Start of #TD&DG buffer: Tue Jun 03 21:22:06 2008 [17:46:49] [Dinner is served in the cozy little kitchen by Floren's mother - who just seems to be called "Mom" - at a large, sturdy wooden table worn smoothe by years of loving use. It is not a grand affair, but the bread and stew are pleantiful, and the hearty smell pervades the air, overwhelming the normal floral odors from the doilie-held potpouri.] [17:46:55] * Wurr ( has joined #TD&DG [17:49:04] [Bert and Tag seem famished, the older, teenaged boy moreso than the younger, and less well-mannered about waiting for it. Floren himself is the last to arrive, just as his mother is finishing handing out bowls and trenchers. "Dig in, don't be shy, dears. Oh, here, let me," she says, serving the children herself with heaping helpings of both bread and beef stew.] [17:49:50] [She goes back to get some mugs filled with chilled wine - watered down heavilly for the children - as Floren takes his seat. | Cast: Everybody! | Start!] [17:50:22] * Lidya eats eagerly. :9 "Thanks." [17:51:19] * Wurr eats...well the oppisit of Daintily woud be more polite then him gulping the food down hungerily right now. [17:51:40] * Stella eats daintily, offering occasional thanks to 'Mom'. [17:51:44] * Althea partakes of the presented food slowly and daintilly. She has cleaned up from her adventure in the mine with the assistance of a Prestidigitation spell. [17:52:03] You're welcome, dear. Did you get enough meat? I'm never sure if halflings are getting enough. No offense, I mean, but you're so skinny! [17:53:18] Oh, yes, thank you, ma'am. [17:53:22] * Lidya smiles. :D [17:53:28] * Althea thinks better of asking how they eat with so few utensils at the table. "Certainly beats normal tavern fare." [17:53:52] * Ierikc eats calmly and slowly, not taking too much off the plate to eat. [17:53:54] *laughing and brushing his hair behind his slightly pointed ear* Mom, let them eat. They won't starve themselves. [17:54:46] * Wurr gulps another bite down, and then looks up, he takes a second to think, swollows again. "Thank you." [17:56:22] This is delicious. [17:56:40] * Althea puts her stewspoon down. "So, what do we want to do about the mine?" [17:56:50] So, Mister Floren, will you be able to make the potion in time? *carefully taking a large bite on a wooden spoon* [17:57:39] I will; it's brewing nicely. At least, I'll have enough for you and Tag, here. ...what -can- you do about the mine? Ghosts or... you mentioned elementals? [17:58:17] Yeah. [18:00:09] Elementals. Some how we will fix it. [18:00:17] There seems to be quite the mess going on down there with the elementals and the mushrooms and such. [18:00:25] * Tag wolfs down his share of the stew, halfway through the bowl already and shoveling it into his mouth with his bread. [18:00:44] * Ierikc nods. [18:00:50] Mushrooms? Are the elementals bothering the Myconids? [18:00:55] Yeah [18:01:03] It's kindof sad. [18:01:16] On accident, I imagine. [18:02:17] The poor dears. The myconids have always been friendly fellows with the miners. My boy gets good stuff from them. [18:03:07] ...We'll see if we can't help. [18:03:23] I wonder the why and how of them getting down there in the first place. This is obviously a new development. [18:06:42] We also should find a way of communicating reliably with the mephits. [18:06:46] Dunno. Where do elementals *eats a meat-bit whole, swallows without chewing* come from? Maybe there's another entrance to the mine? [18:07:08] Mephits? And elementals? What sort? [18:07:35] If I remember correctly, they don't. [18:07:47] water, dust, air... [18:08:00] The elementals were earth elementlas. And hostile ones. [18:08:55] Eat, that is. [18:08:58] * Ierikc takes another bite. [18:10:11] I wonder if we can convince the earth elementals to move elsewhere. [18:10:56] Well, it is possible to negotiate with them to an extent, I think. [18:11:01] *thumps his chest, swallowing a big bite* I can take 'em. [18:11:02] * Althea takes another spoonful of stew and slowly sips it, giving it plenty of time to cool. [18:11:08] Although being unable to communicate hurts our efforts. [18:11:17] Yeah. [18:11:40] I know he can. [18:11:51] * Wurr looks serious, not at all mocking Tag. [18:13:13] * Bert giggles. "We'll help. And we should look into those nasty kobolds." [18:14:00] Yeah, but the mine is convienently