Session Start: Thu Aug 27 15:56:37 2009 Session Ident: #youkai 03[15:56:37] * Now talking in #youkai 01[16:32:09] [We pick up at lunch. Megumi, Berny, Emmy, and Natsuki are at a table together.] 01[16:32:12] [Session Start] 01[16:32:17] [Shizuru's nowhere to be found.] 06[16:32:51] * Berny nibbles delicately at her veggie sandwich and tries not to notice Megumi's embarrassment. She seems to have gotten over her own. 06[16:35:01] * Kentaro walks into the cafeteria, his bag slung over his back. He looks half-asleep, and waves as he walks over to the table. 06[16:35:29] * Berny waves back and smiles. 06[16:36:04] * Kentaro slumps into a seat. "Morning, ladies." 01[16:36:21] Hello, Kentaro [16:36:37] Oh, hey Kentaro. 06[16:36:44] * Megumi looks glad to have a distraction. [16:38:12] Morning - if it's still morning, that is. 06[16:38:16] * Berny glances at her wristwatch. 06[16:40:30] * Kentaro shrugs. "Just woke up, sooooo." 06[16:40:48] * Berny giggles. "Late to school today?" 01[16:40:59] Miki won't be too happy about that. 06[16:41:56] * Kentaro laughs, not entirely mirthfully. "Miki's probably not too happy about a lot of things. I've really got to make up my mind one of these days." [16:44:39] Haven't you been with her for a while now? 06[16:44:44] * Megumi blinks. "About what?" [16:45:49] Oh, uh, yeah. We've been friends since she was a kid, at least. But it's, you know, I'm not really sure if I want to stick with a human girl. 06[16:47:37] * Berny nods slowly. "Oh, yeah, I guess that would be a concern for you. She doesn't know?" 06[16:50:06] * Kentaro shakes his head. "Nah, you're pretty much the only hunam who knows, and that's only 'cause you're not quite normal either." 06[16:50:33] * Berny nods thoughtfully. "Poor Miki." 06[16:51:18] * Megumi folds her arms, frowning. "I guess that WOULD be kinda weird for her to find out." 01[16:51:38] So you're going to tell her or fire her? [16:51:56] I dunno. One or the other, I guess. [16:52:25] Even if I tell her, what happens then? It's weird enough *kissing* a human girl, going any further would... 06[16:52:32] * Kentaro trails off and shudders. 06[16:52:35] * Megumi scratches her head. "Fire?" 01[16:52:49] Yeah, humans smell weird. [16:53:50] Plus, you know, going across species lines? Super pervy. 06[16:54:21] * Berny shifts around self-consciously about the smell comment, but she laughs at Kentaro's. [16:55:02] It can't be that pervy if you're in human shape so often, though, right? 06[16:55:36] * Kentaro grimaces. "It's, uh." [16:55:38] Like. [16:55:40] Uh. [16:56:12] You probably wouldn't want to sleep with an animal just because it looked like a hunam, right? [16:56:24] Oh. Um. I haven't really thought about that. 06[16:56:32] * Megumi just looks kind of blank. [16:56:37] I mean, most animals, as far as I know, aren't at the same cognitive level... 06[16:56:53] * Kentaro laughs. "Yeah, they're pretty dumb, but they're cool." [16:57:11] But if I knew, say, an intelligent animal that was shaped like a human for years and years...I just don't know. [16:57:39] Er, that is, if I knew him - her? - for years and years. 06[16:58:39] * Berny chews on a corner of sandwich. [16:59:15] Yeah, it's tough. 01[16:59:29] Megumi, are you okay? [16:59:48] I mean, it's not like I don't like her, it's just that I'm maybe not willing to go that far. 06[17:00:28] * Megumi blinks. "Huh? I'm fine. I just don't understand these sort of things." [17:01:02] Plus, like, the rate of failed human marriages? If something goes wrong, I dunno what I'd do. If I got a divorce, I dunno what good tanuki woman would touch me after that. Plus, you know, it's just *wierd*. [17:04:28] Oh, tanuki don't do the divorce thing? 06[17:05:48] * Kentaro shrugs. "Tanuki don't really give a fuck, so it's hard to have disagreements bad enough to ruin a marriage, you know? We kinda mate for life, like our stupid animal-bros." 06[17:06:23] * Berny laughs. 