Start of #MaidRPG buffer: Tue Feb 23 09:58:53 2010 01[20:06:33] [It's a beautiful morning. Ooh ooh ooh. ] 01[20:06:37] [Or however that song goes] 01[20:06:50] [And then it starts raining. Booo.] 01[20:06:53] [Session start] 01[20:06:55] *thunder* 06[20:08:28] * Kohaku glances out the window at the thunder and rain and shakes her head. Rain is crap to fly in. 01[20:08:56] *lightning* 06[20:09:16] * Kohaku blinks. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? 06[20:11:39] * Minato yawns. "'sup, yo?" 01[20:12:30] *lightning* [20:13:37] Bad weather moving in. 01[20:15:21] *thunder* 01[20:18:13] *tornado* 06[20:19:03] * Kohaku sniffs the air. "...*very* bad weather." 01[20:19:33] * Looking out the window, you can distinctly make out the form of a large grey twister. 01[20:19:39] * Sort of like the one from Mathman. [20:19:48] Young master isn't scared of storms, is he? 01[20:20:00] * He's scared of a lot of things, so let's say yes. 06[20:20:18] * Kohaku sighs. "Best check to make sure." 06[20:20:25] * Kohaku heads to the master's chambers to check on him. 01[20:21:43] * The door opens easily. There's a little lump in the covers. Probably him. And a computer on the bedside table. Every once in a while, he reaches out to do something on it. The windows are covered up pretty good. 06[20:22:57] * Kohaku knocked first before entering. Manners! Suin would approve of them. 01[20:26:17] Uh... come in. 06[20:28:03] * Kohaku comes in. "Young master?" 01[20:28:24] * Today is Suin's day off. She's in her room or out on the town or something. 01[20:28:29] Uh... hi. 01[20:28:32] *thunder* 01[20:28:37] *lightning* 06[20:28:50] * Kohaku looks around. "Are you feeling unwell?" 01[20:29:58] Well, I think I'll be okay, I just... well, it's warm here. 06[20:31:34] * Kohaku wrinkles her brow. "We can turn up the thermostat for the rest of the house, young master." 01[20:32:03] We have a heater? [20:32:28] Heaters're for peasants. Controlled central heating. [20:32:39] All you had to do was ask. 01[20:32:59] Wow. That's pretty useful. 01[20:33:20] So... uh... yes, plesae? 06[20:33:38] * Kohaku nods. "Anything else?" 06[20:34:11] * Minato stretches and looks out the window, then into Kentaro's room. "'morning. What's up?" [20:34:30] Gotta turn up the heater. Nasty storm outside too. 01[20:35:58] Oh. Morning. [20:36:44] If that's it, I'll go do that right now. 06[20:36:49] * Kohaku goes and does that right now. 01[20:37:09] *lightning* 01[20:37:48] *thunder* 01[20:37:55] * Kentaro gets out of bed. 06[20:38:08] * Minato glances at Kentaro, then at Minato. "He behavin'?" 06[20:38:31] * Kohaku shrugs. "Looks like it. Han't gotten out of bed though." 06[20:38:45] * Kohaku assumes Minato is talking to her and not her reflection, because she is a narcissist. 01[20:40:07] * Kentaro stretches. "So... today... hm..." [20:40:27] Today I'm makin' waffles. 06[20:40:31] * Minato heads down to do that! 01[20:41:11] Waffles sounds nice. 06[20:41:24] * Kohaku eyes Kentaro critically for a moment, then goes down to clear and set the table. She turns on the lights too, since dark and stormy weather doesn't make for much sunlight. 01[20:43:26] *lighting* 06[20:44:28] * Kohaku goes into the kitchen to see if Minato needs help. 06[20:53:20] * Kohaku sneaks buttermilk into Minato's waffle batter. 01[20:53:20] * Kentaro heads downstairs after getting dressed. 01[20:55:30] Oooh. That smells nice. 01[20:55:57] * He looks around. Then when no one's looking, he draws the curtains just a little closer together. Then has a seat. 01[20:56:00] *lightning* 06[20:56:02] * Minato sighs and hands out waffles. "They're just not the same..." [20:56:17] Coffee, hot chocolate, milk, tea? 01[20:56:47] Hot chocolate sounds nice, since it's a cold day. 01[20:57:04] Oh, but we have that heating... so it might not end up being so cold... hm. 01[20:57:10] * He appears deep and lost in thought 01[21:00:08] Hot chocolate is fine. :9 01[21:00:21] * Kentaro eats the waffles. He looks happy. Though he's not hard to pleas. ^^ 01[21:02:05] These are great. :D 06[21:02:52] * Minato shrugs. 06[21:03:13] * Kohaku smirks a little, then goes in to get the hot chocolate. 06[21:03:56] * Kohaku makes it with Real Milk, and brings it out on a tray with a dish of marshmallows to the side and a can of whip cream. 