Start of #Youkai buffer: Fri Nov 13 07:38:41 2009 [17:00:54] [Tuesday afternoon, in front of school, after school. By chance meeting, you all run into each other at the school gate. Or not very chance meeting.] [17:00:58] [Session Start] [17:01:14] * Berny bumps into someone and looks up. "Ooh, sorry--" [17:04:01] * Kentaro bounches off Berny and blinks. "Heey, what's up?" [17:04:16] Oh, hey, Kentaro. Sorry about that. [17:05:19] * Kentaro smiles. "Not a problem." [17:05:42] Are you doing anything interesting today? [17:06:22] I.... think I'm doing something about the play? [17:06:30] Oh! Is there rehearsal today? [17:06:31] * Kentaro rests his chin in his hand [17:06:34] Maybe? [17:06:35] Hmm. [17:07:13] * Kentaro has changed out of his uniform shirt into a t-shirt that says 'damn! damn! damn! damn! damn! damn! damn! damn! damn!' in a bold, rounded font [17:07:27] * Megumi wanders by, noticing Kentaro and Berny. "Oh, hey guys." [17:07:35] Oh, hi, Megumi! Is there play practice today? [17:08:49] Uh... [17:08:55] * Megumi looks at Kentaro. "Is there?" [17:13:06] Hmmm. [17:13:20] * Kentaro pulls his cell phone out and emails Miki with exactly that question [17:13:59] Not today. Not mandatory, anyway. [17:20:03] Why? Was ther something you wanted to do today? [17:20:46] * Kentaro texts back. "That was a test, and you passed. Was there something you wanted to do today?" [17:21:34] Not off the top of my head. It's been a busy couple of weeks. [17:22:11] * Kentaro punches out "Want to go see Witches' Strike again?" [17:22:32] NO. [17:22:43] * Megumi peeks over at Kentaro's cellphone and stares in horror. [17:22:54] * Berny peeks over when she sees Megumi peeking over, and she giggles. [17:23:46] * Kentaro punches out "That was another test. You passed again." sends it, and closes his phone [17:26:49] * Somewhere, Miki looks confused, then annoyed. She puts her phone away. [17:29:22] So-- [17:33:04] Sooo? [17:33:17] Are we doing anything today? Or is it a go-home-and-study sort of afternoon? [17:35:10] * Kentaro pauses. "Oh, right, that was a thing! We were going to have a study group!" [17:35:31] Oh. Oh, yeah! [17:35:39] I almost forgot. I'm so used to studying by myself. [17:38:15] * Kentaro pulls out his phone again and text Miki. "We're doing a study thing, you up?" [17:38:34] I guess so, but what's this "test" stuff? [17:42:52] * Kentaro punches in "You'll find out when you pass the third test. We're outside the school." [17:43:10] I'll be right there. [17:43:56] * A few minutes later, Miki shows up and waves. "Hi." [17:44:40] Hi, Miki! [17:44:53] Hey Miki. [17:45:20] * Kentaro smiles. "Hey, lady, what's up?" [17:46:26] Not a whole lot. Just been preparing for tests. [17:48:32] * Kentaro nods, thoughtfully, starting to wonder if Miki's onto him. [17:49:44] You mean...for school? [17:50:05] Yeah... for school. Anyway, where are we going? [17:50:35] * Kentaro puts his finger on his nose. "Not it." [17:50:57] Not my place, that's for sure. [17:51:05] * Berny shrugs. "I usually just study at home, but it's a bit cramped." [17:51:30] I guess we could study at mine... unless we could rope someone else into it. [17:52:59] Like who? I haven't seen Emmy anywhere today. [17:53:33] Maybe we could call the foxy ladies and see if everyone has their clothes on at their condo. [17:53:34] And going to Shizuru and Natsuki's place would just be kinda... [17:53:48] * Berny looks away innocently. [17:54:48] Alright. I guess we're studying at my place. [17:55:20] * Berny nods. "Thanks, Miki. I hope you don't mind." [17:56:07] Alright, follow me. [17:56:22] * Kentaro nods, and gets on his bike. [17:56:31] * Berny follows along on foot [17:57:41] [Some time later, you arrive before a modest house.] [17:57:45] * Megumi follows the group. [17:57:54] * Miki opens the door. "I'm