01[17:08:42] * Natsuki looks to Megumi. "What needs to be cleared up?" [17:11:00] N-nevermind. 01[17:12:09] You sure? [17:12:59] Yes! 06[17:15:07] * Kentaro laughs. "It's cool, I don't really understand it either." 01[17:15:34] I guess I don't really "get" that stuff anyway, since our people don't work like that. 06[17:16:36] * Berny shrugs and smiles. "I'm not sure anyone really ever gets it." [17:18:36] Yeah... 06[17:19:07] * Kentaro laughs. "I used to date a tengu a while ago, and that kinda made me want to bounce my head off a wall. All crows are bastards." 01[17:19:23] Ooh, I remember that. Tell them about her. [17:22:21] Oh, uh, well, I guess what you've got to know is that the first thing about crows is that they pretty much think they know what's going on, like, about every goddamn thing. [17:24:24] And if they know, they hold it over you, 'cause they're so goddamn great and everything. And if they don't, and they think you do, they won't stop jumping up your butt until they know what's up. It's pretty much the worst situation if your lifestyle doesn't involve telling everyone everything, right? 06[17:26:23] * Berny laughs. [17:26:25] So anyways, things were already kind of a pain, and she's wondering where I'm going in when I'm not hanging out with her, and it turns out she finds out that I'm hanging out with Shizu-kun and Natcchan. You know, playing around, acting like a kid, all tht. [17:26:47] So she confronts me about it, and asks why I'm a normal dude with her, then hanging around with these little girls at night. [17:27:43] And I tell her it's none of her business and that she should stick her stupid fat beak where the sun doesn't shine, and long story short, next time I'm hanging out with the foxy ladies, she waits until I leave, and she uh. [17:28:09] Tries to beat the hell out of me with one of those stupid sandals they're always wearing, to make a long story short. 06[17:29:13] * Megumi blinks and stares. "She tried to beat YOU up? fought an oni and won. Is she retarded or something?" 01[17:30:08] Quite possibly. 06[17:31:05] * Kentaro shrugs. "There's two kinds of animals, you know? The ones who have to hunt for their food, and the ones that don't." [17:31:17] I'm not sure tengu ever quite realized they moved from one to the other 01[17:34:45] Some humans still haven't figured it out. 06[17:37:19] * Megumi shrugs. "So? What happened after she tried to kick your ass?" [17:38:42] Oh, uh, I kind of ducked her, and stopped looking like that ever again. I don't think she really looked for me after that. 01[17:39:15] * Natsuki giggles [17:39:20] It's kind of a shame, I liked bein' that guy, buuuut that's how it goes. 06[17:41:47] * Megumi cocks her head. "So, like, you're not always like this when you're being a human?" [17:42:48] Well, I kinda settled on it, but a while ago I was trying stuff out, you know? [17:43:30] I mean, if there's one really neat thing about being a human, it's that you guys look pretty cool. [17:43:47] I mean, your balls are *tiny*, but that's a small price to pay, really. [17:45:15] Well, you ARE the expert on all things balls. [17:45:55] Oh, that's nice of you to say, but my dad makes me look like a total moron when it comes to 'em. 06[17:46:03] * Kentaro seems legitimately flattered. 06[17:48:17] * Berny tries not to choke on her juice. 06[17:50:12] * Megumi just stares at Kentaro in disbelief. [17:51:06] Oh, come on. We've all got certain interests. You like fighting, foxes like eating, I like balls, and humans like... [17:51:08] Uh... [17:51:12] Humans like... [17:51:20] Getting rich or dying trying? 01[17:51:45] They like thinking they're in charge. 