Start of #Youkai buffer: Thu Oct 01 20:46:14 2009 [17:12:11] [We pick up this session as you enter [Bean Around], a cafe where Kentaro's sister works. And Kentaro allegedly works at. If he remembers. You just finished watching Witch's Strike, a horror movie involving nanomachines.] [17:12:13] [Session Start] [17:13:15] * Berny sticks her head inside the door. [17:14:17] * It looks like you entered at a slow time. Kikuko's near the back, helping some people out. The place still looks reasonably cozy, though [17:14:40] * Berny steps in and waves at Kikuko. "Hey, Kikuko!" [17:15:25] * Kikuko looks up. "Oh, it's been a while. Niichan, you're really lucky things have been a little slow." [17:16:08] * Berny smiles. "So he's not in trouble?" [17:17:26] They're plenty unhappy. But they're not about to fire him. Still, he should put in some time soon. [17:19:57] * Kentaro waves his hand dismissively. "I will, I will. It's hard to find the time, you know?" [17:20:10] So, how's the hunam grind today? [17:20:41] What did you do yesterday, niichan? Oh, today? Not so bad, I guess. There's some talk that there's a new cafe that might open up near here soon. [17:21:35] Hm. Competition? [17:22:08] Yeah, maybe. But it might have its own style, you know? [17:22:16] Oh, I went on a date with Miki. And, uh, kinda invited along like seven other girls. But that sort of thing happens, you know? [17:22:18] * Kentaro laughs [17:22:51] * Kikuko laughs too. [17:22:56] * Berny blinks at Kentaro, then laughs. "I didn't think of it that way..." [17:24:12] * Megumi snickers. [17:25:24] Seriously though, niichan, it's not gonna look good for you [17:26:21] Oh, yeah, I know, I'm trying to think of a way to make it up to Miki. [17:26:44] * Kentaro puts his arm around Miki, and looks at her. "I'm thinking of a way to make it up to you." [17:26:55] Thanks for remembering I'm here. [17:27:56] No problem! [17:28:27] * Miki sighs. [17:29:12] * Megumi smirks. [17:30:05] Anyway, go ahead and have a seat. Anything I can get you to drink? [17:30:36] Uh, yeah. [17:30:51] * Kentaro rattles off an absurdly long western coffee order. [17:31:04] * Kikuko writes down "Melon soda" [17:31:49] * Kentaro laughs. "I'm gonna make you eat a bug tonight." [17:33:59] * Megumi just orders a soda, her opinion on anything related to beans well established. [17:34:00] * Kikuko laughs [17:34:47] * Berny orders a iced coffee. [17:39:14] ((an iced coffee)) [17:39:19] * Emmy (senranda@ has joined #Youkai [17:40:39] * Kentaro sits at a table, hunching forward over a napkin, waiting for his drink to come. [17:46:35] * Kikuko returns some time later with some drinks for everyone. [17:46:42] Thanks! [17:46:46] Enjoy. Anything you wanna eat? [17:46:56] * Emmy returns to where everyone was sitting, after going to the washroom. "Awwww, so everyone ordered already?" [17:47:11] We'll wait for you, if you want to order something. [17:48:46] Well, you might. I'm not gonna hold back. I'll have a, uh, some kind of cake, I guess. [17:48:46] * Emmy quickly grabs a menu and scans through it. "I want this and the honeyed green tea." She said, pointing to a picture of a small slice of cake with a strawberry on top. [17:49:41] * Berny orders a slice of cheesecake for herself. [17:49:47] * Megumi orders one of those awesome brownies from last time. [17:50:18] * Kikuko nods. [17:51:09] Any cake in particular, niichan? [17:52:15] Nnnnnnnnnnthis one. [17:52:32] * Kentaro points to a picture of a cake that has an orange half, face down, on it [17:53:22] * Kikuko writes that down. "Okay. I'll be right back, everyone." [17:53:24] * She heads off. [17:57:31] * Emmy commented, "You know, I now think I know why she gave me those movie tickets." [17:57:45] Why's that? [17:58:26] Because I have absoultely no idea what happened in that movie. [17:59:02] Ugh, don't remind me. I still have a headache. [18:00:40] * Emmy rubs her own temples. "Well, at least I have an idea what kind of review I'll be giving my mother..." [18:03:01] Your mother? [18:03:46] * Emmy nods. "Yes. She gave me those tickets and I thought I'd share them with everyone. She tends to get these kinds of tickets once in a while, and most of the time she doesn't even go." [18:04:05] How? Why? [18:04:21] Oh, I see. Is she friends with a movie company executive or something? [18:04:47] Your mom gave you tickets to a horror movie? I'd be impressed, but...well, her taste is questionable. [18:06:26] * Emmy just sighs. "Not really. She's sort of famous, so everyone just sends her random stuff trying to gain her favor." [18:07:18] Famous? Really? [18:07:51] Famous? What's her name? Maybe we've heard of her. [18:08:34] * Emmy shrugs. "She's the CEO of the Izumi Designs, but I haven't really seen her in a while." [18:09:27] Huh. ...wait, are your