home!" [17:58:02] * There's some silence. "I guess they're at work together." [17:58:36] * Kentaro nods, looking around. [17:58:46] * She heads in, taking off her shoes and closing the door behind her [18:00:56] * Berny takes off her shoes, places them carefully in the entry area, and follows Miki in. [18:01:14] * She leads everoyne to a low coffee table. It's nice and tidy. [18:01:43] * Megumi heads inside, casually kicking her shoes off into a corner of the entrance. [18:02:03] * Kentaro steps out of his shoes, and sits at the coffee table, fiddling with a coaster [18:03:39] * Berny kneels by one side of the coffee table and sets her bag down beside her. [18:04:00] Alright, what's first? [18:04:17] * Berny shrugs. [18:06:35] Uh. [18:07:05] Hum. [18:10:09] * Kentaro continues playing with his coaster, batting it between his hands [18:11:47] * It looks like the coaster's got a symmetrical design. [18:12:27] * Miki picks it up. "After studying, you can play with the coaster all you want, okay?" [18:12:29] Do we have any tests coming up? [18:12:43] There's math. [18:13:01] Oh, math. Right. I left my schedule book at home today accidentally, and I can't remember anything without it. [18:13:05] * Berny blushes slightly. [18:13:21] * Berny takes out her math text and flips to the current chapter. [18:14:55] * Kentaro pulls out his math book, and struggles to find the current chapter, finally looking at Berny's book to find out what it is [18:15:39] * Miki takes out her book. [18:15:48] How are you guys doing in math right now? Er...not to pry or anything. Just wondering if there's anything we should study first. [18:15:53] Megumi, you have yours? Maybe we can help with your first year stuff. [18:16:11] * Megumi grudgingly digs her textbook out. "Yeah." [18:18:42] * Berny takes out a sheet of paper and starts setting up her math homework while she waits. [18:18:43] I think I'm doing alright. [18:20:13] Oh, good. What about you guys, Kentaro and Megumi? [18:21:18] Uhhh. [18:21:27] Yeah, I guess these numbers make sense? [18:21:51] And the letters? [18:22:40] What the hell is X? [18:23:54] * Berny scratches her head. "Um, it's a variable. Have you been doing your math homework?" [18:23:56] That's what you're supposed to figure out. [18:27:00] * Kentaro stares long and hard at his math book, and then, slowly, carefully, solves such that X is equal to X. [18:27:20] * Berny peeks over at Kentaro's paper. [18:27:45] Well...that's definitely true, but I think you're supposed to solve for x in terms other than itself. [18:28:19] That's... well, it's... yeah. [18:30:09] Ooooh. [18:30:26] * Kentaro frowns and bites his tongue as he works out that X is equal to Y [18:31:01] No. [18:31:12] Ugh. I don't even know where to start. [18:31:32] See, you start rearranging stuff until X ends up on one side, and everything else is on the other. [18:31:56] * Berny starts jotting down the first few steps. [18:33:25] Like that. To start, anyways. [18:33:37] * Miki nods [18:34:44] Ooooh. [18:34:59] * Miki looks hopeful [18:35:01] * Kentaro slowly, haltingly, goes through and gets the wrong answer. But at least it's a number this time [18:35:14] Well, you were almost there. [18:35:40] * Kentaro adds another stroke and changes his four to an eight. It's correct! Maybe? [18:36:02] * Berny checks over Kentaro's solution. [18:36:54] * Megumi looks over at Kentaro's sheet. "I don't get it at all." [18:38:19] It's... correct, but you wrote the eight sideways for some reason. [18:38:30] Infinity? [18:38:43] I don't think that's what he had in mind. [18:42:38] Anyway, it's right. [18:43:35] Think you've got it down alright? [18:43:35] * Berny nods. "Okay, try the next problem." [18:45:24] * Kentaro nods haltingly, and begins working on the next problem [18:45:56] * Miki oversees. [18:49:10] Well, it