06[17:52:16] * Kentaro smirks. "That's the one." 06[17:52:51] * Berny quickly throws up her hands in innocence. "Not me!" 03[17:53:20] * Darkheart ( has joined #youkai [17:53:21] Do you like getting rich? 06[17:53:49] * Berny shrugs. "I mean, I guess I wouldn't mind, and I don't want to be so poor that I can't clothe or feed myself..." [17:54:08] How about dying trying? [17:55:13] I'm not sure wealth is worth dying over, but I guess being rich is relative. 06[17:55:36] * Berny scratches her head. 06[17:58:26] * Kentaro frowns. [17:58:48] I think I need to look into this some more. 01[17:59:17] Humans like chocolate. [17:59:35] Oh, yes, I do like chocolate. [18:00:03] It's not true of necessarily all humans, though. Probably just most. [18:00:12] Hmm. [18:01:39] Can tanuki eat chocolate? I've heard it's bad for dogs, anyway. [18:02:14] It's bad for my figure. [18:02:46] Not, uh, not like I can't fix that, but if I'm not human I'm already pretty friggin' fat so I try not to cheat so much, you know? 06[18:03:38] * Megumi bursts out laughing. 06[18:03:58] * Berny laughs too. 06[18:04:32] * Kentaro takes a napkin from the table and pulls a pen from his bag, and sketches out what looks like a roughly ovoid shape, draws a crude face, and then two circles near the bottom, roughly half its height. He sketches on a pair of feet and two arms, and a pair of round ears. [18:07:00] It's...anatomically correct. 06[18:07:05] * Berny giggles again. 01[18:10:13] WHat's considered healthy, anyway? [18:10:37] I dunno, we're pretty much all like this. [18:11:04] So it's not like everyone's all getting diabetes or anything. Maybe we're just big-boned. 01[18:11:23] Well, it makes you look cuter at least. [18:11:54] Yeah, I think chubby is cute, at least for tanuki. [18:12:11] But wouldn't it be better like... 06[18:12:40] * Kentaro redraws the same drawing, this time giving the tanuki visible, toned legs, and big muscly arms, in addition to a slim torso. 06[18:12:59] * Berny laughs out loud. [18:13:32] I don't know. It's sort of...weird. 06[18:13:57] * Megumi stares. "What the hell kind of animal would that be?" [18:17:41] It's totally freaky. [18:18:15] ...You think? 01[18:22:00] * Natsuki starts laughing 06[18:22:26] * Kentaro looks kind of put out 06[18:22:26] * Megumi nods emphatically. "It needs a good kick to the face." 06[18:22:26] * Kentaro frowns, and begins drawing again. 06[18:23:08] * Berny smiles at him apologetically. 06[18:25:54] * Kentaro finishes drawing and pushes the paper to Megumi. It shows a crudely-sketched girl with horns and a tiger-stripe bikini and improbably stubby legs. "Well you can't. Because he stole your legs." 06[18:26:38] * Berny puts down her juice box because she's laughing too much to drink. 01[18:26:44] * Natsuki bends over laughing 06[18:31:12] * Megumi snatches the pen out of Kentaro's hand and adds an equally crudely drawn pair of legs to the drawing. She puts the pen down. "Cyborg legs, what're you gonna do now?" 03[18:34:35] * Emmy ( has joined #youkai 06[18:36:00] * Kentaro takes the pen back and furiously draws a robotic head with a samurai helmet and a drill on the bottom attaching to his head. "Check. Mate." 06[18:39:32] * Kentaro pauses 06[18:40:08] * Kentaro takes the pen back up and draws big angry laser beams shooting at the girl's legs. [18:40:16] Double. Check. Mate. 06[18:42:20] * Megumi scowls and snatches the pen back, adding a roughly humanoid figure with antennae and something around it's neck kicking the robot head. 06[18:42:43] * Emmy returned to her seat, noticing that it gained a few people while she went to the washroom. "Oh hey... uh... what are you two doing?" 06[18:43:53] * Berny looks up at Emmy between wheezes of laughter. "Some sort of doodle war." [18:44:06] Oh, yeah, well... 06[18:47:42] * Kentaro scribbles a thought balloon and the kanji for "mean" and "short" [18:48:10] Looks like someone had a distressing moment of truth! 