trap of some kind?" [16:08:06] Well, where would they most likely show up? Bait will only work if it's in an area they're likely to find, right? [16:08:17] * Aurixorn nods. [16:08:36] Haku was working on that. A freeze trap I think she said? [16:08:41] I'll go see if I can find it. 01[16:08:59] She fell into that. 06[16:09:07] * Aurelin smiles. "And if not..." She hefts her battle axe meaningfully. 06[16:09:26] * Aurelin turns to Nanette. "Right! And Haku's smart!" [16:09:40] So if we're dealing with adventurers at *least* as smart as Haku, they'll fall in too! 01[16:09:55] Of course [16:10:34] Well let's go. If nothing else, Aurixorn can ask anyone along the way if they've seen any of the adventurers, right? 06[16:10:39] * Aurelin smiles at Aurixorn. [16:10:56] * Aurixorn shuffles her feat, looks down, and nods. 06[16:11:51] * Aurelin kneels down next to her and whispers. "If you do this, I'll make sure to give you a piggy back ride when we get back. And brimstone icecream." 01[16:11:59] You love that, don't you? [16:12:30] * Aurixorn goes all GRINS when she hears about that and hugs Aurelin. "Okay!" 06[16:13:01] * Aurelin nods brightly and flexes her fist a bit. "Okay! We're off!" 06[16:13:13] * Aurelin heads for the dungeon! 06[16:14:33] * Nanette goes! TO THE UDNONGEn [16:14:49] * Aurixorn prances her way with her two maids. Where'd the other maid go? Who cares! 06[16:18:13] * Lilly creeps along the ceiling after them, shrouded in shadow 06[16:20:11] * Nanette shapeshifts into a young elven maiden with blonde hair, green eyes, and a blue and white dress. 01[16:32:51] How do I look? [16:33:06] Like a, um... snack? 01[16:33:21] Perfect? 06[16:39:04] * Nanette contineus going towards the dungeon! 06[16:56:57] * Nanette contineus going towards the dungeon some more! [16:57:18] I... guess? Do you want to be tasty? 01[16:57:29] Depends on what you mean by that 06[16:57:53] * Lilly continues creeping 01[16:58:35] Anyone feel like there's someone watching us? 06[17:00:49] * Lilly stops [17:03:40] I'm...not sure. 06[17:03:55] * Aurelin looks around, tossing her axe on her shoulder. "Come out!" [17:04:21] Y-yeah... something's not right... 06[17:04:39] * Lilly lowers herself to the floor by a web thread behind the group "Hello!" 01[17:05:32] Hi! 06[17:05:55] * Lilly cocks her head "You're not surprised?" 01[17:06:29] There's all kinds of weir dthings down here [17:06:50] "Oh? That's good then" [17:06:59] "I thought it was just me" [17:07:34] "I am, Lilly. Pleased to meet you" [bows] [17:07:47] Like us! [17:09:57] * Aurixorn shrieks and hides behind Aurelin. 06[17:10:37] * Aurelin frowns a little and puts her arm around Aurixorn. "It's okay. She's not an adventurer." She looks at Lilly. "...I think." [17:11:31] "Not really. I hid in this dungeon because its dry and it beats living outside where I got attacked by angry villagers" 01[17:11:47] Do you work here? [17:12:06] "I could if you wish to hire me" 01[17:13:08] Can you web some adventurers for us? [17:13:18] "Sure!" [17:13:41] * Aurixorn eyes Lilly and makes a shooing motion. Maybe she's... afraid of spiders? [17:15:13] "Is there something wrong, little one?" 06[17:15:22] * Aurelin frowns a bit, then looks at Lilly for a moment. "Do you have payment, by any chance?" [17:15:35] "Payment?" [17:16:33] "What kind of payment?" 06[17:17:39] * Aurelin frowns more. "You really *are* new here. No squatters are allowed in the dungeon. And that's final." [17:18:01] "Well if you hire me then I won't be a squatter now will I?" 01[17:18:08] I suppose. [17:18:11] "Hmmmm" 01[17:18:22] So, adventurer-webbing? 