close, at least. And the kobolds aren't going to kill a princess. [18:14:28] They sure aren't. [18:15:37] Well... how do we go about talking to the elementals? [18:17:10] They usually speak their own languages. [18:17:28] I speak water... [18:17:58] I speak Common, Halfling, Elven, and Goblin... [18:18:05] * Lidya looks to Ierikc and Althea [18:19:29] * Althea ( Quit (Ping timeout) [18:22:21] * Ierikc closes a book. "I had actually just finished studying up on elementals and their native languages. I believe I can converse with them, if you require." [18:22:38] ... ooh. That's be PERFECT! [18:23:12] Always a good way to start a negotiation. [18:23:42] * Wurr shrugs grunting. [18:23:56] * Ierikc smiles. "I'm sorry I didn't know earlier, but my memories come at their own pace, not the other way around." [18:27:56] I'd help if I could, but I am busy with the potions until...well, just before it's time for you kids' doses. That'll be all I have, too; I fear the other victims will have to weather the full moon this time on their own. [18:28:13] If the myconids are being hurt, can the town help them? [18:28:41] I'm not sure what they need. [18:29:05] * Cyndane ( has joined #TD&DG [18:29:20] We'll find out, then! [18:29:25] * Cyndane is now known as Althea [18:31:30] I worry more for the town than the kids. Which is not to say I worry for the kids too, but... [18:32:33] I hope we can find a way to produce enough for a whole town [18:32:47] Of course. They're dangerous to those around them more than themselves. [18:33:16] We should warn the people of Mardeaux. I feel bad we didn't think to send warning to all four cities in Gan. [18:33:31] We will do what we can. [18:34:30] We can't do anything more than that, Wurr. [18:34:33] They'll be fine. Wererats don't want to -hurt- their parents. I'll help; most of them know me. *holds out his bowl imperiously to Floren's mother, who chuckles and refills it* [18:34:40] * Lidya nods. [18:36:01] I hope, for their sake, that's true. [18:36:32] I've been one through almost six full moons. *wolfs down more food* [18:36:43] Well, it at least sounds like we know what we want to do. [18:36:58] * Bert shyly requests more food, too, and digs in with a bit less politeness than before, obviously still hungry. [18:38:05] * Wurr will follow the young lads example. [18:39:03] * Ierikc is already finished, having only eaten half his food, and hands the rest off to Wurr. [18:39:07] * Althea is politely pecking at the stew. She's not eating a lot, though. [18:39:48] If you'll excuse me, I have to get back to monitoring the alchemy. [18:39:53] * Wurr looks down at it, shrugs, and starts eating Ierikc's food. [18:40:09] * The half-elven apothecary finishes his drink and heads down into his own kitchen. [18:41:10] * Lidya finishes her food. :9 [18:41:48] Well, I suppose we rest up for the night and head out in the morning, then? [18:42:21] Sounds good. [18:43:21] Oh, good. I am sorry we don't have much room, but feel free to use the couches or the spare beds. [18:43:40] Thank you! [18:43:42] If I may, will we be able to send warnings to any of the other immediete townships? [18:43:55] I think most of us already have rooms arraged at a local inn, don't we? [18:43:57] Ah, thank you. [18:45:51] You can see about sending messenger pigeons. It may be fast enough. There are several messenger services in town. [18:46:35] ooh [18:46:55] That would be most beneficial. [18:48:25] Good. [18:51:14] I have the feeling tomorrow's going to be a long day. [18:51:45] * Ierikc stands up. "Well, I have an errand to run then." He bows to Floren's mother. "Thank you for the meal, it was delicious." He walks out the door. [18:52:22] I'll go get some rest... thanks again! [18:54:15] * Ierikc hoods up and heads to what passes for a post office. [18:54:17] You're all quite welcome. Do help those dear myconids, please! [18:54:30] * Althea rises from her chair. "I'm going to rest up. I shall see all of you on the morrow." [18:55:15] Night. [18:56:01] Night! [18:56:03] * Althea heads out to her inn room which she had already arranged ahead of time. [19:05:07] [The next morning finds everyone awake and ready to go. The dwarven miners recognize the group - even with the two kids in tow. It's threatening rain, but thankfully, the mines' dankness will be nearly dry by comparison. | Start!] [19:05:50] I'm