Session Start: Thu Feb 11 17:55:43 2010 Session Ident: #youkai 03[17:55:43] * Now talking in #youkai 01[18:35:35] [We pick up where we left off last time, with the group finding Kale again] 01[18:35:38] [Session STart] 06[18:36:56] * Kale pokes into his lunchbox. "Boy, it's weird being back. But kind of nice. At least you guys are still here." 06[18:37:27] * Berny looks up from her sandwich. "Where've you been, anyway? Not sick or anything, I hope?" 06[18:39:54] * Megumi shrugs. "Where else would we be?" 06[18:41:20] * Charles shrugs. "I dunno, I could drop out and live in the woods aaaaaaany moment now." [18:43:25] "Just traveling again. My dad likes to head back to the States now and again, and I go with him." He eyes Kentaro, "Really? The woods?" 03[18:43:34] * Charles is now known as Kentaro [18:43:56] Oh, yeah, it's not so bad once you know what stuff you can eat and what stuff kills you. 06[18:45:30] * Berny nods at Kale. "It must be nice to visit home once in a while." 06[18:47:23] * Kale nods. "Well, yeah. But I'm trying to make a new home! At least people like baseball here, too. Anything happening after school?" [18:48:49] I'd be up for doing anything, unless Emmy shows up again and I have to make an excuse about leaving. 06[18:49:22] * Megumi rolls her eyes at Kentaro. [18:50:16] Hey, you like getting into situations where you want to hit someone. I don't. 06[18:50:34] * Kentaro leans down, shovels some food into his mouth, and looks up. "It's a lifestyle thing." 06[18:51:15] * Kale seems confused. 06[18:51:35] * Berny explains simply, "Kentaro and Emmy don't get along." [18:51:48] Oh! I thought he meant Megumi likes hitting on Emmy. 06[18:52:12] * Kale sighs, "I'm still getting the hang of this." 06[18:52:30] * Megumi drops her chopsticks, a shocked expression on her face. "Wha-what?" 06[18:54:23] * Kale ahems, "Well, I didn't want to seem judgemental..." 01[18:56:02] Wh-what? 02[18:57:19] * Kale ( Quit (Quit: Kale) 06[18:58:33] * Berny shrugs with a smile and keeps eating. 06[18:58:37] * Megumi sputters a bit, turning red. 06[19:00:02] * Kentaro leans back slightly, bridging his hands. "It's a matter of, uh, how words are put together. Like, say, Megumi lights to hit people who are bigger than her. She also likes to hit on Choutaro. By hitting him. It's a whole big thing." 06[19:01:38] * Megumi blinks, recovering herself a bit. "Wait, you think me and Choutarou...?" [19:02:52] Wait, didn't you beat him up for the right to breed with him? [19:03:24] I...I whaaaaaaat? [19:03:34] Is that how o--I mean, your, uh, family usually courts people? 06[19:04:05] * Berny glances over at Kale and laughs nervously. [19:04:33] It' the fighting is a part of it, but, uh... [19:05:10] Just 'cause you fight someone doesn't mean you like 'em like THAT. 06[19:06:14] * Kentaro frowns. "Well, I gotta say, that's kind of a letdown." [19:06:21] I guess you don't have to answer if it's too, um, personal...but what's the other part of it? Just curious. 03[19:10:02] * MattinMeeting ( has joined #youkai [19:11:02] The... other part? Uh, probably not that much different than anyone else. 03[19:11:33] * MattinMeeting is now known as Kale [19:11:51] Oh. Haha. I was expecting something more exotic, I guess. [19:14:31] That's crazy! [19:14:35] Well, maybe that's unfair. [19:15:21] Sounds kinda cool, though. [19:20:16] I mean I think my grandparents DID meet each other by getting in a fight, but that was just how it started, y'know? 06[19:24:39] * Berny nods thoughtfully. "I probably wouldn't have survived to breed if I was in that situation." [19:30:31] Well, it'd be kind of weird for you to be in that situation...the way you are? I guess? 