01[17:18:25] Good, yes? 06[17:18:36] * Lilly reaches into her apron and produces a bag of coins [17:18:46] "Will this do for payment?" [17:20:32] It's not up to us. 06[17:20:42] * Aurelin gestures to Aurixorn. "It's up to *her*." [17:21:05] * Aurixorn reaches out timidly from behind the halfling half-dragon. 06[17:21:29] * Lilly gently hands the bag over to Aurixorn [17:21:53] "I hope we can be friends" 01[17:26:18] Anyway, let's tell her the plan? [17:26:58] "The plan to catch the adventurers in a freeze trap? I think I heard some of it from the ceiling" 01[17:27:08] Yep! 01[17:27:16] And maybe you can web them if they don't fall in. [17:27:19] were spying in the castle? [17:27:50] "Not really spying. I was taking a nap on the ceiling when you guys walked under me and woke me up" [17:28:09] But we weren't talking about it in here. [17:28:17] And only invited guests are allowed in the castle. 06[17:28:22] * Aurelin glances at Aurixorn. [17:28:23] "Oops!" [17:28:58] "What can I say? I'm part spider" 06[17:29:17] * Aurelin sighs slightly. "Well, I suppose it doesn't matter. I'll just kill you myself if it comes down to it." She says rather matter-of-factly. It doesn't even sound like it's intended as a threat. 01[17:29:43] I'll be acting as bait! 01[17:29:54] Then we will capture them. :D 06[17:30:03] * Aurelin pokes Nanette in the side. "And you trust people *way* too fast." [17:30:05] * Aurixorn takes the bag and checks what's inside carefully. [17:30:07] "And do what?" 06[17:30:27] * Lilly gave her a bag of GP 01[17:30:47] Do I? [17:31:13] We intend to make them pay the mistress properly or torture them and throw them out! 01[17:31:34] And convince them to pay int he future [17:32:01] "I see. Could I get a snack in if you want to torture them? I haven't had any blood in a while" 01[17:32:50] We'll see 06[17:34:36] * Aurelin waits for Aurixorn to go through the bag and put forward her approval or disapproval. [17:34:49] * Aurixorn doesn't look impressed by the bag of GP. "Is this all you could do?" 01[17:35:12] That's it, free labor. 01[17:35:19] But you get a room. 06[17:35:22] * Lilly pulls out another bag [17:35:36] "I have more" 06[17:37:32] * Aurelin smiles. "She's not much for gold, I'm afraid." [17:37:49] "Oh. What do you want?" 01[17:37:52] She's a dragon, you know 01[17:38:01] She wants eggs. Jewel eggs [17:38:15] "I see..." 06[17:38:39] * Lilly reaches under her kappougi 06[17:39:18] * Aurelin shsshes Nanette a bit. Some people should find out these things for themselves! 06[17:39:33] * Lilly pulls out a gem shaped like an egg [17:40:10] "Will this do?" [17:41:31] * Aurixorn grips it and looks carefully at it, inspecting it's quality. [17:41:54] [It's a well polished red ruby egg] [17:44:53] * Aurixorn looks at her other two maids. What are their reactions to this newcomer. [17:44:55] ? 01[17:46:29] That'll do... but I believe I'll be wanting some more payment. Later. [17:47:00] "I'll try my best" 01[17:48:24] Aurelin? 06[17:54:03] * Aurelin appears suspicious and is looking over Lilly carefully. [17:54:08] Um, YOU'LL be wanting some payment? 01[17:54:18] We. We. 06[17:54:28] * Aurelin then turns suddenly to Nanette. Blinking. "Huh?" 06[17:54:53] * Nanette keeps walking 01[17:56:01] Sorry about that 01[17:56:52] Hey Aurixorn, wanna play after these adventurers are kicked out? 06[17:57:40] * Aurelin watches Nanette go. And apparently doesn't get clarification on her question so she just walks forward. Whether she accepts Lilly coming with them or not is up for interpretation. 06[17:58:01] * Lilly follows trying to be humble [17:58:52] * Aurixorn looks, well. Angry. Heck, I don't think you've even SEEN her angry, but she does look a little stressed and upset. 