06[21:05:55] * Kohaku sets it all out and holds up the can. "Whipped cream?" 01[21:06:34] Oh! Sure. Thanks. Never had it with that before. 06[21:08:12] * Kohaku shakes it and sprays out a foamy swirl of whipped cream, culminating in a tiny whip cream swan floating on his hot cocoa. 01[21:08:38] * He watches, clearly impressed. 06[21:09:24] * Minato is be chillaxin' yo, letting Kohaku do the work. After all, Kentaro hasn't done anything too boneheaded yet. 06[21:10:03] * Kohaku then flies it back in, to put it back in the fridge. 01[21:10:46] * Kentaro finishes dirnking and eating. He looks happy. 01[21:14:28] Today... um... hm. We should prepare for that party, huh? 06[21:15:15] * Kohaku checks her calendar on her phone. How long till the party, again? 01[21:15:33] * Let's say... a couple weeks. [21:16:34] Sure. Neverending process. 06[21:17:06] * Minato cracks her knuckles. "Then let's get you ready to be a master, yo." 01[21:23:37] Uh... okay. So what now? 06[21:24:43] * Kohaku thinks. "Lessee...well, it's too nasty out to fly in the clothes people. Dancing?" 01[21:25:06] Dancing? 06[21:28:08] * Kohaku shrugs. "That level of party, who knows what could happen." 01[21:28:23] So I guess it's best to be prepared. [21:29:38] You DO know how to dance, right? 01[21:29:50] Umm... not really. [21:31:39] ...yeah. 06[21:32:24] * Kohaku tilts her head. "Minato, what room should we use?" 06[21:32:53] * Minato thinks. "There SHOULD be a ballroom, yo." 06[21:34:07] * Kohaku frowns, trying to remember. [21:34:22] Didn't we turn that into the movie den? Or was that only half of it? 01[21:35:14] I dunno 06[21:35:34] * Kohaku sighs. "Going for the floor plans." 06[21:35:38] * Kohaku does so! 01[21:35:52] * Yep. You've got a ball room 06[21:38:10] * Kohaku flies back. "OK, found it. It's *behind* the home theatre. Gotta use the atrium-side hallway to get there though." 01[21:39:07] Aah. I guess we ought to head there, then? 06[21:39:42] * Kohaku glances down at Kentaro's...feet. What footwear is he wearing? 01[21:40:20] * Socks. [21:40:38] Better get you some shoes or something first. Don't want you slippin' on the parquet. 01[21:42:04] What's a parquet? 06[21:42:07] * Minato heads up to Kohaku's room. "FIRST, you gotta get dressed to dance, yo. You ain't dancing in that." [21:42:14] Yeah, that too. [21:42:35] Parquet's ballroom flooring. 01[21:44:19] * Kentaro nods as the two of you head up to Kohaku's room. [21:45:47] (Sorry, Kentaro's room) 01[21:45:56] * Kentaro's room 06[21:46:21] * Minato starts looking through for some suitable dancing clothes for Kentaro. 06[21:46:37] * Kohaku does the same with the shoes. Sailor Nailbat knows what she's doing. 06[21:50:31] * Kohaku finds the right-size dancing shoes she had the foresight to pick up from the main estate last time. They have, of course, not been touched except by her and her fellow maids. Sigh. She takes them out of the box and checks their shine critically. 01[21:50:56] * Shiny! 06[21:51:10] * Minato hauls out some suitable clothes for, well, dancing on a ballroom. It's clean and pressed, just like from the laundromat, and never used. "Well. First time for everything, yo?" 01[21:52:29] * Kentaro looks at them 06[21:52:33] * Kohaku nods, then sighs again. "Least it'll get 'im a chance to wear 'em in a little." 06[21:53:00] * Minato sighs and hands them to Kentaro. "Here, put these on, yo." 06[21:53:03] * Kohaku puts the shoes on the floor next to the bed and leaves discreetly. "'ll be outside." 01[21:53:29] * He nods. 06[21:54:00] * Minato walks out of the room to let him change. 01[21:54:30] * The two of you are outside his room for a lil while 06[21:55:36] * Kohaku ninjas to her room real quick to grab some heels, but just carries them rather than putting them on. 01[21:56:38] * And Minato? 06[21:57:56] * Minato will ninja her way to get some, well... clothes. Dancing clothes. Although it probably looks a lot like Kohaku's because she's PRINCESS NAILBAT. [21:58:03] (Err, Kentaro's) [21:58:05] (GODDAMN IT) 01[21:59:29] * Kentaro steps out. He seems to have dressed himself pretty okay. 06[22:01:25] * Kohaku inspects him critically, brushes some dust off a lapel, and nods. 06[22:02:55] * Minato eyes him with a critical eye, then nods. [22:04:07] Let's go, then. 01[22:04:22] R-right 01[22:06:14] *thunder* 06[22:07:36] * Kohaku looks at Minato. "You know the way from here right? Gonna fly down there and set stuff up." 06[22:10:13] * Minato nods and guides Kentaro to the ballroom. 