looks alright... Megumi, how are you doing? [18:50:47] * Megumi is staring dejectedly at a blank page. [18:52:27] That's... not good. [18:55:21] What're you stuck on? [18:59:07] I've...never really gotten anything that involves algebra. At all. [18:59:10] * Megumi hangs her head. [18:59:50] What part of it's confusing to you? [19:09:42] [After studying....] [19:09:49] * Miki puts her pencil away. She sighs. [19:10:11] * Berny carefully places her completed homework in a folder and neatly slides it into her bag. [19:10:16] I hope that was helpful. [19:11:13] That wans't so bad, was it? [19:14:06] * Berny smiles hopefully. [19:14:34] * Megumi scratches her head. "Well, I still don't entirely get it, but...I'm feeling a bit better about the test now." [19:14:43] * Kentaro groans. "As soon as I graduate I'm gonna try SO hard to forget all that." [19:15:08] What are you doing after graduation, anyway? [19:16:22] I dunno, I'm trying to decide wether I want to run a shrine or maybe move to Hollywood. It's a tough decision. [19:16:41] * Berny giggles. "Those are two very different things, Kentaro." [19:17:48] Well, if wouldn't be a tough decision if they weren't, right? [19:18:16] I suppose, but wouldn't one appeal to you more than another? [19:18:51] Iunno. [19:18:53] * Kentaro shrugs [19:19:21] You could go open a shrine in Hollywood. [19:20:37] Yeah, you could do that. [19:20:56] I mean, I'm sure there aren't a lot of them there. It could be unique. [19:21:09] Aren't there only like, two shrines over in America? [19:21:38] I...... guess? That sounds about right [19:22:35] I'm going to college to study design. If you keep the shrine around here, I'll be around [19:23:51] Gosh, all I've ever thought of doing after high school was something boring, like going to college for some sort of technical degree and going to some sort of regular work every day. [19:25:55] * Berny taps her lip. "Or maybe finance. You know, something safe." [19:26:40] * Kentaro smiles. "Well, there's three things I'm good at. I can act, I can take care of a shrine, and I can design clothes. And I like girls, so that third one is right out." [19:27:06] * Berny giggles. " can technically like girls -and- design clothes." [19:28:30] I *guess*, but you've got to wonder if Tommy Hilfiger tapped that well dry [19:28:44] * Miki laughs [19:29:30] * Berny laughs too. "Oh, oh well. I guess tending a shrine and acting are interesting careers too." [19:30:42] I dunno if the world's ready for Kentaro's fashion design. [19:31:38] * Kentaro smiles dreamily. "First I take Paris, then the world." [19:32:14] All your shirts are in English anyway. [19:32:18] * Berny looks thoughtful. "Paris is a long way from Hollywood..." [19:35:49] They really appreciate English in France. If I wore french shirts, it'd be all "[Oui! Je suis un raton leveur]" and nobody would really care. [19:38:10] What does that mean? [19:39:03] * Kentaro pauses. "Yes, I am a raccoon." [19:39:21] * Berny giggles. [19:39:24] Why would you wear a shirt like that? [19:40:11] * Kentaro pauses. "Dunno." [19:41:57] Hm. We finished a little early today... maybe I should make those cookies. [19:43:07] * Megumi 's ears perk up. "Cookies?" [19:43:20] Oh! That'd be wonderful. [19:44:43] * She nods. "Alright, I'll go make them. Kentaro, I'll leave out some jellybeans for you guys too." [19:44:51] * She heads off, returns with some jellybeans, then returns to the kitchen [19:47:30] [You've got some time to talk before she returns. Or you can visit her] [19:49:01] * Kentaro frowns. "Maaaaaan, math is dumb." [19:53:14] * Megumi nods weakly. [19:56:21] * Kentaro gets up as the smell of baking cookies walks in, and heads to the kitchen. "Heeeey, lady. I, uh, just wanted to say thanks. For, uh, making the cookies, you know?" [19:56:42] Oh. Well, no