01[17:58:52] We've been so busy lately, it might be good to unwind [17:59:55] "I apoligize if I'm causing undue burden on you all" 06[18:01:32] * Aurelin frowns a little as she follows along and then kneels down. "Hey...Lady Aurixorn?" She turns towards her a moment. [18:01:52] * She walks after Nanette, the ground beneath her feet having a steamy appearance in her wake. "Yes?" 06[18:02:05] * Aurelin pokes her cheek. Lightly. "Cheer up. Okay?" [18:02:36] Um, uh... *she blushes profusely* Okay. 01[18:03:14] Yeah. Things'll be okay again. ^^ 06[18:03:28] * Aurelin holds out her hand for her. [18:05:28] "Was it something I did?" 06[18:07:53] * Aurelin turns and glares at Lilly a bit for her to shh, but continues to hold out her hand for Aurixorn. [18:08:23] * Aurixorn, for reference, DOES have draconic features. Including the tail and wings. She takes Aurelin's hand and continues to the dungeon. [18:09:08] [Eventually they get the dungeon of dungeoning.] [18:09:37] [Well, the portal. It's very portally and swirly.] 06[18:10:18] * Aurelin continues as well. She also has some moderate draconic features, but far less so than Aurixorn, but definitely orange horns and some scaly bits. She's also rather short. Not much taller than Aurelin actually. 06[18:10:52] * Nanette currently looks like a young elven maiden. Nothing like her usual clearly obviously succubus self 06[18:17:17] * Nanette had green hair and purple eyes before, though. And wings and a pointy tail. 06[18:33:43] * Nanette snacks on some cookies and shares some with Aurixorn 06[18:33:55] * Nanette gives her her own bag, naturally [18:45:10] [Into the dungeon! You find several optimal spots, one has a balcony and a chute of water going down under a small bridge.] 01[18:47:21] Oooh, which of these could be nice? Maybe we could web the water and push someone in. And where are those freeze traps? [18:47:48] [There's another narrow hallway with three vary narrow entrances into a central lighted area. Grooves adorn the floor from the middle.] [18:49:31] [Finally, there's a tomb-like room that has numerous pillars in a large rectangular room. There are two entrances, one at the front and a secret one in the back behind a statue that refuses to tip over no matter how much you push it around.] [18:50:25] Nah. If we push them in the water, they might get washed away. And *then* how would we get our payment? 06[18:50:44] * Aurelin considers. "...unless we freeze the water. I could do that." 01[18:50:54] Oooh. Good idea. 01[18:51:30] Where's a good spot for me to lure people? 06[18:53:55] * Aurelin ponders. 06[18:54:53] * Aurelin then looks at Aurixorn. "Perhaps the bridge *is* a good idea? If they don't your breath strong enough to knock them off the bridge?" 06[19:10:09] * Lilly stays quiet, listening for orders and info [19:13:26] I, uh... I don't knock people over. 01[19:13:39] Could we just tackle them? [19:13:53] Adventurers are strong, aren't they? 06[19:13:55] * Aurelin shrugs vaguely. "Shake the bridge. Blow it up. I wish we had thought to bring wind traps but...did not know that there'd be a bridge." 06[19:14:30] * Nanette frowns 01[19:14:36] Well, we could just push them. 01[19:14:48] With... I dunno. A relaly big stick? 01[19:15:20] Let's just do this with what we have. [19:15:57] But we agree. Bridge. We'll put a freeze trap behind Nanette. Now all we need is...who should be...the monster...attacking her... 06[19:16:08] * Aurelin turns her gaze towards Lilly. 06[19:16:19] * Lilly is looking around idly 06[19:16:24] * Nanette turns her gaze towards Lilly. 06[19:16:32] * Aurelin then looks at Aurixorn. "What do you think?" 