Start of #Exalted buffer: Fri Nov 13 07:39:06 2009 [16:01:17] I forget. Did AE say he could make it today? [16:01:23] I know Adyen can't [16:01:38] I think he said he can't [16:01:49] What the fuck is a Gagatar? [16:02:08] Hm. [16:02:29] So it'd be Kentaro, Megumi, and Berny. That's still good. [16:02:45] If I had to guess, it'd be a guitar used by Lady Gaga [16:02:58] Or a Lady Gaga avatar? [16:03:11] Or a half horse half Lady Gaga [16:04:38] At least that'd make it easier to tell if she was a man. :| [16:05:19] haha [16:08:09] I dunno, both genders can equip a horse weiner. :| [16:09:33] Huh. Lady Gaga got her stage name because her first producer thought she sounded like a female Freddy Mercury [16:18:38] Whooop [16:19:10] The Space Coyote commission finally completed. [16:20:46] [16:21:34] Oh man, I just noticed that in Tranquility Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaane, she busts through the kid's torso and explodes a couple people in the house [16:23:18] What? [16:23:32] The thing in LF [16:23:35] Diversity Lane, whoops [16:23:47] Hahahahaha [16:23:47] The one with the weird extendable legs [16:25:21] Dem: Aww. So do I actually say merry christmas now or happy birthday or whatever that was for? :V [16:25:31] Hm. Gamespot seems to like Overlord [16:25:33] Hahaha. [16:25:48] It was a CHristmas thing, yeah. The lateness is mostly my fault, though [16:25:59] Since I waited about a year before asking, and she'd closed commissions by then. [16:28:02] Ooooooh. Torchlight has a demo [16:28:38] It's pretty fun [16:28:45] Cool [16:29:05] It's selling REALLY well [16:29:18] Dragon Age, Torchlight, and Borderlands ar ethe big games of the past month or so as far as sales are concerned [16:32:29] This is pretty solid [16:33:24] ... oh, shoot. New Super Mario Bros Wii is out Monday. Hm [16:37:05] Fuck yeah, topping dps in ToC10. [16:37:17] hee [16:37:58] I heard about that on NPC earlier [16:38:02] NPR, rather [16:39:04] oasting_quotRPG_Elementsquot.php [16:39:10] Many game developers and marketers have a new favorite saying: that their games has "RPG elements." Craig Stern says the term is unflattering to the RPG genre, and that it's time to stop throwing that phrase around so haphazardly. [16:39:55] * Cheeseball ( has joined #Exalted [16:40:29] Hey Maha [16:40:31] What's up? [16:41:12] Done with work for the day. [16:41:18] Oh, grats [16:41:19] Probably going to tinker with my website a little. [16:41:20] Thanks. [16:41:28] Work work or comic book movie work? [16:41:38] Work work. Oi. I have so much work to do for the comic stuff. [16:41:46] I'm saving that for the weekend when I'm not tired from normal work. [16:42:17] ... "sensual dwarves"? [16:43:52] Quite so [16:44:01] How did that come up again? I don't remember [16:44:04] :o [16:44:06] Haha [16:44:14] It was in reference to the dwarves in Dragon Age [16:44:30] ooh [16:44:32] What's up with the dwarves in Dragon Age? [16:44:43] Maha: How many pictures do they want from you for that comic thingy, anyways? [16:45:11] Well, see, they were asking for crazy insane nearly-animation crap, and I basically said, look. As much as I'm on board for the project, doing something like that would take like...20 years. [16:45:22] I mean, for one person who has to do it on the side. [16:45:57] ... geez [16:46:13] So we're probably going to get someone else to do the less critical art in some rough fashion, and I'll be doing the major comic-book-y scenes in a much more sane version of the script. [16:46:24] I basically rewrote the thing and said, "how about let's do that instead." [16:46:29] I cut it by at least half. [16:46:31] Oh god, I really want to see her in concert now [16:46:37] Who? [16:46:42] This is a legitimately impressive show [16:46:44] Lady Gaga [16:46:49] Oh, dude. [16:46:54] I have had her stuck in my head for TWO WEEKS. [16:46:56] Shoot, who has logs turned on? [16:47:06] I need the October 28 log of this channel. Mine's weird. [16:47:06] I think I do [16:47:07] I kind of like her, though. [16:47:09] It's for Eberron OOC [16:47:16] I have just been introduced to hher today! [16:47:17] Yay? [16:47:20] Really? [16:47:20] Haha. [16:47:46] I wasn't really interested when I'd only heard her first song, but I like "Poker Face" and "Bad Romance." [16:48:01] The crazy videos and outfits totally sell it. [16:48:05] And the dwarves in Dragon Age are in a highly-structuralized, caste-based society that, despite that, is fairly sexually liberated. Like, one of the two non-straight NPCs in the game is dwarven [16:48:11] Yeah, she has a strong visual sense, I think [16:48:38] Hahaha [16:48:40] Without her fashion and the way her videos work, I wouldn't be nearly into her, but the level of control she has over her own image is really impressive [16:49:01] She kinda reminds me of Madonna [16:49:03] Yeah, I dig her style. [16:49:17] Before