06[19:32:05] * Berny smiles. "Yeah. Maybe I would be different if I had your genes." [19:33:19] You'd be angrier, at least. 06[19:36:07] * Berny muses over that. [19:36:12] I...can't even imagine that. 01[19:38:25] I don't get it.. [19:42:24] Uh. Don't worry about it, Daisuke. [19:43:34] I dunno, I can totally see it. 06[19:43:59] * Kentaro pulls a napkin out of the dispenser and doodles a quick picture of Berny with sharp, angry teeth and small horns 06[19:49:52] * Megumi leans over to look. "Doesn't really look like her." 06[19:52:39] * Kale looks at the picture, "You have to imagine her without the teeth." 01[19:53:48] BUt then it'd be all weird and gummy [19:54:53] Yeah. 06[19:55:03] * Kentaro erases the teeth, leaving a gaping square maw. [19:55:10] Much better. 06[19:55:24] * Kentaro pauses, considers, and then draws a jar of baby food in one hand and a spoon in the other. 06[19:59:50] * Kale ohs, "Wouldn't she be drooly with no teeth?" [20:01:07] ...she doesn't really look very intimidating anymore. 06[20:02:03] * Kentaro pauses, reconsiders again, and draws a robocop helmet over the top half of Berny's face, and writes "Dead or alive, you're coming with me" in kanji down the side of the page, and adds a trail of drool. [20:02:12] I think you'll find I addressed both of your concerns. 06[20:05:58] * Berny watches Kentaro doodle and giggles uncontrollably. [20:07:46] Well, I'm sold. I don't think anyone could resist Robobabyberny. 06[20:08:27] * Berny snaps a digiphoto of the drawing with her phone. "Can I keep that as a souvenir, Kentaro? It's actually really cute." [20:09:19] Oh, yeah, absolutely! [20:09:33] Thanks! 06[20:09:49] * Berny takes the napkin, admires it again, and slips it carefully into one of her school folders. [20:10:31] I don't think Robobabyberny would survive Megumi's family either. 06[20:10:35] * Berny giggles again. 06[20:15:22] * Kentaro signs the drawing and slides it over [20:15:32] I dunno, might scare them off. [20:15:55] ((Whoops, pretend Berny took the napkin after Kentaro slid it over.)) [20:16:14] (Sorry, I totally missed that she took it :( ) [20:16:29] ((NP, your version makes more sense, anyway!)) 01[20:26:25] I dunno if she'd even look intimidating like that. But that's not really my line of expertise 06[20:27:16] * Kale laughs, "I dunno, Daisuke. It's all in how you carry yourself—I bet you could intimidate someone with a little practice." [20:35:41] Riiight. 01[20:37:39] Uh... I dunno if i even WANT to 01[20:42:52] Think there's a market for it? 06[20:44:57] * Kale nods, "Yeah! I dunno about here, but back in America you could take kids lunch money and stuff! You just need to get big and tough." He flexes and tries to put on an ugly grimace, "And all the girls like this sort of thing." 01[20:45:30] * Daisuke looks at Megumi and Berny. "Do they?" 06[20:49:31] * Berny giggles. "Um...I guess some do? I don't think I'd like a guy who took my lunch money, though, and Megumi'd beat him up." [20:50:12] And then she'd fall in love! [20:50:15] Just like her grandparents. 06[20:50:24] * Kale sighs, "It's just a big circle, isn't it?" 06[20:50:24] * Berny laughs. [20:54:08] Pft, I'd never like some guy who'd beat kids for their lunch money. [20:54:29] Even after you fought him? [20:54:34] I'd kick his ass and leave him in a dumpster. [20:55:04] What about a really tough guy who fights other really tough guys for their lunch money? [20:55:23] Yeah, or like, what if he takes the lunch money of rich kids and gives to the poor [20:55:31] ...well that's completely different but it doesn't mean I'd like them anyway. 