06[19:18:11] * Lilly notices people looking at her and is slightly startled [19:18:25] "What'd I do?" 06[19:18:44] * Aurelin ignores Lilly's question and keeps waiting for Aurixorn. [19:23:36] * Aurixorn nodnods. "She'd be a really good monster, I think." 01[19:23:52] Perfect! 06[19:24:01] * Nanette eats a chocolate in celebration [19:24:06] That settles it then. We have our bait. 06[19:24:24] * Aurelin smiles. "And then once they're trapped, I can help jump in behind them." [19:26:11] "So I'm playing monster?" 01[19:26:14] Oh, yes [19:26:37] "Okay, then just tell me what to do and I'll do it" 01[19:28:01] Pretend to attack me, mainly. Or hold me hostage. [19:28:13] "Okies!" 06[19:28:31] * Aurelin wags her finger and takes on a sly look. "It's simple. You act like you are attacking her until the adventurers are in position. You even have your own web to bind her, so that will be helpful." [19:28:46] Then we confront them. [19:28:49] "Mind if I web you and hang you from the ceiling?" 01[19:28:54] Sure! [19:29:02] "Okay!" [19:29:17] ..above the freeze trap would work perfectly. 06[19:29:19] * Lilly points her spinnerette at Nanette and fires [19:29:36] (Are we *at* the location yet? I thought we still needed to get there.) [19:30:33] (I was giving you some locations to work with.) 06[19:31:22] * Aurelin goes to set up at the balcony above the bridge room then! 06[19:32:42] * Lilly seeming very spider-like wraps up Nanette and hangs her from the ceiling above the trap. She also decides to web a few places around the room to make it more homely(ie: lair-like) 06[19:33:55] * Nanette swings! 06[19:35:59] * Lilly climbs to the ceiling and waits in a shadowy corner 01[19:46:27] Ready? [19:46:59] "Yup" 01[19:47:15] I'm gonna scream real loud! 06[19:47:54] * Nanette screams "HEEEEEEEEEEELP!" [19:58:54] * Aurixorn looks at Aurelin. "Maybe we should hide?" 01[20:02:32] Good idea 06[20:05:11] * Aurelin already *is* hiding. In the balcony. Supposedly she took Aurixorn up with her! [20:07:59] "Kekekekekekeke! Tonight I dine on princess blood!" [20:08:18] * Aurixorn hides behind Aurelin. "She's scaring me." 06[20:08:28] * Nanette whispers. "I'm in a village maiden outfit." [20:08:47] [Off in the halls, you can hear some clanking and clacking. Must be some sort metal creature, or a creature clad in metal.] 06[20:09:10] * Nanette trnasforms into a more suitable princess outfit. 06[20:09:25] * Aurelin shhs and pats Aurixorn, whispering. "She's playing a role. Rather well I might add." [20:10:54] "Blood blood blood!! Muwahahahahahaha!" [20:11:30] * Aurixorn meeps! "Maybe a little too well?" [20:13:08] ...she is hamming it up a little too much. But I'm sure well enough for the adventurers. 01[20:20:10] Heeeeeeelp! 01[20:25:38] I need somebody! 01[20:25:39] Help! 01[20:25:42] Not just anybody! [20:26:23] "Yes! Scream! Your blood flows warm and sweet when they do that!" [20:34:09] * Some adventurers come! There is a short burly man, most likely a dwarf of some kind, in full plate, with a big hammer, and a big shield. Behind him is an elf of some sort in leather armor and with a bow, clearly trying to be stealthy. A clothed man is behind them, wearing robes and his mask concealed by the robe. Finally, a halfling of sorts with a dagger pads with the group. He is, in fact, shoeless.] [20:35:23] [The dwarf looks up at the situation.] "That lass be in danger! Halt you vile spawn of the underworld!" 06[20:35:44] * Nanette wriggles [20:36:15] "More surface dwellers for me to feast upon!" [20:38:05] "Come into my web site and become trapped so that I may suck the marrow from your bones!" 