Madonna got less relevant [16:49:27] The strong sense of visual consistency is something I hadn't really seen outside of Asia. [16:49:46] Her voice is good, too. [16:50:32] Yeah [16:50:47] I wish I could see the thing she did with blood at the VMAs [16:51:03] Haha, I was trying to figure out how she did that. [16:51:12] Because that was apparently a legitimately good piece of performance art, but all I can find on Youtube is her doing Paparazzi [16:51:23] Which is legitimately good, especially her piano interlude, but still [16:51:57] She's definitely a talented performer. [16:52:24] Does she have a site anywhere with more videos? [16:52:36] I think it's too easy to write her off as another pop star, but I think she's definitely really intelligent. Like, even the things she does earnestly seem designed to provoke [16:52:44] When she accepted her reward by thanking God and the gays [16:52:45] A lot of the music videos are on YouTube, but that's the first video I'd seen of her performing live. [16:53:03] She also performed on...I think it was So You Think You Can Dance. [16:53:16] I wasn't particularly impressed by that one, though. She was mostly just marching in place and singing. [16:53:48] Yeah, there seem to be a few other live videos on YouTube. [16:54:10] #Youkai open [16:56:13] I need sweets or osmething. I went to Jack in the Box expecting them to still have their free mini churros if you use the ordering machine, but that wasn't the case anymore [16:56:22] Ordering machine? [16:56:43] Like... they have a touch screen, and you can order from there instead of going up to the cashier [16:57:20] * Cheeseball is now known as Berny [16:57:46] I relaly like it, and the machine displays stuff I thought the ydiscontinued and doens't show up on the menu mounted on the wall [16:57:48] Like Fish and Chips [16:58:00] And weird stuff like ordering a side of "One fried fish patty" [16:58:05] Hahaha, hmm. [16:58:12] I haven't been to Jack in the Box since they implemented those, apparently. [16:58:20] Or maybe the one close to me doesn't have it yet. [16:58:35] Oh, I just saw the thing witht he blood [16:58:40] * Yon is now known as Megumi [16:58:45] \That was legitimately impressive in terms of stage tech [16:58:48] * Charles is now known as Kentaro [16:58:56] Did she do that while she was at the piano? [16:59:08] She must have [16:59:25] But she started 'bleeding' after that, so I'm guessing she had some blood packs under her top [16:59:36] That were somehow popped just after she got off the piano [16:59:38] Probably. Still takes some impressive timing. :) [16:59:48] Or maybe somehow remote-activated by someone offstage [17:00:02] Haha, true. I hadn't thought about more high-tech methods. [17:00:12] The level of tech in that performance was so impressive, I wouldn't doubt that there was some ombination of latex prosthetics and remote-opened blood packs [17:00:25] Weird. o.o [17:01:22] Well, I think it was an interesting way to make a comment on the music media's need for drama and suffering on the part of its stars, which is pretty clever. Especially to make everyone watching the VMAs complicit in it [17:01:35] Hehe. [17:01:58] Thinking this way is what four years of art school does to you :( [17:02:03] I think I'll grab Overlord combo. [17:02:15] You went to art school? [17:02:17] $9 for three good games is acceptable to me riht now [17:03:23] Well, Berny's looking up. [17:03:27] So it's not Megumi. :| [17:03:31] Yeah, I majored in creative writing, but most of my gen ed courses were in regard to visual arts [17:03:33] Haha! [17:03:47] (That was at Dem's comment about Megumi, not about art school.) [17:03:58] That's awesome. I wish I had gone to art school. [17:04:50] It was fun and interesting, but what I got in exchange for my time was being a well-rounded person who's interesting at parties and has no job skills, so it's a definite tradeoff [17:06:08] Hmm, well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm an engineer with a law degree and license and no stable job either! [17:06:10] :) [17:09:22] Berny probably could have still seen Megumi looking up. They're probably only 2" different in height or so. [17:09:29] True! [17:09:44] Yeah, but you might get one once the economy unfucks its stupid. I'm just trying to find some kind of socialist art collective where I can pay for my food in dirty limericks [17:10:06] Hahahaha [17:10:18] Well, you could always take commissions for writing work. I mean, society surely values the written word just as much as pictures, right? [17:10:21] Right? [17:10:36] I dunno. I'd rather be an artist, honestly. It's just hard to. [17:11:12] There's a lot of blogging jobs that I've seen in the legal field...but I don't know if it requires a law degree to apply. [17:11:29] Dem: Hahahaha [17:11:53] I think the big thing is that peoeple don't really have