06[20:55:42] * Berny continues to laugh quietly. [20:56:23] What if the rich kids are wimps and the poor kids are tough but they've forsworn violence alongside their vow of poverty? [20:56:27] There are a lot of variables hre [20:57:06] It's important to consider all the possibilities. [20:57:11] How else will you find true love? 06[21:01:56] * Berny blows air through her bangs. "Nah, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like any guy who tried to bully me." 06[21:02:22] * Kale nods sagely. [21:09:29] I dunno! I mean how does anyone do it? I'm not gonna go around and randomly fall for some guy who gives me a good fight, I might as well date Black Jotaro in that case. [21:12:06] He's dreamy. 06[21:12:23] * Berny laughs. [21:13:11] Who's Black Jotaro? [21:13:18] Well, I mean, I met Miki a long time ago, but we didn't really get together until she got in charge of the theater club. [21:13:26] So maybe you need to start a... fight club? [21:13:37] Oh wait [21:13:42] I shouldn't be talking about that. [21:14:44] About what? [21:15:39] Sssh. [21:15:45] Oh, right. 06[21:20:10] * Megumi looks confused. "What?" [21:20:58] Why can't you talk about that? [21:21:10] Well, it's the first rule. [21:21:20] I mean, uh. [21:21:31] First through second. [21:21:33] The first rule of what? 06[21:21:55] * Berny scratches her head. "But that's -that- club, not Megumi's club." [21:22:10] Doesn't Megumi have a fight club already? 01[21:22:10] The... drama club? [21:22:21] If not, why? [21:22:55] The first rule of drama club is that you do not talk about the Scottish play. [21:23:04] What Scottish play? [21:23:07] The second rule of drama club is that you DO NOT talk about the Scotting play. [21:23:14] Or the scottish one, for that matter [21:23:23] What's a scottish play? [21:23:48] You know. 06[21:24:08] * Kale pauses. "Wait, what is a Scottish play?" [21:24:56] Which Scottish play? there only the one? [21:25:57] If I tell you, Miki's gonna get mad. 06[21:26:04] * Kentaro makes a sad face. :( [21:26:39] Oh. Okay, nevermind, then. 06[21:26:41] * Berny smiles. [21:27:17] What's the first rule of your club, Daisuke? 01[21:29:01] Ummm... don't do anything illegal? [21:29:52] Wrong! The first rule of the Cryptozoological club is that you do not talk about the Mongolian Bloodworm. [21:30:05] YOU JUST TALKED ABOUT IT! [21:30:11] OH SHIT! 06[21:30:17] * Kentaro quickly slides under the table 01[21:31:52] The... what? [21:33:06] Shshh... 06[21:33:25] * Kale leans down, "How do you fit under there?" [21:33:34] Practice [21:38:31] ...what's a mongolian bloodworm? [21:38:52] Oh, it's a five foot wide worm that can shoot electricity and spit acid [21:38:58] Wait. [21:39:00] Wait, wait. [21:39:02] Are you serious? [21:39:05] That doesn't sound real at all! [21:39:19] Well, no one's proven it's real yet, that I've heard. [21:39:28] That's how we like it! 06[21:39:41] * Megumi perks up. "Something else for my list of things I have to fight someday." [21:39:53] I bet you could kick bloodworm butt. 06[21:40:02] * Berny giggles. "Yeah, I bet you could." [21:40:22] Hahaha, totally 01[21:41:16] YOu just made that up right now. [21:42:17] Nuh-uh. I read it on the Wikipedia 06[21:42:36] * Berny shakes her head. "I can back up Kentaro on this one, Daisuke. I saw an article about it on the Internet recently. No one's actually found evidence of one yet, though." [21:43:01] Heeey, isn't that the sort of thing you should be out to prove exists, Daisuke? [21:43:02] Sounds like that should be the Cryptozoological club's next mission! [21:43:13] Yeah, you should find one and prove it exists! 01[21:46:20] THat sounds a little too dangerous [21:49:44] Nah, you just find proof it exists and I'll come and punch it for you! [21:49:52] Problem solved. [21:50:02] That sounds good to me. 01[22:00:28] [Session End] Session Close: Thu Feb 11 22:53:09 2010