06[20:39:25] * Aurelin pouts slightly at the halfling but stays quiet. Giving half her race a bad name. Hmmph. [20:42:43] [The halfling sneaks around, while the elf points his bow at the creature and fires some arrows. The wizard in back starts chanting and waving his hands.] 06[20:44:13] * Nanette screams a lot, being REALLY distracting 06[20:44:58] * Aurelin whispers. "Do you think you *could* blow up the bridge if necessary, Lady Aurixorn?" [20:48:45] * Aurixorn makes a 'me?!' motion. "No?" 06[20:48:53] * Lilly gets clobbered by the initial attack and begins scampering along the ceiling towards the adventurers [20:49:11] [The adventurers fire their bows and magic missiles, pelting the dryder!] 06[20:49:14] * Aurelin nods slightly. "It's okay. Either way..." 06[20:49:35] * Aurelin frowns as she looks down. "Perhaps we should spring the trap about now, eh?" [20:58:46] * Aurixorn nods. "Maybe?" 06[21:06:11] * Aurelin grips the end of the banister and plants her axe before leaping down, landing behind the wizard and placing the blade near the back of his neck. "Ho. You lot've got some explaining to do." 06[21:07:02] * Nanette continues her distracting wailing 06[21:36:28] * Lilly scamper scampers then leaps off the ceiling straight at the elf 01[21:37:49] HeeeeeeeEEEEEEEeeeEEEEeeeeeeEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelPppppPPP! [21:54:12] [The wizard looks at Aurelin and kinda eye-buggs.] Um, uh.... 06[21:55:10] * Aurelin smiles. Brightly. But they're fangs in her teeth. "Kindly tell your companions to set down their arms, yes? And perhaps we *won't* eat you." [21:58:03] [The Wizard nods and his companions slowly set their arms down. Ye'll never get away wit' this ye fiends! ] 06[21:58:26] * Aurelin snorts. "Fiends? Us? *You're* the ones who snuck in without *paying*." 06[21:58:44] * Lilly climbs back up and lets Nanette down from the ceiling 06[21:58:50] * Aurelin nods for a moment towards Lilly and Aurixorn. 06[21:59:27] * Nanette hits the floor! 06[22:00:33] * Lilly hops down "Sorry sorry sorry!" [22:02:15] W-we saw an ad! There was a dragon that needed slaying! Of course we would come to the aid of a damsel in distress! [22:02:34] [The Elf is being all brooding and quiet and lame.] 06[22:02:43] * Nanette wiggles around 06[22:02:46] * Aurelin growls slightly. "*Slaying*! Well I never!" 06[22:03:02] * Lilly undoes the webbing from Nanette [22:03:16] Where'd you find this ad, anyway? [22:03:17] "Dragons have feelings too!" [22:03:35] * Aurixorn is staying out of sight. 06[22:03:39] * Nanette gets out of the webbing. [22:07:16] Uh-um, of course! We wouldn't want to get in the way of any soverign ki-ki-kingdom. 06[22:07:56] * Nanette wriggles free, barely. She looks over the adventuring party. 06[22:08:09] * Aurelin sighs. "Look. The cost for adventuring in the dungeons is one shiny bauble. Particularly an egg. If you don't have that, then you're just *tourists*." [22:08:11] You never know what you're doing you bumbling fool! This is the THIRD time you lead us somewhere where there's some other people in charge. [22:08:33] ... Ye take payment in halflings? 06[22:09:15] * Nanette drops her elf disguise. "There was no maiden, either..." 06[22:09:27] * Aurelin looks at the Dwarf evenly. "Do I *look* like someone who takes payment in halflings?" Although her dragon part is pretty obvious, the other half is...definitely shorter than human. [22:10:05] N-n-now let's not be hasty! 06[22:10:29] * Nanette looks the party over. Elf or human, elf or human... 