getting tired of dirty caves. [19:06:13] I'm sure they're getting tired of you too. [19:06:19] * Lidya waves. [19:07:26] Caves are not so bad, friend Althea. [19:08:10] While it could be worse, it's not here, and the cave is. [19:08:48] * Althea begins to head in. "Might as well get this over with." [19:09:17] [Inside is just as dark as before. Did Althea remember her magical torch?] [19:10:20] * Althea walks a short distance in before lighting a stick with a Light spell. "Lighting is also an issue here." [19:12:10] [The tunnel branches ahead, just as it did before. The path previously taken went to the left; the path ahead to the T-intersection is as-yet unexplored. [19:13:13] ] [19:14:14] * Lidya steps up [19:14:17] * Althea turns back to everyone else. "So, into the unknown?" [19:14:24] Yeah... [19:14:38] At lesat we've got a better idea of what's in here this time [19:15:00] Of course. [19:18:35] * Althea continues into the unknown, or the right. Whatever you want to call it. [19:19:35] [Moving along, Althea's torch reveals that the right-hand path leads past wood-plank walls to a collapsed dead-end, though the mud looks soft enough to dig in. To the left, the path continues into a well-dug-out room.] [19:20:47] Left looks good. [19:21:05] * Althea peers to the right. "Certainly better than right." [19:21:47] * Althea heads to the left! [19:23:43] FIRST, Wurr should be leading. [19:26:21] Those who hesitate get left behind. [19:28:29] * Lidya halts. [19:28:30] Woah, wiat. [19:28:42] remember last time, when the ceiling fell? [19:28:59] * Lidya points up. "That area there is going to do it agian if we're not careful [19:29:13] What is "careful"? [19:29:27] Hmm... [19:29:35] * Lidya looks it over to try to figure out how to keep it from falling [19:33:10] Well, the wood's a bit weak. needs some more suppor [19:33:14] We need to stabalize it [19:35:44] Anyone happen to have a ten foot pole? [19:35:57] * Ierikc blinks at Lidya. "Where would I *put* it?" [19:36:28] I'm pretty sure that if we had one, you'd be able to tell. [19:36:40] Okay, what about five two-foot poles? [19:36:47] ... no, I don't think it works like that. [19:36:57] Maybe we should just tiptoe? [19:38:17] Tiptoeing? [19:38:20] Hm... [19:38:39] That could work. Just be careful. [19:39:01] I wonder if we could turn this section to our advantage later if someone starts chasing us [19:39:37] Well, lead the way, Lidya. [19:40:17] * Lidya starts tiptoing past that point [19:41:57] Beyond, a smallish chamber has been neatly mined out, then left with perfectly cut walls in the muddy stone. Another chamber is beyond a door to the south. [19:42:01] [ ] [19:42:04] * Ierikc walks softly with the rest of the group. [19:42:11] * Wurr being the silent orc he has been follows along with the group! [19:43:15] * Lidya steps into the chamber to give people room to move through [19:43:37] * Stella walks by, thanking Lidya as she passes. [19:44:08] * Althea holds any noisy bits of her outfit quiet as she walks by. "Let's hope that it's still open when we come back. [19:44:21] [ The chamber is rather dull, with a stone floor and walls, but wooden columns and crossbeams holding up a mostly mud ceiling. The smell of salt is less, here, than it was down below. ] [19:45:33] I wonder if we're going at all in the correct direction. [19:46:12] Well, we're not headed back outside, so we must be going somewhere [19:46:24] * Wurr looks around. [19:47:44] I can get them here. [19:47:58] How? [19:48:53] * Althea ( Quit (Ping timeout) [19:49:46] * Wurr takes a deep breath and bellows. "STUPID STONE HEADS COME AND GET ME!" [19:50:14] * Lidya scoots over to a spot where she's less likely to be seen [19:51:22] [ A grinding sound can be heard, and a stone figure drops from the ceiling near Wurr. ] [19:51:43] * Wurr grins and waves at the stone figure. [19:52:07] Alright, let's see what it has to say... [19:52:30] * The elemental tilts its...head...and lumbers awkwardly towards Wurr. [19:55:21] * Wurr takes a defensive stance watching the Elemental though he's not actively attacking. [19:56:02] * Stella tilts her head as well, although she is still smiling her cheerful smile. [19:56:16] * Lidya smiles and waves. [19:56:17] * Ierikc walks forward and clears his throat. He starts speaking in Terran. [20:01:45] * The elemental pauses to