much time, and it's easier to skim a picture than it is to skim a book [17:11:58] The big problem with comissioned writing is that it takes more effort to masturbate to a story than to a picture. :( [17:12:02] Speaking of which, did you ever try national novel writing month? [17:12:47] My professors at school were emphatic that students did it to get their shitty ideas out [17:13:46] Over at my school, they say you should get your terrible ideas out so they get out of the way of your good ideas [17:14:04] Yeah [17:14:20] But it was also an admonition not to use your good ideas on NaNoWriMo [17:14:33] Because anything written that fast will not be good [17:14:40] True [17:17:40] It's not useful to pound something out, then rework it completely afterward? [17:18:23] Yeah, you can go back and revise. [17:18:27] It's not like you're LaHaye [17:19:54] I think that if you just focus on writing something as fast as possible, the time you spend revising will be such that it might have been better to write more carefully to begin with [17:20:12] * Demota nods [17:20:23] What about using hte same thing, but stretching it over three months? [17:20:52] That might be better [17:22:25] I can't write fast. x_x I'm too anal retentive. [17:22:30] I have to plan everything extensively first. [17:22:39] Haha. Same here [17:23:12] Of course, it means I haven't started writing any of the things I'm halfway done planning haha. [17:23:36] I might realistically never get to them. '_' [17:24:24] What I need to do is start writing again, buuuut I kinda expended all my good fiction ideas and now they're all going into the RPG setting vortex [17:25:16] Haha. Write it as both a book and RPG setting? [17:25:27] That might be a good idea, yeah [17:26:07] Yeah. That's probably a good idea. [17:26:21] I mean, look at Dragonlance [17:26:33] Its fame as an RPG setting depends ENTIRELY upon its novels [17:27:30] Hahaha [17:27:47] Not even all of htem. Just the first three. [17:27:57] I knew of the RPG setting before I tried reading the novels, but most people have only read the novels. [17:28:01] (That I know.) [17:28:04] Heh [17:29:19] I think my favorite recurring Kentaro mannerism is how he always has to get the last word in on cell phone conversations [17:29:27] Hahaha [17:29:33] Kentaro is amusing in general. [17:29:33] To the point of saying something dickishly obfuscatory and then turning his phone off [17:36:20] Good thing Kentaro remembered or we'd have been stuck in a timeloop forever. :| [17:36:33] Haha, oof, yeah. I totally forgot. It wasn't just Berny. [17:37:15] haha [17:49:06] Hhahah [17:49:41] Hee [17:55:20] * LostInTangents ( has joined #Exalted [17:55:22] Oi [17:55:52] Hey [17:57:06] How goes? [17:57:32] It's alright. You? [17:57:49] Grood. [18:17:38] Cool [18:17:46] Hey Rusty, I found out Torchlight has a free demo if you wanna look at that [18:22:46] What math are they on in Japan during third year? [18:23:11] Whatever it is, Kentaro still doesn't know what a variable is. :| [18:23:44] Dunno. [18:27:22] Torchlight? [18:28:24] It's like Diablo [18:28:28] It's selling REALLY well. [18:28:43] Torchlight? [18:28:50] =Diablo clone? [18:28:52] Ahhh.. [18:29:40] It's weird to think that it's made by one of the Hellgate guys [18:29:51] What's Hellgate? [18:30:09] Hellgate is a sad, sad, broken dream. [18:30:21] :o What happened? [18:30:56] -Is- X=Y in this case? [18:31:06] Nope. :V [18:31:46] It started out with a premium online service, made by some of the old DII and DI developers, and well-made, but with plenty of bugs. Needed fixes. Needed variety. Needed the promised continous live stream of content promised by the developers. [18:31:53] It never arrived. [18:32:17] Aw. Not enough funding or what? :( [18:32:18] Its development process, from what I heard, was pretty fucking haphazard [18:32:22] Yeah [18:32:28] It was REALLY messy [18:32:39] Despite really impeccable graphics and decent gameplay to a point, the game's flaws were never covered up. [18:32:44] It also needed art that didn't remind me of Morrowind. :| [18:32:46] I tihnk Torchlight luanching without multiplayer is probably partly made because of the huge issues of trying to handle multiplayer server [18:32:57] Like, no real heirarchy and every so often one guy would decide X content needed Y attribute and they'd have to redesign it [18:33:10] When that should have been in it from the start [18:33:16] Ack. [18:33:23] Or else it'd end up getting discarded when the guy who insisted on it changed his mind [18:33:43] IIRC, there were times when two people would be trying to do the same thing two different ways just because nobody had any idea what the fuck was up [18:34:22] The graphics were nice enough, but the artstyle was pretty ugly and not very appealing and holy shit was the game ever BROWN. [18:34:29] Ew. [18:34:32] Honestly, what they should