01[22:10:37] * He gulps, and follows 06[22:12:10] * Kohaku flies to the ballroom with a quick stop to the entertainment center to pick out some appropriate music. If you ain't Princess Nailbat, at least you can have wings. 01[22:15:16] * Kentaro just stands there at the ballroom after being taken there 06[22:18:51] * Kohaku puts on some Mozart. 06[22:19:13] * Kohaku looks at Minato. "Probably a square waltz first, but you wanna start or should I?" [22:21:23] Or should we do it together first so's he can see? 06[22:26:43] * Minato has a puzzled look on her face. "I dunno, what'chu think, yo?" 06[22:27:22] * Kohaku shrugs and looks at Kentaro. "What'd you prefer?" 01[22:27:44] Maybe... um.... no prefernece. 06[22:28:37] * Kohaku raises a skeptical eyebrow. "Maybe what? Make a firm decision, y--make a firm decision." 01[22:29:28] How about I just watch first... ? 06[22:31:00] * Kohaku shrugs, slips off her shoes and puts them carefully to the side, and slips on the heels. 3 inches, closed-toe, vermilion to match her hair. 06[22:32:06] * Minato raises an eyebrow and shrugs. "Give me a moment then, I must get changed, yo." 06[22:33:44] * Kohaku shrugs. "'K. 'd change too but I'm saving the outfit." 06[22:35:37] * Minato returns after changing, and for a notable reason why. She's dressed as, well, a guy. She isn't one, but one may mistake that if it weren't for her bewbz. 01[22:36:03] * Kentaro gulps 01[22:36:06] *lightning* 06[22:38:13] * Kohaku adjusts her glasses. "Let's begin with the approach." Her tone is a little less casual than usual; she walks over to the side of the room and stands there, looking like a ladylike maid. Her heels make no noise on the parquet, despite the fact that they're heels and it's a hardwood floor. NINJA!! 01[22:40:46] * Kentaro watches. o.o 06[22:42:44] * Minato approaches Kohaku with a hand out. She's upright and calm, walking step-by-step, and smiles, then bows to Kohaku. "May I have this dance?" 06[22:43:31] * Kohaku curtseys with one hand and extends her other one gracefully. "Certainly, sir." 06[22:46:30] * Kohaku puts her curtsey hand on Minato's shoulder and lets Minato take her other one. 06[22:48:52] * Kohaku lets Minato put her other hand around her waist, then turns to look at Kentaro. "We'll be starting you off with a square waltz. Very easy. Step forward, to the side, backward, to the side, forward again, moving around the dance floor as you do so." 01[22:49:22] * He nods. And pays attention. "Forward, side... back, side... forward... then I guess it loops?" 06[22:49:40] * Minato nods. "Yes, now watch." She takes her movements in time, leading the way for Kohaku. Entirely possible that she's done this before. [22:49:46] Yes. Watch our feet closely. You can turn as you go, just turn your partner too. [22:49:59] (Swap those two) 06[22:50:25] * Kohaku dances along. "You're leading, so she'll be relying on you not to dance her into other people." 01[22:50:37] Right... 06[22:52:13] * Kohaku has definitely done this before; she seems completely at ease and doesn't seem weirded out that Minato's being the guy. Her heels are, creepily, still not making any noise. 06[22:54:16] * Minato isn't creeped out by being a guy for this either! She continues dancing w/o pause, smoothly and calmly, as befitting a well cultured upbringing. 06[22:54:51] * Minato stops as the music ends. She bows and waits for Kentaro to come up. 01[22:55:04] * He steps up, looking a bit nervous 06[22:55:30] * Kohaku steps back as well. "Once you get a little practice, we'll get to making spins. Let's not complicate things right now." 01[22:56:43] Right. Umm... 01[22:56:51] * He looks between Kohaku and Minato... [23:03:31] ... Well? 06[23:05:02] * Kohaku brushes a hair back into place. "Don't forget to approach correctly." 01[23:07:22] * Kentaro approaches Minato. 01[23:09:16] * A good chunk of the day passes, trying to train Kentaro properly] 01[23:09:18] [Session End] 06[23:09:41] * Kohaku flits upward, adjusting her glasses, to prepare to help supervise. End of #MaidRPG buffer Tue Feb 23 09:58:53 2010