06[18:48:53] * Kentaro looks at the picture appraisingly, then adds a tear. 01[18:53:37] * Natsuki can't stop giggling 06[18:54:00] * Emmy blinks a few times before just sitting down and finishing her lunch. 06[18:54:13] * Megumi glares at Kentaro, then fills the muscle tanuki's hands with food. "It's okay, at least I'm not too busy being fat." 06[18:55:13] * Kentaro grins. "I can shapeshift, but you're always gonna be short." 06[18:55:41] * Berny is wiping the tears that are starting to squeeze out from her eyes. 06[18:56:33] * Megumi 's scowl deepens. "I've still got time." [18:57:37] Being short's not so bad. 06[18:58:07] * Berny is only a smidge over five feet tall, herself. 06[19:01:11] * Kentaro laughs. "Short girls are okay. I'm just not sure I like girls with just one height 01[19:02:57] So what... do you have an average height? [19:04:47] What, me personally? About five feet, I guess. [19:06:22] Doesn't that answer your question about Miki, then? [19:07:37] I mean, humans typically only have one height, at least at any given time. [19:09:59] Nah, I could maybe get over that. It's kinda weird thinking that some people don't decide what they look like, though, you know? [19:10:08] Actually, I guess you wouldn't. Huh. 06[19:10:53] * Berny giggles. "Nah, humans stick to clothes, makeup, and cosmetic surgery." [19:11:03] I guess that sort of counts. A little. 06[19:12:17] * Kentaro nods, looking off into the distance. 01[19:14:17] Well, I can... sort of understand? Maybe? I mean, there's how we "really" look... I guess. 06[19:14:21] * Berny follows Kentaro's gaze with some curiosity. [19:14:23] What's up? [19:15:39] Oh, just thinking, you know? It's gonna be tough no matter what. 06[19:15:51] * Berny nods sympathetically. [19:16:16] Yeah. Wish I could help, but there probably isn't much I can do. 06[19:17:23] * Megumi shrugs. "Like I said, I don't know anything about this stuff." [19:18:12] Me neither. I've never had a relationship like that to worry about. 01[19:18:31] Well, what can she do for you? 06[19:19:01] * Emmy just sits off to the side, looking somewhat offended by the stereotype. [19:22:29] Well, she's good at getting stuff done. Or at least, better than me. And when she's not mad at me or at someone else, she's pretty cool. And it's pretty fun to just chill out in the woods and talk, you know? We made a tree house when we were kids, and now it's cramped, but sometimes it's fun to be cramped. 06[19:24:07] * Berny blushes a little and looks away, pretending she wasn't accidentally picturing that. [19:25:23] People are mainly connected by interacting memories of their past. As long as nothing sudden happens, this often holds true in most situations. 01[19:27:29] I'm not sure I understnad. 06[19:27:44] * Megumi looks over at Emmy, confused. "Huh?" 06[19:30:06] * Emmy packs up her lunch and looks at the confused looks. Blinking once, she thinks over what she said and explains, "Well, I'm just saying that what connects people's hearts are the things they did together, not how they look or how much they grown." 06[19:31:49] * Emmy puts a hand to her heart and says, "No matter who I am or what I do, I believe there are bonds that can transend even the most drastic of changes." [19:33:40] That's, um, deep, Emmy. 06[19:34:54] * Berny rubs the back of her hair, seemingly at a loss of something to say. 06[19:34:59] * Emmy just grins. "Well, you tend to pick up on how to say that kind of things when you're around people who preaches it weekly." [19:35:31] That's how they talk at church? 06[19:36:42] * Emmy nods. "Well, Father tends to preach a lot and he often speaks of things like that. I believe it as well, but I guess his way of expressing things just rubbed off on me." [19:38:18] He sounds really dramatic. 06[19:38:22] * Megumi nods approvingly. 