have done was set lower expectations. [18:34:36] Going by what I read, the fact that it was even finished at all was a testament to the human spirit on par with the Special Olympics [18:35:09] They did better than the Nukem team, haha. [18:35:21] Hahaha, yeah. [18:35:25] God damn Broussard. [18:35:28] Yeah but so did John Romero. [18:35:31] JOHN ROMERO. [18:36:00] Anyway, Torchlight [18:36:12] Man, Dragon Age. [18:36:13] The 'You' referred to in the 'John Romero will make you his bitch' was the DNF team. [18:36:18] Romero had some uncanny foresight [18:36:23] hahaaha [18:36:33] Torchlight demo [18:36:39] I find the combats difficult. [18:36:43] Challenging. [18:36:44] Yeah. [18:36:51] It's tricky to get used to. [18:37:03] I might turn fights down to Easy, I dunno. :( [18:37:11] It's been a really long time since I've seen that in an RPG. [18:37:14] I' [18:37:29] m doing the Mage Circle quests right now, [18:37:40] Charles: Do you want Kentaro's answer to be right? [18:37:45] and my character is all alone, sans healer. [18:37:58] Which game? Dragon Age? [18:37:59] Dem: I'm cool either way [18:38:05] Yes. [18:38:19] Oh, I didn't know it was out already. [18:38:47] Oh yeah. It's like the coolest thing since Ewoks. [18:38:54] Haha [18:38:58] It's worth noting that Kentaro was doing all of this in his textbook. :| [18:39:04] Is it an...MMO? [18:39:08] Nope [18:39:09] Hell no. [18:39:12] It's Baldur's Gate 3. [18:39:16] Almost literally. [18:39:16] Yeah. [18:39:18] Ooh. :D [18:39:25] [18:39:27] Dude. I need to put that on my list of games to play. [18:39:31] [18:39:36] That said, it plays suspiciously like an MMO [18:39:45] I think Bioware is practicing for their KotOR MMO [18:39:48] Haha. [18:39:50] Yeah man. Sans Black Isle, but it's still great. [18:40:07] Well, Bioware's made of ex-Black Isle people anyway. [18:40:08] I hope my computer can run it. [18:40:25] Yes, yes it is, but they don't have Chris Avellone. [18:40:37] I wish Bioware had Chris Avellone. [18:40:48] * Demota nods [18:40:57] And they made another Planescape game. [18:41:04] Aw, I <3 Planescape. [18:41:24] That'd be nice, though I think I'm starting to value development teams as a whole over specific people. Unless it's Shigeru Miyamoto [18:41:33] Because he is my idol [18:41:34] <3 [18:42:34] Yeah, Avellone is my Miyamoto. He wrote the Fallout Bible on his own with no real demand from the fans, just because it was his team's setting. [18:42:49] Actually, setting bibles aren't uncommon [18:42:52] Yeah. [18:42:56] They just usually don't get published [18:42:59] It's releasing the bible that... yeah. [18:43:12] Hell, the old Dungeons & Dragons cartoon has a setting bible [18:43:26] Haha [18:43:31] I wish more setting bibles *would* get published, because, as a worldbuilding junkie, I find them fascinating [18:43:38] Yeah. [18:44:10] Old World of Darkness had a setting bible too, but it seems kinda haphazard given how stuff turned out [18:44:17] Ah, well, Avellone's didn't really, it just got released over the net to people on some forums. Black Isle was really tighe with its forum communities back then. Thing it, it was for fucking *Fallout*. [18:44:37] Yeah. [18:44:41] Basically, they're very important for any group project because when you have more than one writer, you have more than one vision by default [18:44:48] I thought that was cool. [18:44:55] Man, if you're the authority on that game, to me, you're pretty much the bees knees when it comes to game writing/developing. [18:44:57] So you need to have something to make sure everyone's on the same page [18:45:02] I wish NMA wouldn't be such idiots, though [18:45:15] NMA? [18:45:32] No Mutants Allowed [18:45:35] No Mutants Allowed. A Fallout 'purist' fansite [18:45:38] Fallout "fans". [18:45:38] Ah. [18:45:50] Which means they reject everything aside from the first game and the parts of the second they like as canon [18:46:04] NMA used to be cool, but man.. [18:46:20] They did used to be cool, yeah. [18:46:25] I wonder what the hell happened. [18:46:37] Interplay's stock crashed, Dem. [18:46:51] I know that. [18:46:58] I'm talking about NMA. [18:46:59] That's what happened:(. [18:47:01] I don't know, even in the days when I was writing for Planet Fallout back in, like, 2002, NMA was still seen as pretty douchey [18:47:35] They turned into grognards long before Interplay fell [18:47:40] That Miroslav guy was a bit of a Fallout 1 elitist because he didn't like all of the in-jokes. [18:47:53] Then the community just kinda emulated him? [18:48:00] I think that's what started it, yeah. [18:48:22] So people like us who found that shit kinda funny and charming just weren't welcome there. [18:49:46] Well, that and I was probably still coming across like as much of as asshole there as I do everywhere else. :) [18:50:36] I wonder if there are any alternative Fallout communities [18:50:51] Hahah, I'm sure, man. [18:51:01] Especially with the release of Fallout 3. [18:51:18] Which opened the series up to a lot of console only gamers. [18:51:46] Who still haven't played the far superior pc predecessors, by and large. [18:52:06] Yeah. [18:52:18] I liked Fallout 3, but it doesn't measure up to the first game. [18:52:26] Man, it's a shame my hyphen key is jammed. I really needed it there. [18:52:58] It wasn't jammed a second ago. Hold on. [18:53:06] There. [18:53:40] - < For posterity. [18:53:40] Fallout 3 was a good game, but I have absolutely no urge to go back and re-experience it [18:56:34] I heard it was like Oblivion with guns. [18:56:37] I haven't played it yet. [18:56:53] That was the buzz by the people who didn't like it, and there were some important differences [18:56:53] It's nothing like Oblivion iwth guns [18:57:16] But it was more like Oblivion with guns than it was like previous Fallouts, in terms of sheer mechanical gameplay. [18:57:30] In terms of narrative and style and atmosphere, it was *pretty* close to Fallout [18:58:32] Ah, okay. That's good to hear. [18:58:44] I have to replay the first two again. DOS games haven't worked very well on my current system, though. [18:59:00] DOS/early Windows. Whichever it was. [18:59:28] Both, I think [18:59:43] They're windows [18:59:48] Fallout 2 came out in, like, 2000 [19:00:24] * MattyQ ( has joined #Exalted [19:00:29] Hey matt [19:00:39] Heya [19:00:53] Yeah. A lot of Windows games ran off DOS, though. [19:01:39] * Kentaro nods [19:01:42] Hey, Matt [19:02:35] [19:03:45] * Kentaro changes topic to '#Exalted: You relieved yourself! Your condition became "it sounds like a whimper of vampire. " | Sharn II: Weekly Wednesday Sessions, Go!| Odal's Fen: hecho en mexico | Dem's GT IP: / Port 6812 | Youkai Thursdays 5 Pacific | |TV screens means soft core gay erotica' [19:04:19] Hahaha [19:04:43] * Berny laughs. [19:04:46] heee [19:05:32] I dunno, it's missing something. I didn't see a single "No, you are the demons" in there. [19:06:11] hahahaa [19:08:21] It was a shadow of a man with robostic body weilding a sword and bashing it in the air [19:08:38] That might be my favorite part [19:08:41] Actually: [19:08:52] Oh, Maha, you'll know Friday, yeah? I think? [19:08:57] * Kentaro changes topic to '#Exalted: You relieved yourself! Your condition became "a shadow of a man with robostic body weilding a sword and bashing it in the air " | Sharn II: Weekly Wednesday Sessions, Go!| Odal's Fen: hecho en mexico | Dem's GT IP: / Port 6812 | Youkai Thursdays 5 Pacific | |TV screens means soft core gay erotica' [19:09:01] Can we just handwave this, seriously? I don't remember enough about high school math to complaim believably. [19:09:04] The syntax works better [19:09:11] XD [19:09:25] Er, yes. It's hard to roleplay math studying. [19:09:29] Or studying in general. ^^ [19:09:33] (For me, anyway.) [19:09:36] Good poijnt! [19:09:43] Unless you just want me to have Megumi write "2 + 2 = (9)" or something. :V [19:09:55] haha [19:13:17] Have you shown this to John, Matt? I'm sure he'd be fascinated [19:13:35] I haven't yet [19:13:40] I think I want to do a machinima of it [19:14:08] Hahahah [19:17:00] Man, I REALLY want to hear audio of an actual fight against Bronjahm to see how it works out in play [19:19:47] There's a video up by some German guy and the music is replaced with shitty obnoxious techno [19:19:52] WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT [19:19:59] :|\ [19:20:34] And another video with another shitty song [19:20:38] What the hell people [19:21:04] If I wanted to hear stupid music that morons like, I'd listen to something that's not NPR. >:( [19:23:35] I guess a lot of people just don't notice the music over all the CLANGCLANGCLANGBOOMBOOMBOOM [19:23:54] Of course, these are probably also morons who don't even get the Bronjahm joke. :| [19:24:09] Haha, actually, that might be me. I have no idea who that is. [19:24:21] Show her the clip! [19:26:52] [19:27:42] I really hope there's some reference ingame to, like, Bronjahm being the hardest working man in necromancy [19:28:46] Hahahaham is that a WoW boss? [19:28:49] Yeah [19:28:54] That cracks me up. [19:30:59] Oh man, rewatching the VMA performance of Paparazzi, I think my favorite confrontational visual touch, past the bleeding, is that at least one of her male backup dancers is wearing a woman's thong like a bandanna to cover the lower half of his face. [19:31:35] Hahaha [19:38:36] Brb, food. :3 [19:38:46] Huh, this sounds cool [19:38:47] I've been playing a lot of the Half-Life 2 mod "Dystopia" lately, and I've been describing it to my friends as "what the Shadowrun 360 game should have been like, except lacking the fantasy elements". [19:38:47] Dystopia is kind of a cross between Counterstrike and Shadowrun. It's a futuristic cyberpunk game of