parents not, uh, together? [18:10:13] * Emmy seems somewhat evasive of answering. "Kusuha Izuki. My father married her after she supported him when mother died." [18:11:19] * Kentaro nods, slowly [18:11:20] So she's your stepmother? [18:11:21] How long hsa it been? [18:12:34] * Emmy shook her head. "Many years, honestly. I've never really known the birth mother, but Kusuha does try to be a good mother when she's not busy at work." [18:15:10] ...oh. Sorry.. [18:15:27] That must be tough. [18:15:39] * Berny nods sympathetically but doesn't know what else to say. [18:17:09] * Emmy just nods and says, "Well, it's been a long time anyways. Father used to show pictures of her when he feels up to it." [18:20:38] * Emmy continues talking as if talking to herself. "And mother were good friends with each other, so I guess it's kind of alright... But sometimes I feel like I'm intruding in their lives, especially when they get together on the day of her death..." [18:23:16] * Kikuko returns with a tray of food. "ALright, here's your snacks, everyone!" [18:24:10] * Berny thanks Kikuko and tucks into her cheesecake. [18:24:56] * Emmy seems to snap out of her little world and says, "Oh nice." She quickly forks up the strawberry and eats it. "Ah... strawberries." [18:25:07] * Kentaro frowns at his melon soda, and looks back over the counter, then back to his soda [18:25:26] * Megumi digs into her brownie cheerfully. [18:25:52] The other drink's gonna be a while. We're kinda short. So I got you this in the meantime. [18:28:27] * Berny glances at Kentaro's melon soda and tries not to laugh through a mouthful of cheesecake. [18:28:45] * Kikuko also hands over Emmy's drink [18:30:11] * Kentaro hums. "Hold on, I'm a professional." He gets up, walks over to the counter, and slides over it. He begins to toggle switches on the vast array of machines. [18:31:08] * Emmy takes it and thanks Kikuko. [18:31:24] * Berny sips her coffee wand watches Kentaro at work. [18:31:33] (( and, not wand x_x)) [18:32:16] * THe machine is jostled to life. [18:32:32] * Kentaro's drink comes out nice and without struggle. [18:32:37] You're pretty good with that. [18:33:48] * Kentaro smiles. "If I wasn't good, I wouldn't do it. No point in sucking, you know?" He carefully balances the confection-cum-coffee he's created, an iced lattee with bands of caramel and mocha syrup, topped with whipped cream and a cherry, with two straws barely emerging from the top. [18:34:50] Wow. You're really talented at making drinks. They have competitions for that, you know. [18:34:52] * Berny pauses. [18:34:57] Actually, you don't need the money, do you? [18:35:05] * Megumi eyes Kentaro's drink. " there even any coffee in there?" [18:35:32] See why we want him around? [18:37:29] * Kentaro laughs. "Gotta leave them wanting more. If I worked every day, they'd get used to it." [18:37:44] * Kentaro puts the drink between him and Miki and takes a pull off a straw [18:39:34] How do you learn to work it like that when you arne't motivated to do much else? [18:40:43] * Kentaro shrugs. "I figure if I gotta be a hunam, I'm gonna be the best hunam I can, you know?" [18:40:55] So if I gotta do something, I'm not going to half-ass it. [18:40:58] I guess so... ? [18:41:03] * She eats her coffee cake. [18:41:03] Just the stuff I want to do. [18:41:24] What IS it that you want to do? Acting... and... [18:42:05] I dunno, I was kinda thinking of working at that old temple some day. [18:42:27] Or, you know, just live in the woods. [18:43:47] The temple people keep saying is haunted? [18:44:07] Yeah, that's the one [18:44:23] * Emmy comments, "Old temples are a lot of work. There's a lot of things you need to do every day, and most of it requires a lot of training." She comments in between a bite of her strawberry cake. [18:44:31] What would you do with it? [18:44:48] * KIkuko looks to Megumi. "A very little amount of coffee." [18:44:53] I dunno, old... temple... things. [18:45:16] Caffeine's bad for you, anyways. It gives me the old palpitations. [18:50:45] Yet you work in a coffee shop. [18:51:43] People who work in hospitals don't like getting surgery, I bet. [18:56:40] Maybe. But working at temples are really tiring... And you never know if anyone is actually listening. [19:01:13] Actually listening? [19:04:08] * Emmy nods. "Well, they say that sometimes it's better not to be heard than otherwise." [19:04:33] Why's that? [19:06:34] * Emmy waves her free arm in the air in a circluar manner and said, "Well, some kamis still retain a lot of power, and if you say the wrong things, you might get a localized rain for a few days as punishment... if you're lucky." [19:09:46] Yeah...I try to be polite. [19:10:06] * Kentaro shrugs. [19:11:36] * Emmy shrugs too. "Well, it's more or less those spiritually