01[22:10:39] Hey, Aurelin, elf or human? [22:11:00] Don't look at me. *I'm* not going to make your decisions for you. [22:11:29] *sigh* Whatever. I'm outta here. Not even gonna make back travel expenses with you bozos. [22:11:55] I swear, there's something evil here! And people'll pay us to slay it! [22:12:05] Yeah whatever. [22:12:17] "Evil? Us?" [bats her eyelashes] [22:12:22] Ye don't got any proof. 06[22:12:36] * Nanette walks over, and eyes the human carefully. She transforms back into the elf maiden and drags him off. "Oh, thank you for rescuing me! Let me pay you back... if you come back with a jewel egg... maybe you can have more." [22:12:37] * Dwarf looks up at the succubus. "Okay, ye got some proof." 06[22:12:58] * Aurelin hasn't really let up with the axe on the human so if he's going anywhere, he might want to rethink it. 06[22:13:32] * Aurelin does blink as Nanette drags him away. "Hey! I was hostaging that!" [22:13:53] "Hmmm, I could always web them up and we could all play pinata" 01[22:13:53] You can have him back later, I decided to take turns. 06[22:14:51] * Aurelin pouts and then sighs, looking at the rest of them. "She's impossible. Do any of the *rest* of you have payment?" She eyes the halfling. "I suppose I *would* allow leaving the leader of the group behind. But that's not really *my* decision to make..." [22:15:05] * They human's not doing ANY moving. 06[22:16:09] * Nanette drags him off to an isolated part of the dungeon. And probably soundproofed. [22:16:10] "Can I suck on someone?" [22:16:27] Keep your hands off me you seductress, or I'll call on the powers that be to remove you from my presence! 01[22:16:55] Oh... what kinds of powers? [22:17:58] If by leader, ye mean halfling, Ye can have'em. 06[22:18:02] * Nanette ties up the human. [22:18:25] My work's done. [22:19:11] * The elf slips into the shadows. Strangely, his... or was it a her? It had a rather neutral voice. bow is missing. 06[22:20:20] * Aurelin sighs and then goes over to the halfling. She smiles. "Hi!" [22:20:31] "Wow, this is a rather disfunctional adventuring group. And I've seen some in my time" 06[22:21:04] * Nanette can't quite get him tied up. She whispers into his ear. "You're already here..." 06[22:21:15] * Nanette leans in closer. "Why not enjoy yourself?" [22:21:24] Yeeeaaaaah, what'chu want? *He's obviously upset.* 06[22:22:21] * Aurelin grips his shoulder and puts the blade up to his throat. She snorts frosty breath. "*You* have a lot of explaining to do." 06[22:22:39] * Lilly wanders over to the dwarf "I guess that leaves you to me, eh? So where you from? What's your name?" 01[22:23:20] Besides. We went through so much effort to set this up. [22:23:45] * The Halfling pouts. "I'm supposed to be an adventurer and all I get is in trouble! [22:23:46] " 06[22:24:11] * Nanette reaches into a pocket and holds up a pair of undies. "You know what this means? [22:24:14] Eh... Ey'll need ale. Lots more ale. 06[22:24:42] * Aurelin sighs, releases the blade slightly, then rests an arm around his shoulder. "I hear you there. That's what *I* tend to get around here. But you *still* need to pay." 06[22:25:08] * Lilly reaches into her apron and pulls out a flash "Will this do?" [22:25:27] Think my dad's a lot like you though. The deadbeat. [22:25:32] [flask] [22:25:44] * The dwarf chugs it and shrugs. "Need more. Need enough ta'forget the bottom half." [22:25:49] (But you cannot get ye flask!) [22:26:02] "Forget the bottom half?" [22:27:23] "Hmmmm, you're serious?" 