Punks vs. Corps, where you can choose your weapons and equipment to be good at dealing damage, sneaking around, or hacking. The people fighting in meatspace will often find times when a decker needs to come along to unlock doors or change over a turret's IFF. [19:38:47] If anyone who plays Shadowrun also enjoys FPS games, they should check it out. I'm typically on the Warrior Nation server, where my nick is the same as my SA username. [19:39:14] Huh. [19:39:15] Cool [19:39:55] All right, I'll brb. [19:58:34] Dystopia is okay. [19:59:12] I think that's how we all feel after the Bush years [19:59:14] ZING [19:59:34] hahah [20:01:06] Ahahahaha holy shit I'm catching up on DC stuff starting with Final Crisis and this just fucking killed me: "Alfred, I'm in pursuit of some slimeballs and I seem to be on fire." Suddenly I'm hearing Batman's voice as The Spy instead of Kevin Conroy. [20:02:05] Hahahah [20:02:12] hahahhhah [20:06:19] Hahahahah what the fuck, Superman seriously just ganked a fucking PYRAMID, apparently to use as a gravestone for J'onn. [20:06:35] Hahahahha [20:06:46] Used graves are apparently in vogue [20:07:18] Well, I mean, he's Superman. Who's going to stop him if he wants to redistribute world heritage sites? [20:07:20] Oh, okay, it was actually J'onns home that the Spectre dumped in the desert for...some reason. That's significantly less funny. [20:08:35] Hahahah [20:09:33] And now it's "GET PISSED. VOMIT BLOOD" time. [20:14:37] Back. [20:15:37] Man, I just got a 'please resubscribe' email from Age of Conan, and it's actually kinda sad how desperate they are for resubs [20:16:48] I got WAR kinda sorta begging me to come back. [20:16:59] If you re-up for a year, you get a free week of gametime, beta access to the new expanson, a +10% XP helmet, and the expansion for free [20:17:08] For 50% off normal subscription rates [20:17:26] Buuuut Age of Conan sucks [20:17:56] Oh, does it? Aw. [20:18:09] The only thing I've heard about it is that it's rife with naked people. [20:18:27] It's hilariously unfinished, even by MMO standards. [20:19:32] Haha. [20:19:47] I remember there was some issue about breast size? [20:20:12] Haha, wha? [20:20:36] There was a patch that 'accidentally' reduced the breast size of the female characters. And there was an uproar [20:20:45] (Oh, btw, any of you know anything about League of Legends? I'm scheduled to review that this month.) [20:20:50] Hahaha. [20:20:54] Yeah. [20:20:54] "Accidentally." I see. [20:21:07] It's from the guys that made Defense of the Ancients, an immensely popular Warcraft 3 mod. [20:21:15] * Berny nods. I know that part. [20:21:25] There are more games running DotA than WC3 unmodified... [20:21:29] I can't tell if it's an MMO or not, though. It seems to be online multiplayer? [20:21:30] Aside from that, I don't know much [20:21:33] I never played the original mod, though. [20:21:42] It's like... proto tower defense? Kinda. [20:21:56] Think of it like an RTS where you only control a hero [20:22:06] Hahahahah, Age of Conan outraged players by nerfing breasts. WoW outraged players by nerfing shoulders. [20:22:08] And there's automated computer allies providing grunt units [20:22:12] Hahahha [20:22:24] I kinda think the nudity in Age of Conan was probably its saving grace [20:22:33] * Berny laughs. [20:22:36] Last I heard, it became a haven for people who're into MMOs for anonymous cybersex [20:22:44] Didn't it have a REALLY good starting zone, though? [20:22:45] Wow. [20:23:38] Well, I guess that's better than what will happen to Champions if it completely flops. [20:23:49] ..So, did I tell you guys I was playing Age of Conan now? [20:23:55] Kidding. [20:24:03] hahaha [20:24:10] I wonder if they have a boob slider. [20:24:21] (the only people left in CO if it fails will be furries.) [20:24:44] It did have a GREAT starting zone. Which makes the decision to have a shitty rest of the game mind-boggling [20:25:15] Like, its starting zone was heavily instanced and designed to be plot-based and relevant to your character and what had happened to them, while still open [20:25:35] And then, eventually, you get to a point where you can't get enough XP in it to continue, so you have to go to the 'day' (normal) side of the city [20:25:50] Where all the quests are kill 10 rats bullshit and the dungeons are all non-instanced and full PVP [20:25:55] :( [20:25:56] Aw. [20:26:06] Which means that in order to kill ten rats you need to go into the dungeons below the city [20:26:25] Where you compete with literally everyone else who wants to kill ten rats, and who is willing to kill you to get to the rats first [20:26:37] I heard that they really just didn't finish the damn game and it was supposed to be more like the starting zone. [20:26:44] Lame. [20:26:47] It's like Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde designed an MMO [20:27:07] Ugh [20:27:16] They should release the game when it's DONE [20:27:52] Did any of you play Horizons a few years ago? [20:27:57] Not me [20:28:01] I was so bummed about that game. [20:28:04] Not I [20:28:12] I'm fairly certain that if an MMO is released in a fully complete state the world will end. [20:28:21] I preordered it based on the original design that was shown when it was in development, but when it was released, it was a completely different animal. [20:28:33] And it, uh, sucked. [20:29:28] ugh [20:29:34] What was Horizons exactly? [20:29:47] A crappy MMO. :( [20:30:20] Well I mean what was it supposed to be? And what kind of MMO? [20:31:22] Well, it had some cool non-combat oriented features, like cooperative crafting for everything from equipment to buildings and things like that, plus unlocking races and areas through cooperative server population-wide efforts, and playable dragons. [20:33:44] Now that I think of it, it did have boob-size sliders, actually. Haha. [20:34:19] That's pretty common these days. :| [20:34:56] (I actually like boob sliders just because fuck if I want to run around with basketballs taped to my chest) [20:35:14] * Berny laughs. [20:35:37] I like having them, too. I mean, not everyone is the same size IRL. Why not have options? [20:36:02] Yeah [20:36:04] They keep forgetting butt sliders, though. I hate slender hips. [20:36:12] haha [20:36:43] Oh, wait. I shouldn't say that. It's discriminatory. I personally prefer some butt, I should say. [20:39:20] I was a bit irritated when CoH implemented a boob slider. I was all "Oh, hey, good, now there'll be options other than 'Lara Croft'." And then I saw the slider. You could only make them a touch smaller than the old default boobs. And make them MUCH bigger. Good going guys [20:39:34] Hahaha [20:40:00] Yeah, I only played for a bit before that, and I don't remember them being small. [20:40:44] Yeah [20:48:06] Kentaro harbors no illusions about the role of Asians in American media, but he still somehow thinks it's a good idea. :| [20:50:22] haha [20:54:21] Oh geez. [20:54:26] Hal just got a Red Lantern ring. [20:54:33] What's that? [20:56:36] Well, green lanterns are powered by willpower. Red Lanterns are powered by anger. (which Hal as a LOT of) And instead of making things out of green energy, they, um, puke blood and shape THAT. :V [20:57:15] Hahaha [20:57:30] I like the Blue Lanterns. [20:57:51] They're basically OOOOOOUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEENDAAAAAAAAAAAN (but without the backup music) [20:58:19] hahahaaha [21:01:31] Hahahah [21:01:33] Howso? [21:04:11] Well, one of the first things they do once they're introduced is show up on a planet where the sun is about to go nova. [21:04:59] And they channel the BURNING SPIRIT OF HOPE from all who live on the planet to restore the sun. [21:05:16] Hahaha [21:05:30] hee [21:11:32] Oh man, the most recent Homestuck is such a cliffhanger [21:11:41] Yeah [21:11:51] NO KYLE! DON'T KISS HER! YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN! [21:11:59] Oh, I have to go see it. I'm mostly caught up, but the last panel I saw was Jade in the mummy room. [21:12:16] Dammit Kyle. Well, guess we're gonna need a new fridge. :| [21:19:49] Yon, is Shadow Word: Death as bullshit as it looks like, or is it just me? [21:20:29] Bullshit how? [21:21:22] Well, the top level of the spell, going by what it says at the trainer right now, does about 900 damage and hits me for same. Which means I could only use it a few times per fight for a little more damage than my mind blastgs [21:21:55] Once you get decently geared it hits for a LOT. [21:22:13] Basically I shield myself and then just blast away with it. [21:23:04] I get more use out of devouring plague, though. Especially once it's glyphed. (and I think 3.3 is buffing it) [21:24:13] * Adyen ( has joined #Exalted [21:25:25] Hey [21:25:41] hiya [21:26:36] Hey Adyen. [21:28:30] Hello :) [21:31:47] What's up? :D [21:32:01] Not a whole lot. JUst characters discussing their futures [21:32:36] You? [21:32:57] Relaxing. :D [21:33:57] aaaaaaaa [21:33:59] Cool [21:37:33] HOw're people doing for awakeness? [21:38:26] Pretty awake [21:38:49] I'm generally concious [21:38:54] Man, I wish that the Rose-Colored Goggles that Engineers can make prevented you from using any sad emotes [21:39:34] Hahahahah, Gumshoe's animations are fantastic [21:39:47] Medium sleepy. [21:39:57] I'm ok... I guess? [21:48:48] Ugh, I just realized, bringing a shadow priest through the Plaguelands is going to be a fucker [21:49:09] I'm inclined to use my dual spec to make a gimmick Holy DPS build for this [21:49:32] You can make a half-decent holy-disc dps build, actually [21:49:47] I did Outland like that on my priest. [21:50:13] Hmm. [21:50:24] Just because I really didn't like shadow back then. [21:50:41] * Kentaro nods [21:52:26] Shadow