empowered that would catch a deity's attention anyways." [19:11:39] What, you mean like now? [19:13:05] * Emmy just laughs, not commenting. [19:14:17] So what pisses off a god? [19:16:07] * Emmy thinks for a while, absently biting off the last of her strawberry cake. She tries to get another bite, but realizes she's finished. "Well," she said, putting down her fork. "being deprived of her favorate offerings would do that." Emmy frowned and waved for someone to get her another plate of that cake. [19:16:44] * Kikuko picks up the plate. "You want another?" [19:17:16] * Emmy nods. "Yes please. I love your strawberry cakes." She said with a smile. [19:18:11] * Kikuko smiles. "I'll be right back." [19:18:14] * She heads off [19:21:09] Why would you wanna know what pisses off a god, anyway? I mean, pissing off a god on purpose is the sort of thing _I'D_ do. [19:21:11] That reminds me... what was with that tree? [19:24:01] Uh, what about it? [19:25:04] Do you know what was going on with it? [19:26:24] * Emmy thinks for a moment. "Well, the best way to describe it is with two cups of liquids." [19:26:30] * Megumi looks at Emmy, appearing slightly panicked. [19:26:48] Right [19:27:03] * Berny glances around the table nervously. "Well, there wasn't really anything happening with the tree..." [19:27:13] * Emmy takes two half-full cups of water from the table and puts it side by side. "They were poured into a single cup," she does so, "but one cup was not water - one cup was oil." [19:27:57] * Kentaro bites his lip. [19:28:17] * Emmy shows the one full cup of water. "So even though the cup was full, it was half filled with water, what was there orignally, and half filled with oil: what was added later." [19:28:30] * Miki stares blankly. "So you don't know either, huh?" [19:28:39] * Megumi looks confused. "I'm not sure what a cup of oil has to do with a tree." [19:28:59] * Emmy grins and shrugs. [19:29:51] * Miki sighs. "I suppose it doesn't really matter now." [19:32:12] * Kikuko returns with Emmy's cake. "Here you go." [19:32:31] * Emmy takes a drink from her own drink and hides a smile behind it. "No, but... Oh, STRAWBERRIES!" She eagerly takes the plate and starts on the strawberry. [19:36:00] * Megumi still seems a bit lost, but shrugs and goes back to her drink. [19:38:13] * Emmy sighs in delight as she bites into another freshly cut strawberry. "Ahhh... so, where was I again?" [19:41:15] Something about oil and water. A cake recipe? [19:41:20] * Miki glances at Kentaro. [19:42:14] * Kentaro looks up. "It we were gonna have a cake, I wouldn't leave it to these guys. Come on, drink up." He nudges the coffee(?) towards her. [19:43:03] * Miki thinks about it. Then shrugs, and takes a sip. "Oh man, that's sugary." [19:43:28] * Emmy glances at Kentaro and chuckles. "Maybe the expert drink maker could make cake too." [19:43:49] You drink that thing often? [19:43:59] The correct term is [barista]. [19:44:15] * Kentaro pronounces the foreign language carefully and with undue pride [19:44:18] Nope! [19:44:37] Like I said, caffiene gives me a headache. It's kind of a special occaision, though, I guess? [19:45:37] It is? [19:45:43] Oh, right, I know. [19:45:58] You actually coming in to this place is a special occasion, right? [19:46:02] Your grand return to work? [19:46:05] * Megumi smirks at Kentaro. [19:49:16] * Kentaro laughs [20:01:49] * Emmy slowly savors her second cake, having no compultions to take as long as she needs to eat her favorate offerings in strawberries. [20:07:38] So, anything you wanna do after this? [20:14:20] * Berny sips her coffee and lets Kentaro do the answer. She doesn't want to be a third wheel this time. [20:16:59] Hmm. I kinda want to go hang out in the treehouse, but I'd feel bad if I ditched you kids. [20:19:39] No, feel free. I mean, we accidentally ended up sitting in on your date, so... [20:20:56] * Emmy kinda gets shifty eyed as she looks between Kentaro and Miki. [20:21:16] * Kentaro arches an eyebrow [20:24:31] Yeah, uh. Maybe we should butt out? [20:25:19] I've got some studying to do anyway, so you know. Don't worry about me! [20:25:52] * Emmy quickly finishes up. "Ya, why don't we leave you two together. I'll pay for this, so you can spend some time starting here." She quickly gets up and heads towards the counter, looking for Kikuko. [20:26:15] * Emmy finds Kikuko easily [20:26:19] Really? [20:30:12] * Alt-Eisen ( Quit (Quit: Client Exited) [20:35:22] So... Kentaro? [20:36:16] Hm? [20:36:30] Are we going, then? [20:36:45] Oh, necessarily. [20:36:57] * Kentaro stands, and takes Miki's hand to help her up. [20:37:08] * Berny waves cheerily. "Have fun!" [20:38:11] * Miki stands up [20:39:05] * Megumi waves. "Later." [20:45:46] [Session End] End of #Youkai buffer Thu Oct 01 20:46:14 2009