06[22:28:36] * Nanette returns, underwear in hand, a bit grumpier. "Stupid freedom wizard... hey! Where'd the elf go?" 06[22:28:44] * Nanette points at where the elf used to be, with the underwear hand. [22:29:29] "Mind helping me here, Nanette? He wants only half of me" 01[22:29:52] Who does? 06[22:30:02] * Lilly points at the dwarf 01[22:30:18] Just show him the other half's perfectly functional. [22:30:24] I ain't no deadbeat! I'm an adventurer! I get gold! Save the day! You know. THAT. [22:30:49] "Eeeh?" 06[22:31:02] * Nanette looks to the adventurers. Or what's left of them. "You. My top choices ran off." [22:31:24] Yeah. didn't. Tough break. This is a *respectable* dungeon. I mean you pay. You get to go through and keep what you find. Those are the rules. Didn't anyone *tell* you? [22:31:35] Otherwise, *we* have to clean up the mess *you* leave behind. [22:32:12] Rules? Nobody told me no rules! 06[22:32:44] * Lilly skitters up the wall and goes to see Aurixorn 06[22:32:44] * Aurelin sighs. "You don't have anything, do you?" 06[22:33:03] * Nanette looks to Lilly. "You DO have the parts, right?" [22:33:15] "Spider parts" 06[22:33:29] * Nanette frowns. 01[22:34:12] Then use your upper body. 06[22:34:27] * Nanette looks to the halfling. "If you come here, you're supposed to bring a jewel egg." 06[22:34:31] * Aurelin calls out to Lilly. "Hey! New girl! Can you tie him up for a bit? I've got to ask a quick question...otherwise, I have to shove him into the freeze trap." 06[22:34:43] * Lilly skitters down [22:34:48] "Okay!" 06[22:35:10] * Lilly ties up the halfling with her web 06[22:35:33] * Aurelin makes her way quickly back up to the balcony after he's taken care of, looking for Aurixorn. [22:36:55] Hey! What's the big idea?! 06[22:37:15] * Nanette picks up the halfling. "You're small, but you'll do." [22:37:26] "Uh oh!" [22:37:55] * Aurixorn looks over at Aurelin. It looks like she might have been crying. "W-what's happening? They're not slaying dragons, are they? Adventurers are scary!" 01[22:38:16] Lilly, could you tie up the dwarf too? [22:38:25] "I'm on it!" 06[22:38:31] * Lilly ties up the dwarf 06[22:38:54] * Nanette puts her face real close to the halfling's. "You ready?" [22:38:56] * The dwarf looks at Lilly. "Ifn ye keep yer top half in my eyes, I got no problems." 06[22:39:05] * Aurelin hugs slightly. "I'm'll be okay. But...I wonder if we can't find out who's spreading these nasty rumors. I doubt we're going to get your egg though..." [22:39:40] * Aurixorn hugs the egg that Lilly gave her earlier. "That's okay. I'm just scared..." 06[22:39:54] * Nanette looks up to Aurixorn. "Don't worry. We'll set up signs." [22:40:16] I know...we'll get them out of your dungeon. I promise. And I'm sure they'd love you if they just got to know you... 06[22:41:56] * Nanette thinks. Then shrinks to more halfling size. 06[22:42:40] * Lilly starts giving the dwarf a back rub for lack of anything else to do "You must be all tense from running around like this. Isn't going around hacking monsters kinda dirty and disgusting?" 01[22:43:22] What about you, halfling? [22:44:07] * Aurixorn nods to Aurelin and hugs her tight. [22:44:54] * The dwarf doesn't seem to have any problems with a backrub. 06[22:45:51] * Aurelin hugs her tightly back. "We've got to quell these nasty rumors. They seem to be subdued now. If you'd like to come out. If you can't deal with customers, it'd be difficult to run the dungeons..." [22:49:14] Okay. I can go out and t-talk to them. 06[22:50:00] * Aurelin nods slightly and helps Aurixorn go out, making sure that she sticks with her for support. [22:51:02] * Aurixorn is taken out with Aurelin. 01[22:51:22] Oh, here comes the mistress. 06[22:51:27] * Nanette stops her advances 06[22:51:37] * Nanette puts the underwear away. [22:51:43] [Meanwhile, the halfling is just plain angry and upset and too much a ball of rage to be subdued by Nanette's advances. Unfortunately. We all want to see Succubus on Midget action.] 