problem. I know that you love htese things. [19:57:58] Yeah, uh, yeah, I do. Thanks! [19:58:07] * Kentaro ducks back out to the living room at sits at the table again. [19:58:31] * Miki smiles and returns to the living room after setting a timer. [20:02:37] It feels so weird that this is gonna be our last year of school [20:02:46] Well, high school [20:05:28] Yeah, I know what you mean. It's just.... I mean, has it really been three years? Shit. I'm gonna be all hunched over and wrinkly before I even know what's going on. [20:10:07] Well, oit's not THAT bad [20:11:43] Can't y-er, never mind. [20:11:51] * Megumi tries to look innocent. [20:15:35] * Berny coughs quietly. [20:20:01] Well, opening a shrine in Hollywood's a start. That'll be something going on that you'd know about. [20:27:50] A shrine to who, anyway? [20:29:16] I dunno, maybe we could figure out what kind of kami there are in America. [20:29:56] Maybe it could be, like, the kami of the Hollywood sign. [20:30:02] * Kentaro frowns. "If I don't stay in this bullshit town. I dunno, I might." [20:30:08] Yeah, that'd be cool. [20:32:47] * The oven goes ding! [20:35:01] * Berny smiles. "There are kami in America. I always sort of just thought they were ghosts until I read things about how spirit things are seen in this part of the world." [20:38:22] * Berny glances toward the kitchen door. [20:38:25] * Miki has gone off to get the cookies, but returns with them. "Okay everyone, here you go." [20:38:40] Thanks, Miki. They smell wonderful. [20:38:46] How do you know they're not ghosts? Like, dumb ghosts? [20:38:53] Mmmm. Thanks, lady. [20:39:03] Well, they might be. It's hard to tell. [20:39:53] * Megumi grins. "Thanks, Miki!" [20:40:18] ...yeah, uh, how DO you tell the difference between a dumb ghost and...the other thing. [20:40:44] I wonder if American kami place lower on standardized tests than Japanese kami. [20:41:05] * Miki picks up a jellybean cookie. "Ghosts?" [20:44:55] Maybe American kami are, like, malnourished or somethin', cause nobody knows about 'em. [20:45:02] * Kentaro nods. "Maybe, yeah." [20:45:07] * Berny picks up a cookie, too. "You know, like those transparent scary things that go all 'woooo...' and stuff." [20:45:46] Right. [20:45:47] * Berny thinks. "I think we might have insulted them when we invaded the continent and abused their worshippers." [20:46:45] * Kentaro hums contemplatively. "You know, Miki, maybe if I go to America, you can come with me, and we can give the actor thing a shot, you know? And I can have a brief, but debilitating career in kung fu movies, and you can play token asian girls in high school dramas until you're too old and you can't fool anyone, and then we can talk about the good old days, when we were somebodies. I think it might be a good plan." [20:47:38] * Miki laughs a bit. [20:48:12] Hey, you might make it. [20:48:13] * Berny smiles. [20:48:51] * Berny tilts her head thoughtfully. "There was that Asian girl in Kill Bill, right? I've seen a few." [20:50:37] I dunno if I wanna do that for a living, but it's an interesting thing ot think about [20:55:16] Yeah. And I mean, maybe we could make it. But I kinda think it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not. We've got each other, and that's a lot for love. We'll give it a shot. [20:55:21] * Kentaro begins humming the chorus. [20:58:11] * Megumi stares blankly at Kentaro. [20:58:29] * Miki looks at him. [21:02:10] It's, uh, a song. [21:02:53] Yeah, but... ah well [21:08:31] Anyway, what about you, Megumi? You've got a few years still.. [21:09:40] Well, I got a couple ideas... [21:16:26] Like? [21:17:59] Well, I got two dreams. Could go either way. [21:18:20] * Megumi grins sheepishly. "Either a pro wrestler or a suit actor." [21:18:45] Really? Well... I guess you wouldn't need to go to college