01[19:38:53] LIke an ally of justice? [19:39:15] When my dad preaches at the old temple, it's usually just spooky. It's pretty cool. [19:39:19] Exactly! 01[19:39:35] * Natsuki does some arm motions half-heartedly. "That type?" [19:40:05] My dad doesn't preach, unless you count Powerpoint presentations. 06[19:40:08] * Emmy laughs. "Father? I... guess he can be called one for what he did..." She trails off as if thinking about something. 06[19:43:01] * Megumi nods at Natsuki. "More enthusiastic, but yeah!" 06[19:44:59] * Megumi looks at Emmy curiously. "Really?" 06[19:46:20] * Emmy blinks and shakes her head. "Ya, Father's done a lot in the past that would qualify him as a hero, at least in my eyes." She said with a warm smile. [19:46:45] Like what? 06[19:48:43] * Emmy bites her lower lips a bit and says, "Uh... I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't tell you much because it's kind of personal. Maybe if you asked Father himself he'll tell you, but it's not my place to speak." 06[19:49:09] * Berny nods. "Oh, okay. Sorry to ask." [19:50:18] Oh. [19:50:29] Maybe we should ask him, then. [19:50:42] If we ever meet him, anyway. 06[19:50:48] * Megumi looks a bit dissappointed, but then smiles again. "That's fine, then." 06[19:50:58] * Berny finishes up her sandwich, now that she's not choking with laughter. 06[19:51:03] * Emmy shakes her head. "It's ok. If you want to know, you could ask him. He's often at the church anyways." 01[19:51:03] My father is... not very heroic. 06[19:51:25] * Berny looks over at Natsuki and guages her expression. [19:51:36] (( gauges )) 01[19:52:27] * Natsuki seems a bit annoyed, but respectful. 06[19:54:29] * Emmy reaches out to hold Natsuki's arm. "It's alright. Your past made you who you are, but it should not be the defining point of your life." 01[19:55:57] It's nothing traumatic. Father is just a little hedonistic. 06[19:56:59] * Emmy just nods. "A lot of people can be like that if they become too self-absorbed." [19:58:13] My father's not too heroic, but that's cool. 06[19:58:16] * Kentaro shrugs 06[19:59:17] * Megumi gives Natsuki a confused look, but thinks better of asking anything. 06[20:04:57] * Emmy looks around and asks, "So, are we going to meet at the main door after class to see the movie?" [20:05:48] Sure! [20:07:04] Uh, if I'm not paying for it, I guess. 06[20:07:35] * Emmy glances at Kentaro. "Well, it would do him some good to know what a real horror movie is, wouldn't it?" She asks Megumi. 06[20:09:25] * Megumi eyes Kentaro. "I guess that's true. I think he should pay his own way though." 06[20:10:06] * Emmy grins evilly. "Oh no. I'm willing to give him a free ticket... I want to see him wet his pants." 06[20:10:33] * Kentaro rolls his eyes. "One, that's totally pervy, and two, I already have a girlfriend." 06[20:13:22] * Emmy lifts her eyebrow. "I hope you're not thinking that I'm /hitting/ on you, cause 1) you've already got a girlfriend, and 2) you're a LONG way away from even reaching that possibility. I think it's safe to say that I'm handing out these tickets out of the goodness of my heart and a sudden intense interest to see you cry out in fear." 06[20:14:42] * Kentaro laughs. "You've got spunk. It's too bad you haven't got a clue." 06[20:15:28] * Emmy shrugs helplessly. "Ya, I guess I don't have that board game." 06[20:18:42] * Kentaro flips open his cell phone and punches out an email. 01[20:21:48] * Kentaro's cell phone beeps 06[20:22:22] * Kentaro checks it and smiles. "Cool, I'm in." 06[20:27:01] * Emmy hides a smile and asks, "Got a date?" 06[20:29:08] * Kentaro punches in another email. "It's not really a date if we know we're gonna see a crappy movie. More like a social function for ywo." 06[20:30:25] * Emmy doesn't bother hiding the grin this time. 01[20:37:03] [Session End] Session Close: Fri Aug 28 00:00:00 2009