kind of sucks, mana-wise, even with replenishment. :/ [21:53:04] (shadow is the new Oomkin. They're even turning devouring plague into Moonfire in 3.3. :V ) [21:53:33] Hahaha, seriously? [21:54:29] Yeah, with either a glyph or talent, I can't remember which, DP already gets some of it's damage upfront and the rest as a dot. [21:54:41] Well, they're going to frontload it for more burst in 3.3 [21:55:06] So yeah, moonfire spam. [21:56:29] Haha, nice [21:56:42] 00000000000000000000000000000000 Here's my disc/holy plaguelands damage gimmick build [21:57:11] Hmm. [21:57:24] Hey Adyen [21:57:29] Emmy planned anything for Golden Week? [21:57:44] (Berny's thinking of the wedding thing.) [21:57:51] She'll be busy getting the rain requested. [21:58:01] Well, she needs it first day of golden week [21:58:19] Looks pretty good. I think you'll want to fill out meditation and get improved PW:S as you go, though. [21:58:22] Oh, I thought you meant the beginning of the GW. [21:58:35] Yeah [21:58:38] And might as well get improved death, 5% bonus spirit is nothing to sneeze at. [21:59:06] She's got nothing planned afterwards, but she would be interested in training Berny more about being a priest(ist) [21:59:37] Oh, and you figured out the rain part [21:59:42] But the sun part is trickier [21:59:54] * Kentaro nods [22:00:15] I pretty much just focused on getting as much damage as possible, the shield, more meditation, and improved death are next on the list [22:03:06] Hmm, I was going to say you could drop spell warding but it doesn't seem like there's anywhere more useful to put those points. [22:03:29] Yeah, I'm kinda in a corner there [22:05:02] I imagine that, as a theater person, Miki might know. :| [22:06:17] haha [22:11:54] Actually, I'm gonna have to figure out a way to get down to Focused Power because, hey, more damage percent boosts [22:12:03] This is gonna be a weird build [22:12:09] WoW is all about % bonuses. [22:12:26] At least until Cataclysm [22:13:50] Well, there's no reason to go past surge of light in the holy tree if it's not a healing build. [22:14:06] Yeah [22:14:24] But you WILL probably want spirit tap from shadow. [22:14:36] Yeah [22:20:12] 0000300000000000000000000000000 I think this is the build I used until I'd raided enough that shadow didn't make me go oom every three fights. [22:21:23] * Kentaro nods [22:21:34] Hahahahahha, Larfleeze, the Orange Lantern, is basically Gollum with a power ring. [22:29:18] Aw man. [22:29:43] I can't find the video of our local football team getting the shit trolled out of them last sunday. :( [22:31:12] It was supposed to be hilarious. :( [22:31:22] Aww [22:31:25] aw [22:32:43] Apparently, it was late in the game, and our team was down a bit and had the ball. [22:32:54] The other team intercepts a pass and gets a touchdown. [22:33:12] And they see a BOAT. On the edge of the endzone. [22:33:18] SO THEY ALL GET IN THE BOAT. [22:33:42] Nice Boat? [22:33:43] And a couple of them pretend to fish, and one of them is steering, and one is pedaling like it's a pedal boat. [22:34:10] More "I'm on a motherfucking boat!" [22:34:17] heeee [22:34:22] And they get in huge shit for this. [22:34:29] Apparently all the players involved were fined. [22:34:40] ...then they intercept ANOTHER pass and score. [22:35:01] So you can guess what happened next. [22:35:47] Yeah, WE'RE ON A MOTHERFUCKING BOAT! [22:36:15] The best part is that losing this game meant our team doesn't make the playoffs. [22:36:24] Which is REALLY insulting in the CFL. [22:36:42] Because the league is so damn pathetic and small that only TWO TEAMS don't make the playoffs. :laffo: [22:36:49] ahahah [22:37:19] Hahaha [22:38:26] And I can't stop laughing about it because I love it when our teams lose. :V [22:38:42] Hahaha [22:38:47] Man, I'm going under :(\ [22:39:46] About bedtime for me. [22:39:57] Alright [22:40:11] Ditto. [22:40:15] I'll wrap up [22:40:17] Basically there's a very strong local mentality of small-dick syndrome. [22:40:56] Winnipeg was basically emasculated by the loss of the NHL team and they've been trying to compensate ever since. :V [22:41:08] * Megumi is now known as Yon [22:41:12] * Berny is now known as Cheeseball [22:41:50] Hope you had fun, etc [22:41:59] Yup, thanks for game. [22:42:02] Yep! [22:42:09] And g'night everyone who's going to bed. [22:42:14] I tend to get really sleepy after about 9:30 or 10 [22:42:45] yeah, same [22:43:35] Oh hey, found the video [22:43:41] Haha, woot. [22:43:46] I'M ON A BOAT [22:44:51] 3:15 [22:45:25] Aw, they only show the one time. [22:46:02] Hahaha [22:47:54] All right. G'nite, dudes. Have fun at the Warhammer thing, Dem. I probably can't go, but I'll let you know if that changes. [22:48:29] Night [22:48:29] * Cheeseball waves out. [22:48:40] * Cheeseball ( Quit (Quit: ZzzZzzZZzz.) End of #Exalted buffer Fri Nov 13 07:39:06 2009