06[22:54:52] * Aurelin looks over at the halfling. "So is *this* the evil dragon you were sent to hunt?" 06[22:56:32] * Nanette frowns and looks to the dwarf. "Looks like I'll have to settle." 01[22:57:10] For now. [22:57:12] "You're just a lil ol' ball of lovey aren'tcha, Nanette?" [22:57:14] Uh... Less gold, more red. A lot more red. 01[22:57:27] ... red? 01[22:57:32] There's no red dragon here. 06[22:57:35] * Aurelin *eyes* the halfling. He is *not* helping his case. [22:58:07] "Who said we had a red dragon here?" [22:58:11] Yeah, RED dragon. Was burning villages, demanding maidens, you know. [22:58:21] Doing evil dragon stuff. [22:58:48] Not, for example, collecting glittery eggs and liking sweets then. [22:59:06] "Well thankfully there is none. Otherwise you four would likely be charcoal with how organized you came in here" [22:59:27] No? No! Why would I wanna kill something that collects eggs and sweets? I LOVE sweets. Espically jumjum pie. You ever have jumjum pie? It's delicious! [23:00:00] * Aurixorn just looks at the halfling and the dwarf and ...s. 06[23:00:04] * Aurelin puts her hands on Aurixorn's shoulders and stands behind her, smiling. "Say hello, Mistress." 06[23:00:29] * Nanette blinks, and her eyes brighten. "Jumjum pie is WONDERFUL" [23:02:19] H-hello. [23:03:07] See? These adventurers don't want to slay you at all! It's all a big misunderstanding! 06[23:03:20] * Aurelin smiles at the halfling. But this one has a lot more dagger in it. "*Right*?" [23:05:59] Sure sure, but you gotta spice it just right. And then you have some nice warm apple cider with it, and some crumpets with a little tea. Ooooh, yeah. 01[23:06:31] Mmmmmmm... yeah. So hot. 01[23:11:23] Let's... get some food soon. And after... some dessert? 06[23:11:27] * Nanette looks at the halfling 06[23:11:55] * Aurelin ...kinda loses the intimidation factor when it's replaced by a wtf look at Nanette. [23:12:04] I say we skip the food and head straight to the dessert! I got a great pie recepie. [23:12:20] "..." [23:12:35] * Aurixorn, talking to Aurelin. "What's going on?" 06[23:12:57] * Aurelin sighs slightly. "Nanette. While you're playing with your food, could you at *least* ask him if he knows who started the rumors that there was a red dragon around here?" 01[23:13:05] Oh, of course.. 06[23:13:41] * Aurelin speaks offhand to Aurixorn. "I wish I knew..." 06[23:14:00] * Nanette grabs the halfling and heads off. "Let's make this quick. Full course later." [23:14:11] I say after this, though, we head out of the dungeon for a nice bath and that piggy back ride I promised you." 01[23:14:13] You want a small or a large? [23:15:26] Bigger the better. 06[23:16:00] * Nanette drags him off somewhere to ravish him for a few minutes. [23:16:25] * The halfling might be ravished, but his love of food clearly outweighs his love of... ravishing. 06[23:16:29] * Aurelin watches Nanette for a minute, then shakes her head and heads off with Aurixorn. 06[23:26:02] * Nanette interrogates the halfling a while and gets some answers. Three times. <3 06[23:28:05] * Lilly follows Aurelin and Aurixorn back to the castle 06[23:29:04] * Nanette returns. "Lilly. Mind if I borrow your dwarf for a little?" [23:29:20] "I" 01[23:29:34] ... no? [23:29:49] "No no, it's okay!" [23:30:06] "Just treat him well, okay?" 01[23:30:17] I certainly will. This won't take long. 06[23:33:09] * Nanette has her infernal way with the dwarf. And the halfling. 03[23:39:30] * Lilly is now known as Alt-Eisen 02[23:40:17] * Alt-Eisen ( Quit (Quit: ) [23:42:52] [Aaand session end!] Session Close: Sun Nov 15 00:00:00 2009