listen. Apparently it's surprised to hear terran. [20:02:09] [20:03:48] [20:05:21] * The elemental doesn't sound very bright. [20:05:44] [20:06:34] [20:07:02] [20:08:47] [20:11:00] [20:12:31] [20:14:09] * The elemental sounds confused. When it speaks again, it sounds like it's getting annoyed. "" [20:15:16] * Ierikc thinks. [20:15:45] [20:16:35] *relaxes a bit, but still confused* [20:16:40] * Cyndane ( has joined #TD&DG [20:16:47] * Cyndane is now known as Althea [20:19:22] [Another rumbling haralds another elemental arriving. It looks around. ""] [20:19:53] [20:20:29] [20:22:26] [20:23:34] [20:24:23] [20:24:47] * Althea stands there as her mind wanders since she doesn't know what's being discussed. [20:25:31] * Jessica seems bored. [20:26:06] * Ierikc scratches his head. [20:26:36] [20:26:45] * Lidya leans against a wall [20:27:12] [20:27:57] Long time. [20:28:02] Short time. [20:28:10] [20:28:21] * The two elementals start to argue. And don't seem to comprehend "cold times". [20:28:25] [20:28:47] * it takes them a minute, but they eventually count all the 'ice times'. "" [20:30:20] * Jessica scurries off after a ... what -was- that furry thing? [20:30:59] * Althea runs off after Jessica. "Where do you think you're going?" [20:32:53] * Jessica is in the next big chamber. She caught a thing! It squeaks. [20:34:41] * Althea baps Jessica. "Bad. That's not good for your health. Whatever it is." [20:35:21] * It's a pink, spherical fuzzball of a bat with a tiny blue bow by one ear. [20:36:33] [20:36:33] * Althea continues bapping Jessica until Jessica lets go. [20:36:46] * Ierikc thinks. [20:36:50] [20:37:56] * Lidya looks at the bat. [20:39:19] Ah, ah. [20:39:32] It must have come from my boot. Although this one is decorated. [20:41:31] Hm. A different color of decoration, too. [20:42:50] * The bat squeaks, and tries to get out of Jessica's grip. [20:43:45] * Althea continues bapping Jessica to get her to let go of the bat. [20:45:09] * Jessica lets go, and glares her displeasure at Althea. The bat flies over to Stella and rubs its furry self against her cheek, squeaking happilly. The earth elementals seem utterly baffled. [20:45:14] * Ierikc thinks. [20:45:35] * Lidya watches the little animals! [20:45:51] Don't eat bats. Especially if they have bows on them. You'll be coughing up that bow all day. [20:46:18] [20:46:56] * Stella scritches the bat idly. [20:47:10] Friend Ierick, could you perhaps share the contents of your conversaion? [20:47:37] * Ierikc motions to the earth elemental. [20:50:12] Our earthen friends are in the employ of a larger elemental they call Big Brother, who also deals with some Xorns. Furthermore, a portal to the plane of water opened recently, and their earthen portal closed. [20:50:36] They're upset about the water portal, and wish it cloesd. [20:50:43] A natural occurrence, perhaps? [20:51:04] Well, that makes them and the Myconids. And the mephits, and us, for that matter. [20:51:08] What's a Xorn? [20:53:05] I'm not sure what we can do about the earth portal. [20:53:56] Nor am I. [20:54:23] I think the earth elementals are just going to have to learn to live with things as they are. [20:54:40] I'm sure we'll find something... [20:56:18] We will not know until we make the attempt. [20:56:58] A Xorn is an intelligent, extrapalanar earth creature. Not exactly an elemental, but they're fairly passive unless directly threatened, since they do not eat meat. Describing one is weird... [20:58:09] What do they eat? [20:58:24] If I recall correctly, they range in size but have wide bodies, almost stone-like, with a large mouth on the head and three long arms, eyes, and legs, spread evenly along its body. [20:59:08] Precious metals and minerals. Likely the same reason the miners enjoyed this place. [20:59:34] * Lidya nods. [20:59:58] So, we're going to have a lot of mad mineral-eating creeps getting mad [20:59:59] ? [21:02:25] Madder? [21:02:42] Madness is a highly subjective term, friend Althea. [21:03:46] *looking at the conversing humanoids* [21:05:45] Hey, Ierkc, why are they making weird noises? [21:05:59] * Ierikc turns to the elemental. [21:07:48] [21:09:23] [21:13:39] [And so, the elementals led the party through the dungeon to meet their "big brother."] [21:13:44] [To be continued...] [21:13:48] [End Session.] End of #TD&DG buffer Tue Jun 03 21:22:06 2008