for that [21:18:59] I bet you'd be great at both! [21:19:11] * Kentaro grins. "Yeah." [21:23:05] Have you ever thought about doing those ultimate fighting whatever tournaments? The ones that you have to pay to watch on TV? [21:26:26] Oh, like mixed martial arts? I guess there's that, too [21:27:19] If you're good, it seems like they get paid a lot and stuff. [21:32:38] * Megumi shrugs. "Well, I still got two more years a school left. Plenty'a time to figure it out." [21:36:46] Yeah, [21:40:18] * Kentaro hms. "You know, I think if Miki's gonna stay here, then so am I." [21:40:35] Really? [21:42:01] Yeah, I think you. It just wouldn't be the same without you around. [21:44:00] * Megumi hides a smile. [21:44:31] Wow. Thanks [21:44:49] Aw. I'll miss you guys while I go back home to the States. [21:44:56] I forget sometimes that I won't be here forever. [21:44:58] You sure, though? I might break up with you again. [21:45:53] Yeah, well, I'm sure if that happens, you'll come around again. [21:46:15] I'm just too handsome and interesting to stay broken up with for long. [21:46:59] * Berny looks amused. [21:48:09] * Megumi looks at Berny, looking a bit dissappointed. "Well, you'll come back and visit, right?" [21:48:29] ...Yeah, right? It'd suck if you, you know, just went away. [21:50:58] Aw. Yeah, I'll try to come back when I can. [21:51:04] And you can always come visit me, too! [21:51:25] Yeah, sure [21:51:56] That sort of reminds me. Anyone have plans for golden week? [21:53:24] Nah, not really. [21:54:51] Haven't really thought about it. [21:56:09] * Berny looks like she's thinking about something, but she doesn't mention it and shakes her head instead. [22:02:55] There's something, but it'll only take an afternoon. [22:03:06] ANything you guys want to do? I don't know if we could go on vacation... but we could do lots of things. [22:03:09] Like what? [22:03:48] Oh, uh, Shizuru and Natsuki are throwing a big dykey party, and I got invited. [22:04:18] ... a big what? [22:04:36] It's like a big gay party, except with girls. You know. [22:04:48] And you, apparently? [22:05:58] Well, yeah. It's, uh, to affirm their relationship. And I knew them since small times, you know? So I managed to get an invite, despite not being a girl who likes girls who likes girls. [22:06:13] Fair enough. [22:06:44] * Berny relaxes, since she didn't have to explain any of that. [22:07:23] * Megumi just looks blank. [22:07:50] What about after? [22:08:01] Totally free! [22:12:15] Wanna do anything during Golden Week? [22:14:16] Absolutely! [22:16:15] I have a few ideas, but I'll tell them later... Megumi, Berny, what about you? [22:16:21] Maybe we should grab Emmy too [22:16:29] Sounds good to me! [22:16:57] Oh, I guess. [22:17:31] And I guess Shizuru and Natsuki if they're free. But they're usually pretty busy. [22:19:38] Sure, what are your ideas? [22:20:11] Maybe we could go on a trip somewhere. [22:21:38] That sounds like it could be fun. Where were you thinking, Miki? [22:22:15] I... I don't know [22:26:05] I'm not too familiar with the fun places around here, but I haven't gone sightseeing too much. [22:26:15] I mean, anywhere you'd recommend could be fun. [22:32:04] Well, we can't really travel too far.. but trains are convenient. Maybe we could find a theme park or something. [22:32:13] Yeah, sure! [22:33:05] Oooh, that sounds fun! [22:33:21] I figured you'd like it. [22:35:34] Awesome, I love rollercoasters! [22:36:32] Ohhh..I might skip on those. [22:40:12] Well, let's talk about it more later... it's getting a little late. [22:40:54] [Session End] [22:41:08] * Megumi is now known as Yon [22:41:12] * Berny is now known as Cheeseball [22:48:40] * Cheeseball ( Quit (Quit: ZzzZzzZZzz.) [01:19:43] * Yon is now known as sleepyon End of #Youkai buffer Fri Nov 13 07:38:41 2009